changeset 23442 028e39e5e8f3
child 23510 4521fead5609
equal deleted inserted replaced
23441:ee218296d635 23442:028e39e5e8f3
     1 (* ========================================================================= *)
     2 (* RANDOM FINITE MODELS                                                      *)
     3 (* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
     4 (* ========================================================================= *)
     6 structure Model :> Model =
     7 struct
     9 open Useful;
    11 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    12 (* Chatting.                                                                 *)
    13 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    15 val module = "Model";
    16 fun chatting l = tracing {module = module, level = l};
    17 fun chat s = (trace s; true);
    19 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    20 (* Helper functions.                                                         *)
    21 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    23 fun intExp x y = exp op* x y 1;
    25 fun natFromString "" = NONE
    26   | natFromString "0" = SOME 0
    27   | natFromString s =
    28     case charToInt (String.sub (s,0)) of
    29       NONE => NONE
    30     | SOME 0 => NONE
    31     | SOME d =>
    32       let
    33         fun parse 0 _ acc = SOME acc
    34           | parse n i acc =
    35             case charToInt (String.sub (s,i)) of
    36               NONE => NONE
    37             | SOME d => parse (n - 1) (i + 1) (10 * acc + d)
    38       in
    39         parse (size s - 1) 1 d
    40       end;
    42 fun projection (_,[]) = NONE
    43   | projection ("#1", x :: _) = SOME x
    44   | projection ("#2", _ :: x :: _) = SOME x
    45   | projection ("#3", _ :: _ :: x :: _) = SOME x
    46   | projection (func,args) =
    47     let
    48       val f = size func
    49       and n = length args
    51       val p =
    52           if f < 2 orelse n <= 3 orelse String.sub (func,0) <> #"#" then NONE
    53           else if f = 2 then
    54             (case charToInt (String.sub (func,1)) of
    55                NONE => NONE
    56              | p as SOME d => if d <= 3 then NONE else p)
    57           else if (n < intExp 10 (f - 2) handle Overflow => true) then NONE
    58           else
    59             (natFromString (String.extract (func,1,NONE))
    60              handle Overflow => NONE)
    61     in
    62       case p of
    63         NONE => NONE
    64       | SOME k => if k > n then NONE else SOME (List.nth (args, k - 1))
    65     end;
    67 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    68 (* The parts of the model that are fixed.                                    *)
    69 (* Note: a model of size N has integer elements 0...N-1.                     *)
    70 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    72 type fixedModel =
    73      {functions : (Term.functionName * int list) -> int option,
    74       relations : (Atom.relationName * int list) -> bool option};
    76 type fixed = {size : int} -> fixedModel
    78 fun fixedMerge fixed1 fixed2 parm =
    79     let
    80       val {functions = f1, relations = r1} = fixed1 parm
    81       and {functions = f2, relations = r2} = fixed2 parm
    83       fun functions x = case f2 x of NONE => f1 x | s => s
    85       fun relations x = case r2 x of NONE => r1 x | s => s
    86     in
    87       {functions = functions, relations = relations}
    88     end;
    90 fun fixedMergeList [] = raise Bug "fixedMergeList: empty"
    91   | fixedMergeList (f :: l) = foldl (uncurry fixedMerge) f l;
    93 fun fixedPure {size = _} =
    94     let
    95       fun functions (":",[x,_]) = SOME x
    96         | functions _ = NONE
    98       fun relations (rel,[x,y]) =
    99           if (rel,2) = Atom.eqRelation then SOME (x = y) else NONE
   100         | relations _ = NONE
   101     in
   102       {functions = functions, relations = relations}
   103     end;
   105 fun fixedBasic {size = _} =
   106     let
   107       fun functions ("id",[x]) = SOME x
   108         | functions ("fst",[x,_]) = SOME x
   109         | functions ("snd",[_,x]) = SOME x
   110         | functions func_args = projection func_args
   112       fun relations ("<>",[x,y]) = SOME (x <> y)
   113         | relations _ = NONE
   114     in
   115       {functions = functions, relations = relations}
   116     end;
   118 fun fixedModulo {size = N} =
   119     let
   120       fun mod_N k = k mod N
   122       val one = mod_N 1
   124       fun mult (x,y) = mod_N (x * y)
