changeset 39348 6f9c9899f99f
child 39349 2d0a4361c3ef
equal deleted inserted replaced
39347:50dec19e682b 39348:6f9c9899f99f
     1 (* ========================================================================= *)
     2 (* CLAUSE = ID + THEOREM                                                     *)
     3 (* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
     4 (* ========================================================================= *)
     6 structure Clause :> Clause =
     7 struct
     9 open Useful;
    11 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    12 (* Helper functions.                                                         *)
    13 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    15 val newId =
    16     let
    17       val r = ref 0
    18     in
    19       fn () => case r of ref n => let val () = r := n + 1 in n end
    20     end;
    22 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    23 (* A type of clause.                                                         *)
    24 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    26 datatype literalOrder =
    27     NoLiteralOrder
    28   | UnsignedLiteralOrder
    29   | PositiveLiteralOrder;
    31 type parameters =
    32      {ordering : KnuthBendixOrder.kbo,
    33       orderLiterals : literalOrder,
    34       orderTerms : bool};
    36 type clauseId = int;
    38 type clauseInfo = {parameters : parameters, id : clauseId, thm : Thm.thm};
    40 datatype clause = Clause of clauseInfo;
    42 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    43 (* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
    44 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    46 val showId = ref false;
    48 local
    49   val ppIdThm = Print.ppPair Print.ppInt Thm.pp;
    50 in
    51   fun pp (Clause {id,thm,...}) =
    52       if !showId then ppIdThm (id,thm) else Thm.pp thm;
    53 end;
    55 fun toString cl = Print.toString pp cl;
    57 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    58 (* Basic operations.                                                         *)
    59 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    61 val default : parameters =
    62     {ordering = KnuthBendixOrder.default,
    63      orderLiterals = PositiveLiteralOrder,
    64      orderTerms = true};
    66 fun mk info = Clause info
    68 fun dest (Clause info) = info;
    70 fun id (Clause {id = i, ...}) = i;
    72 fun thm (Clause {thm = th, ...}) = th;
    74 fun equalThms cl cl' = Thm.equal (thm cl) (thm cl');
    76 fun new parameters thm =
    77     Clause {parameters = parameters, id = newId (), thm = thm};
    79 fun literals cl = Thm.clause (thm cl);
    81 fun isTautology (Clause {thm,...}) = Thm.isTautology thm;
    83 fun isContradiction (Clause {thm,...}) = Thm.isContradiction thm;
    85 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    86 (* The term ordering is used to cut down inferences.                         *)
    87 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    89 fun strictlyLess ordering x_y =
    90     case ordering x_y of
    91       SOME LESS => true
    92     | _ => false;
    94 fun isLargerTerm ({ordering,orderTerms,...} : parameters) l_r =
    95     not orderTerms orelse not (strictlyLess ordering l_r);
    97 local
    98   fun atomToTerms atm =
    99       case total Atom.destEq atm of
   100         NONE => [Term.Fn atm]
   101       | SOME (l,r) => [l,r];
   103   fun notStrictlyLess ordering (xs,ys) =
   104       let
   105         fun less x = List.exists (fn y => strictlyLess ordering (x,y)) ys
   106       in
   107         not (List.all less xs)
   108       end;
   109 in
   110   fun isLargerLiteral ({ordering,orderLiterals,...} : parameters) lits =
   111       case orderLiterals of
   112         NoLiteralOrder => K true
   113       | UnsignedLiteralOrder =>
   114         let
   115           fun addLit ((_,atm),acc) = atomToTerms atm @ acc
   117           val tms = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] lits
   118         in
   119           fn (_,atm') => notStrictlyLess ordering (atomToTerms atm', tms)
   120         end
   121       | PositiveLiteralOrder =>
   122         case LiteralSet.findl (K true) lits of
   123           NONE => K true
   124         | SOME (pol,_) =>
   125           let
   126             fun addLit ((p,atm),acc) =
   127                 if p = pol then atomToTerms atm @ acc else acc
   129             val tms = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] lits
