changeset 21637 a7b156c404e2
child 21649 40e6fdd26f82
equal deleted inserted replaced
21636:88b815dca68d 21637:a7b156c404e2
     1 (*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/preferences.ML
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     David Aspinall and Markus Wenzel
     5 User preferences for Isabelle which are maintained by the interface.
     6 *)
     8 signature PREFERENCES = 
     9 sig
    10   type pgiptype = PgipTypes.pgiptype
    12   type isa_preference = { name: string,
    13 			  descr: string,
    14 			  default: string,
    15 			  pgiptype: pgiptype,
    16 			  get: unit -> string,
    17 			  set: string -> unit }
    19   val preferences : (string * isa_preference list) list
    20 end
    22 structure Preferences : PREFERENCES =
    23 struct
    25 val thm_depsN = "thm_deps";    (* also in proof_general_pgip.ML: move to pgip_isabelle? *)
    27 type pgiptype = PgipTypes.pgiptype
    29 type isa_preference = { name: string,
    30 			descr: string,
    31 			default: string,
    32 			pgiptype: pgiptype,
    33 			get: unit -> string,
    34 			set: string -> unit }
    37 fun mkpref get set typ nm descr = 
    38     { name=nm, descr=descr, pgiptype=typ, get=get, set=set, default=get() } : isa_preference
    40 fun mkpref_from_ref read write typ r nm descr =
    41     mkpref (fn()=> read (!r)) (fn v=> r:= (write v)) typ nm descr
    43 val int_pref = 
    44     mkpref_from_ref PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring (PgipTypes.read_pgipint (NONE,NONE))
    45 		    (PgipTypes.Pgipint (NONE, NONE))
    46 val nat_pref =
    47     mkpref_from_ref PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring PgipTypes.read_pgipnat PgipTypes.Pgipnat
    49 val bool_pref =
    50     mkpref_from_ref PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring PgipTypes.read_pgipbool PgipTypes.Pgipbool
    52 val proof_pref =
    53     let 
    54 	fun get () = PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring (! proofs >= 2)
    55 	fun set s = proofs := (if (PgipTypes.read_pgipbool s) then 1 else 2) 
    56     in
    57 	mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "full-proofs" 
    58 	       "Record full proof objects internally"
    59     end
    61 val thm_deps_pref = 
    62     let 
    63 	fun get () = PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring (Output.has_mode thm_depsN)
    64 	fun set s = if (PgipTypes.read_pgipbool s) then 
    65 			change print_mode (insert (op =) thm_depsN)
    66 		    else 
    67 			change print_mode (remove (op =) thm_depsN) 
    68     in
    69 	mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "theorem-dependencies" 
    70 	       "Track theorem dependencies within Proof General"
    71     end
    73 val print_depth_pref =
    74     let 
    75 	val pg_print_depth_val = ref 10
    76 	fun get () = PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring (! pg_print_depth_val)
    77 	fun setn n = (print_depth n; pg_print_depth_val := n)
    78 	val set = setn o PgipTypes.read_pgipnat
    79     in
    80 	mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "print-depth" "Setting for the ML print depth"
    81     end
    84 val display_preferences = 
    85     [bool_pref show_types
    86 	       "show-types" 
    87 	       "Include types in display of Isabelle terms",
    88      bool_pref show_sorts
    89 	       "show-sorts"
    90 	       "Include sorts in display of Isabelle terms",
    91      bool_pref show_consts
    92 	       "show-consts"
    93 	       "Show types of consts in Isabelle goal display",
    94      bool_pref long_names
    95 	       "long-names"
    96 	       "Show fully qualified names in Isabelle terms",
    97      bool_pref show_brackets
    98 	       "show-brackets"
    99 	       "Show full bracketing in Isabelle terms",
   100      bool_pref Proof.show_main_goal
   101 	       "show-main-goal"
   102 	       "Show main goal in proof state display",
   103      bool_pref Syntax.eta_contract
   104 	       "eta-contract"
   105 	       "Print terms eta-contracted"]
   107 val advanced_display_preferences =
   108     [nat_pref goals_limit
   109 	      "goals-limit"
   110 	      "Setting for maximum number of goals printed",
   111      int_pref ProofContext.prems_limit
   112 	      "prems-limit"
   113 	      "Setting for maximum number of premises printed",
   114      print_depth_pref,		
   115      bool_pref show_question_marks
   116 	       "show-question-marks"
   117 	       "Show leading question mark of variable name"]
   119 val tracing_preferences = 
   120     [bool_pref trace_simp
   121 	       "trace-simplifier"
   122 	       "Trace simplification rules.",
   123      nat_pref trace_simp_depth_limit
   124 	      "trace-simplifier-depth"
   125 	      "Trace simplifier depth limit.",
   126      bool_pref trace_rules
   127 	       "trace-rules"
   128 	       "Trace application of the standard rules",
   129      bool_pref Pattern.trace_unify_fail
   130 	       "trace-unification"
   131 	       "Output error diagnostics during unification",
   132      bool_pref Output.timing
   133 	       "global-timing"
   134 	       "Whether to enable timing in Isabelle.",
   135      bool_pref Output.show_debug_msgs
   136 		"debug-messages"
   137 		"Whether to show debugging messages."]
   139 val proof_preferences = 
   140     [bool_pref quick_and_dirty
   141 	       "quick-and-dirty"
   142 	       "Take a few short cuts",
   143      bool_pref Toplevel.skip_proofs
   144 	       "skip-proofs"
   145 	       "Ignore proof scripts (interactive-only)"]
   147 val preferences = 
   148     [("Display", display_preferences),
   149      ("Advanced Display", advanced_display_preferences),
   150      ("Tracing", tracing_preferences),
   151      ("Proof", proof_preferences)]
   153 end