   126       fun divides_N 0 = false
   127         | divides_N x = N mod x = 0
   129       val even_N = divides_N 2
   131       fun functions (numeral,[]) =
   132  mod_N (natFromString numeral handle Overflow => NONE)
   133         | functions ("suc",[x]) = SOME (if x = N - 1 then 0 else x + 1)
   134         | functions ("pre",[x]) = SOME (if x = 0 then N - 1 else x - 1)
   135         | functions ("~",[x]) = SOME (if x = 0 then 0 else N - x)
   136         | functions ("+",[x,y]) = SOME (mod_N (x + y))
   137         | functions ("-",[x,y]) = SOME (if x < y then N + x - y else x - y)
   138         | functions ("*",[x,y]) = SOME (mult (x,y))
   139         | functions ("exp",[x,y]) = SOME (exp mult x y one)
   140         | functions ("div",[x,y]) = if divides_N y then SOME (x div y) else NONE
   141         | functions ("mod",[x,y]) = if divides_N y then SOME (x mod y) else NONE
   142         | functions _ = NONE
   144       fun relations ("is_0",[x]) = SOME (x = 0)
   145         | relations ("divides",[x,y]) =
   146           if x = 0 then SOME (y = 0)
   147           else if divides_N x then SOME (y mod x = 0) else NONE
   148         | relations ("even",[x]) = if even_N then SOME (x mod 2 = 0) else NONE
   149         | relations ("odd",[x]) = if even_N then SOME (x mod 2 = 1) else NONE
   150         | relations _ = NONE
   151     in
   152       {functions = functions, relations = relations}
   153     end;
   155 local
   156   datatype onum = ONeg | ONum of int | OInf;
   158   val zero = ONum 0
   159   and one = ONum 1
   160   and two = ONum 2;
   162   fun suc (ONum x) = ONum (x + 1)
   163     | suc v = v;
   165   fun pre (ONum 0) = ONeg
   166     | pre (ONum x) = ONum (x - 1)
   167     | pre v = v;
   169   fun neg ONeg = NONE
   170     | neg (n as ONum 0) = SOME n
   171     | neg _ = SOME ONeg;
   173   fun add ONeg ONeg = SOME ONeg
   174     | add ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 0 then SOME ONeg else NONE
   175     | add ONeg OInf = NONE
   176     | add (ONum x) ONeg = if x = 0 then SOME ONeg else NONE
   177     | add (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (ONum (x + y))
   178     | add (ONum _) OInf = SOME OInf
   179     | add OInf ONeg = NONE
   180     | add OInf (ONum _) = SOME OInf
   181     | add OInf OInf = SOME OInf;
   183   fun sub ONeg ONeg = NONE
   184     | sub ONeg (ONum _) = SOME ONeg
   185     | sub ONeg OInf = SOME ONeg
   186     | sub (ONum _) ONeg = NONE
   187     | sub (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (if x < y then ONeg else ONum (x - y))
   188     | sub (ONum _) OInf = SOME ONeg
   189     | sub OInf ONeg = SOME OInf
   190     | sub OInf (ONum y) = if y = 0 then SOME OInf else NONE
   191     | sub OInf OInf = NONE;
   193   fun mult ONeg ONeg = NONE
   194     | mult ONeg (ONum y) = SOME (if y = 0 then zero else ONeg)
   195     | mult ONeg OInf = SOME ONeg
   196     | mult (ONum x) ONeg = SOME (if x = 0 then zero else ONeg)
   197     | mult (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (ONum (x * y))
   198     | mult (ONum x) OInf = SOME (if x = 0 then zero else OInf)
   199     | mult OInf ONeg = SOME ONeg
   200     | mult OInf (ONum y) = SOME (if y = 0 then zero else OInf)
   201     | mult OInf OInf = SOME OInf;
   203   fun exp ONeg ONeg = NONE
   204     | exp ONeg (ONum y) =
   205       if y = 0 then SOME one else if y mod 2 = 0 then NONE else SOME ONeg
   206     | exp ONeg OInf = NONE
   207     | exp (ONum x) ONeg = NONE
   208     | exp (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (ONum (intExp x y) handle Overflow => OInf)
   209     | exp (ONum x) OInf =
   210       SOME (if x = 0 then zero else if x = 1 then one else OInf)
   211     | exp OInf ONeg = NONE
   212     | exp OInf (ONum y) = SOME (if y = 0 then one else OInf)
   213     | exp OInf OInf = SOME OInf;
   215   fun odiv ONeg ONeg = NONE
   216     | odiv ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME ONeg else NONE
   217     | odiv ONeg OInf = NONE
   218     | odiv (ONum _) ONeg = NONE
   219     | odiv (ONum x) (ONum y) = if y = 0 then NONE else SOME (ONum (x div y))
   220     | odiv (ONum _) OInf = SOME zero
   221     | odiv OInf ONeg = NONE
   222     | odiv OInf (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME OInf else NONE
   223     | odiv OInf OInf = NONE;
   225   fun omod ONeg ONeg = NONE
   226     | omod ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME zero else NONE
   227     | omod ONeg OInf = NONE
   228     | omod (ONum _) ONeg = NONE
   229     | omod (ONum x) (ONum y) = if y = 0 then NONE else SOME (ONum (x mod y))
