File ‹~~/src/Provers/Arith/fast_lin_arith.ML›
signature LIN_ARITH_LOGIC =
val conjI : thm
val ccontr : thm
val notI : thm
val not_lessD : thm
val not_leD : thm
val sym : thm
val trueI : thm
val mk_Eq : thm -> thm
val atomize : thm -> thm list
val mk_Trueprop : term -> term
val neg_prop : term -> term
val is_False : thm -> bool
val is_nat : typ list * term -> bool
val mk_nat_thm : theory -> term -> thm
signature LIN_ARITH_DATA =
type decomp = (term * Rat.rat) list * Rat.rat * string * (term * Rat.rat) list * Rat.rat * bool
val decomp: Proof.context -> term -> decomp option
val domain_is_nat: term -> bool
val abstract_arith: term -> (term * term) list * Proof.context ->
term * ((term * term) list * Proof.context)
val abstract: term -> (term * term) list * Proof.context ->
term * ((term * term) list * Proof.context)
val pre_decomp: Proof.context -> typ list * term list -> (typ list * term list) list
val pre_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val neq_limit: int Config.T
val trace: bool Config.T
signature FAST_LIN_ARITH =
val prems_lin_arith_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val lin_arith_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val lin_arith_simproc: Simplifier.proc
val map_data:
({add_mono_thms: thm list, mult_mono_thms: thm list, inj_thms: thm list,
lessD: thm list, neqE: thm list, simpset: simpset,
number_of: (Proof.context -> typ -> int -> cterm) option} ->
{add_mono_thms: thm list, mult_mono_thms: thm list, inj_thms: thm list,
lessD: thm list, neqE: thm list, simpset: simpset,
number_of: (Proof.context -> typ -> int -> cterm) option}) ->
Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_inj_thms: thm list -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_lessD: thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_simps: thm list -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_simprocs: simproc list -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val set_number_of: (Proof.context -> typ -> int -> cterm) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
functor Fast_Lin_Arith
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T =
{add_mono_thms: thm list,
mult_mono_thms: thm list,
inj_thms: thm list,
lessD: thm list,
neqE: thm list,
simpset: simpset,
number_of: (Proof.context -> typ -> int -> cterm) option};
val empty : T =
{add_mono_thms = [], mult_mono_thms = [], inj_thms = [],
lessD = [], neqE = [], simpset = empty_ss,
number_of = NONE};
fun merge
({add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms1, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms1, inj_thms = inj_thms1,
lessD = lessD1, neqE = neqE1, simpset = simpset1, number_of = number_of1},
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms2, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms2, inj_thms = inj_thms2,
lessD = lessD2, neqE = neqE2, simpset = simpset2, number_of = number_of2}) : T =
{add_mono_thms = Thm.merge_thms (add_mono_thms1, add_mono_thms2),
mult_mono_thms = Thm.merge_thms (mult_mono_thms1, mult_mono_thms2),
inj_thms = Thm.merge_thms (inj_thms1, inj_thms2),
lessD = Thm.merge_thms (lessD1, lessD2),
neqE = Thm.merge_thms (neqE1, neqE2),
simpset = merge_ss (simpset1, simpset2),
number_of = merge_options (number_of1, number_of2)};
val map_data =;
val get_data = Data.get o Context.Proof;
fun get_neqE ctxt = map (Thm.transfer' ctxt) (#neqE (get_data ctxt));
