changeset 104 d8205bb279a7
child 108 e332c5bf9e1f
equal deleted inserted replaced
103:30bd42401ab2 104:d8205bb279a7
     1 %% $Id$
     2 \newcommand{\rmindex}[1]{{#1}\index{#1}\@}
     3 \newcommand{\mtt}[1]{\mbox{\tt #1}}
     4 \newcommand{\ttfct}[1]{\mathop{\mtt{#1}}\nolimits}
     5 \newcommand{\ttrel}[1]{\mathrel{\mtt{#1}}}
     6 \newcommand{\Constant}{\ttfct{Constant}}
     7 \newcommand{\Variable}{\ttfct{Variable}}
     8 \newcommand{\Appl}[1]{\ttfct{Appl}\mathopen{\mtt[}#1\mathclose{\mtt]}}
    12 \chapter{Defining Logics} \label{Defining-Logics}
    14 This chapter is intended for Isabelle experts. It explains how to define new
    15 logical systems, Isabelle's {\em raison d'\^etre}. Isabelle logics are
    16 hierarchies of theories. A number of simple examples are contained in {\em
    17 Introduction to Isabelle}; the full syntax of theory definition files ({\tt
    18 .thy} files) is shown in {\em The Isabelle Reference Manual}. This chapter's
    19 chief purpose is a thorough description of all syntax related matters
    20 concerning theories. The most important sections are \S\ref{sec:mixfix} about
    21 mixfix declarations and \S\ref{sec:macros} describing the macro system. The
    22 concluding examples of \S\ref{sec:min_logics} are more concerned with the
    23 logical aspects of the definition of theories. Sections marked with * can be
    24 skipped on the first reading.
    27 %% FIXME move to Refman
    28 % \section{Classes and types *}
    29 % \index{*arities!context conditions}
    30 %
    31 % Type declarations are subject to the following two well-formedness
    32 % conditions:
    33 % \begin{itemize}
    34 % \item There are no two declarations $ty :: (\vec{r})c$ and $ty :: (\vec{s})c$
    35 %   with $\vec{r} \neq \vec{s}$.  For example
    36 % \begin{ttbox}
    37 % types ty 1
    38 % arities ty :: ({\ttlbrace}logic{\ttrbrace}) logic
    39 %         ty :: ({\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace})logic
    40 % \end{ttbox}
    41 % leads to an error message and fails.
    42 % \item If there are two declarations $ty :: (s@1,\dots,s@n)c$ and $ty ::
    43 %   (s@1',\dots,s@n')c'$ such that $c' < c$ then $s@i' \preceq s@i$ must hold
    44 %   for $i=1,\dots,n$.  The relationship $\preceq$, defined as
    45 % \[ s' \preceq s \iff \forall c\in s. \exists c'\in s'.~ c'\le c, \]
    46 % expresses that the set of types represented by $s'$ is a subset of the set of
    47 % types represented by $s$.  For example
    48 % \begin{ttbox}
    49 % classes term < logic
    50 % types ty 1
    51 % arities ty :: ({\ttlbrace}logic{\ttrbrace})logic
    52 %         ty :: ({\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace})term
    53 % \end{ttbox}
    54 % leads to an error message and fails.
    55 % \end{itemize}
    56 % These conditions guarantee principal types~\cite{nipkow-prehofer}.
    60 \section{Precedence grammars} \label{sec:precedence_grammars}
    62 The precise syntax of a logic is best defined by a \rmindex{context-free
    63 grammar}. In order to simplify the description of mathematical languages, we
    64 introduce an extended format which permits {\bf
    65 precedences}\indexbold{precedence}. This scheme generalizes precedence
    66 declarations in \ML\ and {\sc prolog}. In this extended grammar format,
    67 nonterminals are decorated by integers, their precedence. In the sequel,
    68 precedences are shown as subscripts. A nonterminal $A@p$ on the right-hand
    69 side of a production may only be replaced using a production $A@q = \gamma$
    70 where $p \le q$.
    72 Formally, a set of context free productions $G$ induces a derivation
    73 relation $\rew@G$ on strings as follows:
    74 \[ \alpha A@p \beta ~\rew@G~ \alpha\gamma\beta ~~~iff~~~
    75    \exists (A@q=\gamma) \in G.~q \ge p
    76 \]
    77 Any extended grammar of this kind can be translated into a normal context
    78 free grammar. However, this translation may require the introduction of a
    79 large number of new nonterminals and productions.
    81 \begin{example} \label{ex:precedence}
    82 The following simple grammar for arithmetic expressions demonstrates how
    83 binding power and associativity of operators can be enforced by precedences.
    84 \begin{center}
    85 \begin{tabular}{rclr}
    86   $A@9$ & = & {\tt0} \\
    87   $A@9$ & = & {\tt(} $A@0$ {\tt)} \\
    88   $A@0$ & = & $A@0$ {\tt+} $A@1$ \\
    89   $A@2$ & = & $A@3$ {\tt*} $A@2$ \\
    90   $A@3$ & = & {\tt-} $A@3$
    91 \end{tabular}
    92 \end{center}
    93 The choice of precedences determines that {\tt -} binds tighter than {\tt *}
    94 which binds tighter than {\tt +}, and that {\tt +} associates to the left and
    95 {\tt *} to the right.
    96 \end{example}
    98 To minimize the number of subscripts, we adopt the following conventions:
    99 \begin{itemize}
   100 \item All precedences $p$ must be in the range $0 \leq p \leq max_pri$ for
   101   some fixed $max_pri$.
   102 \item Precedence $0$ on the right-hand side and precedence $max_pri$ on the
   103   left-hand side may be omitted.
   104 \end{itemize}
   105 In addition, we write the production $A@p = \alpha$ as $A = \alpha~(p)$,
   106 i.e.\ the precedence of the left-hand side actually appears in the uttermost
   107 right. Finally, alternatives may be separated by $|$, and repetition
   108 indicated by \dots.
   110 Using these conventions and assuming $max_pri=9$, the grammar in
   111 Example~\ref{ex:precedence} becomes
   112 \begin{center}
   113 \begin{tabular}{rclc}
   114 $A$ & = & {\tt0} & \hspace*{4em} \\
   115  & $|$ & {\tt(} $A$ {\tt)} \\
   116  & $|$ & $A$ {\tt+} $A@1$ & (0) \\
   117  & $|$ & $A@3$ {\tt*} $A@2$ & (2) \\
   118  & $|$ & {\tt-} $A@3$ & (3)
   119 \end{tabular}
   120 \end{center}
   124 \section{Basic syntax} \label{sec:basic_syntax}
   126 The basis of all extensions by object-logics is the \rmindex{Pure theory},
   127 bound to the \ML-identifier \ttindex{Pure.thy}. It contains, among many other