   230     | omod (x as ONum _) OInf = SOME x
   231     | omod OInf ONeg = NONE
   232     | omod OInf (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME OInf else NONE
   233     | omod OInf OInf = NONE;
   235   fun le ONeg ONeg = NONE
   236     | le ONeg (ONum y) = SOME true
   237     | le ONeg OInf = SOME true
   238     | le (ONum _) ONeg = SOME false
   239     | le (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (x <= y)
   240     | le (ONum _) OInf = SOME true
   241     | le OInf ONeg = SOME false
   242     | le OInf (ONum _) = SOME false
   243     | le OInf OInf = NONE;
   245   fun lt x y = not (le y x);
   247   fun ge x y = le y x;
   249   fun gt x y = lt y x;
   251   fun divides ONeg ONeg = NONE
   252     | divides ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 0 then SOME true else NONE
   253     | divides ONeg OInf = NONE
   254     | divides (ONum x) ONeg =
   255       if x = 0 then SOME false else if x = 1 then SOME true else NONE
   256     | divides (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (Useful.divides x y)
   257     | divides (ONum x) OInf =
   258       if x = 0 then SOME false else if x = 1 then SOME true else NONE
   259     | divides OInf ONeg = NONE
   260     | divides OInf (ONum y) = SOME (y = 0)
   261     | divides OInf OInf = NONE;
   263   fun even n = divides two n;
   265   fun odd n = not (even n);
   267   fun fixedOverflow mk_onum dest_onum =
   268       let
   269         fun partial_dest_onum NONE = NONE
   270           | partial_dest_onum (SOME n) = dest_onum n
   272         fun functions (numeral,[]) =
   273             (case (natFromString numeral handle Overflow => NONE) of
   274                NONE => NONE
   275              | SOME n => dest_onum (ONum n))
   276           | functions ("suc",[x]) = dest_onum (suc (mk_onum x))
   277           | functions ("pre",[x]) = dest_onum (pre (mk_onum x))
   278           | functions ("~",[x]) = partial_dest_onum (neg (mk_onum x))
   279           | functions ("+",[x,y]) =
   280             partial_dest_onum (add (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
   281           | functions ("-",[x,y]) =
   282             partial_dest_onum (sub (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
   283           | functions ("*",[x,y]) =
   284             partial_dest_onum (mult (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
   285           | functions ("exp",[x,y]) =
   286             partial_dest_onum (exp (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
   287           | functions ("div",[x,y]) =
   288             partial_dest_onum (odiv (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
   289           | functions ("mod",[x,y]) =
   290             partial_dest_onum (omod (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
   291           | functions _ = NONE
   293         fun relations ("is_0",[x]) = SOME (mk_onum x = zero)
   294           | relations ("<=",[x,y]) = le (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
   295           | relations ("<",[x,y]) = lt (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
   296           | relations (">=",[x,y]) = ge (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
   297           | relations (">",[x,y]) = gt (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
   298           | relations ("divides",[x,y]) = divides (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
   299           | relations ("even",[x]) = even (mk_onum x)
   300           | relations ("odd",[x]) = odd (mk_onum x)
   301           | relations _ = NONE
   302       in
   303         {functions = functions, relations = relations}
   304       end;
   305 in
   306   fun fixedOverflowNum {size = N} =
   307       let
   308         val oinf = N - 1
   310         fun mk_onum x = if x = oinf then OInf else ONum x
   312         fun dest_onum ONeg = NONE
   313           | dest_onum (ONum x) = SOME (if x < oinf then x else oinf)
   314           | dest_onum OInf = SOME oinf
   315       in
   316         fixedOverflow mk_onum dest_onum
   317       end;
   319   fun fixedOverflowInt {size = N} =
   320       let
   321         val oinf = N - 2
   322         val oneg = N - 1
   324         fun mk_onum x =
   325             if x = oneg then ONeg else if x = oinf then OInf else ONum x
   327         fun dest_onum ONeg = SOME oneg
   328           | dest_onum (ONum x) = SOME (if x < oinf then x else oinf)
   329           | dest_onum OInf = SOME oinf
   330       in
   331         fixedOverflow mk_onum dest_onum
   332       end;
   333 end;
   335 fun fixedSet {size = N} =
   336     let
