changeset 15178 5f621aa35c25
equal deleted inserted replaced
15177:e7616269fdca 15178:5f621aa35c25
     1 structure ExactFloatingPoint :
     2 sig
     3     exception Destruct_floatstr of string
     5     val destruct_floatstr : (char -> bool) -> (char -> bool) -> string -> bool * string * string * bool * string
     7     exception Floating_point of string
     9     type floatrep = *
    10     val approx_dec_by_bin : -> floatrep -> floatrep * floatrep
    11     val approx_decstr_by_bin : int -> string -> floatrep * floatrep
    12 end 
    13 =
    14 struct
    16 fun fst (a,b) = a
    17 fun snd (a,b) = b
    19 val filter = List.filter;
    21 exception Destruct_floatstr of string;
    23 fun destruct_floatstr isDigit isExp number = 
    24     let
    25 	val numlist = filter (not o Char.isSpace) (String.explode number)
    27 	fun countsigns ((#"+")::cs) = countsigns cs
    28 	  | countsigns ((#"-")::cs) = 
    29 	    let	
    30 		val (positive, rest) = countsigns cs 
    31 	    in
    32 		(not positive, rest)
    33 	    end
    34 	  | countsigns cs = (true, cs)
    36 	fun readdigits [] = ([], [])
    37 	  | readdigits (q as c::cs) = 
    38 	    if (isDigit c) then 
    39 		let
    40 		    val (digits, rest) = readdigits cs
    41 		in
    42 		    (c::digits, rest)
    43 		end
    44 	    else
    45 		([], q)		
    47 	fun readfromexp_helper cs =
    48 	    let
    49 		val (positive, rest) = countsigns cs
    50 		val (digits, rest') = readdigits rest
    51 	    in
    52 		case rest' of
    53 		    [] => (positive, digits)
    54 		  | _ => raise (Destruct_floatstr number)
    55 	    end	    
    57 	fun readfromexp [] = (true, [])
    58 	  | readfromexp (c::cs) = 
    59 	    if isExp c then
    60 		readfromexp_helper cs
    61 	    else 
    62 		raise (Destruct_floatstr number)		
    64 	fun readfromdot [] = ([], readfromexp [])
    65 	  | readfromdot ((#".")::cs) = 
    66 	    let		
    67 		val (digits, rest) = readdigits cs
    68 		val exp = readfromexp rest
    69 	    in
    70 		(digits, exp)
    71 	    end		
    72 	  | readfromdot cs = readfromdot ((#".")::cs)
    74 	val (positive, numlist) = countsigns numlist				 
    75 	val (digits1, numlist) = readdigits numlist				 
    76  	val (digits2, exp) = readfromdot numlist
    77     in
    78 	(positive, String.implode digits1, String.implode digits2, fst exp, String.implode (snd exp))
    79     end
    81 type floatrep = *
    83 exception Floating_point of string;
    85 val ln2_10 = (Math.ln 10.0)/(Math.ln 2.0)
    87 fun intmul a b = IntInf.* (a,b)
    88 fun intsub a b = IntInf.- (a,b)	
    89 fun intadd a b = IntInf.+ (a,b) 		 
    90 fun intpow a b = IntInf.pow (a, IntInf.toInt b);
    91 fun intle a b = IntInf.<= (a, b);
    92 fun intless a b = IntInf.< (a, b);
    93 fun intneg a = IntInf.~ a;
    94 val zero = IntInf.fromInt 0;
    95 val one = IntInf.fromInt 1;
    96 val two = IntInf.fromInt 2;
    97 val ten = IntInf.fromInt 10;
    98 val five = IntInf.fromInt 5;
   100 fun find_most_significant q r = 
   101     let 
   102 	fun int2real i = 
   103 	    case Real.fromString (IntInf.toString i) of 
   104 		SOME r => r 
   105 	      | NONE => raise (Floating_point "int2real")	
   106 	fun subtract (q, r) (q', r') = 
   107 	    if intle r r' then
