changeset 68516 b0c4a34ccfef
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68515:0854edc4d415 68516:b0c4a34ccfef
     1 (* Author: Tobias Nipkow *)
     3 section \<open>Trie and Patricia Trie Implementations of \mbox{\<open>bool list set\<close>}\<close>
     5 theory Trie
     6 imports Set_Specs
     7 begin
     9 hide_const (open) insert
    11 declare Let_def[simp]
    14 subsection "Trie"
    16 datatype trie = Leaf | Node bool "trie * trie"
    18 text \<open>The pairing allows things like \<open>Node b (if \<dots> then (l,r) else (r,l))\<close>.\<close>
    20 fun isin :: "trie \<Rightarrow> bool list \<Rightarrow> bool" where
    21 "isin Leaf ks = False" |
    22 "isin (Node b (l,r)) ks =
    23    (case ks of
    24       [] \<Rightarrow> b |
    25       k#ks \<Rightarrow> isin (if k then r else l) ks)"
    27 fun insert :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> trie \<Rightarrow> trie" where
    28 "insert [] Leaf = Node True (Leaf,Leaf)" |
    29 "insert [] (Node b lr) = Node True lr" |
    30 "insert (k#ks) Leaf =
    31   Node False (if k then (Leaf, insert ks Leaf)
    32                    else (insert ks Leaf, Leaf))" |
    33 "insert (k#ks) (Node b (l,r)) =
    34   Node b (if k then (l, insert ks r)
    35                else (insert ks l, r))"
    37 fun shrink_Node :: "bool \<Rightarrow> trie * trie \<Rightarrow> trie" where
    38 "shrink_Node b lr = (if \<not> b \<and> lr = (Leaf,Leaf) then Leaf else Node b lr)"
    40 fun delete :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> trie \<Rightarrow> trie" where
    41 "delete ks Leaf = Leaf" |
    42 "delete ks (Node b (l,r)) =
    43    (case ks of
    44       [] \<Rightarrow> shrink_Node False (l,r) |
    45       k#ks' \<Rightarrow> shrink_Node b (if k then (l, delete ks' r) else (delete ks' l, r)))"
    47 fun invar :: "trie \<Rightarrow> bool" where
    48 "invar Leaf = True" |
    49 "invar (Node b (l,r)) = ((\<not> b \<longrightarrow> l \<noteq> Leaf \<or> r \<noteq> Leaf) \<and> invar l \<and> invar r)"
    52 subsubsection \<open>Functional Correctness\<close>
    54 lemma isin_insert: "isin (insert as t) bs = (as = bs \<or> isin t bs)"
    55 apply(induction as t arbitrary: bs rule: insert.induct)
    56 apply(auto split: list.splits)
    57 done
    59 lemma isin_delete: "isin (delete as t) bs = (as \<noteq> bs \<and> isin t bs)"
    60 apply(induction as t arbitrary: bs rule: delete.induct)
    61  apply simp
    62 apply (auto split: list.splits; fastforce)
    63 done
    65 lemma insert_not_Leaf: "insert ks t \<noteq> Leaf"
    66 by(cases "(ks,t)" rule: insert.cases) auto
    68 lemma invar_insert: "invar t \<Longrightarrow> invar (insert ks t)"
    69 by(induction ks t rule: insert.induct)(auto simp: insert_not_Leaf)
    71 lemma invar_delete: "invar t \<Longrightarrow> invar (delete ks t)"
    72 by(induction ks t rule: delete.induct)(auto split: list.split)
    74 interpretation T: Set
    75 where empty = Leaf and insert = insert and delete = delete and isin = isin
    76 and set = "\<lambda>t. {x. isin t x}" and invar = invar
    77 proof (standard, goal_cases)
    78   case 1 thus ?case by simp
    79 next
    80   case 2 thus ?case by simp
    81 next
    82   case 3 thus ?case by (auto simp add: isin_insert)
    83 next
    84   case 4 thus ?case by (auto simp add: isin_delete)
    85 next
    86   case 5 thus ?case by simp
    87 next
    88   case 6 thus ?case by (auto simp add: invar_insert)
    89 next
    90   case 7 thus ?case by (auto simp add: invar_delete)
    91 qed
    94 subsection "Patricia Trie"
    96 datatype trieP = LeafP | NodeP "bool list" bool "trieP * trieP"
    98 fun isinP :: "trieP \<Rightarrow> bool list \<Rightarrow> bool" where
    99 "isinP LeafP ks = False" |
   100 "isinP (NodeP ps b (l,r)) ks =
   101   (let n = length ps in