   128 things, the \rmindex{Pure syntax}. An informal account of this basic syntax
   129 (meta-logic, types etc.) may be found in {\em Introduction to Isabelle}. A
   130 more precise description using a precedence grammar is shown in
   131 Figure~\ref{fig:pure_gram}.
   133 \begin{figure}[htb]
   134 \begin{center}
   135 \begin{tabular}{rclc}
   136 $prop$ &=& \ttindex{PROP} $aprop$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $prop$ {\tt)} \\
   137      &$|$& $logic@3$ \ttindex{==} $logic@2$ & (2) \\
   138      &$|$& $logic@3$ \ttindex{=?=} $logic@2$ & (2) \\
   139      &$|$& $prop@2$ \ttindex{==>} $prop@1$ & (1) \\
   140      &$|$& {\tt[|} $prop$ {\tt;} \dots {\tt;} $prop$ {\tt|]} {\tt==>} $prop@1$ & (1) \\
   141      &$|$& {\tt!!} $idts$ {\tt.} $prop$ & (0) \\\\
   142 $logic$ &=& $prop$ ~~$|$~~ $fun$ \\\\
   143 $aprop$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $var$
   144     ~~$|$~~ $fun@{max_pri}$ {\tt(} $logic$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $logic$ {\tt)} \\\\
   145 $fun$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $var$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $fun$ {\tt)} \\
   146     &$|$& \ttindex{\%} $idts$ {\tt.} $logic$ & (0) \\\\
   147 $idts$ &=& $idt$ ~~$|$~~ $idt@1$ $idts$ \\\\
   148 $idt$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $idt$ {\tt)} \\
   149     &$|$& $id$ \ttindex{::} $type$ & (0) \\\\
   150 $type$ &=& $tfree$ ~~$|$~~ $tvar$ \\
   151      &$|$& $tfree$ {\tt::} $sort$ ~~$|$~~ $tvar$ {\tt::} $sort$ \\
   152      &$|$& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $type@{max_pri}$ $id$
   153                 ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $type$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $type$ {\tt)} $id$ \\
   154      &$|$& $type@1$ \ttindex{=>} $type$ & (0) \\
   155      &$|$& {\tt[}  $type$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $type$ {\tt]} {\tt=>} $type$&(0)\\
   156      &$|$& {\tt(} $type$ {\tt)} \\\\
   157 $sort$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt\ttlbrace\ttrbrace}
   158                 ~~$|$~~ {\tt\ttlbrace} $id$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $id$ {\tt\ttrbrace}
   159 \end{tabular}\index{*"!"!}\index{*"["|}\index{*"|"]}
   160 \indexbold{type@$type$} \indexbold{sort@$sort$} \indexbold{idt@$idt$}
   161 \indexbold{idts@$idts$} \indexbold{logic@$logic$} \indexbold{prop@$prop$}
   162 \indexbold{fun@$fun$}
   163 \end{center}
   164 \caption{Meta-Logic Syntax}
   165 \label{fig:pure_gram}
   166 \end{figure}
   168 The following main categories are defined:
   169 \begin{description}
   170   \item[$prop$] Terms of type $prop$, i.e.\ formulae of the meta-logic.
   172   \item[$aprop$] Atomic propositions.
   174   \item[$logic$] Terms of types in class $logic$. Initially, $logic$ contains
   175     merely $prop$. As the syntax is extended by new object-logics, more
   176     productions for $logic$ are added automatically for (see below).
   178   \item[$fun$] Terms potentially of function type.
   180   \item[$type$] Meta-types.
   182   \item[$idts$] a list of identifiers, possibly constrained by types. Note
   183     that \verb|x :: nat y| is parsed as \verb|x :: (nat y)|, i.e.\ {\tt y}
   184     would be treated like a type constructor applied to {\tt nat} here.
   185 \end{description}
   188 \subsection{Logical types and default syntax}
   190 Isabelle is concerned with mathematical languages which have a certain
   191 minimal vocabulary: identifiers, variables, parentheses, and the lambda
   192 calculus. Logical types, i.e.\ those of class $logic$, are automatically
   193 equipped with this basic syntax. More precisely, for any type constructor
   194 $ty$ with arity $(\dots)c$, where $c$ is a subclass of $logic$, the following
   195 productions are added:
   196 \begin{center}
   197 \begin{tabular}{rclc}
   198 $ty$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $var$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $ty$ {\tt)} \\
   199   &$|$& $fun@{max_pri}$ {\tt(} $logic$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $logic$ {\tt)}\\
   200   &$|$& $ty@{max_pri}$ {\tt::} $type$\\\\
   201 $logic$ &=& $ty$
   202 \end{tabular}
   203 \end{center}
   206 \subsection{Lexical matters *}
   208 The parser does not process input strings directly, it rather operates on
   209 token lists provided by Isabelle's \rmindex{lexical analyzer} (the
   210 \bfindex{lexer}). There are two different kinds of tokens: {\bf
   211 literals}\indexbold{literal token}\indexbold{token!literal} and {\bf valued
   212 tokens}\indexbold{valued token}\indexbold{token!valued}.
   214 Literals (or delimiters \index{delimiter}) can be regarded as reserved
   215 words\index{reserved word} of the syntax and the user can add new ones, when
   216 extending theories. In Figure~\ref{fig:pure_gram} they appear in typewriter
   217 type, e.g.\ {\tt PROP}, {\tt ==}, {\tt =?=}, {\tt ;}.
   219 Valued tokens on the other hand have a fixed predefined syntax. The lexer
   220 distinguishes four kinds of them: identifiers\index{identifier},
   221 unknowns\index{unknown}\index{scheme variable|see{unknown}}, type
   222 variables\index{type variable}, type unknowns\index{type unknown}\index{type
   223 scheme variable|see{type unknown}}; they are denoted by $id$\index{id@$id$},
   224 $var$\index{var@$var$}, $tfree$\index{tfree@$tfree$},
   225 $tvar$\index{tvar@$tvar$}, respectively. Typical examples are {\tt x}, {\tt
   226 ?x7}, {\tt 'a}, {\tt ?'a3}, the exact syntax is:
   228 \begin{tabular}{rcl}
   229 $id$        & =   & $letter~quasiletter^*$ \\
   230 $var$       & =   & ${\tt ?}id ~~|~~ {\tt ?}id{\tt .}nat$ \\
   231 $tfree$     & =   & ${\tt '}id$ \\
   232 $tvar$      & =   & ${\tt ?}tfree ~~|~~ {\tt ?}tfree{\tt .}nat$ \\[1ex]
   234 $letter$    & =   & one of {\tt a}\dots {\tt z} {\tt A}\dots {\tt Z} \\
   235 $digit$     & =   & one of {\tt 0}\dots {\tt 9} \\
   236 $quasiletter$ & =  & $letter ~~|~~ digit ~~|~~ {\tt _} ~~|~~ {\tt '}$ \\
   237 $nat$       & =   & $digit^+$
   238 \end{tabular}
   240 A string of $var$ or $tvar$ describes an \rmindex{unknown} which is
   241 internally a pair of base name and index (\ML\ type \ttindex{indexname}).
   242 These components are either explicitly separated by a dot as in {\tt ?x.1} or
   243 {\tt ?x7.3} or directly run together as in {\tt ?x1}. The latter form is
   244 possible, if the base name does not end with digits. Additionally, if the
   245 index is 0, it may be dropped altogether, e.g.\ {\tt ?x} abbreviates {\tt
   246 ?x0} or {\tt ?x.0}.
   248 Note that $id$, $var$, $tfree$, $tvar$ are mutually disjoint, but it is
   249 perfectly legal that they overlap with the set of literal tokens (e.g.\ {\tt
   250 PROP}, {\tt ALL}, {\tt EX}).
   252 The lexical analyzer translates input strings to token lists by repeatedly
   253 taking the maximal prefix of the input string that forms a valid token. A
   254 maximal prefix that is both a literal and a valued token is treated as a
   255 literal. Spaces, tabs and newlines are separators; they never occur within
   256 tokens.
   258 Note that literals need not necessarily be surrounded by white space to be
   259 recognized as separate. For example, if {\tt -} is a literal but {\tt --} is
   260 not, then the string {\tt --} is treated as two consecutive occurrences of
   261 {\tt -}. This is in contrast to \ML\ which would treat {\tt --} always as a
   262 single symbolic name. The consequence of Isabelle's more liberal scheme is
   263 that the same string may be parsed in different ways after extending the
   264 syntax: after adding {\tt --} as a literal, the input {\tt --} is treated as
   265 a single token.
   268 \subsection{Inspecting syntax *}
   270 You may get the \ML\ representation of the syntax of any Isabelle theory by
   271 applying \index{*syn_of}
   272 \begin{ttbox}
   273   syn_of: theory -> Syntax.syntax
   274 \end{ttbox}
   275 \ttindex{Syntax.syntax} is an abstract type containing quite a lot of
   276 material, wherefore there is no toplevel pretty printer set up for displaying
   277 it automatically. You have to call one of the following functions instead:
   278 \index{*Syntax.print_syntax} \index{*Syntax.print_gram}
   279 \index{*Syntax.print_trans}
   280 \begin{ttbox}
   281   Syntax.print_syntax: Syntax.syntax -> unit
   282   Syntax.print_gram: Syntax.syntax -> unit
   283   Syntax.print_trans: Syntax.syntax -> unit
   284 \end{ttbox}
   285 where {\tt Syntax.print_syntax} shows virtually all information contained in
   286 a syntax, therefore being quite verbose. Its output is divided into labeled
   287 sections, the syntax proper is represented by {\tt lexicon}, {\tt roots} and
   288 {\tt prods}. The rest refers to the manifold facilities to apply syntactic
   289 translations to parse trees (macro expansion etc.). See \S\ref{sec:macros}
   290 and \S\ref{sec:tr_funs} for more details on translations.
