changeset 56420 b266e7a86485
parent 55112 b1a5d603fd12
equal deleted inserted replaced
56419:f47de9e82b0f 56420:b266e7a86485
     1 theory Outer_Syntax
     2 imports Base Main
     3 begin
     5 chapter {* Outer syntax --- the theory language \label{ch:outer-syntax} *}
     7 text {*
     8   The rather generic framework of Isabelle/Isar syntax emerges from
     9   three main syntactic categories: \emph{commands} of the top-level
    10   Isar engine (covering theory and proof elements), \emph{methods} for
    11   general goal refinements (analogous to traditional ``tactics''), and
    12   \emph{attributes} for operations on facts (within a certain
    13   context).  Subsequently we give a reference of basic syntactic
    14   entities underlying Isabelle/Isar syntax in a bottom-up manner.
    15   Concrete theory and proof language elements will be introduced later
    16   on.
    18   \medskip In order to get started with writing well-formed
    19   Isabelle/Isar documents, the most important aspect to be noted is
    20   the difference of \emph{inner} versus \emph{outer} syntax.  Inner
    21   syntax is that of Isabelle types and terms of the logic, while outer
    22   syntax is that of Isabelle/Isar theory sources (specifications and
    23   proofs).  As a general rule, inner syntax entities may occur only as
    24   \emph{atomic entities} within outer syntax.  For example, the string
    25   @{verbatim "\"x + y\""} and identifier @{verbatim z} are legal term
    26   specifications within a theory, while @{verbatim "x + y"} without
    27   quotes is not.
    29   Printed theory documents usually omit quotes to gain readability
    30   (this is a matter of {\LaTeX} macro setup, say via @{verbatim
    31   "\\isabellestyle"}, see also \cite{isabelle-sys}).  Experienced
    32   users of Isabelle/Isar may easily reconstruct the lost technical
    33   information, while mere readers need not care about quotes at all.
    35   \medskip Isabelle/Isar input may contain any number of input
    36   termination characters ``@{verbatim ";"}'' (semicolon) to separate
    37   commands explicitly.  This is particularly useful in interactive
    38   shell sessions to make clear where the current command is intended
    39   to end.  Otherwise, the interpreter loop will continue to issue a
    40   secondary prompt ``@{verbatim "#"}'' until an end-of-command is
    41   clearly recognized from the input syntax, e.g.\ encounter of the
    42   next command keyword.
    44   More advanced interfaces such as Isabelle/jEdit \cite{Wenzel:2012}
    45   and Proof~General \cite{proofgeneral} do not require explicit
    46   semicolons: command spans are determined by inspecting the content
    47   of the editor buffer.  In the printed presentation of Isabelle/Isar
    48   documents semicolons are omitted altogether for readability.
    50   \begin{warn}
    51     Proof~General requires certain syntax classification tables in
    52     order to achieve properly synchronized interaction with the
    53     Isabelle/Isar process.  These tables need to be consistent with
    54     the Isabelle version and particular logic image to be used in a
    55     running session (common object-logics may well change the outer
    56     syntax).  The standard setup should work correctly with any of the
    57     ``official'' logic images derived from Isabelle/HOL (including
    58     HOLCF etc.).  Users of alternative logics may need to tell
    59     Proof~General explicitly, e.g.\ by giving an option @{verbatim "-k ZF"}
    60     (in conjunction with @{verbatim "-l ZF"}, to specify the default
    61     logic image).  Note that option @{verbatim "-L"} does both
    62     of this at the same time.
    63   \end{warn}
    64 *}
    67 section {* Commands *}
    69 text {*
    70   \begin{matharray}{rcl}
    71     @{command_def "print_commands"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
    72     @{command_def "help"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
    73   \end{matharray}
    75   @{rail \<open>
    76     @@{command help} (@{syntax name} * )
    77   \<close>}
    79   \begin{description}
    81   \item @{command "print_commands"} prints all outer syntax keywords
    82   and commands.
