changeset 6467 863834a37769
child 6508 b8a1e395edd7
equal deleted inserted replaced
6466:2eba94dc5951 6467:863834a37769
     1 (*  Title:      ioa_package.ML
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3 *)
     5 signature IOA_PACKAGE =
     6 sig
     7   val add_ioa: string -> string ->
     8 		 (string) list -> (string) list -> (string) list ->
     9 		(string * string) list -> string ->
    10 		(string * string * (string * string)list) list
    11 	-> theory -> theory
    12  val add_ioa_i : string -> string ->
    13                  (string) list -> (string) list -> (string) list ->
    14                 (string * string) list -> string ->
    15                 (string * string * (string * string)list) list
    16 	-> theory -> theory
    17  val add_composition : string -> (string)list -> theory -> theory
    18  val add_composition_i : string -> (string)list -> theory -> theory
    19  val add_hiding : string -> string -> (string)list -> theory -> theory
    20  val add_hiding_i : string -> string -> (string)list -> theory -> theory
    21  val add_restriction : string -> string -> (string)list -> theory -> theory
    22  val add_restriction_i : string -> string -> (string)list -> theory -> theory
    23  val add_rename : string -> string -> string -> theory -> theory
    24  val add_rename_i : string -> string -> string -> theory -> theory
    25 end;
    27 structure IoaPackage(* FIXME : IOA_PACKAGE *) =
    28 struct
    30 local
    32 exception malformed;
    34 (* for usage of hidden function no_attributes of structure Thm : *)
    35 fun no_attributes x = (x, []);
    37 (* stripping quotes *)
    38 fun strip [] = [] |
    39 strip ("\""::r) = strip r |
    40 strip (a::r) = a :: (strip r);
    41 fun strip_quote s = implode(strip(explode(s)));
    43 (* used by *_of_varlist *)
    44 fun extract_first (a,b) = strip_quote a;
    45 fun extract_second (a,b) = strip_quote b;
    46 (* following functions producing sth from a varlist *)
    47 fun comma_list_of_varlist [] = "" |
    48 comma_list_of_varlist [a] = extract_first a |
    49 comma_list_of_varlist (a::r) = (extract_first a) ^ "," ^ (comma_list_of_varlist r);
    50 fun primed_comma_list_of_varlist [] = "" |
    51 primed_comma_list_of_varlist [a] = (extract_first a) ^ "'" |
    52 primed_comma_list_of_varlist (a::r) = (extract_first a) ^ "'," ^
    53  (primed_comma_list_of_varlist r);
    54 fun type_product_of_varlist [] = "" |
    55 type_product_of_varlist [a] = "(" ^ extract_second(a) ^ ")" |
    56 type_product_of_varlist(a::r) = "(" ^ extract_second(a) ^ ")*" ^ type_product_of_varlist r;
    58 (* listing a list *)
    59 fun list_elements_of [] = "" |
    60 list_elements_of (a::r) = a ^ " " ^ (list_elements_of r);
    62 (* extracting type parameters from a type list *)
    63 (* fun param_tupel thy [] res = res |
    64 param_tupel thy ((Type(_,l))::r) res = param_tupel thy (l @ r) res |
    65 param_tupel thy ((TFree(a,_))::r) res = 
    66 if (a mem res) then (param_tupel thy r res) else (param_tupel thy r (a::res)) |
    67 param_tupel thy (a::r) res =
    68 error ("one component of a statetype is a TVar: " ^ (Sign.string_of_typ (sign_of thy) a));
    69 *)
    71 (* used by constr_list *)
    72 fun extract_constrs thy [] = [] |
    73 extract_constrs thy (a::r) =
    74 let
    75 fun is_prefix [] s = true
    76 | is_prefix (p::ps) [] = false
    77 | is_prefix (p::ps) (x::xs) = (p=x) andalso (is_prefix ps xs);
    78 fun delete_bold [] = []
    79 | delete_bold (x::xs) = if (is_prefix ("\^["::"["::"1"::"m"::[]) (x::xs))