   292 To simplify coping with the verbosity of {\tt Syntax.print_syntax}, there are
   293 \ttindex{Syntax.print_gram} to print the syntax proper only and
   294 \ttindex{Syntax.print_trans} to print the translation related stuff only.
   296 Let's have a closer look at part of Pure's syntax:
   297 \begin{ttbox}
   298 Syntax.print_syntax (syn_of Pure.thy);
   299 {\out lexicon: "!!" "%" "(" ")" "," "." "::" ";" "==" "==>" \dots}
   300 {\out roots: logic type fun prop}
   301 {\out prods:}
   302 {\out   type = tfree  (1000)}
   303 {\out   type = tvar  (1000)}
   304 {\out   type = id  (1000)}
   305 {\out   type = tfree "::" sort[0]  => "_ofsort" (1000)}
   306 {\out   type = tvar "::" sort[0]  => "_ofsort" (1000)}
   307 {\out   \vdots}
   308 {\out consts: "_K" "_appl" "_aprop" "_args" "_asms" "_bigimpl" \dots}
   309 {\out parse_ast_translation: "_appl" "_bigimpl" "_bracket"}
   310 {\out   "_idtyp" "_lambda" "_tapp" "_tappl"}
   311 {\out parse_rules:}
   312 {\out parse_translation: "!!" "_K" "_abs" "_aprop"}
   313 {\out print_translation: "all"}
   314 {\out print_rules:}
   315 {\out print_ast_translation: "==>" "_abs" "_idts" "fun"}
   316 \end{ttbox}
   318 \begin{description}
   319   \item[\ttindex{lexicon}]
   320     The set of literal tokens (i.e.\ reserved words, delimiters) used for
   321     lexical analysis.
   323   \item[\ttindex{roots}]
   324     The legal syntactic categories to start parsing with. You name the
   325     desired root directly as a string when calling lower level functions or
   326     specifying macros. Higher level functions usually expect a type and
   327     derive the actual root as follows:\index{root_of_type@$root_of_type$}
   328     \begin{itemize}
   329       \item $root_of_type(\tau@1 \To \tau@2) = \mtt{fun}$.
   331       \item $root_of_type(\tau@1 \mathrel{ty} \tau@2) = ty$.
   333       \item $root_of_type((\tau@1, \dots, \tau@n)ty) = ty$.
   335       \item $root_of_type(\alpha) = \mtt{logic}$.
   336     \end{itemize}
   337     Thereby $\tau@1, \dots, \tau@n$ are types, $ty$ a type infix or ordinary
   338     type constructor and $\alpha$ a type variable or unknown. Note that only
   339     the outermost type constructor is taken into account.
   341   \item[\ttindex{prods}]
   342     The list of productions describing the precedence grammar. Nonterminals
   343     $A@n$ are rendered in ASCII as {\tt $A$[$n$]}, literal tokens are quoted.
   344     Note that some productions have strings attached after an {\tt =>}. These
   345     strings later become the heads of parse trees, but they also play a vital
   346     role when terms are printed (see \S\ref{sec:asts}).
   348     Productions which do not have string attached and thus do not create a
   349     new parse tree node are called {\bf copy productions}\indexbold{copy
   350     production}. They must have exactly one
   351     argument\index{argument!production} (i.e.\ nonterminal or valued token)
   352     on the right-hand side. The parse tree generated when parsing that
   353     argument is simply passed up as the result of parsing the whole copy
   354     production.
   356     A special kind of copy production is one where the argument is a
   357     nonterminal and no additional syntactic sugar (literals) exists. It is
   358     called a \bfindex{chain production}. Chain productions should be seen as
   359     an abbreviation mechanism: conceptually, they are removed from the
   360     grammar by adding appropriate new rules. Precedence information attached
   361     to chain productions is ignored, only the dummy value $-1$ is displayed.
   363   \item[\ttindex{consts}, \ttindex{parse_rules}, \ttindex{print_rules}]
   364     This is macro related stuff (see \S\ref{sec:macros}).
   366   \item[\tt *_translation]
   367     \index{*parse_ast_translation} \index{*parse_translation}
   368     \index{*print_translation} \index{*print_ast_translation}
   369     The sets of constants that invoke translation functions. These are more
   370     arcane matters (see \S\ref{sec:asts} and \S\ref{sec:tr_funs}).
   371 \end{description}
   373 Of course you may inspect the syntax of any theory using the above calling
   374 sequence. But unfortunately, as more and more material accumulates, the
   375 output becomes even more verbose. Note that when extending syntaxes new {\tt
   376 roots}, {\tt prods}, {\tt parse_rules} and {\tt print_rules} are appended to
   377 the end. The other lists are displayed sorted.
   381 \section{Abstract syntax trees} \label{sec:asts}
   383 Figure~\ref{fig:parse_print} shows a simplified model of the parsing and
   384 printing process.
   386 \begin{figure}[htb]
   387 \begin{center}
   388 \begin{tabular}{cl}
   389 string          & \\
   390 $\downarrow$    & parser \\
   391 parse tree      & \\
   392 $\downarrow$    & \rmindex{parse ast translation} \\
   393 ast             & \\
   394 $\downarrow$    & ast rewriting (macros) \\
   395 ast             & \\
   396 $\downarrow$    & \rmindex{parse translation}, type-inference \\
   397 --- well-typed term --- & \\
   398 $\downarrow$    & \rmindex{print translation} \\
   399 ast             & \\
   400 $\downarrow$    & ast rewriting (macros) \\
   401 ast             & \\
   402 $\downarrow$    & \rmindex{print ast translation}, printer \\
   403 string          &
   404 \end{tabular}
   405 \end{center}
   406 \caption{Parsing and Printing}
   407 \label{fig:parse_print}
   408 \end{figure}
   410 The parser takes an input string (well, actually a token list produced by the
   411 lexer) and produces a \rmindex{parse tree}, which is directly derived from
   412 the productions involved. By applying some internal transformations the parse
   413 tree becomes an \bfindex{abstract syntax tree} (\bfindex{ast}), macro
   414 expansion, further translations and finally type inference yields a
   415 well-typed term\index{term!well-typed}.
   417 The printing process is the reverse, except for some subtleties to be
   418 discussed later.
   420 Asts are an intermediate form between the very raw parse trees and the typed
   421 $\lambda$-terms. An ast is either an atom (constant or variable) or a list of
   422 {\em at least two} subasts. Internally, they have type \ttindex{Syntax.ast}
   423 which is defined as: \index{*Constant} \index{*Variable} \index{*Appl}
   424 \begin{ttbox}
   425 datatype ast =
   426   Constant of string |
   427   Variable of string |
   428   Appl of ast list
   429 \end{ttbox}
   431 Notation: We write constant atoms as quoted strings, variable atoms as
   432 non-quoted strings and applications as list of subasts separated by space and
   433 enclosed in parentheses. For example:
   434 \begin{ttbox}
   435   Appl [Constant "_constrain",
   436     Appl [Constant "_abs", Variable "x", Variable "t"],
   437     Appl [Constant "fun", Variable "'a", Variable "'b"]]
   438   {\rm is written as} ("_constrain" ("_abs" x t) ("fun" 'a 'b))
   439 \end{ttbox}
   441 Note that {\tt ()} and {\tt (f)} are both illegal.
   443 The resemblance of LISP's S-expressions is intentional, but notice the two
   444 kinds of atomic symbols: $\Constant x$ and $\Variable x$. This distinction
   445 has some more obscure reasons and you can ignore it at about half of the
   446 time. By now you shouldn't take the names ``{\tt Constant}'' and ``{\tt
   447 Variable}'' too literally. In the later translation to terms $\Variable x$
   448 may become a constant, free or bound variable, even a type constructor or
   449 class name; the actual outcome depends on the context.
   451 Similarly, you can think of ${\tt (} f~x@1~\ldots~x@n{\tt )}$ as some sort of
   452 application of $f$ to the arguments $x@1, \ldots, x@n$. But the actual kind
   453 of application (say a type constructor $f$ applied to types $x@1, \ldots,
   454 x@n$) is determined later by context, too.
   456 Forms like {\tt (("_abs" x $t$) $u$)} are perfectly legal, but asts are not
   457 higher-order: the {\tt "_abs"} does not yet bind the {\tt x} in any way,
   458 though later at the term level, {\tt ("_abs" x $t$)} will become an {\tt Abs}
   459 node and occurrences of {\tt x} in $t$ will be replaced by {\tt Bound}s. Even
   460 if non constant heads of applications may seem unusual, asts should be
   461 regarded as first order. Purists may think of ${\tt (} f~x@1~\ldots~x@n{\tt
   462 )}$ as a first order application of some invisible $(n+1)$-ary constant.