    84   \item @{command "help"}~@{text "pats"} retrieves outer syntax
    85   commands according to the specified name patterns.
    87   \end{description}
    88 *}
    91 subsubsection {* Examples *}
    93 text {* Some common diagnostic commands are retrieved like this
    94   (according to usual naming conventions): *}
    96 help "print"
    97 help "find"
   100 section {* Lexical matters \label{sec:outer-lex} *}
   102 text {* The outer lexical syntax consists of three main categories of
   103   syntax tokens:
   105   \begin{enumerate}
   107   \item \emph{major keywords} --- the command names that are available
   108   in the present logic session;
   110   \item \emph{minor keywords} --- additional literal tokens required
   111   by the syntax of commands;
   113   \item \emph{named tokens} --- various categories of identifiers etc.
   115   \end{enumerate}
   117   Major keywords and minor keywords are guaranteed to be disjoint.
   118   This helps user-interfaces to determine the overall structure of a
   119   theory text, without knowing the full details of command syntax.
   120   Internally, there is some additional information about the kind of
   121   major keywords, which approximates the command type (theory command,
   122   proof command etc.).
   124   Keywords override named tokens.  For example, the presence of a
   125   command called @{verbatim term} inhibits the identifier @{verbatim
   126   term}, but the string @{verbatim "\"term\""} can be used instead.
   127   By convention, the outer syntax always allows quoted strings in
   128   addition to identifiers, wherever a named entity is expected.
   130   When tokenizing a given input sequence, the lexer repeatedly takes
   131   the longest prefix of the input that forms a valid token.  Spaces,
   132   tabs, newlines and formfeeds between tokens serve as explicit
   133   separators.
   135   \medskip The categories for named tokens are defined once and for
   136   all as follows.
   138   \begin{center}
   139   \begin{supertabular}{rcl}
   140     @{syntax_def ident} & = & @{text "letter (subscript\<^sup>? quasiletter)\<^sup>*"} \\
   141     @{syntax_def longident} & = & @{text "ident("}@{verbatim "."}@{text "ident)\<^sup>+"} \\
   142     @{syntax_def symident} & = & @{text "sym\<^sup>+  |  "}@{verbatim "\\"}@{verbatim "<"}@{text ident}@{verbatim ">"} \\
   143     @{syntax_def nat} & = & @{text "digit\<^sup>+"} \\
   144     @{syntax_def float} & = & @{syntax_ref nat}@{verbatim "."}@{syntax_ref nat}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "-"}@{syntax_ref nat}@{verbatim "."}@{syntax_ref nat} \\
   145     @{syntax_def var} & = & @{verbatim "?"}@{text "ident  |  "}@{verbatim "?"}@{text ident}@{verbatim "."}@{text nat} \\
   146     @{syntax_def typefree} & = & @{verbatim "'"}@{text ident} \\
   147     @{syntax_def typevar} & = & @{verbatim "?"}@{text "typefree  |  "}@{verbatim "?"}@{text typefree}@{verbatim "."}@{text nat} \\
   148     @{syntax_def string} & = & @{verbatim "\""} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim "\""} \\
   149     @{syntax_def altstring} & = & @{verbatim "`"} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim "`"} \\
   150     @{syntax_def cartouche} & = & @{verbatim "\<open>"} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim "\<close>"} \\
   151     @{syntax_def verbatim} & = & @{verbatim "{*"} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim "*"}@{verbatim "}"} \\[1ex]
   153     @{text letter} & = & @{text "latin  |  "}@{verbatim "\\"}@{verbatim "<"}@{text latin}@{verbatim ">"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\\"}@{verbatim "<"}@{text "latin latin"}@{verbatim ">"}@{text "  |  greek  |"} \\
   154     @{text subscript} & = & @{verbatim "\<^sub>"} \\
   155     @{text quasiletter} & = & @{text "letter  |  digit  |  "}@{verbatim "_"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "'"} \\
   156     @{text latin} & = & @{verbatim a}@{text "  | \<dots> |  "}@{verbatim z}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim A}@{text "  |  \<dots> |  "}@{verbatim Z} \\
   157     @{text digit} & = & @{verbatim "0"}@{text "  |  \<dots> |  "}@{verbatim "9"} \\
   158     @{text sym} & = & @{verbatim "!"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "#"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "$"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "%"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "&"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "*"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "+"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "-"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "/"}@{text "  |"} \\