   130           in
   131             fn (pol',atm') =>
   132                if pol <> pol' then pol
   133                else notStrictlyLess ordering (atomToTerms atm', tms)
   134           end;
   135 end;
   137 fun largestLiterals (Clause {parameters,thm,...}) =
   138     let
   139       val litSet = Thm.clause thm
   140       val isLarger = isLargerLiteral parameters litSet
   141       fun addLit (lit,s) = if isLarger lit then LiteralSet.add s lit else s
   142     in
   143       LiteralSet.foldr addLit LiteralSet.empty litSet
   144     end;
   146 (*MetisTrace6
   147 val largestLiterals = fn cl =>
   148     let
   149       val ppResult = LiteralSet.pp
   150       val () = Print.trace pp "Clause.largestLiterals: cl" cl
   151       val result = largestLiterals cl
   152       val () = Print.trace ppResult "Clause.largestLiterals: result" result
   153     in
   154       result
   155     end;
   156 *)
   158 fun largestEquations (cl as Clause {parameters,...}) =
   159     let
   160       fun addEq lit ort (l_r as (l,_)) acc =
   161           if isLargerTerm parameters l_r then (lit,ort,l) :: acc else acc
   163       fun addLit (lit,acc) =
   164           case total Literal.destEq lit of
   165             NONE => acc
   166           | SOME (l,r) =>
   167             let
   168               val acc = addEq lit Rewrite.RightToLeft (r,l) acc
   169               val acc = addEq lit Rewrite.LeftToRight (l,r) acc
   170             in
   171               acc
   172             end
   173     in
   174       LiteralSet.foldr addLit [] (largestLiterals cl)
   175     end;
   177 local
   178   fun addLit (lit,acc) =
   179       let
   180         fun addTm ((path,tm),acc) = (lit,path,tm) :: acc
   181       in
   182         foldl addTm acc (Literal.nonVarTypedSubterms lit)
   183       end;
   184 in
   185   fun largestSubterms cl = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] (largestLiterals cl);
   187   fun allSubterms cl = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] (literals cl);
   188 end;
   190 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   191 (* Subsumption.                                                              *)
   192 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   194 fun subsumes (subs : clause Subsume.subsume) cl =
   195     Subsume.isStrictlySubsumed subs (literals cl);
   197 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   198 (* Simplifying rules: these preserve the clause id.                          *)
   199 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   201 fun freshVars (Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
   202     Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = Rule.freshVars thm};
   204 fun simplify (Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
   205     case Rule.simplify thm of
   206       NONE => NONE
   207     | SOME thm => SOME (Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = thm});
   209 fun reduce units (Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
   210     Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = Units.reduce units thm};
   212 fun rewrite rewr (cl as Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
   213     let
   214       fun simp th =
   215           let
   216             val {ordering,...} = parameters
   217             val cmp = ordering
   218           in
   219             Rewrite.rewriteIdRule rewr cmp id th
   220           end
   222 (*MetisTrace4
   223       val () = Print.trace Rewrite.pp "Clause.rewrite: rewr" rewr
   224       val () = Print.trace Print.ppInt "Clause.rewrite: id" id
   225       val () = Print.trace pp "Clause.rewrite: cl" cl
   226 *)
   228       val thm =
   229           case Rewrite.peek rewr id of
   230             NONE => simp thm
   231           | SOME ((_,thm),_) => if Rewrite.isReduced rewr then thm else simp thm
   233       val result = Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = thm}
   235 (*MetisTrace4
   236       val () = Print.trace pp "Clause.rewrite: result" result
   237 *)
   238     in
   239       result
   240     end
   241 (*MetisDebug
   242     handle Error err => raise Error ("Clause.rewrite:\n" ^ err);
   243 *)
   245 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   246 (* Inference rules: these generate new clause ids.                           *)
   247 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   249 fun factor (cl as Clause {parameters,thm,...}) =
   250     let
