changeset 66614 1f1c5d85d232
parent 66613 db3969568560
child 66615 7706577cd10e
equal deleted inserted replaced
66613:db3969568560 66614:1f1c5d85d232
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Nunchaku/Tools/nunchaku_translate.ML
     2     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, Inria Nancy, LORIA, MPII
     3     Copyright   2015, 2016
     5 Translation of Isabelle/HOL problems to Nunchaku.
     6 *)
     8 signature NUNCHAKU_TRANSLATE =
     9 sig
    10   type isa_problem = Nunchaku_Collect.isa_problem
    11   type ty = Nunchaku_Problem.ty
    12   type nun_problem = Nunchaku_Problem.nun_problem
    14   val flip_quote: string -> string
    15   val lowlevel_str_of_ty: ty -> string
    17   val nun_problem_of_isa: Proof.context -> isa_problem -> nun_problem
    18 end;
    20 structure Nunchaku_Translate : NUNCHAKU_TRANSLATE =
    21 struct
    23 open Nunchaku_Util;
    24 open Nunchaku_Collect;
    25 open Nunchaku_Problem;
    27 fun flip_quote s =
    28   (case try (unprefix "'") s of
    29     SOME s' => s'
    30   | NONE => prefix "'" s);
    32 fun lowlevel_str_of_ty (NType (id, tys)) =
    33   (if null tys then "" else encode_args (map lowlevel_str_of_ty tys)) ^ id;
    35 fun strip_nun_abs 0 tm = ([], tm)
    36   | strip_nun_abs n (NAbs (var, body)) =
    37     strip_nun_abs (n - 1) body
    38     |>> cons var;
    40 val strip_nun_comb =
    41   let
    42     fun strip args (NApp (func, arg)) = strip (arg :: args) func
    43       | strip args tm = (tm, args);
    44   in
    45     strip []
    46   end;
    48 fun ty_of_isa (Type (s, Ts)) =
    49     let val tys = map ty_of_isa Ts in
    50       (case s of
    51         @{type_name bool} => prop_ty
    52       | @{type_name fun} => NType (nun_arrow, tys)
    53       | _ =>
    54         let
    55           val args = map lowlevel_str_of_ty tys;
    56           val id = nun_tconst_of_str args s;
    57         in
    58           NType (id, [])
    59         end)
    60     end
    61   | ty_of_isa (TFree (s, _)) = NType (nun_tfree_of_str (flip_quote s), [])
    62   | ty_of_isa (TVar _) = raise Fail "unexpected TVar";
    64 fun gen_tm_of_isa in_prop ctxt t =
    65   let
    66     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
    68     fun id_of_const (x as (s, _)) =
    69       let val args = map (lowlevel_str_of_ty o ty_of_isa) (Sign.const_typargs thy x) in
    70         nun_const_of_str args s
    71       end;
    73     fun tm_of_branch ctr_id var_count f_arg_tm =
    74       let val (vars, body) = strip_nun_abs var_count f_arg_tm in
    75         (ctr_id, vars, body)
    76       end;
    78     fun tm_of bounds (Const (x as (s, T))) =
    79         (case try (dest_co_datatype_case ctxt) x of
    80           SOME ctrs =>
    81           let
    82             val num_f_args = length ctrs;
    83             val min_args = num_f_args + 1;
    84             val var_counts = map (num_binder_types o snd) ctrs;
    86             val dummy_free = Free (Name.uu, T);
    87             val tm = tm_of bounds dummy_free;
    88             val tm' = eta_expandN_tm min_args tm;
    89             val (vars, body) = strip_nun_abs min_args tm';
    90             val (_, (f_args, obj :: other_args)) = strip_nun_comb body ||> chop num_f_args;
    91             val f_args' = map2 eta_expandN_tm var_counts f_args;
    93             val ctr_ids = map id_of_const ctrs;
    94           in
    95             NMatch (obj, @{map 3} tm_of_branch ctr_ids var_counts f_args')
    96             |> rcomb_tms other_args
    97             |> abs_tms vars
    98           end
    99         | NONE =>
   100           if s = @{const_name unreachable} andalso in_prop then
   101             let val ty = ty_of_isa T in
   102               napps (NConst (nun_asserting, [ty], mk_arrows_ty ([ty, prop_ty], ty)),
   103                 [NConst (id_of_const x, [], ty), NConst (nun_false, [], prop_ty)])
   104             end
   105           else
   106             let
   107               val id =
   108                 (case s of