   159     & & @{verbatim "<"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "="}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim ">"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "?"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "@"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "^"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "_"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "|"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "~"} \\
   160     @{text greek} & = & @{verbatim "\<alpha>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<beta>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<gamma>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<delta>"}@{text "  |"} \\
   161           &   & @{verbatim "\<epsilon>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<zeta>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<eta>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<theta>"}@{text "  |"} \\
   162           &   & @{verbatim "\<iota>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<kappa>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<mu>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<nu>"}@{text "  |"} \\
   163           &   & @{verbatim "\<xi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<pi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<rho>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<sigma>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<tau>"}@{text "  |"} \\
   164           &   & @{verbatim "\<upsilon>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<phi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<chi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<psi>"}@{text "  |"} \\
   165           &   & @{verbatim "\<omega>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Gamma>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Delta>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Theta>"}@{text "  |"} \\
   166           &   & @{verbatim "\<Lambda>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Xi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Pi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Sigma>"}@{text "  |"} \\
   167           &   & @{verbatim "\<Upsilon>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Phi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Psi>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "\<Omega>"} \\
   168   \end{supertabular}
   169   \end{center}
   171   A @{syntax_ref var} or @{syntax_ref typevar} describes an unknown,
   172   which is internally a pair of base name and index (ML type @{ML_type
   173   indexname}).  These components are either separated by a dot as in
   174   @{text "?x.1"} or @{text "?x7.3"} or run together as in @{text
   175   "?x1"}.  The latter form is possible if the base name does not end
   176   with digits.  If the index is 0, it may be dropped altogether:
   177   @{text "?x"} and @{text "?x0"} and @{text "?x.0"} all refer to the
   178   same unknown, with basename @{text "x"} and index 0.
   180   The syntax of @{syntax_ref string} admits any characters, including
   181   newlines; ``@{verbatim "\""}'' (double-quote) and ``@{verbatim
   182   "\\"}'' (backslash) need to be escaped by a backslash; arbitrary
   183   character codes may be specified as ``@{verbatim "\\"}@{text ddd}'',
   184   with three decimal digits.  Alternative strings according to
   185   @{syntax_ref altstring} are analogous, using single back-quotes
   186   instead.
   188   The body of @{syntax_ref verbatim} may consist of any text not
   189   containing ``@{verbatim "*"}@{verbatim "}"}''; this allows
   190   convenient inclusion of quotes without further escapes.  There is no
   191   way to escape ``@{verbatim "*"}@{verbatim "}"}''.  If the quoted
   192   text is {\LaTeX} source, one may usually add some blank or comment
   193   to avoid the critical character sequence.
   195   A @{syntax_ref cartouche} consists of arbitrary text, with properly
   196   balanced blocks of ``@{verbatim "\<open>"}~@{text "\<dots>"}~@{verbatim
   197   "\<close>"}''.  Note that the rendering of cartouche delimiters is
   198   usually like this: ``@{text "\<open> \<dots> \<close>"}''.
   200   Source comments take the form @{verbatim "(*"}~@{text
   201   "\<dots>"}~@{verbatim "*)"} and may be nested, although the user-interface
   202   might prevent this.  Note that this form indicates source comments
   203   only, which are stripped after lexical analysis of the input.  The
   204   Isar syntax also provides proper \emph{document comments} that are
   205   considered as part of the text (see \secref{sec:comments}).