    80         then (let val (_::_::_::s) = xs in delete_bold s end)
    81         else (if (is_prefix ("\^["::"["::"0"::"m"::[]) (x::xs))
    82                 then  (let val (_::_::_::s) = xs in delete_bold s end)
    83                 else (x::delete_bold xs));
    84 fun delete_bold_string s = implode(delete_bold(explode s));
    85 (* from a constructor term in *.induct (with quantifiers,
    86 "Trueprop" and ?P stripped away) delivers the head *)
    87 fun extract_hd (_ $ Abs(_,_,r)) = extract_hd r |
    88 extract_hd (Const("Trueprop",_) $ r) = extract_hd r |
    89 extract_hd (Var(_,_) $ r) = extract_hd r |
    90 extract_hd (a $ b) = extract_hd a |
    91 extract_hd (Const(s,_)) = s |
    92 extract_hd _ = raise malformed;
    93 (* delivers constructor term string from a prem of *.induct *)
    94 fun extract_constr thy (_ $ Abs(a,T,r)) = extract_constr thy (snd(variant_abs(a,T,r)))|
    95 extract_constr thy (Const("Trueprop",_) $ r) = extract_constr thy r |
    96 extract_constr thy (Var(_,_) $ r) =  delete_bold_string(Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy) r) |
    97 extract_constr _ _ = raise malformed;
    98 in
    99 (extract_hd a,extract_constr thy a) :: (extract_constrs thy r)
   100 end;
   102 (* delivering list of constructor terms of a datatype *)
   103 fun constr_list thy atyp =
   104 let
   105 fun act_name thy (Type(s,_)) = s |
   106 act_name _ s = 
   107 error("malformed action type: " ^ (Sign.string_of_typ (sign_of thy) s));
   108 fun afpl ("." :: a) = [] |
   109 afpl [] = [] |
   110 afpl (a::r) = a :: (afpl r);
   111 fun unqualify s = implode(rev(afpl(rev(explode s))));
   112 val q_atypstr = act_name thy atyp;
   113 val uq_atypstr = unqualify q_atypstr;
   114 val prem = prems_of (get_thm thy (uq_atypstr ^ ".induct"));
   115 in
   116 extract_constrs thy prem
   117 handle malformed =>
   118 error("malformed theorem : " ^ uq_atypstr ^ ".induct")
   119 end;
   121 fun check_for_constr thy atyp (a $ b) =
   122 let
   123 fun all_free (Free(_,_)) = true |
   124 all_free (a $ b) = if (all_free a) then (all_free b) else false |
   125 all_free _ = false; 
   126 in 
   127 if (all_free b) then (check_for_constr thy atyp a) else false
   128 end |
   129 check_for_constr thy atyp (Const(a,_)) =
   130 let
   131 val cl = constr_list thy atyp;
   132 fun fstmem a [] = false |
   133 fstmem a ((f,s)::r) = if (a=f) then true else (fstmem a r)
   134 in
   135 if (fstmem a cl) then true else false
   136 end |
   137 check_for_constr _ _ _ = false;
   139 (* delivering the free variables of a constructor term *)
   140 fun free_vars_of (t1 $ t2) = (free_vars_of t1) @ (free_vars_of t2) |
   141 free_vars_of (Const(_,_)) = [] |
   142 free_vars_of (Free(a,_)) = [a] |
   143 free_vars_of _ = raise malformed;
   145 (* making a constructor set from a constructor term (of signature) *)
   146 fun constr_set_string thy atyp ctstr =
   147 let
   148 val trm = #t(rep_cterm(read_cterm (sign_of thy) (ctstr,atyp)));
   149 val l = free_vars_of trm
   150 in
   151 if (check_for_constr thy atyp trm) then
   152 (if (l=[]) then ("{" ^ ctstr ^ "}")
   153 else "(UN " ^ (list_elements_of l) ^ ". {" ^ ctstr ^ "})")
   154 else (raise malformed) 
   155 handle malformed => 
   156 error("malformed action term: " ^ (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy) trm))
   157 end;
   159 (* extracting constructor heads *)
   160 fun constructor_head thy atypstr s =
   161 let
   162 fun hd_of (Const(a,_)) = a |
   163 hd_of (t $ _) = hd_of t |
