author nipkow
Tue, 22 Mar 1994 08:25:30 +0100
changeset 54 5ea12dfd9393
parent 45 3d5b2b874e14
child 62 32a83e3ad5a4
permissions -rw-r--r--
used ordered rewriting to simplify some proofs

(*  Title: 	HOL/arith.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author: 	Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1993  University of Cambridge

For HOL/arith.thy.

Proofs about elementary arithmetic: addition, multiplication, etc.
Tests definitions and simplifier.

open Arith;

(*** Basic rewrite rules for the arithmetic operators ***)

val [pred_0, pred_Suc] = nat_recs pred_def;
val [add_0,add_Suc] = nat_recs add_def; 
val [mult_0,mult_Suc] = nat_recs mult_def; 

(** Difference **)

val diff_0 = diff_def RS def_nat_rec_0;

val diff_0_eq_0 = prove_goalw Arith.thy [diff_def] "0 - n = 0"
 (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "n" 1,  ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac nat_ss)]);

(*Must simplify BEFORE the induction!!  (Else we get a critical pair)
  Suc(m) - Suc(n)   rewrites to   pred(Suc(m) - n)  *)
val diff_Suc_Suc = prove_goalw Arith.thy [diff_def] "Suc(m) - Suc(n) = m - n"
 (fn _ =>
  [simp_tac nat_ss 1, nat_ind_tac "n" 1, ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac nat_ss)]);

(*** Simplification over add, mult, diff ***)

val arith_simps =
 [pred_0, pred_Suc, add_0, add_Suc, mult_0, mult_Suc,
  diff_0, diff_0_eq_0, diff_Suc_Suc];

val arith_ss = nat_ss addsimps arith_simps;

(**** Inductive properties of the operators ****)

(*** Addition ***)

val add_0_right = prove_goal Arith.thy "m + 0 = m"
 (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "m" 1, ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss)]);

val add_Suc_right = prove_goal Arith.thy "m + Suc(n) = Suc(m+n)"
 (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "m" 1, ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss)]);

val arith_ss = arith_ss addsimps [add_0_right,add_Suc_right];

(*Associative law for addition*)
val add_assoc = prove_goal Arith.thy "m + (n + k) = (m + n) + k::nat"
 (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "m" 1, ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss)]);

(*Commutative law for addition*)  
val add_commute = prove_goal Arith.thy "m + n = n + m::nat"
 (fn _ =>  [nat_ind_tac "m" 1, ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss)]);

val add_right_commute = prove_goal Arith.thy "(x+y)+z=(x+z)+y::nat"
 (fn _ => [rtac trans 1, rtac add_commute 1, rtac trans 1,
           rtac add_assoc 1, rtac (add_commute RS arg_cong) 1]);

val add_ac = [add_assoc, add_commute, add_right_commute];

(*** Multiplication ***)

(*right annihilation in product*)
val mult_0_right = prove_goal Arith.thy "m * 0 = 0"
 (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "m" 1, ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss)]);

(*right Sucessor law for multiplication*)
val mult_Suc_right = prove_goal Arith.thy  "m * Suc(n) = m + (m * n)"
 (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "m" 1,
           ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac (arith_ss addsimps add_ac))]);

val arith_ss = arith_ss addsimps [mult_0_right,mult_Suc_right];

(*Commutative law for multiplication*)
val mult_commute = prove_goal Arith.thy "m * n = n * m::nat"
 (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "m" 1, ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac arith_ss)]);

(*addition distributes over multiplication*)
val add_mult_distrib = prove_goal Arith.thy "(m + n)*k = (m*k) + (n*k)::nat"
 (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "m" 1,
           ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac (arith_ss addsimps add_ac))]);

val arith_ss = arith_ss addsimps [add_mult_distrib];

(*Associative law for multiplication*)
val mult_assoc = prove_goal Arith.thy "m * (n * k) = (m * n) * k::nat"
  (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "m" 1, ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss)]);

val mult_right_commute = prove_goal Arith.thy "(x*y)*z=(x*z)*y::nat"
 (fn _ => [rtac trans 1, rtac mult_commute 1, rtac trans 1,
           rtac mult_assoc 1, rtac (mult_commute RS arg_cong) 1]);

val mult_ac = [mult_assoc,mult_commute,mult_right_commute];

(*** Difference ***)

val diff_self_eq_0 = prove_goal Arith.thy "m - m = 0"
 (fn _ => [nat_ind_tac "m" 1, ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss)]);

(*Addition is the inverse of subtraction: if n<=m then n+(m-n) = m. *)
val [prem] = goal Arith.thy "[| ~ m<n |] ==> (m-n)+n = m::nat";
by (rtac (prem RS rev_mp) 1);
by (res_inst_tac [("m","m"),("n","n")] diff_induct 1);
by (ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss));
val add_diff_inverse = result();

(*** Remainder ***)

goal Arith.thy "m - n < Suc(m)";
by (res_inst_tac [("m","m"),("n","n")] diff_induct 1);
by (etac less_SucE 3);
by (ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss));
val diff_less_Suc = result();