fun map_inj_thms f {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, neqE, simpset, number_of} =
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms, inj_thms = f inj_thms,
lessD = lessD, neqE = neqE, simpset = simpset, number_of = number_of};
fun map_lessD f {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, neqE, simpset, number_of} =
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms, inj_thms = inj_thms,
lessD = f lessD, neqE = neqE, simpset = simpset, number_of = number_of};
fun map_simpset f context =
map_data (fn {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, neqE, simpset, number_of} =>
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms, inj_thms = inj_thms,
lessD = lessD, neqE = neqE, simpset = simpset_map (Context.proof_of context) f simpset,
number_of = number_of}) context;
fun add_inj_thms thms = map_data (map_inj_thms (append (map Thm.trim_context thms)));
fun add_lessD thm = map_data (map_lessD (fn thms => thms @ [Thm.trim_context thm]));
fun add_simps thms = map_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps thms);
fun add_simprocs procs = map_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimprocs procs);
fun set_number_of f =
map_data (fn {add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms, inj_thms, lessD, neqE, simpset, ...} =>
{add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms, inj_thms = inj_thms,
lessD = lessD, neqE = neqE, simpset = simpset, number_of = SOME f});
fun number_of ctxt =
(case get_data ctxt of
{number_of = SOME f, ...} => f ctxt
| _ => fn _ => fn _ => raise CTERM ("number_of", []));
datatype lineq_type = Eq | Le | Lt;
datatype injust = Asm of int
| Nat of int
| LessD of injust
| NotLessD of injust
| NotLeD of injust
| NotLeDD of injust
| Multiplied of int * injust
| Added of injust * injust;
datatype lineq = Lineq of int * lineq_type * int list * injust;
exception NoEx;
fun find_add_type(Eq,x) = x
| find_add_type(x,Eq) = x
| find_add_type(_,Lt) = Lt
| find_add_type(Lt,_) = Lt
| find_add_type(Le,Le) = Le;
fun multiply_ineq n (i as Lineq(k,ty,l,just)) =
if n = 1 then i
else if n = 0 andalso ty = Lt then raise Fail "multiply_ineq"
else if n < 0 andalso (ty=Le orelse ty=Lt) then raise Fail "multiply_ineq"
else Lineq (n * k, ty, map (Integer.mult n) l, Multiplied (n, just));
fun add_ineq (Lineq (k1,ty1,l1,just1)) (Lineq (k2,ty2,l2,just2)) =
let val l = map2 Integer.add l1 l2
in Lineq(k1+k2,find_add_type(ty1,ty2),l,Added(just1,just2)) end;
fun elim_var v (i1 as Lineq(_,ty1,l1,_)) (i2 as Lineq(_,ty2,l2,_)) =
let val c1 = nth l1 v and c2 = nth l2 v
val m = Integer.lcm c1 c2
val m1 = m div (abs c1) and m2 = m div (abs c2)
val (n1,n2) =
if (c1 >= 0) = (c2 >= 0)
then if ty1 = Eq then (~m1,m2)
else if ty2 = Eq then (m1,~m2)
else raise Fail "elim_var"
else (m1,m2)
val (p1,p2) = if ty1=Eq andalso ty2=Eq andalso (n1 = ~1 orelse n2 = ~1)
then (~n1,~n2) else (n1,n2)
in add_ineq (multiply_ineq p1 i1) (multiply_ineq p2 i2) end;
fun is_trivial (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) = forall (fn i => i=0) l;
fun is_contradictory (Lineq(k,ty,_,_)) =
case ty of Eq => k <> 0 | Le => k > 0 | Lt => k >= 0;
fun calc_blowup l =
let val (p,n) = List.partition (curry (op <) 0) (filter (curry (op <>) 0) l)
in length p * length n end;
fun extract_first p =
fun extract xs (y::ys) = if p y then (y, xs @ ys) else extract (y::xs) ys
| extract _ [] = raise List.Empty
in extract [] end;
fun print_ineqs ctxt ineqs =
if Config.get ctxt LA_Data.trace then