   164 hd_of _ = raise malformed;
   165 val trm = #t(rep_cterm(read_cterm (sign_of thy) (s,#T(rep_ctyp(read_ctyp (sign_of thy) atypstr))) ))
   166 in
   167 hd_of trm handle malformed =>
   168 error("malformed constructor of datatype " ^ atypstr ^ ": " ^ s)
   169 end;
   170 fun constructor_head_list _ _ [] = [] |
   171 constructor_head_list thy atypstr (a::r) =
   172  (constructor_head thy atypstr a)::(constructor_head_list thy atypstr r);
   174 (* producing an action set *)
   175 fun action_set_string thy atyp [] = "{}" |
   176 action_set_string thy atyp [a] = constr_set_string thy atyp (strip_quote a) |
   177 action_set_string thy atyp (a::r) = (constr_set_string thy atyp (strip_quote a)) ^
   178          " Un " ^ (action_set_string thy atyp r);
   180 (* used by extend *)
   181 fun pstr s [] = "(" ^ s ^ "' = " ^ s ^ ")" |
   182 pstr s ((a,b)::r) =
   183 if (s=a) then ("(" ^ s ^ "' = (" ^ b ^ "))") else (pstr s r);
   184 fun poststring [] l = "" |
   185 poststring [(a,b)] l = pstr a l |
   186 poststring ((a,b)::r) l = (pstr a l) ^ " & " ^ (poststring r l);
   188 (* extends a (action string,condition,assignlist) tupel by a
   189 (action term,action string,condition,pseudo_condition,bool) tupel, used by extended_list 
   190 (where bool indicates whether there is a precondition *)
   191 fun extend thy atyp statetupel (actstr,r,[]) =
   192 let
   193 val trm = #t(rep_cterm(read_cterm (sign_of thy) (actstr,atyp)));
   194 val rtrm = #t(rep_cterm(read_cterm (sign_of thy) (r,Type("bool",[]))));
   195 val flag = if (rtrm=Const("True",Type("bool",[]))) then false else true
   196 in
   197 if (check_for_constr thy atyp trm)
   198 then (trm,actstr, "(" ^ r ^ ") & " ^ (poststring statetupel []),r,flag)
   199 else
   200 error("transition " ^ actstr ^ " is not a pure constructor term")
   201 end |
   202 extend thy atyp statetupel (actstr,r,(a,b)::c) =
   203 let
   204 fun pseudo_poststring [] = "" |
   205 pseudo_poststring ((a,b)::[]) = "(" ^ a ^ " = (" ^ b ^ "))" |
   206 pseudo_poststring ((a,b)::r) = "(" ^ a ^ " = (" ^ b ^ ")) & " ^ (pseudo_poststring r); 
   207 val trm = #t(rep_cterm(read_cterm (sign_of thy) (actstr,atyp)));
   208 val rtrm = #t(rep_cterm(read_cterm (sign_of thy) (r,Type("bool",[]))));
   209 val flag = if (rtrm=Const("True",Type("bool",[]))) then false else true
   210 in
   211 if (check_for_constr thy atyp trm) then
   212 (if ((a="") andalso (b="") andalso (c=[])) then (trm,actstr,r,"True",false)
   213 (* the case with transrel *)
   214  else 
   215  (trm,actstr,"(" ^ r ^ ") & " ^ (poststring statetupel ((a,b)::c)),
   216 	"(" ^ r ^ ") & " ^ (pseudo_poststring ((a,b)::c)),flag))
   217 else
   218 error("transition " ^ actstr ^ " is not a pure constructor term")
   219 end;
   220 (* used by make_alt_string *) 
   221 fun extended_list _ _ _ [] = [] |
   222 extended_list thy atyp statetupel (a::r) =
   223 	 (extend thy atyp statetupel a) :: (extended_list thy atyp statetupel r);
   225 (* used by write_alts *)
   226 fun write_alt thy (chead,tr) inp out int [] =
   227 if (chead mem inp) then
   228 (
   229 error("Input action " ^ tr ^ " was not specified")
   230 ) else (
   231 if (chead mem (out@int)) then
   232 (writeln("Action " ^ tr ^ " was completedly disabled due to missing specification")) else print("");
   233 (tr ^ " => False",tr ^ " => False")) |
   234 write_alt thy (chead,ctrm) inp out int ((a,b,c,d,e)::r) =
   235 let
   236 fun hd_of (Const(a,_)) = a |
   237 hd_of (t $ _) = hd_of t |
   238 hd_of _ = raise malformed;