   337       val M =
   338           let
   339             fun f 0 acc = acc
   340               | f x acc = f (x div 2) (acc + 1)
   341           in
   342             f N 0
   343           end
   345       val univ = IntSet.fromList (interval 0 M)
   347       val mk_set =
   348           let
   349             fun f _ s 0 = s
   350               | f k s x =
   351                 let
   352                   val s = if x mod 2 = 0 then s else IntSet.add s k
   353                 in
   354                   f (k + 1) s (x div 2)
   355                 end
   356           in
   357             f 0 IntSet.empty
   358           end
   360       fun dest_set s =
   361           let
   362             fun f 0 x = x
   363               | f k x =
   364                 let
   365                   val k = k - 1
   366                 in
   367                   f k (if IntSet.member k s then 2 * x + 1 else 2 * x)
   368                 end
   370             val x = case IntSet.findr (K true) s of NONE => 0 | SOME k => f k 1
   371           in
   372             if x < N then SOME x else NONE
   373           end
   375       fun functions ("empty",[]) = dest_set IntSet.empty
   376         | functions ("univ",[]) = dest_set univ
   377         | functions ("union",[x,y]) =
   378           dest_set (IntSet.union (mk_set x) (mk_set y))
   379         | functions ("intersect",[x,y]) =
   380           dest_set (IntSet.intersect (mk_set x) (mk_set y))
   381         | functions ("compl",[x]) =
   382           dest_set (IntSet.difference univ (mk_set x))
   383         | functions ("card",[x]) = SOME (IntSet.size (mk_set x))
   384         | functions _ = NONE
   386       fun relations ("in",[x,y]) = SOME (IntSet.member (x mod M) (mk_set y))
   387         | relations ("subset",[x,y]) =
   388           SOME (IntSet.subset (mk_set x) (mk_set y))
   389         | relations _ = NONE
   390     in
   391       {functions = functions, relations = relations}
   392     end;
   394 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   395 (* A type of random finite models.                                           *)
   396 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   398 type parameters = {size : int, fixed : fixed};
   400 datatype model =
   401     Model of
   402       {size : int,
   403        fixed : fixedModel,
   404        functions : (Term.functionName * int list, int) ref,
   405        relations : (Atom.relationName * int list, bool) ref};
   407 local
   408   fun cmp ((n1,l1),(n2,l2)) =
   409       case (n1,n2) of
   410         LESS => LESS
   411       | EQUAL => lexCompare (l1,l2)
   412       | GREATER => GREATER;
   413 in
   414   fun new {size = N, fixed} =
   415       Model
   416         {size = N,
   417          fixed = fixed {size = N},
   418          functions = ref ( cmp),
   419          relations = ref ( cmp)};
   420 end;
   422 fun size (Model {size = s, ...}) = s;
   424 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   425 (* Valuations.                                                               *)
   426 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   428 type valuation = int;
   430 val valuationEmpty : valuation = ();
   432 fun valuationRandom {size = N} vs =
   433     let
   434       fun f (v,V) = NameMap.insert V (v, random N)
   435     in
   436       NameSet.foldl f valuationEmpty vs
   437     end;
   439 fun valuationFold {size = N} vs f =
   440     let
   441       val vs = NameSet.toList vs
   443       fun inc [] _ = NONE
   444         | inc (v :: l) V =
   445           case NameMap.peek V v of
   446             NONE => raise Bug "Model.valuationFold"
   447           | SOME k =>
   448             let
   449               val k = if k = N - 1 then 0 else k + 1
   450               val V = NameMap.insert V (v,k)
   451             in
   452               if k = 0 then inc l V else SOME V
   453             end
   455       val zero = foldl (fn (v,V) => NameMap.insert V (v,0)) valuationEmpty vs
   457       fun fold V acc =
   458           let
   459             val acc = f (V,acc)
   460           in
   461             case inc vs V of NONE => acc | SOME V => fold V acc
   462           end
   463     in
   464       fold zero
   465     end;
   467 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   468 (* Interpreting terms and formulas in the model.                             *)
   469 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   471 fun interpretTerm M V =
   472     let
   473       val Model {size = N, fixed, functions, ...} = M
   474       val {functions = fixed_functions, ...} = fixed