tracing(cat_lines(""::map (fn Lineq(c,t,l,_) =>
string_of_int c ^
(case t of Eq => " = " | Lt=> " < " | Le => " <= ") ^
commas(map string_of_int l)) ineqs))
else ();
type history = (int * lineq list) list;
datatype result = Success of injust | Failure of history;
fun elim ctxt (ineqs, hist) =
let val _ = print_ineqs ctxt ineqs
val (triv, nontriv) = List.partition is_trivial ineqs in
if not (null triv)
then case find_first is_contradictory triv of
NONE => elim ctxt (nontriv, hist)
| SOME(Lineq(_,_,_,j)) => Success j
if null nontriv then Failure hist
let val (eqs, noneqs) = List.partition (fn (Lineq(_,ty,_,_)) => ty=Eq) nontriv in
if not (null eqs) then
let val c =
fold (fn Lineq(_,_,l,_) => fn cs => union (op =) l cs) eqs []
|> filter (fn i => i <> 0)
|> sort (int_ord o apply2 abs)
|> hd
val (eq as Lineq(_,_,ceq,_),othereqs) =
extract_first (fn Lineq(_,_,l,_) => member (op =) l c) eqs
val v = find_index (fn v => v = c) ceq
val (ioth,roth) = List.partition (fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => nth l v = 0)
(othereqs @ noneqs)
val others = map (elim_var v eq) roth @ ioth
in elim ctxt (others,(v,nontriv)::hist) end
let val lists = map (fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => l) noneqs
val numlist = 0 upto (length (hd lists) - 1)
val coeffs = map (fn i => map (fn xs => nth xs i) lists) numlist
val blows = map calc_blowup coeffs
val iblows = blows ~~ numlist
val nziblows = filter_out (fn (i, _) => i = 0) iblows
in if null nziblows then Failure((~1,nontriv)::hist)
let val (_,v) = hd(sort (fn (x,y) => int_ord(fst(x),fst(y))) nziblows)
val (no,yes) = List.partition (fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => nth l v = 0) ineqs
val (pos,neg) = List.partition(fn (Lineq(_,_,l,_)) => nth l v > 0) yes
in elim ctxt (no @ map_product (elim_var v) pos neg, (v,nontriv)::hist) end
fun trace_thm ctxt msgs th =
(if Config.get ctxt LA_Data.trace
then tracing (cat_lines (msgs @ [Thm.string_of_thm ctxt th]))
else (); th);
fun trace_term ctxt msgs t =
(if Config.get ctxt LA_Data.trace
then tracing (cat_lines (msgs @ [Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t]))
else (); t);
fun trace_msg ctxt msg =
if Config.get ctxt LA_Data.trace then tracing msg else ();
val union_term = union Envir.aeconv;
fun add_atoms (lhs, _, _, rhs, _, _) =
union_term (map fst lhs) o union_term (map fst rhs);
fun atoms_of ds = fold add_atoms ds [];
exception FalseE of thm * (int * cterm) list * Proof.context
fun mkthm ctxt asms (just: injust) =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val {add_mono_thms = add_mono_thms0, mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms0,
inj_thms = inj_thms0, lessD = lessD0, simpset, ...} = get_data ctxt;
val add_mono_thms = map (Thm.transfer thy) add_mono_thms0;
val mult_mono_thms = map (Thm.transfer thy) mult_mono_thms0;
val inj_thms = map (Thm.transfer thy) inj_thms0;
val lessD = map (Thm.transfer thy) lessD0;
val number_of = number_of ctxt;
val simpset_ctxt = put_simpset simpset ctxt;
fun only_concl f thm =
if Thm.no_prems thm then f (Thm.concl_of thm) else NONE;
val atoms = atoms_of (map_filter (only_concl (LA_Data.decomp ctxt)) asms);
fun use_first rules thm =
get_first (fn th => SOME (thm RS th) handle THM _ => NONE) rules
fun add2 thm1 thm2 =
use_first add_mono_thms (thm1 RS (thm2 RS LA_Logic.conjI));
fun try_add thms thm = get_first (fn th => add2 th thm) thms;
fun add_thms thm1 thm2 =