   465 \subsection{Parse trees to asts}
   467 Asts are generated from parse trees by applying some translation functions,
   468 which are internally called {\bf parse ast translations}\indexbold{parse ast
   469 translation}.
   471 We can think of the raw output of the parser as trees built up by nesting the
   472 right-hand sides of those productions that were used to derive a word that
   473 matches the input token list. Then parse trees are simply lists of tokens and
   474 sub parse trees, the latter replacing the nonterminals of the productions.
   475 Note that we refer here to the actual productions in their internal form as
   476 displayed by {\tt Syntax.print_syntax}.
   478 Ignoring parse ast translations, the mapping
   479 $ast_of_pt$\index{ast_of_pt@$ast_of_pt$} from parse trees to asts is derived
   480 from the productions involved as follows:
   481 \begin{itemize}
   482   \item Valued tokens: $ast_of_pt(t) = \Variable s$, where $t$ is an $id$,
   483     $var$, $tfree$ or $tvar$ token, and $s$ its value.
   485   \item Copy productions: $ast_of_pt(\ldots P \ldots) = ast_of_pt(P)$.
   487   \item $0$-ary productions: $ast_of_pt(\ldots \mtt{=>} c) = \Constant c$.
   489   \item $n$-ary productions: $ast_of_pt(\ldots P@1 \ldots P@n \ldots \mtt{=>}
   490     c) = \Appl{\Constant c,$ $ast_of_pt(P@1),$ $\ldots,$ $ast_of_pt(P@n)}$,
   491     where $n \ge 1$.
   492 \end{itemize}
   493 Thereby $P, P@1, \ldots, P@n$ denote sub parse trees or valued tokens and
   494 ``\dots'' zero or more literal tokens. That means literal tokens are stripped
   495 and do not appear in asts.
   497 The following table presents some simple examples:
   499 {\tt\begin{tabular}{ll}
   500 \rm input string    & \rm ast \\\hline
   501 "f"                 & f \\
   502 "'a"                & 'a \\
   503 "t == u"            & ("==" t u) \\
   504 "f(x)"              & ("_appl" f x) \\
   505 "f(x, y)"           & ("_appl" f ("_args" x y)) \\
   506 "f(x, y, z)"        & ("_appl" f ("_args" x ("_args" y z))) \\
   507 "\%x y.\ t"         & ("_lambda" ("_idts" x y) t) \\
   508 \end{tabular}}
   510 Some of these examples illustrate why further translations are desirable in
   511 order to provide some nice standard form of asts before macro expansion takes
   512 place. Hence the Pure syntax provides predefined parse ast
   513 translations\index{parse ast translation!of Pure} for ordinary applications,
   514 type applications, nested abstraction, meta implication and function types.
   515 Their net effect on some representative input strings is shown in
   516 Figure~\ref{fig:parse_ast_tr}.
   518 \begin{figure}[htb]
   519 \begin{center}
   520 {\tt\begin{tabular}{ll}
   521 \rm string                  & \rm ast \\\hline
   522 "f(x, y, z)"                & (f x y z) \\
   523 "'a ty"                     & (ty 'a) \\
   524 "('a, 'b) ty"               & (ty 'a 'b) \\
   525 "\%x y z.\ t"               & ("_abs" x ("_abs" y ("_abs" z t))) \\
   526 "\%x ::\ 'a.\ t"            & ("_abs" ("_constrain" x 'a) t) \\
   527 "[| P; Q; R |] => S"        & ("==>" P ("==>" Q ("==>" R S))) \\
   528 "['a, 'b, 'c] => 'd"        & ("fun" 'a ("fun" 'b ("fun" 'c 'd)))
   529 \end{tabular}}
   530 \end{center}
   531 \caption{Built-in Parse Ast Translations}
   532 \label{fig:parse_ast_tr}
   533 \end{figure}
   535 This translation process is guided by names of constant heads of asts. The
   536 list of constants invoking parse ast translations is shown in the output of
   537 {\tt Syntax.print_syntax} under {\tt parse_ast_translation}.
   540 \subsection{Asts to terms *}
   542 After the ast has been normalized by the macro expander (see
   543 \S\ref{sec:macros}), it is transformed into a term with yet another set of
   544 translation functions interspersed: {\bf parse translations}\indexbold{parse
   545 translation}. The result is a non-typed term\index{term!non-typed} which may
   546 contain type constraints, that is 2-place applications with head {\tt
   547 "_constrain"}. The second argument of a constraint is a type encoded as term.
   548 Real types will be introduced later during type inference, which is not
   549 discussed here.
   551 If we ignore the built-in parse translations of Pure first, then the mapping
   552 $term_of_ast$\index{term_of_ast@$term_of_ast$} from asts to (non-typed) terms
   553 is defined by:
   554 \begin{itemize}
   555   \item $term_of_ast(\Constant x) = \ttfct{Const} (x, \mtt{dummyT})$.
   557   \item $term_of_ast(\Variable \mtt{"?}xi\mtt") = \ttfct{Var} ((x, i),
   558     \mtt{dummyT})$, where $x$ is the base name and $i$ the index extracted
   559     from $xi$.
   561   \item $term_of_ast(\Variable x) = \ttfct{Free} (x, \mtt{dummyT})$.
   563   \item $term_of_ast(\Appl{f, x@1, \ldots, x@n}) = term_of_ast(f) ~{\tt\$}~
   564     term_of_ast(x@1)$ {\tt\$} \dots\ {\tt\$} $term_of_ast(x@n)$.
   565 \end{itemize}
   566 Note that {\tt Const}, {\tt Var}, {\tt Free} belong to the datatype {\tt
   567 term} and \ttindex{dummyT} is bound to some dummy {\tt typ}, which is ignored
   568 during type-inference.
   570 So far the outcome is still a first order term. {\tt Abs}s and {\tt Bound}s
   571 are introduced by parse translations associated with {\tt "_abs"} and {\tt
   572 "!!"} (and any other user defined binder).
   575 \subsection{Printing of terms *}
   577 When terms are prepared for printing, they are first transformed into asts
   578 via $ast_of_term$\index{ast_of_term@$ast_of_term$} (ignoring {\bf print
   579 translations}\indexbold{print translation}):
   580 \begin{itemize}
   581   \item $ast_of_term(\ttfct{Const} (x, \tau)) = \Constant x$.
   583   \item $ast_of_term(\ttfct{Free} (x, \tau)) = constrain (\Variable x,
   584     \tau)$.
   586   \item $ast_of_term(\ttfct{Var} ((x, i), \tau)) = constrain (\Variable
   587     \mtt{"?}xi\mtt", \tau)$, where $\mtt?xi$ is the string representation of
   588     the {\tt indexname} $(x, i)$.
   590   \item $ast_of_term(\ttfct{Abs} (x, \tau, t)) = \ttfct{Appl}
   591     \mathopen{\mtt[} \Constant \mtt{"_abs"}, constrain(\Variable x', \tau),$
   592     $ast_of_term(t') \mathclose{\mtt]}$, where $x'$ is a version of $x$
   593     renamed away from all names occurring in $t$, and $t'$ the body $t$ with
   594     all {\tt Bound}s referring to this {\tt Abs} replaced by $\ttfct{Free}
   595     (x', \mtt{dummyT})$.
   597   \item $ast_of_term(\ttfct{Bound} i) = \Variable \mtt{"B.}i\mtt"$. Note that
   598     the occurrence of loose bound variables is abnormal and should never
   599     happen when printing well-typed terms.
   601   \item $ast_of_term(f \ttrel{\$} x@1 \ttrel{\$} \ldots \ttrel{\$} x@n) =
   602     \ttfct{Appl} \mathopen{\mtt[} ast_of_term(f), ast_of_term(x@1), \ldots,$
   603     $ast_of_term(x@n) \mathclose{\mtt]}$, where $f$ is not an application.
   605   \item $constrain(x, \tau) = x$, if $\tau = \mtt{dummyT}$ \index{*dummyT} or
   606     \ttindex{show_types} not set to {\tt true}.