   109                   @{const_name All} => nun_forall
   110                 | @{const_name conj} => nun_conj
   111                 | @{const_name disj} => nun_disj
   112                 | @{const_name HOL.eq} => nun_equals
   113                 | @{const_name Eps} => nun_choice
   114                 | @{const_name Ex} => nun_exists
   115                 | @{const_name False} => nun_false
   116                 | @{const_name If} => nun_if
   117                 | @{const_name implies} => nun_implies
   118                 | @{const_name Not} => nun_not
   119                 | @{const_name The} => nun_unique
   120                 | @{const_name The_unsafe} => nun_unique_unsafe
   121                 | @{const_name True} => nun_true
   122                 | _ => id_of_const x);
   123             in
   124               NConst (id, [], ty_of_isa T)
   125             end)
   126       | tm_of _ (Free (s, T)) = NConst (nun_free_of_str s, [], ty_of_isa T)
   127       | tm_of _ (Var ((s, _), T)) = NConst (nun_var_of_str s, [], ty_of_isa T)
   128       | tm_of bounds (Abs (s, T, t)) =
   129         let
   130           val (s', bounds') = Name.variant s bounds;
   131           val x = Var ((s', 0), T);
   132         in
   133           NAbs (tm_of bounds' x, tm_of bounds' (subst_bound (x, t)))
   134         end
   135       | tm_of bounds (t $ u) = NApp (tm_of bounds t, tm_of bounds u)
   136       | tm_of _ (Bound _) = raise Fail "unexpected Bound";
   137   in
   138     t
   139     |> tm_of Name.context
   140     |> beta_reduce_tm
   141     |> eta_expand_builtin_tm
   142   end;
   144 val tm_of_isa = gen_tm_of_isa false;
   145 val prop_of_isa = gen_tm_of_isa true;
   147 fun nun_copy_spec_of_isa_typedef ctxt {abs_typ, rep_typ, wrt, abs, rep} =
   148   {abs_ty = ty_of_isa abs_typ, rep_ty = ty_of_isa rep_typ, subset = SOME (tm_of_isa ctxt wrt),
   149    quotient = NONE, abs = tm_of_isa ctxt abs, rep = tm_of_isa ctxt rep};
   151 fun nun_copy_spec_of_isa_quotient ctxt {abs_typ, rep_typ, wrt, abs, rep} =
   152   {abs_ty = ty_of_isa abs_typ, rep_ty = ty_of_isa rep_typ, subset = NONE,
   153    quotient = SOME (tm_of_isa ctxt wrt), abs = tm_of_isa ctxt abs, rep = tm_of_isa ctxt rep};
   155 fun nun_ctr_of_isa ctxt ctr =
   156   {ctr = tm_of_isa ctxt ctr, arg_tys = map ty_of_isa (binder_types (fastype_of ctr))};
   158 fun nun_co_data_spec_of_isa ctxt {typ, ctrs} =
   159   {ty = ty_of_isa typ, ctrs = map (nun_ctr_of_isa ctxt) ctrs};
   161 fun nun_const_spec_of_isa ctxt {const, props} =
   162   {const = tm_of_isa ctxt const, props = map (prop_of_isa ctxt) props};
   164 fun nun_rec_spec_of_isa ctxt {const, props, ...} =
   165   {const = tm_of_isa ctxt const, props = map (prop_of_isa ctxt) props};
   167 fun nun_consts_spec_of_isa ctxt {consts, props} =
   168   {consts = map (tm_of_isa ctxt) consts, props = map (prop_of_isa ctxt) props};
   170 fun nun_problem_of_isa ctxt {commandss, sound, complete} =
   171   let
   172     fun cmd_of cmd =
   173       (case cmd of
   174         ITVal (T, cards) => NTVal (ty_of_isa T, cards)
   175       | ITypedef spec => NCopy (nun_copy_spec_of_isa_typedef ctxt spec)
   176       | IQuotient spec => NCopy (nun_copy_spec_of_isa_quotient ctxt spec)
   177       | ICoData (fp, specs) =>
   178         BNF_Util.case_fp fp NData NCodata (map (nun_co_data_spec_of_isa ctxt) specs)
   179       | IVal t => NVal (tm_of_isa ctxt t, ty_of_isa (fastype_of t))
   180       | ICoPred (fp, wf, specs) =>
   181         (if wf then curry NPred true
   182          else if fp = BNF_Util.Least_FP then curry NPred false
   183          else NCopred) (map (nun_const_spec_of_isa ctxt) specs)
   184       | IRec specs => NRec (map (nun_rec_spec_of_isa ctxt) specs)
   185       | ISpec spec => NSpec (nun_consts_spec_of_isa ctxt spec)
   186       | IAxiom prop => NAxiom (prop_of_isa ctxt prop)
   187       | IGoal prop => NGoal (prop_of_isa ctxt prop)
   188       | IEval t => NEval (tm_of_isa ctxt t));
   189   in
   190     {commandss = map (map cmd_of) commandss, sound = sound, complete = complete}
   191   end;
   193 end;