(*In ordinary notation: if 0<n and n<=m then m-n < m *)
goal Arith.thy "!!m. [| 0<n; ~ m<n |] ==> m - n < m";
by (subgoal_tac "0<n --> ~ m<n --> m - n < m" 1);
by (fast_tac HOL_cs 1);
by (res_inst_tac [("m","m"),("n","n")] diff_induct 1);
by (ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac(arith_ss addsimps [diff_less_Suc])));
val div_termination = result();

val wf_less_trans = wf_pred_nat RS wf_trancl RSN (2, def_wfrec RS trans);

goalw Nat.thy [less_def] "<m,n> : pred_nat^+ = (m<n)";
by (rtac refl 1);
val less_eq = result();

goal Arith.thy "!!m. m<n ==> m mod n = m";
by (rtac (mod_def RS wf_less_trans) 1);
by(asm_simp_tac HOL_ss 1);
val mod_less = result();

goal Arith.thy "!!m. [| 0<n;  ~m<n |] ==> m mod n = (m-n) mod n";
by (rtac (mod_def RS wf_less_trans) 1);
by(asm_simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [div_termination, cut_apply, less_eq]) 1);
val mod_geq = result();

(*** Quotient ***)

goal Arith.thy "!!m. m<n ==> m div n = 0";
by (rtac (div_def RS wf_less_trans) 1);
by(asm_simp_tac nat_ss 1);
val div_less = result();

goal Arith.thy "!!M. [| 0<n;  ~m<n |] ==> m div n = Suc((m-n) div n)";
by (rtac (div_def RS wf_less_trans) 1);
by(asm_simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [div_termination, cut_apply, less_eq]) 1);
val div_geq = result();

(*Main Result about quotient and remainder.*)
goal Arith.thy "!!m. 0<n ==> (m div n)*n + m mod n = m";
by (res_inst_tac [("n","m")] less_induct 1);
by (rename_tac "k" 1);    (*Variable name used in line below*)
by (case_tac "k<n" 1);
by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac(arith_ss addsimps (add_ac @
                       [mod_less, mod_geq, div_less, div_geq,
	                add_diff_inverse, div_termination]))));
val mod_div_equality = result();

(*** More results about difference ***)

val [prem] = goal Arith.thy "m < Suc(n) ==> m-n = 0";
by (rtac (prem RS rev_mp) 1);
by (res_inst_tac [("m","m"),("n","n")] diff_induct 1);
by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac arith_ss));
val less_imp_diff_is_0 = result();

val prems = goal Arith.thy "m-n = 0  -->  n-m = 0  -->  m=n";
by (res_inst_tac [("m","m"),("n","n")] diff_induct 1);
by (REPEAT(simp_tac arith_ss 1 THEN TRY(atac 1)));
val diffs0_imp_equal_lemma = result();

(*  [| m-n = 0;  n-m = 0 |] ==> m=n  *)
val diffs0_imp_equal = standard (diffs0_imp_equal_lemma RS mp RS mp);

val [prem] = goal Arith.thy "m<n ==> 0<n-m";
by (rtac (prem RS rev_mp) 1);
by (res_inst_tac [("m","m"),("n","n")] diff_induct 1);
by (ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss));
val less_imp_diff_positive = result();

val [prem] = goal Arith.thy "n < Suc(m) ==> Suc(m)-n = Suc(m-n)";
by (rtac (prem RS rev_mp) 1);
by (res_inst_tac [("m","m"),("n","n")] diff_induct 1);
by (ALLGOALS(asm_simp_tac arith_ss));
val Suc_diff_n = result();

goal Arith.thy "Suc(m)-n = if(m<n, 0, Suc(m-n))";
by(simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [less_imp_diff_is_0, not_less_eq, Suc_diff_n]
                    setloop (split_tac [expand_if])) 1);
val if_Suc_diff_n = result();

goal Arith.thy "P(k) --> (!n. P(Suc(n))--> P(n)) --> P(k-i)";
by (res_inst_tac [("m","k"),("n","i")] diff_induct 1);
by (ALLGOALS (strip_tac THEN' simp_tac arith_ss THEN' TRY o fast_tac HOL_cs));
val zero_induct_lemma = result();

val prems = goal Arith.thy "[| P(k);  !!n. P(Suc(n)) ==> P(n) |] ==> P(0)";
by (rtac (diff_self_eq_0 RS subst) 1);
by (rtac (zero_induct_lemma RS mp RS mp) 1);
by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([impI,allI]@prems) 1));
val zero_induct = result();

(*13 July 1992: loaded in 105.7s*)

(**** Additional theorems about "less than" ****)

goal Arith.thy "n <= (m + n)::nat";
by (nat_ind_tac "m" 1);
by (ALLGOALS(simp_tac arith_ss));
by (etac le_trans 1);
by (rtac (lessI RS less_imp_le) 1);
val le_add2 = result();

goal Arith.thy "n <= (n + m)::nat";
by (simp_tac (arith_ss addsimps add_ac) 1);
by (rtac le_add2 1);
val le_add1 = result();

val less_add_Suc1 = standard (lessI RS (le_add1 RS le_less_trans));
val less_add_Suc2 = standard (lessI RS (le_add2 RS le_less_trans));

goal Arith.thy "m+k<=n --> m<=n::nat";
by(nat_ind_tac "k" 1);
by(ALLGOALS(asm_full_simp_tac arith_ss));
by(fast_tac (HOL_cs addDs [Suc_leD]) 1);
val plus_leD1 = result() RS mp;