(case add2 thm1 thm2 of
(case try_add ([thm1] RL inj_thms) thm2 of
(the (try_add ([thm2] RL inj_thms) thm1)
handle Option.Option =>
(trace_thm ctxt [] thm1; trace_thm ctxt [] thm2;
raise Fail "Linear arithmetic: failed to add thms"))
| SOME thm => thm)
| SOME thm => thm);
fun mult_by_add n thm =
let fun mul i th = if i = 1 then th else mul (i - 1) (add_thms thm th)
in mul n thm end;
val rewr = Simplifier.rewrite simpset_ctxt;
val rewrite_concl = Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.concl_conv ~1 (Conv.arg_conv
(Conv.binop_conv rewr)));
fun discharge_prem thm = if Thm.nprems_of thm = 0 then thm else
let val cv = Conv.arg1_conv (Conv.arg_conv rewr)
in Thm.implies_elim (Conv.fconv_rule cv thm) LA_Logic.trueI end
fun mult n thm =
(case use_first mult_mono_thms thm of
NONE => mult_by_add n thm
| SOME mth =>
val cv = mth |> Thm.cprop_of |> Drule.strip_imp_concl
|> Thm.dest_arg |> Thm.dest_arg1 |> Thm.dest_arg1
val T = Thm.typ_of_cterm cv
|> Thm.instantiate (TVars.empty, Vars.make1 (dest_Var (Thm.term_of cv), number_of T n))
|> rewrite_concl
|> discharge_prem
handle CTERM _ => mult_by_add n thm
| THM _ => mult_by_add n thm
fun mult_thm n thm =
if n = ~1 then thm RS LA_Logic.sym
else if n < 0 then mult (~n) thm RS LA_Logic.sym
else mult n thm;
fun simp thm (cx as (_, hyps, ctxt')) =
let val thm' = trace_thm ctxt ["Simplified:"] (full_simplify simpset_ctxt thm)
in if LA_Logic.is_False thm' then raise FalseE (thm', hyps, ctxt') else (thm', cx) end;
fun abs_thm i (cx as (terms, hyps, ctxt)) =
(case AList.lookup (op =) hyps i of
SOME ct => (Thm.assume ct, cx)
| NONE =>
val thm = nth asms i
val (t, (terms', ctxt')) = LA_Data.abstract (Thm.prop_of thm) (terms, ctxt)
val ct = Thm.cterm_of ctxt' t
in (Thm.assume ct, (terms', (i, ct) :: hyps, ctxt')) end);
fun nat_thm t (terms, hyps, ctxt) =
let val (t', (terms', ctxt')) = LA_Data.abstract_arith t (terms, ctxt)
in (LA_Logic.mk_nat_thm thy t', (terms', hyps, ctxt')) end;
fun step0 msg (thm, cx) = (trace_thm ctxt [msg] thm, cx)
fun step1 msg j f cx = mk j cx |>> f |>> trace_thm ctxt [msg]
and step2 msg j1 j2 f cx = mk j1 cx ||>> mk j2 |>> f |>> trace_thm ctxt [msg]
and mk (Asm i) cx = step0 ("Asm " ^ string_of_int i) (abs_thm i cx)
| mk (Nat i) cx = step0 ("Nat " ^ string_of_int i) (nat_thm (nth atoms i) cx)
| mk (LessD j) cx = step1 "L" j (fn thm => hd ([thm] RL lessD)) cx
| mk (NotLeD j) cx = step1 "NLe" j (fn thm => thm RS LA_Logic.not_leD) cx
| mk (NotLeDD j) cx = step1 "NLeD" j (fn thm => hd ([thm RS LA_Logic.not_leD] RL lessD)) cx
| mk (NotLessD j) cx = step1 "NL" j (fn thm => thm RS LA_Logic.not_lessD) cx
| mk (Added (j1, j2)) cx = step2 "+" j1 j2 (uncurry add_thms) cx |-> simp
| mk (Multiplied (n, j)) cx =
(trace_msg ctxt ("*" ^ string_of_int n); step1 "*" j (mult_thm n) cx)
fun finish ctxt' hyps thm =
|> fold_rev (Thm.implies_intr o snd) hyps
|> singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
|> fold (fn (i, _) => fn thm => nth asms i RS thm) hyps
val _ = trace_msg ctxt "mkthm";
val (thm, (_, hyps, ctxt')) = mk just ([], [], ctxt);
val _ = trace_thm ctxt ["Final thm:"] thm;
val fls = simplify simpset_ctxt thm;
val _ = trace_thm ctxt ["After simplification:"] fls;
val _ =
if LA_Logic.is_False fls then ()
(tracing (cat_lines
(["Assumptions:"] @ map (Thm.string_of_thm ctxt) asms @ [""] @
["Proved:", Thm.string_of_thm ctxt fls, ""]));
warning "Linear arithmetic should have refuted the assumptions but failed to.")