   239 fun occurs_again c [] = false |
   240 occurs_again c ((a,_,_,_,_)::r) = if (c=(hd_of a)) then true else (occurs_again c r);
   241 in
   242 if (chead=(hd_of a)) then 
   243 (if ((chead mem inp) andalso e) then (
   244 error("Input action " ^ b ^ " has a precondition")
   245 ) else (if (chead mem (inp@out@int)) then 
   246 		(if (occurs_again chead r) then (
   247 error("Two specifications for action: " ^ b)
   248 		) else (b ^ " => " ^ c,b ^ " => " ^ d))
   249 	else (
   250 error("Action " ^ b ^ " is not in automaton signature")
   251 ))) else (write_alt thy (chead,ctrm) inp out int r)
   252 handle malformed =>
   253 error ("malformed action term: " ^ (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy) a))
   254 end;
   256 (* used by make_alt_string *)
   257 fun write_alts thy (a,b) inp out int [] ttr = (a,b) |
   258 write_alts thy (a,b) inp out int [c] ttr =
   259 let
   260 val wa = write_alt thy c inp out int ttr
   261 in
   262  (a ^ (fst wa),b ^ (snd wa))
   263 end |
   264 write_alts thy (a,b) inp out int (c::r) ttr =
   265 let
   266 val wa = write_alt thy c inp out int ttr
   267 in
   268  write_alts thy (a ^ (fst wa) ^ " | ", b ^ (snd wa) ^ " | ") inp out int r ttr
   269 end;
   271 fun make_alt_string thy inp out int atyp statetupel trans =
   272 let
   273 val cl = constr_list thy atyp;
   274 val ttr = extended_list thy atyp statetupel trans;
   275 in
   276 write_alts thy ("","") inp out int cl ttr
   277 end;
   279 (* used in gen_add_ioa *)
   280 fun check_free_primed (Free(a,_)) = 
   281 let
   282 val (f::r) = rev(explode a)
   283 in
   284 if (f="'") then [a] else []
   285 end | 
   286 check_free_primed (a $ b) = ((check_free_primed a) @ (check_free_primed b)) |
   287 check_free_primed (Abs(_,_,t)) = check_free_primed t |
   288 check_free_primed _ = [];
   290 fun overlap [] _ = true |
   291 overlap (a::r) l = if (a mem l) then (
   292 error("Two occurences of action " ^ a ^ " in automaton signature")
   293 ) else (overlap r l);
   295 (* delivering some types of an automaton *)
   296 fun aut_type_of thy aut_name =
   297 let
   298 fun left_of (( _ $ left) $ _) = left |
   299 left_of _ = raise malformed;
   300 val aut_def = concl_of(get_thm thy (aut_name ^ "_def"));
   301 in
   302 (#T(rep_cterm(cterm_of (sign_of thy) (left_of aut_def))))
   303 handle malformed => error ("malformed_theorem : " ^ aut_name ^ "_def")
   304 end;
   306 fun act_type_of thy (Type(pair1,(Type(pair_asig,(Type(actionset,[acttyp])::_))::_))) = acttyp |
   307 act_type_of thy t = error ("could not extract action type of following automaton type:\n" ^
   308 (Sign.string_of_typ (sign_of thy) t));
   309 fun st_type_of thy (Type(pair1,_::(Type(pair2,Type(initial_set,[statetyp])::_))::_)) = statetyp |
   310 st_type_of thy t = error ("could not extract state type of following automaton type:\n" ^
   311 (Sign.string_of_typ (sign_of thy) t));
   313 fun comp_st_type_of thy [a] = st_type_of thy (aut_type_of thy a) |
   314 comp_st_type_of thy (a::r) = Type("*",[st_type_of thy (aut_type_of thy a), comp_st_type_of thy r]) |
   315 comp_st_type_of _ _ = error "empty automaton list";
   317 (* checking consistency of action types (for composition) *)
   318 fun check_ac thy (a::r) =
   319 let
   320 fun ch_f_a thy acttyp [] = acttyp |
   321 ch_f_a thy acttyp (a::r) =
   322 let
   323 val auttyp = aut_type_of thy a;
   324 val ac = (act_type_of thy auttyp);
   325 in
   326 if (ac=acttyp) then (ch_f_a thy acttyp r) else (error "A")
   327 end;
   328 val auttyp = aut_type_of thy a;
