changeset 48985 5386df44a037
parent 48984 f51d4a302962
child 48986 037d32448e29
equal deleted inserted replaced
48984:f51d4a302962 48985:5386df44a037
     1 theory Misc
     2 imports Base Main
     3 begin
     5 chapter {* Other commands *}
     7 section {* Inspecting the context *}
     9 text {*
    10   \begin{matharray}{rcl}
    11     @{command_def "print_commands"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
    12     @{command_def "print_theory"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    13     @{command_def "print_methods"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    14     @{command_def "print_attributes"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    15     @{command_def "print_theorems"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    16     @{command_def "find_theorems"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    17     @{command_def "find_consts"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    18     @{command_def "thm_deps"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    19     @{command_def "unused_thms"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    20     @{command_def "print_facts"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    21     @{command_def "print_binds"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
    22   \end{matharray}
    24   @{rail "
    25     (@@{command print_theory} | @@{command print_theorems}) ('!'?)
    26     ;
    28     @@{command find_theorems} ('(' @{syntax nat}? 'with_dups'? ')')? \\ (thmcriterion * )
    29     ;
    30     thmcriterion: ('-'?) ('name' ':' @{syntax nameref} | 'intro' | 'elim' | 'dest' |
    31       'solves' | 'simp' ':' @{syntax term} | @{syntax term})
    32     ;
    33     @@{command find_consts} (constcriterion * )
    34     ;
    35     constcriterion: ('-'?)
    36       ('name' ':' @{syntax nameref} | 'strict' ':' @{syntax type} | @{syntax type})
    37     ;
    38     @@{command thm_deps} @{syntax thmrefs}
    39     ;
    40     @@{command unused_thms} ((@{syntax name} +) '-' (@{syntax name} * ))?
    41   "}
    43   These commands print certain parts of the theory and proof context.
    44   Note that there are some further ones available, such as for the set
    45   of rules declared for simplifications.
    47   \begin{description}
    49   \item @{command "print_commands"} prints Isabelle's outer theory
    50   syntax, including keywords and command.
    52   \item @{command "print_theory"} prints the main logical content of
    53   the theory context; the ``@{text "!"}'' option indicates extra
    54   verbosity.
    56   \item @{command "print_methods"} prints all proof methods
    57   available in the current theory context.
    59   \item @{command "print_attributes"} prints all attributes
    60   available in the current theory context.
    62   \item @{command "print_theorems"} prints theorems resulting from the
    63   last command; the ``@{text "!"}'' option indicates extra verbosity.
    65   \item @{command "find_theorems"}~@{text criteria} retrieves facts
    66   from the theory or proof context matching all of given search
    67   criteria.  The criterion @{text "name: p"} selects all theorems
    68   whose fully qualified name matches pattern @{text p}, which may
    69   contain ``@{text "*"}'' wildcards.  The criteria @{text intro},
    70   @{text elim}, and @{text dest} select theorems that match the
    71   current goal as introduction, elimination or destruction rules,
    72   respectively.  The criterion @{text "solves"} returns all rules
    73   that would directly solve the current goal.  The criterion
    74   @{text "simp: t"} selects all rewrite rules whose left-hand side
    75   matches the given term.  The criterion term @{text t} selects all
    76   theorems that contain the pattern @{text t} -- as usual, patterns
    77   may contain occurrences of the dummy ``@{text _}'', schematic
    78   variables, and type constraints.
    80   Criteria can be preceded by ``@{text "-"}'' to select theorems that
    81   do \emph{not} match. Note that giving the empty list of criteria
    82   yields \emph{all} currently known facts.  An optional limit for the
    83   number of printed facts may be given; the default is 40.  By
    84   default, duplicates are removed from the search result. Use
    85   @{text with_dups} to display duplicates.
    87   \item @{command "find_consts"}~@{text criteria} prints all constants
    88   whose type meets all of the given criteria. The criterion @{text
    89   "strict: ty"} is met by any type that matches the type pattern
    90   @{text ty}.  Patterns may contain both the dummy type ``@{text _}''
    91   and sort constraints. The criterion @{text ty} is similar, but it
    92   also matches against subtypes. The criterion @{text "name: p"} and
    93   the prefix ``@{text "-"}'' function as described for @{command
    94   "find_theorems"}.
    96   \item @{command "thm_deps"}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"}
    97   visualizes dependencies of facts, using Isabelle's graph browser
    98   tool (see also \cite{isabelle-sys}).
   100   \item @{command "unused_thms"}~@{text "A\<^isub>1 \<dots> A\<^isub>m - B\<^isub>1 \<dots> B\<^isub>n"}
   101   displays all unused theorems in theories @{text "B\<^isub>1 \<dots> B\<^isub>n"}
   102   or their parents, but not in @{text "A\<^isub>1 \<dots> A\<^isub>m"} or their parents.
   103   If @{text n} is @{text 0}, the end of the range of theories
   104   defaults to the current theory. If no range is specified,
   105   only the unused theorems in the current theory are displayed.
   107   \item @{command "print_facts"} prints all local facts of the
   108   current context, both named and unnamed ones.
   110   \item @{command "print_binds"} prints all term abbreviations
   111   present in the context.
   113   \end{description}
   114 *}
   117 section {* System commands *}
   119 text {*
   120   \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   121     @{command_def "cd"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
   122     @{command_def "pwd"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
   123     @{command_def "use_thy"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
   124   \end{matharray}
   126   @{rail "
   127     (@@{command cd} | @@{command use_thy}) @{syntax name}
   128   "}
   130   \begin{description}
   132   \item @{command "cd"}~@{text path} changes the current directory
   133   of the Isabelle process.
   135   \item @{command "pwd"} prints the current working directory.
   137   \item @{command "use_thy"}~@{text A} preload theory @{text A}.
   138   These system commands are scarcely used when working interactively,
   139   since loading of theories is done automatically as required.
   141   \end{description}
   143   %FIXME proper place (!?)
   144   Isabelle file specification may contain path variables (e.g.\
   145   @{verbatim "$ISABELLE_HOME"}) that are expanded accordingly.  Note
   146   that @{verbatim "~"} abbreviates @{verbatim "$USER_HOME"}, and
   147   @{verbatim "~~"} abbreviates @{verbatim "$ISABELLE_HOME"}.  The
   148   general syntax for path specifications follows POSIX conventions.
   149 *}
   151 end