   207   Common mathematical symbols such as @{text \<forall>} are represented in
   208   Isabelle as @{verbatim \<forall>}.  There are infinitely many Isabelle
   209   symbols like this, although proper presentation is left to front-end
   210   tools such as {\LaTeX}, Proof~General, or Isabelle/jEdit.  A list of
   211   predefined Isabelle symbols that work well with these tools is given
   212   in \appref{app:symbols}.  Note that @{verbatim "\<lambda>"} does not belong
   213   to the @{text letter} category, since it is already used differently
   214   in the Pure term language.  *}
   217 section {* Common syntax entities *}
   219 text {*
   220   We now introduce several basic syntactic entities, such as names,
   221   terms, and theorem specifications, which are factored out of the
   222   actual Isar language elements to be described later.
   223 *}
   226 subsection {* Names *}
   228 text {* Entity @{syntax name} usually refers to any name of types,
   229   constants, theorems etc.\ that are to be \emph{declared} or
   230   \emph{defined} (so qualified identifiers are excluded here).  Quoted
   231   strings provide an escape for non-identifier names or those ruled
   232   out by outer syntax keywords (e.g.\ quoted @{verbatim "\"let\""}).
   233   Already existing objects are usually referenced by @{syntax
   234   nameref}.
   236   @{rail \<open>
   237     @{syntax_def name}: @{syntax ident} | @{syntax symident} |
   238       @{syntax string} | @{syntax nat}
   239     ;
   240     @{syntax_def parname}: '(' @{syntax name} ')'
   241     ;
   242     @{syntax_def nameref}: @{syntax name} | @{syntax longident}
   243   \<close>}
   244 *}
   247 subsection {* Numbers *}
   249 text {* The outer lexical syntax (\secref{sec:outer-lex}) admits
   250   natural numbers and floating point numbers.  These are combined as
   251   @{syntax int} and @{syntax real} as follows.
   253   @{rail \<open>
   254     @{syntax_def int}: @{syntax nat} | '-' @{syntax nat}
   255     ;
   256     @{syntax_def real}: @{syntax float} | @{syntax int}
   257   \<close>}
   259   Note that there is an overlap with the category @{syntax name},
   260   which also includes @{syntax nat}.
   261 *}
   264 subsection {* Comments \label{sec:comments} *}
   266 text {* Large chunks of plain @{syntax text} are usually given
   267   @{syntax verbatim}, i.e.\ enclosed in @{verbatim "{"}@{verbatim
   268   "*"}~@{text "\<dots>"}~@{verbatim "*"}@{verbatim "}"}.  For convenience,
   269   any of the smaller text units conforming to @{syntax nameref} are
   270   admitted as well.  A marginal @{syntax comment} is of the form
   271   @{verbatim "--"}~@{syntax text}.  Any number of these may occur
   272   within Isabelle/Isar commands.
   274   @{rail \<open>
   275     @{syntax_def text}: @{syntax verbatim} | @{syntax nameref}
   276     ;
   277     @{syntax_def comment}: '--' @{syntax text}
   278   \<close>}
   279 *}
   282 subsection {* Type classes, sorts and arities *}
   284 text {*
   285   Classes are specified by plain names.  Sorts have a very simple
   286   inner syntax, which is either a single class name @{text c} or a
   287   list @{text "{c\<^sub>1, \<dots>, c\<^sub>n}"} referring to the
   288   intersection of these classes.  The syntax of type arities is given
   289   directly at the outer level.
   291   @{rail \<open>
   292     @{syntax_def classdecl}: @{syntax name} (('<' | '\<subseteq>') (@{syntax nameref} + ','))?