in finish ctxt' hyps fls end
handle FalseE (thm, hyps, ctxt') =>
trace_thm ctxt ["False reached early:"] (finish ctxt' hyps thm)
fun coeff poly atom =
AList.lookup Envir.aeconv poly atom |> the_default 0;
fun integ(rlhs,r,rel,rrhs,s,d) =
let val (rn,rd) = Rat.dest r and (sn,sd) = Rat.dest s
val m = Integer.lcms(map (snd o Rat.dest) (r :: s :: map snd rlhs @ map snd rrhs))
fun mult(t,r) =
let val (i,j) = Rat.dest r
in (t,i * (m div j)) end
in (m,(map mult rlhs, rn*(m div rd), rel, map mult rrhs, sn*(m div sd), d)) end
fun mklineq atoms =
fn (item, k) =>
let val (m, (lhs,i,rel,rhs,j,discrete)) = integ item
val lhsa = map (coeff lhs) atoms
and rhsa = map (coeff rhs) atoms
val diff = map2 (curry (op -)) rhsa lhsa
val c = i-j
val just = Asm k
fun lineq(c,le,cs,j) = Lineq(c,le,cs, if m=1 then j else Multiplied(m,j))
in case rel of
"<=" => lineq(c,Le,diff,just)
| "~<=" => if discrete
then lineq(1-c,Le,map (op ~) diff,NotLeDD(just))
else lineq(~c,Lt,map (op ~) diff,NotLeD(just))
| "<" => if discrete
then lineq(c+1,Le,diff,LessD(just))
else lineq(c,Lt,diff,just)
| "~<" => lineq(~c,Le,map (op~) diff,NotLessD(just))
| "=" => lineq(c,Eq,diff,just)
| _ => raise Fail ("mklineq" ^ rel)
fun mknat (pTs : typ list) (ixs : int list) (atom : term, i : int) : lineq option =
if LA_Logic.is_nat (pTs, atom)
then let val l = map (fn j => if j=i then 1 else 0) ixs
in SOME (Lineq (0, Le, l, Nat i)) end
else NONE;
fun split_items ctxt do_pre split_neq (Ts, terms) : (typ list * (LA_Data.decomp * int) list) list =
fun elim_neq (ineqs : (LA_Data.decomp option * bool) list) :
(LA_Data.decomp option * bool) list list =
fun elim_neq' _ ([] : (LA_Data.decomp option * bool) list) :
(LA_Data.decomp option * bool) list list =
| elim_neq' nat_only ((NONE, is_nat) :: ineqs) =
map (cons (NONE, is_nat)) (elim_neq' nat_only ineqs)
| elim_neq' nat_only ((ineq as (SOME (l, i, rel, r, j, d), is_nat)) :: ineqs) =
if rel = "~=" andalso (not nat_only orelse is_nat) then
elim_neq' nat_only (ineqs @ [(SOME (l, i, "<", r, j, d), is_nat)]) @
elim_neq' nat_only (ineqs @ [(SOME (r, j, "<", l, i, d), is_nat)])
map (cons ineq) (elim_neq' nat_only ineqs)
ineqs |> elim_neq' true
|> maps (elim_neq' false)
fun ignore_neq (NONE, bool) = (NONE, bool)
| ignore_neq (ineq as SOME (_, _, rel, _, _, _), bool) =
if rel = "~=" then (NONE, bool) else (ineq, bool)
fun number_hyps _ [] = []
| number_hyps n (NONE::xs) = number_hyps (n+1) xs
| number_hyps n ((SOME x)::xs) = (x, n) :: number_hyps (n+1) xs
val result = (Ts, terms)
(if do_pre then LA_Data.pre_decomp ctxt else Library.single)
|> tap (fn subgoals => trace_msg ctxt ("Preprocessing yields " ^
string_of_int (length subgoals) ^ " subgoal(s) total."))