   608   \item $constrain(x, \tau) = \Appl{\Constant \mtt{"_constrain"}, x, ty}$,
   609     where $ty$ is the ast encoding of $\tau$. That is: type constructors as
   610     {\tt Constant}s, type variables as {\tt Variable}s and type applications
   611     as {\tt Appl}s with the head type constructor as first element.
   612     Additionally, if \ttindex{show_sorts} is set to {\tt true}, some type
   613     variables are decorated with an ast encoding their sort.
   614 \end{itemize}
   616 \medskip
   617 After an ast has been normalized wrt.\ the print macros, it is transformed
   618 into the final output string. The built-in {\bf print ast
   619 translations}\indexbold{print ast translation} are essentially the reverse
   620 ones of the parse ast translations of Figure~\ref{fig:parse_ast_tr}.
   622 For the actual printing process, the names attached to grammar productions of
   623 the form $\ldots A@{p@1}^1 \ldots A@{p@n}^n \ldots \mtt{=>} c$ play a vital
   624 role. Whenever an ast with constant head $c$, i.e.\ $\mtt"c\mtt"$ or
   625 $(\mtt"c\mtt"~ x@1 \ldots x@n)$, is encountered it is printed according to
   626 the production for $c$. This means that first the arguments $x@1$ \dots $x@n$
   627 are printed, then put in parentheses if necessary for reasons of precedence,
   628 and finally joined to a single string, separated by the syntactic sugar of
   629 the production (denoted by ``\dots'' above).
   631 If an application $(\mtt"c\mtt"~ x@1 \ldots x@m)$ has more arguments than the
   632 corresponding production, it is first split into $((\mtt"c\mtt"~ x@1 \ldots
   633 x@n)~ (x@{n+1} \ldots x@m))$. Applications with too few arguments or with
   634 non-constant head or without a corresponding production are printed as
   635 $f(x@1, \ldots, x@l)$ or $(\alpha@1, \ldots, \alpha@l) ty$. A single
   636 $\Variable x$ is simply printed as $x$.
   638 Note that the system does {\em not} insert blanks automatically. They should
   639 be part of the mixfix declaration (which provide the user interface for
   640 defining syntax) if they are required to separate tokens. Mixfix declarations
   641 may also contain pretty printing annotations. See \S\ref{sec:mixfix} for
   642 details.
   646 \section{Mixfix declarations} \label{sec:mixfix}
   648 When defining theories, the user usually declares new constants as names
   649 associated with a type followed by an optional \bfindex{mixfix annotation}.
   650 If none of the constants are introduced with mixfix annotations, there is no
   651 concrete syntax to speak of: terms can only be abstractions or applications
   652 of the form $f(t@1, \dots, t@n)$. Since this notation quickly becomes
   653 unreadable, Isabelle supports syntax definitions in the form of unrestricted
   654 context-free \index{context-free grammar} \index{precedence grammar}
   655 precedence grammars using mixfix annotations.
   657 Mixfix annotations describe the {\em concrete} syntax, a standard translation
   658 into the abstract syntax and a pretty printing scheme, all in one. Isabelle
   659 syntax definitions are inspired by \OBJ's~\cite{OBJ} {\em mixfix\/} syntax.
   660 Each mixfix annotation defines a precedence grammar production and optionally
   661 associates a constant with it.
   663 There is a general form of mixfix annotation exhibiting the full power of
   664 extending a theory's syntax, and some shortcuts for common cases like infix
   665 operators.
   667 The general \bfindex{mixfix declaration} as it may occur within a {\tt
   668 consts} section\index{consts section@{\tt consts} section} of a {\tt .thy}
   669 file, specifies a constant declaration and a grammar production at the same
   670 time. It has the form {\tt $c$ ::\ "$\tau$" ("$sy$" $ps$ $p$)} and is
   671 interpreted as follows:
   672 \begin{itemize}
   673   \item {\tt $c$ ::\ "$\tau$"} is the actual constant declaration without any
   674     syntactic significance.
   676   \item $sy$ is the right-hand side of the production, specified as a
   677     symbolic string. In general, $sy$ is of the form $\alpha@0 \_ \alpha@1
   678     \dots \alpha@{n-1} \_ \alpha@n$, where each occurrence of \ttindex{_}
   679     denotes an argument\index{argument!mixfix} position and the strings
   680     $\alpha@i$ do not contain (non-escaped) {\tt _}. The $\alpha@i$ may
   681     consist of delimiters\index{delimiter}, 
   682     spaces\index{space (pretty printing)} or \rmindex{pretty printing}
   683     annotations (see below).
   685   \item $\tau$ specifies the syntactic categories of the arguments on the
   686     left-hand and of the right-hand side. Arguments may be nonterminals or
   687     valued tokens. If $sy$ is of the form above, $\tau$ must be a nested
   688     function type with at least $n$ argument positions, say $\tau = [\tau@1,
   689     \dots, \tau@n] \To \tau'$. The syntactic category of argument $i$ is
   690     derived from type $\tau@i$ (see $root_of_type$ in
   691     \S\ref{sec:basic_syntax}). The result, i.e.\ the left-hand side of the
   692     production, is derived from type $\tau'$. Note that the $\tau@i$ and
   693     $\tau'$ may be function types.
   695   \item $c$ is the name of the constant associated with the production. If
   696     $c$ is the empty string {\tt ""} then this is a \rmindex{copy
   697     production}. Otherwise, parsing an instance of the phrase $sy$ generates
   698     the ast {\tt ("$c$" $a@1$ $\ldots$ $a@n$)}, where $a@i$ is the ast
   699     generated by parsing the $i$-th argument.
   701   \item $ps$ is an optional list of at most $n$ integers, say {\tt [$p@1$,
   702     $\ldots$, $p@m$]}, where $p@i$ is the minimal \rmindex{precedence}
   703     required of any phrase that may appear as the $i$-th argument. Missing
   704     precedences default to $0$.
   706   \item $p$ is the \rmindex{precedence} the of this production.
   707 \end{itemize}
   709 Precedences\index{precedence!range of} may range between $0$ and
   710 $max_pri$\indexbold{max_pri@$max_pri$} (= 1000). If you want to ignore them,
   711 the safest way to do so is to use the declaration {\tt $c$ ::\ "$\tau$"
   712 ("$sy$")}. The resulting production puts no precedence constraints on any of
   713 its arguments and has maximal precedence itself.
   715 \begin{example}
   716 The following theory specification contains a {\tt consts} section that
   717 encodes the precedence grammar of Example~\ref{ex:precedence} as mixfix
   718 declarations:
   719 \begin{ttbox}
   720 EXP = Pure +
   721 types
   722   exp 0
   723 arities
   724   exp :: logic
   725 consts
   726   "0" :: "exp"                ("0" 9)
   727   "+" :: "[exp, exp] => exp"  ("_ + _" [0, 1] 0)
   728   "*" :: "[exp, exp] => exp"  ("_ * _" [3, 2] 2)
   729   "-" :: "exp => exp"         ("- _" [3] 3)
   730 end
   731 \end{ttbox}
   732 Note that the {\tt arities} declaration causes {\tt exp} to be added to the
   733 syntax' roots. If you put the above text into a file {\tt exp.thy} and load
   734 it via {\tt use_thy "exp"}, you can do some tests:
   735 \begin{ttbox}
   736 val read_exp = Syntax.test_read (syn_of EXP.thy) "exp";
   737 read_exp "0 * 0 * 0 * 0 + 0 + 0 + 0";
   738 {\out tokens: "0" "*" "0" "*" "0" "*" "0" "+" "0" "+" "0" "+" "0"}
   739 {\out raw: ("+" ("+" ("+" ("*" "0" ("*" "0" ("*" "0" "0"))) "0") "0") "0")}
   740 {\out \vdots}
   741 read_exp "0 + - 0 + 0";
   742 {\out tokens: "0" "+" "-" "0" "+" "0"}
   743 {\out raw: ("+" ("+" "0" ("-" "0")) "0")}
   744 {\out \vdots}
   745 \end{ttbox}
   746 The output of \ttindex{Syntax.test_read} includes the token list ({\tt
   747 tokens}) and the raw ast directly derived from the parse tree, ignoring parse
   748 ast translations. The rest is tracing information provided by the macro
   749 expander (see \S\ref{sec:macros}).