   329 val acttyp = (act_type_of thy auttyp);
   330 in
   331 ch_f_a thy acttyp r
   332 end |
   333 check_ac _ [] = error "empty automaton list";
   335 fun clist [] = "" |
   336 clist [a] = a |
   337 clist (a::r) = a ^ " || " ^ (clist r);
   339 (* gen_add_ioa *)
   341 fun gen_add_ioa prep_term automaton_name action_type inp out int statetupel ini trans thy =
   342 (writeln("Constructing automaton " ^ automaton_name ^ "...");
   343 let
   344 val state_type_string = type_product_of_varlist(statetupel);
   345 val styp = #T(rep_ctyp (read_ctyp (sign_of thy) state_type_string)) ;
   346 val state_vars_tupel = "(" ^ (comma_list_of_varlist statetupel) ^ ")";
   347 val state_vars_primed = "(" ^ (primed_comma_list_of_varlist statetupel) ^ ")";
   348 val atyp = #T(rep_ctyp (read_ctyp (sign_of thy) action_type));
   349 val inp_set_string = action_set_string thy atyp inp;
   350 val out_set_string = action_set_string thy atyp out;
   351 val int_set_string = action_set_string thy atyp int;
   352 val inp_head_list = constructor_head_list thy action_type inp;
   353 val out_head_list = constructor_head_list thy action_type out;
   354 val int_head_list = constructor_head_list thy action_type int;
   355 val overlap_flag = ((overlap inp out) andalso (overlap inp int) andalso (overlap out int)); 
   356 val alt_string = make_alt_string thy inp_head_list out_head_list int_head_list 
   357 							atyp statetupel trans;
   358 val thy2 = (thy
   359 |> ContConsts.add_consts
   360 [(automaton_name ^ "_initial", "(" ^ state_type_string ^ ")set" ,NoSyn),
   361 (automaton_name ^ "_asig", "(" ^ action_type ^ ")signature" ,NoSyn),
   362 (automaton_name ^ "_trans",
   363  "(" ^ action_type ^ "," ^ state_type_string ^ ")transition set" ,NoSyn),
   364 (automaton_name, "(" ^ action_type ^ "," ^ state_type_string ^ ")ioa" ,NoSyn)]
   365 |> (PureThy.add_defs o map no_attributes) (* old: Attributes.none *)
   366 [(automaton_name ^ "_initial_def",
   367 automaton_name ^ "_initial == {" ^ state_vars_tupel ^ "." ^ ini ^ "}"),
   368 (automaton_name ^ "_asig_def",
   369 automaton_name ^ "_asig == (" ^
   370  inp_set_string ^ "," ^ out_set_string ^ "," ^ int_set_string ^ ")"),
   371 (automaton_name ^ "_trans_def",
   372 automaton_name ^ "_trans == {(" ^
   373  state_vars_tupel ^ ", act_of_" ^ automaton_name ^ ", " ^ state_vars_primed ^
   374 "). case act_of_" ^ automaton_name ^ " of " ^ fst(alt_string) ^ "}"),
   375 (automaton_name ^ "_def",
   376 automaton_name ^ " == (" ^ automaton_name ^ "_asig, " ^ automaton_name ^
   377 "_initial, " ^ automaton_name ^ "_trans,{},{})")
   378 ])
   379 val chk_prime_list = (check_free_primed (#t(rep_cterm(read_cterm (sign_of thy2)
   380 ( "case act_of_" ^ automaton_name ^ " of " ^ snd(alt_string),Type("bool",[]))))));
   381 in
   382 (
   383 if (chk_prime_list = []) then thy2
   384 else (
   385 error("Precondition or assignment terms in postconditions contain following primed variables:\n"
   386  ^ (list_elements_of chk_prime_list)))
   387 )
   388 end)
   390 fun gen_add_composition prep_term automaton_name aut_list thy =
   391 (writeln("Constructing automaton " ^ automaton_name ^ "...");
   392 let
   393 val acttyp = check_ac thy aut_list; 
   394 val st_typ = comp_st_type_of thy aut_list; 
   395 val comp_list = clist aut_list;
   396 in
   397 thy
   398 |> ContConsts.add_consts_i
   399 [(automaton_name,
   400 Type("*",
   401 [Type("*",[Type("set",[acttyp]),Type("*",[Type("set",[acttyp]),Type("set",[acttyp])])]),
   402  Type("*",[Type("set",[st_typ]),