map (apsnd (map (fn t => (LA_Data.decomp ctxt t, LA_Data.domain_is_nat t))))
map (apsnd (if split_neq then elim_neq else
Library.single o map ignore_neq))
|> maps (fn (Ts, subgoals) => map (pair Ts o map fst) subgoals)
map (apsnd (number_hyps 0))
trace_msg ctxt ("Splitting of inequalities yields " ^
string_of_int (length result) ^ " subgoal(s) total.");
fun refutes ctxt :
(typ list * (LA_Data.decomp * int) list) list -> injust list -> injust list option =
fun refute ((Ts, initems : (LA_Data.decomp * int) list) :: initemss) (js: injust list) =
val atoms = atoms_of (map fst initems)
val n = length atoms
val mkleq = mklineq atoms
val ixs = 0 upto (n - 1)
val iatoms = atoms ~~ ixs
val natlineqs = map_filter (mknat Ts ixs) iatoms
val ineqs = map mkleq initems @ natlineqs
(case elim ctxt (ineqs, []) of
Success j =>
(trace_msg ctxt ("Contradiction! (" ^ string_of_int (length js + 1) ^ ")");
refute initemss (js @ [j]))
| Failure _ => NONE)
| refute [] js = SOME js
in refute end;
fun refute ctxt params do_pre split_neq terms : injust list option =
refutes ctxt (split_items ctxt do_pre split_neq (map snd params, terms)) [];
fun count P xs = length (filter P xs);
fun prove ctxt params do_pre Hs concl : bool * injust list option =
val _ = trace_msg ctxt "prove:"
val Hs' = Hs @ [LA_Logic.neg_prop concl]
fun is_neq NONE = false
| is_neq (SOME (_,_,r,_,_,_)) = (r = "~=")
val neq_limit = Config.get ctxt LA_Data.neq_limit
val split_neq = count is_neq (map (LA_Data.decomp ctxt) Hs') <= neq_limit
if split_neq then ()
trace_msg ctxt ("neq_limit exceeded (current value is " ^
string_of_int neq_limit ^ "), ignoring all inequalities");
(split_neq, refute ctxt params do_pre split_neq Hs')
end handle TERM ("neg_prop", _) =>
(trace_msg ctxt "prove failed (cannot negate conclusion).";
(false, NONE));
fun refute_tac ctxt (i, split_neq, justs) =
fn state =>
val _ = trace_thm ctxt
["refute_tac (on subgoal " ^ string_of_int i ^ ", with " ^
string_of_int (length justs) ^ " justification(s)):"] state
val neqE = get_neqE ctxt;
fun just1 j =
(if split_neq then
REPEAT_DETERM (eresolve_tac ctxt neqE i)
all_tac) THEN
PRIMITIVE (trace_thm ctxt ["State after neqE:"]) THEN
Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems, ...} => resolve_tac ctxt [mkthm ctxt prems j] 1) ctxt i
DETERM (resolve_tac ctxt [LA_Logic.notI, LA_Logic.ccontr] i) THEN
DETERM (LA_Data.pre_tac ctxt i) THEN
PRIMITIVE (trace_thm ctxt ["State after pre_tac:"]) THEN
EVERY (map just1 justs)
end state;
fun simpset_lin_arith_tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (A, i) =>
val params = rev (Logic.strip_params A)
val Hs = Logic.strip_assums_hyp A
val concl = Logic.strip_assums_concl A
val _ = trace_term ctxt ["Trying to refute subgoal " ^ string_of_int i] A
case prove ctxt params true Hs concl of