   102    if ps = take n ks
   103    then case drop n ks of [] \<Rightarrow> b | k#ks' \<Rightarrow> isinP (if k then r else l) ks'
   104    else False)"
   106 text \<open>\<open>split xs ys = (zs, xs', ys')\<close> iff
   107   \<open>zs\<close> is the longest common prefix of \<open>xs\<close> and \<open>ys\<close> and
   108   \<open>xs = zs @ xs'\<close> and \<open>ys = zs @ ys'\<close>\<close>
   109 fun split where
   110 "split [] ys = ([],[],ys)" |
   111 "split xs [] = ([],xs,[])" |
   112 "split (x#xs) (y#ys) =
   113   (if x\<noteq>y then ([],x#xs,y#ys)
   114    else let (ps,xs',ys') = split xs ys in (x#ps,xs',ys'))"
   116 fun insertP :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> trieP \<Rightarrow> trieP" where
   117 "insertP ks LeafP  = NodeP ks True (LeafP,LeafP)" |
   118 "insertP ks (NodeP ps b (l,r)) =
   119   (case split ks ps of
   120      (qs,k#ks',p#ps') \<Rightarrow>
   121        let tp = NodeP ps' b (l,r); tk = NodeP ks' True (LeafP,LeafP)
   122        in NodeP qs False (if k then (tp,tk) else (tk,tp)) |
   123      (qs,k#ks',[]) \<Rightarrow>
   124        NodeP ps b (if k then (l,insertP ks' r) else (insertP ks' l, r)) |
   125      (qs,[],p#ps') \<Rightarrow>
   126        let t = NodeP ps' b (l,r)
   127        in NodeP qs True (if p then (LeafP, t) else (t, LeafP)) |
   128      (qs,[],[]) \<Rightarrow> NodeP ps True (l,r))"
   130 fun shrink_NodeP where
   131 "shrink_NodeP ps b lr = (if b then NodeP ps b lr else
   132   case lr of
   133      (LeafP, LeafP) \<Rightarrow> LeafP |
   134      (LeafP, NodeP ps' b' lr') \<Rightarrow> NodeP (ps @ True # ps') b' lr' |
   135      (NodeP ps' b' lr', LeafP) \<Rightarrow> NodeP (ps @ False # ps') b' lr' |
   136      _ \<Rightarrow> NodeP ps b lr)"
   138 fun deleteP :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> trieP \<Rightarrow> trieP" where
   139 "deleteP ks LeafP  = LeafP" |
   140 "deleteP ks (NodeP ps b (l,r)) =
   141   (case split ks ps of
   142      (qs,_,p#ps') \<Rightarrow> NodeP ps b (l,r) |
   143      (qs,k#ks',[]) \<Rightarrow>
   144        shrink_NodeP ps b (if k then (l, deleteP ks' r) else (deleteP ks' l, r)) |
   145      (qs,[],[]) \<Rightarrow> shrink_NodeP ps False (l,r))"
   147 fun invarP :: "trieP \<Rightarrow> bool" where
   148 "invarP LeafP = True" |
   149 "invarP (NodeP ps b (l,r)) = ((\<not>b \<longrightarrow> l \<noteq> LeafP \<or> r \<noteq> LeafP) \<and> invarP l \<and> invarP r)"
   151 text \<open>The abstraction function(s):\<close>
   153 fun prefix_trie :: "bool list \<Rightarrow> trie \<Rightarrow> trie" where
   154 "prefix_trie [] t = t" |
   155 "prefix_trie (k#ks) t =
   156   (let t' = prefix_trie ks t in shrink_Node False (if k then (Leaf,t') else (t',Leaf)))"
   158 fun abs_trieP :: "trieP \<Rightarrow> trie" where
   159 "abs_trieP LeafP = Leaf" |
   160 "abs_trieP (NodeP ps b (l,r)) = prefix_trie ps (Node b (abs_trieP l, abs_trieP r))"
   163 subsubsection \<open>Functional Correctness\<close>
   165 text \<open>IsinP:\<close>
   167 lemma isin_prefix_trie: "isin (prefix_trie ps t) ks =
   168   (length ks \<ge> length ps \<and>
   169   (let n = length ps in ps = take n ks \<and> isin t (drop n ks)))"
   170 by(induction ps arbitrary: ks)(auto split: list.split)
   172 lemma isinP: "isinP t ks = isin (abs_trieP t) ks"
   173 apply(induction t arbitrary: ks rule: abs_trieP.induct)
   174  apply(auto simp: isin_prefix_trie split: list.split)
   175  using nat_le_linear apply force
   176 using nat_le_linear apply force
   177 done
   179 text \<open>Insert:\<close>
   181 lemma prefix_trie_Leaf_iff: "prefix_trie ps t = Leaf \<longleftrightarrow> t = Leaf"
   182 by (induction ps) auto
   184 lemma prefix_trie_Leafs: "prefix_trie ks (Node True (Leaf,Leaf)) = insert ks Leaf"
   185 by(induction ks) (auto simp: prefix_trie_Leaf_iff)