   751 Issuing {\tt Syntax.print_gram (syn_of EXP.thy)} will reveal the actual
   752 grammar productions derived from the above mixfix declarations (lots of
   753 additional stuff deleted):
   754 \begin{ttbox}
   755 exp = "0"  => "0" (9)
   756 exp = exp[0] "+" exp[1]  => "+" (0)
   757 exp = exp[3] "*" exp[2]  => "*" (2)
   758 exp = "-" exp[3]  => "-" (3)
   759 \end{ttbox}
   760 \end{example}
   762 Let us now have a closer look at the structure of the string $sy$ appearing
   763 in mixfix annotations. This string specifies a list of parsing and printing
   764 directives, namely delimiters\index{delimiter},
   765 arguments\index{argument!mixfix}, spaces\index{space (pretty printing)},
   766 blocks of indentation\index{block (pretty printing)} and optional or forced
   767 line breaks\index{break (pretty printing)}. These are encoded via the
   768 following character sequences:
   770 \begin{description}
   771   \item[~\ttindex_~] An argument\index{argument!mixfix} position.
   773   \item[~$d$~] A \rmindex{delimiter}, i.e.\ a non-empty sequence of
   774     non-special or escaped characters. Escaping a 
   775     character\index{escape character} means preceding it with a {\tt '}
   776     (quote). Thus you have to write {\tt ''} if you really want a single
   777     quote. Delimiters may never contain white space, though.
   779   \item[~$s$~] A non-empty sequence of spaces\index{space (pretty printing)}
   780     for printing.
   782   \item[~{\ttindex($n$}~] Open a block\index{block (pretty printing)}. $n$ is
   783     an optional sequence of digits that specifies the amount of indentation
   784     to be added when a line break occurs within the block. If {\tt(} is not
   785     followed by a digit, the indentation defaults to $0$.
   787   \item[~\ttindex)~] Close a block.
   789   \item[~\ttindex{//}~] Force a line break\index{break (pretty printing)}.
   791   \item[~\ttindex/$s$~] Allow a line break\index{break (pretty printing)}.
   792     Spaces $s$ right after {\tt /} are only printed if the break is not
   793     taken.
   794 \end{description}
   796 In terms of parsing, arguments are nonterminals or valued tokens, while
   797 delimiters are literal tokens. The other directives have only significance
   798 for printing. The \rmindex{pretty printing} mechanisms of Isabelle is
   799 essentially that described in \cite{FIXME:ML_for_the_Working_Programmer}.
   802 \subsection{Infixes}
   804 Infix\index{infix} operators associating to the left or right can be declared
   805 conveniently using \ttindex{infixl} or \ttindex{infixr}.
   807 Roughly speaking, the form {\tt $c$ ::\ "$\tau$" (infixl $p$)} abbreviates:
   808 \begin{ttbox}
   809 "op \(c\)" ::\ "\(\tau\)"   ("op \(c\)")
   810 "op \(c\)" ::\ "\(\tau\)"   ("(_ \(c\)/ _)" [\(p\), \(p + 1\)] \(p\))
   811 \end{ttbox}
   812 and {\tt $c$ ::\ "$\tau$" (infixr $p$)} abbreviates:
   813 \begin{ttbox}
   814 "op \(c\)" ::\ "\(\tau\)"   ("op \(c\)")
   815 "op \(c\)" ::\ "\(\tau\)"   ("(_ \(c\)/ _)" [\(p + 1\), \(p\)] \(p\))
   816 \end{ttbox}
   818 Thus, prefixing infixes with \ttindex{op} makes them behave like ordinary
   819 function symbols. Special characters occurring in $c$ have to be escaped as
   820 in delimiters. Also note that the expanded forms above would be actually
   821 illegal at the user level because of duplicate declarations of constants.
   824 \subsection{Binders}
   826 A \bfindex{binder} is a variable-binding construct, such as a
   827 \rmindex{quantifier}. The constant declaration \indexbold{*binder}
   828 \begin{ttbox}
   829 \(c\) ::\ "\(\tau\)"   (binder "\(Q\)" \(p\))
   830 \end{ttbox}
   831 introduces a binder $c$ of type $\tau$, which must have the form $(\tau@1 \To
   832 \tau@2) \To \tau@3$. Its concrete syntax is $Q~x.P$. A binder is like a
   833 generalized quantifier where $\tau@1$ is the type of the bound variable $x$,
   834 $\tau@2$ the type of the body $P$, and $\tau@3$ the type of the whole term.
   835 For example $\forall$ can be declared like this:
   836 \begin{ttbox}
   837 All :: "('a => o) => o"   (binder "ALL " 10)
   838 \end{ttbox}
   839 This allows us to write $\forall x.P$ either as {\tt All(\%$x$.$P$)} or {\tt
   840 ALL $x$.$P$}. When printing terms, Isabelle usually uses the latter form, but
   841 has to fall back on $\mtt{All}(P)$, if $P$ is not an abstraction.
   843 Binders $c$ of type $(\sigma \To \tau) \To \tau$ can be nested; then the
   844 internal form $c(\lambda x@1. c(\lambda x@2. \ldots c(\lambda x@n. P)
   845 \ldots))$ corresponds to external $Q~x@1~x@2 \ldots x@n. P$.
   847 \medskip
   848 The general binder declaration
   849 \begin{ttbox}
   850 \(c\) ::\ "(\(\tau@1\) => \(\tau@2\)) => \(\tau@3\)"   (binder "\(Q\)" \(p\))
   851 \end{ttbox}
   852 is internally expanded to
   853 \begin{ttbox}
   854 \(c\)   ::\ "(\(\tau@1\) => \(\tau@2\)) => \(\tau@3\)"
   855 "\(Q\)" ::\ "[idts, \(\tau@2\)] => \(\tau@3\)"   ("(3\(Q\)_./ _)" \(p\))
   856 \end{ttbox}
   857 with $idts$ being the syntactic category for a list of $id$s optionally
   858 constrained (see Figure~\ref{fig:pure_gram}). Note that special characters in
   859 $Q$ have to be escaped as in delimiters.
   861 Additionally, a parse translation\index{parse translation!for binder} for $Q$
   862 and a print translation\index{print translation!for binder} for $c$ is
   863 installed. These perform behind the scenes the translation between the
   864 internal and external forms.
   868 \section{Syntactic translations (macros)} \label{sec:macros}
   870 So far we have pretended that there is a close enough relationship between
   871 concrete and abstract syntax to allow an automatic translation from one to
   872 the other using the constant name supplied with non-copy production. In many
   873 cases this scheme is not powerful enough. Some typical examples involve
   874 variable binding constructs (e.g.\ {\tt ALL x:A.P} vs.\ {\tt Ball(A, \%x.P)}
   875 or convenient notations for enumeration like finite sets, lists etc.\ (e.g.\
   876 {\tt [x, y, z]} vs.\ {\tt Cons(x, Cons(y, Cons(z, Nil)))}).
   878 Isabelle offers such translation facilities at two different levels, namely
   879 {\bf macros}\indexbold{macro} and {\bf translation functions}.
   881 Macros are specified by first order rewriting systems that operate on asts.
   882 They are usually easy to read and in most cases not very difficult to write.
   883 But some more obscure translations cannot be expressed as macros and you have
   884 to fall back on the more powerful mechanism of translation functions written
   885 in \ML. These are quite hard to write and nearly unreadable by the casual
   886 user (see \S\ref{sec:tr_funs}).
   888 \medskip
   889 Let us now getting started with the macro system by a simple example:
   891 \begin{example}~ \label{ex:set_trans}
   893 \begin{ttbox}
   894 SET = Pure +
   895 types
   896   i, o 0
   897 arities
   898   i, o :: logic
   899 consts
   900   Trueprop      :: "o => prop"              ("_" 5)
   901   Collect       :: "[i, i => o] => i"
   902   "{\at}Collect"    :: "[idt, i, o] => i"       ("(1{\ttlbrace}_:_./ _{\ttrbrace})")
   903   Replace       :: "[i, [i, i] => o] => i"
   904   "{\at}Replace"    :: "[idt, idt, i, o] => i"  ("(1{\ttlbrace}_./ _:_, _{\ttrbrace})")
   905   Ball          :: "[i, i => o] => o"
   906   "{\at}Ball"       :: "[idt, i, o] => o"       ("(3ALL _:_./ _)" 10)
   907 translations
   908   "{\ttlbrace}x:A. P{\ttrbrace}"    == "Collect(A, %x. P)"
   909   "{\ttlbrace}y. x:A, Q{\ttrbrace}" == "Replace(A, %x y. Q)"
   910   "ALL x:A. P"  == "Ball(A, %x. P)"
   911 end
   912 \end{ttbox}
   914 This and the following theories are complete working examples, though they
   915 are fragmentary as they contain merely syntax. They are somewhat fashioned
   916 after {\tt ZF/zf.thy}, where you should look for a good real-world example.