(_, NONE) => (trace_msg ctxt "Refutation failed."; no_tac)
| (split_neq, SOME js) => (trace_msg ctxt "Refutation succeeded.";
refute_tac ctxt (i, split_neq, js))
fun prems_lin_arith_tac ctxt =
Method.insert_tac ctxt (Simplifier.prems_of ctxt) THEN'
simpset_lin_arith_tac ctxt;
fun lin_arith_tac ctxt =
simpset_lin_arith_tac (empty_simpset ctxt);
datatype splittree = Tip of thm list
| Spl of thm * cterm * splittree * cterm * splittree;
fun extract (imp : cterm) : cterm * cterm =
let val (Il, r) = Thm.dest_comb imp
val (_, imp1) = Thm.dest_comb Il
val (Ict1, _) = Thm.dest_comb imp1
val (_, ct1) = Thm.dest_comb Ict1
val (Ir, _) = Thm.dest_comb r
val (_, Ict2r) = Thm.dest_comb Ir
val (Ict2, _) = Thm.dest_comb Ict2r
val (_, ct2) = Thm.dest_comb Ict2
in (ct1, ct2) end;
fun splitasms ctxt (asms : thm list) : splittree =
let val neqE = get_neqE ctxt
fun elim_neq [] (asms', []) = Tip (rev asms')
| elim_neq [] (asms', asms) = Tip (rev asms' @ asms)
| elim_neq (_ :: neqs) (asms', []) = elim_neq neqs ([],rev asms')
| elim_neq (neqs as (neq :: _)) (asms', asm::asms) =
(case get_first (fn th => SOME (asm COMP th) handle THM _ => NONE) [neq] of
SOME spl =>
let val (ct1, ct2) = extract (Thm.cprop_of spl)
val thm1 = Thm.assume ct1
val thm2 = Thm.assume ct2
in Spl (spl, ct1, elim_neq neqs (asms', asms@[thm1]),
ct2, elim_neq neqs (asms', asms@[thm2]))
| NONE => elim_neq neqs (asm::asms', asms))
in elim_neq neqE ([], asms) end;
fun fwdproof ctxt (Tip asms : splittree) (j::js : injust list) = (mkthm ctxt asms j, js)
| fwdproof ctxt (Spl (thm, ct1, tree1, ct2, tree2)) js =
val (thm1, js1) = fwdproof ctxt tree1 js
val (thm2, js2) = fwdproof ctxt tree2 js1
val thm1' = Thm.implies_intr ct1 thm1
val thm2' = Thm.implies_intr ct2 thm2
in (thm2' COMP (thm1' COMP thm), js2) end;
fun prover ctxt thms Tconcl (js : injust list) split_neq pos : thm option =
val nTconcl = LA_Logic.neg_prop Tconcl
val cnTconcl = Thm.cterm_of ctxt nTconcl
val nTconclthm = Thm.assume cnTconcl
val tree = (if split_neq then splitasms ctxt else Tip) (thms @ [nTconclthm])
val (Falsethm, _) = fwdproof ctxt tree js
val contr = if pos then LA_Logic.ccontr else LA_Logic.notI
val concl = Thm.implies_intr cnTconcl Falsethm COMP contr
in SOME (trace_thm ctxt ["Proved by lin. arith. prover:"] (LA_Logic.mk_Eq concl)) end
handle THM _ => NONE;
fun lin_arith_simproc ctxt concl =
val thms = maps LA_Logic.atomize (Simplifier.prems_of ctxt)
val Hs = map Thm.prop_of thms
val Tconcl = LA_Logic.mk_Trueprop (Thm.term_of concl)
case prove ctxt [] false Hs Tconcl of
(split_neq, SOME js) => prover ctxt thms Tconcl js split_neq true
| (_, NONE) =>
let val nTconcl = LA_Logic.neg_prop Tconcl in
case prove ctxt [] false Hs nTconcl of
(split_neq, SOME js) => prover ctxt thms nTconcl js split_neq false
| (_, NONE) => NONE