   293     ;
   294     @{syntax_def sort}: @{syntax nameref}
   295     ;
   296     @{syntax_def arity}: ('(' (@{syntax sort} + ',') ')')? @{syntax sort}
   297   \<close>}
   298 *}
   301 subsection {* Types and terms \label{sec:types-terms} *}
   303 text {*
   304   The actual inner Isabelle syntax, that of types and terms of the
   305   logic, is far too sophisticated in order to be modelled explicitly
   306   at the outer theory level.  Basically, any such entity has to be
   307   quoted to turn it into a single token (the parsing and type-checking
   308   is performed internally later).  For convenience, a slightly more
   309   liberal convention is adopted: quotes may be omitted for any type or
   310   term that is already atomic at the outer level.  For example, one
   311   may just write @{verbatim x} instead of quoted @{verbatim "\"x\""}.
   312   Note that symbolic identifiers (e.g.\ @{verbatim "++"} or @{text
   313   "\<forall>"} are available as well, provided these have not been superseded
   314   by commands or other keywords already (such as @{verbatim "="} or
   315   @{verbatim "+"}).
   317   @{rail \<open>
   318     @{syntax_def type}: @{syntax nameref} | @{syntax typefree} |
   319       @{syntax typevar}
   320     ;
   321     @{syntax_def term}: @{syntax nameref} | @{syntax var}
   322     ;
   323     @{syntax_def prop}: @{syntax term}
   324   \<close>}
   326   Positional instantiations are indicated by giving a sequence of
   327   terms, or the placeholder ``@{text _}'' (underscore), which means to
   328   skip a position.
   330   @{rail \<open>
   331     @{syntax_def inst}: '_' | @{syntax term}
   332     ;
   333     @{syntax_def insts}: (@{syntax inst} *)
   334   \<close>}
   336   Type declarations and definitions usually refer to @{syntax
   337   typespec} on the left-hand side.  This models basic type constructor
   338   application at the outer syntax level.  Note that only plain postfix
   339   notation is available here, but no infixes.
   341   @{rail \<open>
   342     @{syntax_def typespec}:
   343       (() | @{syntax typefree} | '(' ( @{syntax typefree} + ',' ) ')') @{syntax name}
   344     ;
   345     @{syntax_def typespec_sorts}:
   346       (() | (@{syntax typefree} ('::' @{syntax sort})?) |
   347         '(' ( (@{syntax typefree} ('::' @{syntax sort})?) + ',' ) ')') @{syntax name}
   348   \<close>}
   349 *}
   352 subsection {* Term patterns and declarations \label{sec:term-decls} *}
   354 text {* Wherever explicit propositions (or term fragments) occur in a
   355   proof text, casual binding of schematic term variables may be given
   356   specified via patterns of the form ``@{text "(\<IS> p\<^sub>1 \<dots> p\<^sub>n)"}''.
   357   This works both for @{syntax term} and @{syntax prop}.
   359   @{rail \<open>
   360     @{syntax_def term_pat}: '(' (@'is' @{syntax term} +) ')'
   361     ;
   362     @{syntax_def prop_pat}: '(' (@'is' @{syntax prop} +) ')'
   363   \<close>}
   365   \medskip Declarations of local variables @{text "x :: \<tau>"} and
   366   logical propositions @{text "a : \<phi>"} represent different views on
   367   the same principle of introducing a local scope.  In practice, one
   368   may usually omit the typing of @{syntax vars} (due to
   369   type-inference), and the naming of propositions (due to implicit
   370   references of current facts).  In any case, Isar proof elements
   371   usually admit to introduce multiple such items simultaneously.
   373   @{rail \<open>
   374     @{syntax_def vars}: (@{syntax name} +) ('::' @{syntax type})?