   476       fun interpret (Term.Var v) =
   477           (case NameMap.peek V v of
   478              NONE => raise Error "Model.interpretTerm: incomplete valuation"
   479            | SOME i => i)
   480         | interpret (tm as Term.Fn f_tms) =
   481           let
   482             val (f,tms) =
   483                 case Term.stripComb tm of
   484                   (_,[]) => f_tms
   485                 | (v as Term.Var _, tms) => (".", v :: tms)
   486                 | (Term.Fn (f,tms), tms') => (f, tms @ tms')
   487             val elts = map interpret tms
   488             val f_elts = (f,elts)
   489             val ref funcs = functions
   490           in
   491             case Map.peek funcs f_elts of
   492               SOME k => k
   493             | NONE =>
   494               let
   495                 val k =
   496                     case fixed_functions f_elts of
   497                       SOME k => k
   498                     | NONE => random N
   500                 val () = functions := Map.insert funcs (f_elts,k)
   501               in
   502                 k
   503               end
   504           end;
   505     in
   506       interpret
   507     end;
   509 fun interpretAtom M V (r,tms) =
   510     let
   511       val Model {fixed,relations,...} = M
   512       val {relations = fixed_relations, ...} = fixed
   514       val elts = map (interpretTerm M V) tms
   515       val r_elts = (r,elts)
   516       val ref rels = relations
   517     in
   518       case Map.peek rels r_elts of
   519         SOME b => b
   520       | NONE =>
   521         let
   522           val b =
   523               case fixed_relations r_elts of
   524                 SOME b => b
   525               | NONE => coinFlip ()
   527           val () = relations := Map.insert rels (r_elts,b)
   528         in
   529           b
   530         end
   531     end;
   533 fun interpretFormula M =
   534     let
   535       val Model {size = N, ...} = M
   537       fun interpret _ Formula.True = true
   538         | interpret _ Formula.False = false
   539         | interpret V (Formula.Atom atm) = interpretAtom M V atm
   540         | interpret V (Formula.Not p) = not (interpret V p)
   541         | interpret V (Formula.Or (p,q)) = interpret V p orelse interpret V q
   542         | interpret V (Formula.And (p,q)) = interpret V p andalso interpret V q
   543         | interpret V (Formula.Imp (p,q)) =
   544           interpret V (Formula.Or (Formula.Not p, q))
   545         | interpret V (Formula.Iff (p,q)) = interpret V p = interpret V q
   546         | interpret V (Formula.Forall (v,p)) = interpret' V v p N
   547         | interpret V (Formula.Exists (v,p)) =
   548           interpret V (Formula.Not (Formula.Forall (v, Formula.Not p)))
   549       and interpret' _ _ _ 0 = true
   550         | interpret' V v p i =
   551           let
   552             val i = i - 1
   553             val V' = NameMap.insert V (v,i)
   554           in
   555             interpret V' p andalso interpret' V v p i
   556           end
   557     in
   558       interpret
   559     end;
   561 fun interpretLiteral M V (true,atm) = interpretAtom M V atm
   562   | interpretLiteral M V (false,atm) = not (interpretAtom M V atm);
   564 fun interpretClause M V cl = LiteralSet.exists (interpretLiteral M V) cl;
   566 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   567 (* Check whether random groundings of a formula are true in the model.       *)
   568 (* Note: if it's cheaper, a systematic check will be performed instead.      *)
   569 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   571 local
   572   fun checkGen freeVars interpret {maxChecks} M x =
   573       let
   574         val Model {size = N, ...} = M
   576         fun score (V,{T,F}) =
   577             if interpret M V x then {T = T + 1, F = F} else {T = T, F = F + 1}
   579         val vs = freeVars x
   581         fun randomCheck acc = score (valuationRandom {size = N} vs, acc)
   583         val small =
   584             intExp N (NameSet.size vs) <= maxChecks handle Overflow => false
   585       in
   586         if small then valuationFold {size = N} vs score {T = 0, F = 0}
   587         else funpow maxChecks randomCheck {T = 0, F = 0}
   588       end;
   589 in
   590   val checkAtom = checkGen Atom.freeVars interpretAtom;
   592   val checkFormula = checkGen Formula.freeVars interpretFormula;
   594   val checkLiteral = checkGen Literal.freeVars interpretLiteral;
   596   val checkClause = checkGen LiteralSet.freeVars interpretClause;
   597 end;
   599 end