   251       val lits = largestLiterals cl
   253       fun apply sub = new parameters (Thm.subst sub thm)
   254     in
   255       map apply (Rule.factor' lits)
   256     end;
   258 (*MetisTrace5
   259 val factor = fn cl =>
   260     let
   261       val () = Print.trace pp "Clause.factor: cl" cl
   262       val result = factor cl
   263       val () = Print.trace (Print.ppList pp) "Clause.factor: result" result
   264     in
   265       result
   266     end;
   267 *)
   269 fun resolve (cl1,lit1) (cl2,lit2) =
   270     let
   271 (*MetisTrace5
   272       val () = Print.trace pp "Clause.resolve: cl1" cl1
   273       val () = Print.trace Literal.pp "Clause.resolve: lit1" lit1
   274       val () = Print.trace pp "Clause.resolve: cl2" cl2
   275       val () = Print.trace Literal.pp "Clause.resolve: lit2" lit2
   276 *)
   277       val Clause {parameters, thm = th1, ...} = cl1
   278       and Clause {thm = th2, ...} = cl2
   279       val sub = Literal.unify Subst.empty lit1 (Literal.negate lit2)
   280 (*MetisTrace5
   281       val () = Print.trace Subst.pp "Clause.resolve: sub" sub
   282 *)
   283       val lit1 = Literal.subst sub lit1
   284       val lit2 = Literal.negate lit1
   285       val th1 = Thm.subst sub th1
   286       and th2 = Thm.subst sub th2
   287       val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th1) lit1 orelse
   288 (*MetisTrace5
   289               (trace "Clause.resolve: th1 violates ordering\n"; false) orelse
   290 *)
   291               raise Error "resolve: clause1: ordering constraints"
   292       val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th2) lit2 orelse
   293 (*MetisTrace5
   294               (trace "Clause.resolve: th2 violates ordering\n"; false) orelse
   295 *)
   296               raise Error "resolve: clause2: ordering constraints"
   297       val th = Thm.resolve lit1 th1 th2
   298 (*MetisTrace5
   299       val () = Print.trace Thm.pp "Clause.resolve: th" th
   300 *)
   301       val cl = Clause {parameters = parameters, id = newId (), thm = th}
   302 (*MetisTrace5
   303       val () = Print.trace pp "Clause.resolve: cl" cl
   304 *)
   305     in
   306       cl
   307     end;
   309 fun paramodulate (cl1,lit1,ort1,tm1) (cl2,lit2,path2,tm2) =
   310     let
   311 (*MetisTrace5
   312       val () = Print.trace pp "Clause.paramodulate: cl1" cl1
   313       val () = Print.trace Literal.pp "Clause.paramodulate: lit1" lit1
   314       val () = Print.trace Rewrite.ppOrient "Clause.paramodulate: ort1" ort1
   315       val () = Print.trace Term.pp "Clause.paramodulate: tm1" tm1
   316       val () = Print.trace pp "Clause.paramodulate: cl2" cl2
   317       val () = Print.trace Literal.pp "Clause.paramodulate: lit2" lit2
   318       val () = Print.trace Term.ppPath "Clause.paramodulate: path2" path2
   319       val () = Print.trace Term.pp "Clause.paramodulate: tm2" tm2
   320 *)
   321       val Clause {parameters, thm = th1, ...} = cl1
   322       and Clause {thm = th2, ...} = cl2
   323       val sub = Subst.unify Subst.empty tm1 tm2
   324       val lit1 = Literal.subst sub lit1
   325       and lit2 = Literal.subst sub lit2
   326       and th1 = Thm.subst sub th1
   327       and th2 = Thm.subst sub th2
   329       val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th1) lit1 orelse
   330               raise Error "Clause.paramodulate: with clause: ordering"
   331       val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th2) lit2 orelse
   332               raise Error "Clause.paramodulate: into clause: ordering"
   334       val eqn = (Literal.destEq lit1, th1)
   335       val eqn as (l_r,_) =
   336           case ort1 of
   337             Rewrite.LeftToRight => eqn
   338           | Rewrite.RightToLeft => Rule.symEqn eqn
   339 (*MetisTrace6
   340       val () = Print.trace Rule.ppEquation "Clause.paramodulate: eqn" eqn
   341 *)
   342       val _ = isLargerTerm parameters l_r orelse
   343               raise Error "Clause.paramodulate: equation: ordering constraints"
   344       val th = Rule.rewrRule eqn lit2 path2 th2
   345 (*MetisTrace5
   346       val () = Print.trace Thm.pp "Clause.paramodulate: th" th
   347 *)
   348     in
   349       Clause {parameters = parameters, id = newId (), thm = th}
   350     end
   351 (*MetisTrace5
   352     handle Error err =>
   353       let
   354         val () = trace ("Clause.paramodulate: failed: " ^ err ^ "\n")
   355       in
   356         raise Error err
   357       end;
   358 *)
   360 end