   187 lemma prefix_trie_Leaf: "prefix_trie ps Leaf = Leaf"
   188 by(induction ps) auto
   190 lemma insert_append: "insert (ks @ ks') (prefix_trie ks t) = prefix_trie ks (insert ks' t)"
   191 by(induction ks) (auto simp: prefix_trie_Leaf_iff insert_not_Leaf prefix_trie_Leaf)
   193 lemma prefix_trie_append: "prefix_trie (ps @ qs) t = prefix_trie ps (prefix_trie qs t)"
   194 by(induction ps) auto
   196 lemma split_iff: "split xs ys = (zs, xs', ys') \<longleftrightarrow>
   197   xs = zs @ xs' \<and> ys = zs @ ys' \<and> (xs' \<noteq> [] \<and> ys' \<noteq> [] \<longrightarrow> hd xs' \<noteq> hd ys')"
   198 proof(induction xs ys arbitrary: zs xs' ys' rule: split.induct)
   199   case 1 thus ?case by auto
   200 next
   201   case 2 thus ?case by auto
   202 next
   203   case 3 thus ?case by(clarsimp simp: Cons_eq_append_conv split: prod.splits if_splits) auto
   204 qed
   206 lemma abs_trieP_insertP:
   207   "abs_trieP (insertP ks t) = insert ks (abs_trieP t)"
   208 apply(induction t arbitrary: ks)
   209 apply(auto simp: prefix_trie_Leafs insert_append prefix_trie_append
   210         prefix_trie_Leaf_iff split_iff split: list.split prod.split)
   211 done
   213 corollary isinP_insertP: "isinP (insertP ks t) ks' = (ks=ks' \<or> isinP t ks')"
   214 by (simp add: isin_insert isinP abs_trieP_insertP)
   216 lemma insertP_not_LeafP: "insertP ks t \<noteq> LeafP"
   217 apply(induction ks t rule: insertP.induct)
   218 apply(auto split: prod.split list.split)
   219 done
   221 lemma invarP_insertP: "invarP t \<Longrightarrow> invarP (insertP ks t)"
   222 apply(induction ks t rule: insertP.induct)
   223 apply(auto simp: insertP_not_LeafP split: prod.split list.split)
   224 done
   226 text \<open>Delete:\<close>
   228 lemma invar_shrink_NodeP: "\<lbrakk> invarP l; invarP r \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> invarP (shrink_NodeP ps b (l,r))"
   229 by(auto split: trieP.split)
   231 lemma invarP_deleteP: "invarP t \<Longrightarrow> invarP (deleteP ks t)"
   232 apply(induction t arbitrary: ks)
   233 apply(auto simp: invar_shrink_NodeP split_iff simp del: shrink_NodeP.simps
   234            split!: list.splits prod.split if_splits)
   235 done
   237 lemma delete_append:
   238   "delete (ks @ ks') (prefix_trie ks t) = prefix_trie ks (delete ks' t)"
   239 by(induction ks) auto
   241 lemma abs_trieP_shrink_NodeP:
   242   "abs_trieP (shrink_NodeP ps b (l,r)) = prefix_trie ps (shrink_Node b (abs_trieP l, abs_trieP r))"
   243 apply(induction ps arbitrary: b l r)
   244 apply (auto simp: prefix_trie_Leaf prefix_trie_Leaf_iff prefix_trie_append
   245             split!: trieP.splits if_splits)
   246 done
   248 lemma abs_trieP_deleteP:
   249   "abs_trieP (deleteP ks t) = delete ks (abs_trieP t)"
   250 apply(induction t arbitrary: ks)
   251 apply(auto simp: prefix_trie_Leafs delete_append prefix_trie_Leaf
   252                  abs_trieP_shrink_NodeP prefix_trie_append split_iff
   253            simp del: shrink_NodeP.simps split!: list.split prod.split if_splits)
   254 done
   256 corollary isinP_deleteP: "isinP (deleteP ks t) ks' = (ks\<noteq>ks' \<and> isinP t ks')"
   257 by (simp add: isin_delete isinP abs_trieP_deleteP)
   259 interpretation PT: Set
   260 where empty = LeafP and insert = insertP and delete = deleteP
   261 and isin = isinP and set = "\<lambda>t. {x. isinP t x}" and invar = invarP
   262 proof (standard, goal_cases)
   263   case 1 thus ?case by (simp)
   264 next
   265   case 2 thus ?case by (simp)
   266 next
   267   case 3 thus ?case by (auto simp add: isinP_insertP)
   268 next
   269   case 4 thus ?case by (auto simp add: isinP_deleteP)
   270 next
   271   case 5 thus ?case by (simp)
   272 next
   273   case 6 thus ?case by (simp add: invarP_insertP)
   274 next
   275   case 7 thus ?case by (auto simp add: invarP_deleteP)
   276 qed
   278 end