   918 {\tt SET} defines constants for set comprehension ({\tt Collect}),
   919 replacement ({\tt Replace}) and bounded universal quantification ({\tt
   920 Ball}). Without additional syntax you would have to express $\forall x \in A.
   921 P(x)$ as {\tt Ball(A, P)}. Since this is quite awkward, we define additional
   922 constants with appropriate concrete syntax. These constants are decorated
   923 with {\tt\at} to stress their pure syntactic purpose; they should never occur
   924 within the final well-typed terms. Another consequence is that the user
   925 cannot 'forge' terms containing such names, like {\tt\at Collect(x)}, for
   926 being syntactically incorrect.
   928 The included translations cause the replacement of external forms by internal
   929 forms after parsing and vice versa before printing of terms.
   930 \end{example}
   932 This is only a very simple but common instance of a more powerful mechanism.
   933 As a specification of what is to be translated, it should be comprehensible
   934 without further explanations. But there are also some snags and other
   935 peculiarities that are typical for macro systems in general. The purpose of
   936 this section is to explain how Isabelle's macro system really works.
   939 \subsection{Specifying macros}
   941 Basically macros are rewrite rules on asts. But unlike other macro systems of
   942 various programming languages, Isabelle's macros work two way. Therefore a
   943 syntax contains two lists of rules: one for parsing and one for printing.
   945 The {\tt translations} section\index{translations section@{\tt translations}
   946 section} consists of a list of rule specifications, whose general form is:
   947 {\tt $[$ ($root$) $]$ $string$ $[$ => $|$ <= $|$ == $]$ $[$ ($root$) $]$
   948 $string$}.
   950 This specifies a \rmindex{parse rule} ({\tt =>}) a \rmindex{print rule} ({\tt
   951 <=}) or both ({\tt ==}). The two $string$s preceded by optional parenthesized
   952 $root$s denote the left-hand and right-hand side of the rule as 'source
   953 code'.
   955 Rules are internalized wrt.\ an intermediate signature that is obtained from
   956 the parent theories' ones by adding all material of all sections preceding
   957 {\tt translations} in the {\tt .thy} file, especially new syntax defined in
   958 {\tt consts} is already effective.
   960 Then part of the process that transforms input strings into terms is applied:
   961 lexing, parsing and parse ast translations (see \S\ref{sec:asts}). Macros as
   962 specified in the parents are {\em not} expanded. Also note that the lexer
   963 runs in a different mode that additionally accepts identifiers of the form
   964 $\_~letter~quasiletter^*$ (like {\tt _idt}, {\tt _K}). The syntactic category
   965 to parse is specified by $root$, which defaults to {\tt logic}.
   967 Finally, Isabelle tries to guess which atoms of the resulting ast of the rule
   968 should be treated as constants during matching (see below). These names are
   969 extracted from all class, type and constant declarations made so far.
   971 \medskip
   972 The result are two lists of translation rules in internal form, that is pairs
   973 of asts. They can be viewed using {\tt Syntax.print_syntax}
   974 (\ttindex{parse_rules} and \ttindex{print_rules}). For {\tt SET} of
   975 Example~\ref{ex:set_trans} these are:
   976 \begin{ttbox}
   977 parse_rules:
   978   ("{\at}Collect" x A P)  ->  ("Collect" A ("_abs" x P))
   979   ("{\at}Replace" y x A Q)  ->  ("Replace" A ("_abs" x ("_abs" y Q)))
   980   ("{\at}Ball" x A P)  ->  ("Ball" A ("_abs" x P))
   981 print_rules:
   982   ("Collect" A ("_abs" x P))  ->  ("{\at}Collect" x A P)
   983   ("Replace" A ("_abs" x ("_abs" y Q)))  ->  ("{\at}Replace" y x A Q)
   984   ("Ball" A ("_abs" x P))  ->  ("{\at}Ball" x A P)
   985 \end{ttbox}
   987 Note that in this notation all rules are oriented left to right. In the {\tt
   988 translations} section, which has been split into two parts, print rules
   989 appeared right to left.
   991 \begin{warn}
   992 Be careful not to choose names for variables in rules that are actually
   993 treated as constant. If in doubt, check the rules in their internal form or
   994 the section labeled {\tt consts} in the output of {\tt Syntax.print_syntax}.
   995 \end{warn}
   998 \subsection{Applying rules}
  1000 In the course of parsing and printing terms, asts are generated as an
  1001 intermediate form as pictured in Figure~\ref{fig:parse_print}. These asts are
  1002 normalized wrt.\ the given lists of translation rules in a uniform manner. As
  1003 stated earlier, asts are supposed to be sort of first order terms. The
  1004 rewriting systems derived from {\tt translations} sections essentially
  1005 resemble traditional first order term rewriting systems. We'll first examine
  1006 how a single rule is applied.
  1008 Let $t$ be the ast to be normalized and $(l, r)$ some translation rule. A
  1009 (improper) subast $u$ of $t$ is called {\bf redex}\indexbold{redex (ast)}
  1010 (reducible expression), if it is an instance of $l$. In this case $l$ is said
  1011 to {\bf match}\indexbold{match (ast)} $u$. A redex matched by $l$ may be
  1012 replaced by the corresponding instance of $r$, thus {\bf
  1013 rewriting}\index{rewrite (ast)} the ast $t$.
  1015 Matching requires some notion of {\bf place-holders}\indexbold{place-holder
  1016 (ast)} that may occur in rule patterns but not in ordinary asts, which are
  1017 considered ground. Here we simply use {\tt Variable}s for this purpose.
  1019 More formally, the matching of $u$ by $l$ is performed as follows (the rule
  1020 pattern is the second argument): \index{match (ast)@$match$ (ast)}
  1021 \begin{itemize}
  1022   \item $match(\Constant x, \Constant x) = \mbox{OK}$.
  1024   \item $match(\Variable x, \Constant x) = \mbox{OK}$.
  1026   \item $match(u, \Variable x) = \mbox{OK, bind}~x~\mbox{to}~u$.
  1028   \item $match(\Appl{u@1, \ldots, u@n}, \Appl{l@1, \ldots, l@n}) = match(u@1,
  1029     l@1), \ldots, match(u@n, l@n)$.
  1031   \item $match(u, l) = \mbox{FAIL}$ in any other case.
  1032 \end{itemize}
  1034 This means that a {\tt Constant} pattern matches any atomic asts of the same
  1035 name, while a {\tt Variable} matches any ast. If successful, $match$ yields a
  1036 substitution $\sigma$ for all place-holders in $l$, equalling it with the
  1037 redex $u$. Then $\sigma$ is applied to $r$ generating the appropriate
  1038 instance that replaces $u$.
  1040 \medskip
  1041 In order to make things simple and fast, ast rewrite rules $(l, r)$ are
  1042 restricted by the following conditions:
  1043 \begin{itemize}
  1044   \item Rules have to be left linear, i.e.\ $l$ must not contain any {\tt
  1045     Variable} more than once.
  1047   \item Rules must have constant heads, i.e.\ $l = \mtt"c\mtt"$ or $l =
  1048     (\mtt"c\mtt" ~ x@1 \ldots x@n)$.
  1050   \item The set of variables contained in $r$ has to be a subset of those of
  1051     $l$.
  1052 \end{itemize}
  1054 \medskip
  1055 Having first order matching in mind, the second case of $match$ may look a
  1056 bit odd. But this is exactly the place, where {\tt Variable}s of non-rule
  1057 asts behave like {\tt Constant}s. The deeper meaning of this is related with
  1058 asts being very 'primitive' in some sense, ignorant of the underlying
  1059 'semantics', only short way from parse trees. At this level it is not yet
  1060 known, which $id$s will become constants, bounds, frees, types or classes. As
  1061 $ast_of_pt$ (see \S\ref{sec:asts}) shows, former parse tree heads appear in
  1062 asts as {\tt Constant}s, while $id$s, $var$s, $tfree$s and $tvar$s become
  1063 {\tt Variable}s.