   375     ;
   376     @{syntax_def props}: @{syntax thmdecl}? (@{syntax prop} @{syntax prop_pat}? +)
   377   \<close>}
   379   The treatment of multiple declarations corresponds to the
   380   complementary focus of @{syntax vars} versus @{syntax props}.  In
   381   ``@{text "x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>n :: \<tau>"}'' the typing refers to all variables, while
   382   in @{text "a: \<phi>\<^sub>1 \<dots> \<phi>\<^sub>n"} the naming refers to all propositions
   383   collectively.  Isar language elements that refer to @{syntax vars}
   384   or @{syntax props} typically admit separate typings or namings via
   385   another level of iteration, with explicit @{keyword_ref "and"}
   386   separators; e.g.\ see @{command "fix"} and @{command "assume"} in
   387   \secref{sec:proof-context}.
   388 *}
   391 subsection {* Attributes and theorems \label{sec:syn-att} *}
   393 text {* Attributes have their own ``semi-inner'' syntax, in the sense
   394   that input conforming to @{syntax args} below is parsed by the
   395   attribute a second time.  The attribute argument specifications may
   396   be any sequence of atomic entities (identifiers, strings etc.), or
   397   properly bracketed argument lists.  Below @{syntax atom} refers to
   398   any atomic entity, including any @{syntax keyword} conforming to
   399   @{syntax symident}.
   401   @{rail \<open>
   402     @{syntax_def atom}: @{syntax nameref} | @{syntax typefree} |
   403       @{syntax typevar} | @{syntax var} | @{syntax nat} | @{syntax float} |
   404       @{syntax keyword} | @{syntax cartouche}
   405     ;
   406     arg: @{syntax atom} | '(' @{syntax args} ')' | '[' @{syntax args} ']'
   407     ;
   408     @{syntax_def args}: arg *
   409     ;
   410     @{syntax_def attributes}: '[' (@{syntax nameref} @{syntax args} * ',') ']'
   411   \<close>}
   413   Theorem specifications come in several flavors: @{syntax axmdecl}
   414   and @{syntax thmdecl} usually refer to axioms, assumptions or
   415   results of goal statements, while @{syntax thmdef} collects lists of
   416   existing theorems.  Existing theorems are given by @{syntax thmref}
   417   and @{syntax thmrefs}, the former requires an actual singleton
   418   result.
   420   There are three forms of theorem references:
   421   \begin{enumerate}
   423   \item named facts @{text "a"},
   425   \item selections from named facts @{text "a(i)"} or @{text "a(j - k)"},
   427   \item literal fact propositions using @{syntax_ref altstring} syntax
   428   @{verbatim "`"}@{text "\<phi>"}@{verbatim "`"} (see also method
   429   @{method_ref fact}).
   431   \end{enumerate}
   433   Any kind of theorem specification may include lists of attributes
   434   both on the left and right hand sides; attributes are applied to any
   435   immediately preceding fact.  If names are omitted, the theorems are
   436   not stored within the theorem database of the theory or proof
   437   context, but any given attributes are applied nonetheless.
   439   An extra pair of brackets around attributes (like ``@{text
   440   "[[simproc a]]"}'') abbreviates a theorem reference involving an
   441   internal dummy fact, which will be ignored later on.  So only the
   442   effect of the attribute on the background context will persist.
   443   This form of in-place declarations is particularly useful with
   444   commands like @{command "declare"} and @{command "using"}.
   446   @{rail \<open>
   447     @{syntax_def axmdecl}: @{syntax name} @{syntax attributes}? ':'
   448     ;
   449     @{syntax_def thmdecl}: thmbind ':'
   450     ;
   451     @{syntax_def thmdef}: thmbind '='
   452     ;
   453     @{syntax_def thmref}:
   454       (@{syntax nameref} selection? | @{syntax altstring}) @{syntax attributes}? |
   455       '[' @{syntax attributes} ']'
   456     ;
   457     @{syntax_def thmrefs}: @{syntax thmref} +
   458     ;
   460     thmbind: @{syntax name} @{syntax attributes} | @{syntax name} | @{syntax attributes}
   461     ;
   462     selection: '(' ((@{syntax nat} | @{syntax nat} '-' @{syntax nat}?) + ',') ')'
   463   \<close>}
   464 *}
   466 end