   108 		(intsub q (intmul q' (intpow ten (intsub r' r))), r)
   109 	    else
   110 		(intsub (intmul q (intpow ten (intsub r r'))) q', r')
   111 	fun bin2dec d =
   112 	    if intle zero d then 
   113 		(intpow two d, zero)
   114 	    else
   115 		(intpow five (intneg d), d)				
   117 	val L = IntInf.fromInt (Real.floor (int2real (IntInf.fromInt (IntInf.log2 q)) + (int2real r) * ln2_10))	
   118 	val L1 = intadd L one
   120 	val (q1, r1) = subtract (q, r) (bin2dec L1) 		
   121     in
   122 	if intle zero q1 then 
   123 	    let
   124 		val (q2, r2) = subtract (q, r) (bin2dec (intadd L1 one))
   125 	    in
   126 		if intle zero q2 then 
   127 		    raise (Floating_point "find_most_significant")
   128 		else
   129 		    (L1, (q1, r1))
   130 	    end
   131 	else
   132 	    let
   133 		val (q0, r0) = subtract (q, r) (bin2dec L)
   134 	    in
   135 		if intle zero q0 then
   136 		    (L, (q0, r0))
   137 		else
   138 		    raise (Floating_point "find_most_significant")
   139 	    end		    
   140     end
   142 fun approx_dec_by_bin n (q,r) =
   143     let	
   144 	fun addseq acc d' [] = acc
   145 	  | addseq acc d' (d::ds) = addseq (intadd acc (intpow two (intsub d d'))) d' ds
   147 	fun seq2bin [] = (zero, zero)
   148 	  | seq2bin (d::ds) = (intadd (addseq zero d ds) one, d)
   150 	fun approx d_seq d0 precision (q,r) = 
   151 	    if q = zero then 
   152 		let val x = seq2bin d_seq in
   153 		    (x, x)
   154 		end
   155 	    else    
   156 		let 
   157 		    val (d, (q', r')) = find_most_significant q r
   158 		in	
   159 		    if intless precision (intsub d0 d) then 
   160 			let 
   161 			    val d' = intsub d0 precision
   162 			    val x1 = seq2bin (d_seq)
   163 			    val x2 = (intadd (intmul (fst x1) (intpow two (intsub (snd x1) d'))) one,  d') (* = seq2bin (d'::d_seq) *) 
   164 			in
   165 			    (x1, x2)
   166 			end
   167 		    else
   168 			approx (d::d_seq) d0 precision (q', r') 						    		
   169 		end		
   171 	fun approx_start precision (q, r) =
   172 	    if q = zero then 
   173 		((zero, zero), (zero, zero))
   174 	    else
   175 		let 
   176 		    val (d, (q', r')) = find_most_significant q r
   177 		in	
   178 		    if intle precision zero then 
   179 			let
   180 			    val x1 = seq2bin [d]
   181 			in
   182 			    if q' = zero then 
   183 				(x1, x1)
   184 			    else
   185 				(x1, seq2bin [intadd d one])
   186 			end
   187 		    else
   188 			approx [d] d precision (q', r')
   189 		end		
   190     in
   191 	if intle zero q then 
   192 	    approx_start n (q,r)
   193 	else
   194 	    let 
   195 		val ((a1,b1), (a2, b2)) = approx_start n (intneg q, r) 
   196 	    in
   197 		((intneg a2, b2), (intneg a1, b1))
   198 	    end					
   199     end
   201 fun approx_decstr_by_bin n decstr =
   202     let 
   203 	fun str2int s = case IntInf.fromString s of SOME x => x | NONE => zero 
   204 	fun signint p x = if p then x else intneg x
   206 	val (p, d1, d2, ep, e) = destruct_floatstr Char.isDigit (fn e => e = #"e" orelse e = #"E") decstr
   207 	val s = IntInf.fromInt (size d2)
   209 	val q = signint p (intadd (intmul (str2int d1) (intpow ten s)) (str2int d2))
   210 	val r = intsub (signint ep (str2int e)) s
   211     in
   212 	approx_dec_by_bin (IntInf.fromInt n) (q,r)
   213     end
   215 end;