   403   Type("*",[Type("set",[Type("*",[st_typ,Type("*",[acttyp,st_typ])])]),
   404    Type("*",[Type("set",[Type("set",[acttyp])]),Type("set",[Type("set",[acttyp])])])])])])
   405 ,NoSyn)]
   406 |> (PureThy.add_defs o map no_attributes)
   407 [(automaton_name ^ "_def",
   408 automaton_name ^ " == " ^ comp_list)]
   409 end)
   411 fun gen_add_restriction prep_term automaton_name aut_source actlist thy =
   412 (writeln("Constructing automaton " ^ automaton_name ^ "...");
   413 let
   414 val auttyp = aut_type_of thy aut_source;
   415 val acttyp = act_type_of thy auttyp; 
   416 val rest_set = action_set_string thy acttyp actlist
   417 in
   418 thy
   419 |> ContConsts.add_consts_i
   420 [(automaton_name, auttyp,NoSyn)]
   421 |> (PureThy.add_defs o map no_attributes)
   422 [(automaton_name ^ "_def",
   423 automaton_name ^ " == restrict " ^ aut_source ^ " " ^ rest_set)] 
   424 end)
   425 fun gen_add_hiding prep_term automaton_name aut_source actlist thy =
   426 (writeln("Constructing automaton " ^ automaton_name ^ "...");
   427 let
   428 val auttyp = aut_type_of thy aut_source;
   429 val acttyp = act_type_of thy auttyp; 
   430 val hid_set = action_set_string thy acttyp actlist
   431 in
   432 thy
   433 |> ContConsts.add_consts_i
   434 [(automaton_name, auttyp,NoSyn)]
   435 |> (PureThy.add_defs o map no_attributes)
   436 [(automaton_name ^ "_def",
   437 automaton_name ^ " == hide " ^ aut_source ^ " " ^ hid_set)] 
   438 end)
   440 fun ren_act_type_of thy funct =
   441 let
   442 (* going into a pseudo-proof-state to enable the use of function read *)
   443 val _ = goal thy (funct ^ " = t");
   444 fun arg_typ_of (Type("fun",[a,b])) = a |
   445 arg_typ_of _ = raise malformed;
   446 in
   447 arg_typ_of(#T(rep_cterm(cterm_of (sign_of thy) (read(funct)))))
   448 handle malformed => error ("could not extract argument type of renaming function term")
   449 end;
   451 fun gen_add_rename prep_term automaton_name aut_source fun_name thy =
   452 (writeln("Constructing automaton " ^ automaton_name ^ "...");
   453 let
   454 val auttyp = aut_type_of thy aut_source;
   455 val st_typ = st_type_of thy auttyp;
   456 val acttyp = ren_act_type_of thy fun_name
   457 in
   458 thy
   459 |> ContConsts.add_consts_i
   460 [(automaton_name,
   461 Type("*",
   462 [Type("*",[Type("set",[acttyp]),Type("*",[Type("set",[acttyp]),Type("set",[acttyp])])]),
   463  Type("*",[Type("set",[st_typ]),
   464   Type("*",[Type("set",[Type("*",[st_typ,Type("*",[acttyp,st_typ])])]),
   465    Type("*",[Type("set",[Type("set",[acttyp])]),Type("set",[Type("set",[acttyp])])])])])])
   466 ,NoSyn)]
   467 |> (PureThy.add_defs o map no_attributes)
   468 [(automaton_name ^ "_def",
   469 automaton_name ^ " == rename " ^ aut_source ^ " (" ^ fun_name ^ ")")]
   470 end)
   472 (* external interfaces *)
   474 fun read_term sg str =
   475   read_cterm sg (str, HOLogic.termTVar);
   477 fun cert_term sg tm =
   478   cterm_of sg tm handle TERM (msg, _) => error msg;
   480 in
   482 val add_ioa = gen_add_ioa read_term;
   483 val add_ioa_i = gen_add_ioa cert_term;
   484 val add_composition = gen_add_composition read_term;
   485 val add_composition_i = gen_add_composition cert_term;
   486 val add_hiding = gen_add_hiding read_term;
   487 val add_hiding_i = gen_add_hiding cert_term;
   488 val add_restriction = gen_add_restriction read_term;
   489 val add_restriction_i = gen_add_restriction cert_term;
   490 val add_rename = gen_add_rename read_term;
   491 val add_rename_i = gen_add_rename cert_term;
   493 end
   495 end;