changeset 14278 ae499452700a
child 15531 08c8dad8e399
equal deleted inserted replaced
14277:ad66687ece6e 14278:ae499452700a
     1 (* $Id$ *)
     3 signature LAZY_SCAN =
     4 sig
     6     exception SyntaxError
     8     type ('a,'b) scanner = 'a LazySeq.seq -> 'b * 'a LazySeq.seq
    10     val :--      : ('a,'b) scanner * ('b -> ('a,'c) scanner)
    11 		   -> ('a,'b*'c) scanner
    12     val --       : ('a,'b) scanner * ('a,'c) scanner -> ('a,'b*'c) scanner
    13     val >>       : ('a,'b) scanner * ('b -> 'c) -> ('a,'c) scanner
    14     val --|      : ('a,'b) scanner * ('a,'c) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
    15     val |--      : ('a,'b) scanner * ('a,'c) scanner -> ('a,'c) scanner
    16     val ^^       : ('a,string) scanner * ('a,string) scanner
    17 		   -> ('a,string) scanner
    18     val ||       : ('a,'b) scanner * ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
    19     val one      : ('a -> bool) -> ('a,'a) scanner
    20     val succeed  : 'b -> ('a,'b) scanner
    21     val any      : ('a -> bool) -> ('a,'a list) scanner
    22     val any1     : ('a -> bool) -> ('a,'a list) scanner
    23     val optional : ('a,'b) scanner -> 'b -> ('a,'b) scanner
    24     val option   : ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b option) scanner
    25     val repeat   : ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b list) scanner
    26     val repeat1  : ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b list) scanner
    27     val ahead    : ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
    28     val unless   : ('a LazySeq.seq -> bool) -> ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
    29     val $$       : ''a -> (''a,''a) scanner
    30     val !!       : ('a LazySeq.seq -> string) -> ('a,'b) scanner -> ('a,'b) scanner
    31     val scan_full: ('a,'b) scanner -> 'a LazySeq.seq -> 'b LazySeq.seq
    33 end
    35 structure LazyScan :> LAZY_SCAN =
    36 struct
    38 infix 7 |-- --|
    39 infix 5 :-- -- ^^
    40 infix 3 >>
    41 infix 0 ||
    43 exception SyntaxError
    44 exception Fail of string
    46 type ('a,'b) scanner = 'a LazySeq.seq -> 'b * 'a LazySeq.seq
    48 fun (sc1 :-- sc2) toks =
    49     let
    50 	val (x,toks2) = sc1 toks
    51 	val (y,toks3) = sc2 x toks2
    52     in
    53 	((x,y),toks3)
    54     end
    56 fun (sc1 -- sc2) toks =
    57     let
    58 	val (x,toks2) = sc1 toks
    59 	val (y,toks3) = sc2 toks2
    60     in
    61 	((x,y),toks3)
    62     end
    64 fun (sc >> f) toks =
    65     let
    66 	val (x,toks2) = sc toks
    67     in
    68 	(f x,toks2)
    69     end
    71 fun (sc1 --| sc2) toks =
    72     let
    73 	val (x,toks2) = sc1 toks
    74 	val (_,toks3) = sc2 toks2
    75     in
    76 	(x,toks3)
    77     end
    79 fun (sc1 |-- sc2) toks =
    80     let
    81 	val (_,toks2) = sc1 toks
    82     in
    83 	sc2 toks2
    84     end
    86 fun (sc1 ^^ sc2) toks =
    87     let
    88 	val (x,toks2) = sc1 toks
    89 	val (y,toks3) = sc2 toks2
    90     in
    91 	(x^y,toks3)
    92     end
    94 fun (sc1 || sc2) toks =
    95     (sc1 toks)
    96     handle SyntaxError => sc2 toks
    98 fun one p toks =
    99     case LazySeq.getItem toks of
   100 	None => raise SyntaxError
   101       | Some(t,toks) => if p t
   102 			then (t,toks)
   103 			else raise SyntaxError
   105 fun succeed e toks = (e,toks)
   107 fun any p toks =
   108     case LazySeq.getItem toks of
   109 	None =>  ([],toks)
   110       | Some(x,toks2) => if p x
   111 			 then
   112 			     let
   113 				 val (xs,toks3) = any p toks2
   114 			     in
   115 				 (x::xs,toks3)
   116 			     end
   117 			 else ([],toks)
   119 fun any1 p toks =
   120     let
   121 	val (x,toks2) = one p toks
   122 	val (xs,toks3) = any p toks2
   123     in
   124 	(x::xs,toks3)
   125     end
   127 fun optional sc def =  sc || succeed def
   128 fun option sc = (sc >> Some) || succeed None
   130 (*
   131 fun repeat sc =
   132     let
   133 	fun R toks =
   134 	    let
   135 		val (x,toks2) = sc toks
   136 		val (xs,toks3) = R toks2
   137 	    in
   138 		(x::xs,toks3)
   139 	    end
   140 	    handle SyntaxError => ([],toks)
   141     in
   142 	R
   143     end
   144 *)
   146 (* A tail-recursive version of repeat.  It is (ever so) slightly slower
   147  * than the above, non-tail-recursive version (due to the garbage generation
   148  * associated with the reversal of the list).  However,  this version will be
   149  * able to process input where the former version must give up (due to stack
   150  * overflow).  The slowdown seems to be around the one percent mark.
   151  *)
   152 fun repeat sc =
   153     let
   154 	fun R xs toks =
   155 	    case Some (sc toks) handle SyntaxError => None of
   156 		Some (x,toks2) => R (x::xs) toks2
   157 	      | None => (List.rev xs,toks)
   158     in
   159 	R []
   160     end
   162 fun repeat1 sc toks =
   163     let
   164 	val (x,toks2) = sc toks
   165 	val (xs,toks3) = repeat sc toks2
   166     in
   167 	(x::xs,toks3)
   168     end
   170 fun ahead (sc:'a->'b*'a) toks = (#1 (sc toks),toks)
   172 fun unless test sc toks =
   173     let
   174 	val test_failed = (test toks;false) handle SyntaxError => true
   175     in
   176 	if test_failed
   177 	then sc toks
   178 	else raise SyntaxError
   179     end
   181 fun $$ arg = one (fn x => x = arg)
   183 fun !! f sc toks = (sc toks
   184 		    handle SyntaxError => raise Fail (f toks))
   186 fun scan_full sc toks =
   187     let
   188 	fun F toks =
   189 	    if LazySeq.null toks
   190 	    then None
   191 	    else
   192 		let
   193 		    val (x,toks') = sc toks
   194 		in
   195 		    Some(x,LazySeq.make (fn () => F toks'))
   196 		end
   197     in
   198 	LazySeq.make (fn () => F toks)
   199     end
   201 end