  1065 This is at variance with asts generated from terms before printing (see
  1066 $ast_of_term$ in \S\ref{sec:asts}), where all constants and type constructors
  1067 become {\tt Constant}s.
  1069 \begin{warn}
  1070 This means asts may contain quite a messy mixture of {\tt Variable}s and {\tt
  1071 Constant}s, which is insignificant at macro level because $match$ treats them
  1072 alike.
  1073 \end{warn}
  1075 Because of this behaviour, different kinds of atoms with the same name are
  1076 indistinguishable, which may make some rules prone to misbehaviour. Regard
  1077 the following fragmentary example:
  1078 \begin{ttbox}
  1079 types
  1080   Nil 0
  1081 consts
  1082   Nil     :: "'a list"
  1083   "[]"    :: "'a list"    ("[]")
  1084 translations
  1085   "[]"    == "Nil"
  1086 \end{ttbox}
  1087 Then the term {\tt Nil} will be printed as {\tt []}, just as expected. What
  1088 happens with \verb|%Nil.t| or {\tt x::Nil} is left as an exercise.
  1091 \subsection{Rewriting strategy}
  1093 When normalizing an ast by repeatedly applying translation rules until no
  1094 more rule is applicable, there are in each step two choices: which rule to
  1095 apply next, and which redex to reduce.
  1097 We could assume that the user always supplies terminating and confluent
  1098 rewriting systems, but this would often complicate things unnecessarily.
  1099 Therefore, we reveal part of the actual rewriting strategy: The normalizer
  1100 always applies the first matching rule reducing an unspecified redex chosen
  1101 first.
  1103 Thereby, 'first rule' is roughly speaking meant wrt.\ the appearance of the
  1104 rules in the {\tt translations} sections. But this is more tricky than it
  1105 seems: If a given theory is {\em extended}, new rules are simply appended to
  1106 the end. But if theories are {\em merged}, it is not clear which list of
  1107 rules has priority over the other. In fact the merge order is left
  1108 unspecified. This shouldn't cause any problems in practice, since
  1109 translations of different theories usually do not overlap. {\tt
  1110 Syntax.print_syntax} shows the rules in their internal order.
  1112 \medskip
  1113 You can watch the normalization of asts during parsing and printing by
  1114 issuing: \index{*Syntax.trace_norm_ast}
  1115 \begin{ttbox}
  1116 Syntax.trace_norm_ast := true;
  1117 \end{ttbox}
  1118 An alternative is the use of \ttindex{Syntax.test_read}, which is always in
  1119 trace mode. The information displayed when tracing\index{tracing (ast)}
  1120 includes: the ast before normalization ({\tt pre}), redexes with results
  1121 ({\tt rewrote}), the normal form finally reached ({\tt post}) and some
  1122 statistics ({\tt normalize}). If tracing is off,
  1123 \ttindex{Syntax.stat_norm_ast} can be set to {\tt true} in order to enable
  1124 printing of the normal form and statistics only.
  1127 \subsection{More examples}
  1129 Let us first reconsider Example~\ref{ex:set_trans}, which is concerned with
  1130 variable binding constructs.
  1132 There is a minor disadvantage over an implementation via translation
  1133 functions (as done for binders):
  1135 \begin{warn}
  1136 If \ttindex{eta_contract} is set to {\tt true}, terms will be
  1137 $\eta$-contracted {\em before} the ast rewriter sees them. Thus some
  1138 abstraction nodes needed for print rules to match may get lost. E.g.\
  1139 \verb|Ball(A, %x. P(x))| is contracted to {\tt Ball(A, P)}, the print rule is
  1140 no longer applicable and the output will be {\tt Ball(A, P)}. Note that
  1141 $\eta$-expansion via macros is {\em not} possible.
  1142 \end{warn}
  1144 \medskip
  1145 Another common trap are meta constraints. If \ttindex{show_types} is set to
  1146 {\tt true}, bound variables will be decorated by their meta types at the
  1147 binding place (but not at occurrences in the body). E.g.\ matching with
  1148 \verb|Collect(A, %x. P)| binds {\tt x} to something like {\tt ("_constrain" y
  1149 "i")} rather than only {\tt y}. Ast rewriting will cause the constraint to
  1150 appear in the external form, say \verb|{y::i:A::i. P::o}|. Therefore your
  1151 syntax should be ready for such constraints to be re-read. This is the case
  1152 in our example, because of the category {\tt idt} of the first argument.
  1154 \begin{warn}
  1155 Choosing {\tt id} instead of {\tt idt} is a very common error, especially
  1156 since it appears in former versions of most of Isabelle's object-logics.
  1157 \end{warn}
  1159 \begin{example} \label{ex:finset_trans}
  1160 This example demonstrates the use of recursive macros to implement a
  1161 convenient notation for finite sets.
  1162 \begin{ttbox}
  1163 FINSET = SET +
  1164 types
  1165   is 0
  1166 consts
  1167   ""            :: "i => is"                ("_")
  1168   "{\at}Enum"       :: "[i, is] => is"          ("_,/ _")
  1169   empty         :: "i"                      ("{\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace}")
  1170   insert        :: "[i, i] => i"
  1171   "{\at}Finset"     :: "is => i"                ("{\ttlbrace}(_){\ttrbrace}")
  1172 translations
  1173   "{\ttlbrace}x, xs{\ttrbrace}"     == "insert(x, {\ttlbrace}xs{\ttrbrace})"
  1174   "{\ttlbrace}x{\ttrbrace}"         == "insert(x, {\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace})"
  1175 end
  1176 \end{ttbox}
  1178 Finite sets are internally built up by {\tt empty} and {\tt insert}.
  1179 Externally we would like to see \verb|{x, y, z}| rather than {\tt insert(x,
  1180 insert(y, insert(z, empty)))}.
  1182 First we define the generic syntactic category {\tt is} for one or more
  1183 objects of type {\tt i} separated by commas (including breaks for pretty
  1184 printing). The category has to be declared as a 0-place type constructor, but
  1185 without {\tt arities} declaration. Hence {\tt is} is not a logical type, no
  1186 default productions will be added, and we can cook our own syntax for {\tt
  1187 is} (first two lines of {\tt consts} section). If we had needed generic
  1188 enumerations of type $\alpha$ (i.e.\ {\tt logic}), we could have used the
  1189 predefined category \ttindex{args} and skipped this part altogether.
  1191 Next follows {\tt empty}, which is already equipped with its syntax
  1192 \verb|{}|, and {\tt insert} without concrete syntax. The syntactic constant
  1193 {\tt\at Finset} provides concrete syntax for enumerations of {\tt i} enclosed
  1194 in curly braces. Remember that a pair of parentheses specifies a block of
  1195 indentation for pretty printing. The category {\tt is} can be later reused
  1196 for other enumerations like lists or tuples.
  1198 The translations might look a bit odd at the first glance. But rules can be
  1199 only fully understood in their internal forms, which are:
  1200 \begin{ttbox}
  1201 parse_rules:
  1202   ("{\at}Finset" ("{\at}Enum" x xs))  ->  ("insert" x ("{\at}Finset" xs))
  1203   ("{\at}Finset" x)  ->  ("insert" x "empty")
  1204 print_rules:
  1205   ("insert" x ("{\at}Finset" xs))  ->  ("{\at}Finset" ("{\at}Enum" x xs))
  1206   ("insert" x "empty")  ->  ("{\at}Finset" x)
  1207 \end{ttbox}
  1208 This shows that \verb|{x, xs}| indeed matches any set enumeration of at least
  1209 two elements, binding the first to {\tt x} and the rest to {\tt xs}.
  1210 Likewise, \verb|{xs}| and \verb|{x}| represent any set enumeration. Note that
  1211 the parse rules only work in this order.
  1213 \medskip
  1214 Some rules are prone to misbehaviour, as
  1215 \verb|%empty insert. insert(x, empty)| shows, which is printed as
  1216 \verb|%empty insert. {x}|. This problem arises, because the ast rewriter
  1217 cannot discern constants, frees, bounds etc.\ and looks only for names of
  1218 atoms.
  1220 Thus the names of {\tt Constant}s occurring in the (internal) left-hand side
  1221 of translation rules should be regarded as 'reserved keywords'. It is good
  1222 practice to choose non-identifiers here like {\tt\at Finset} or sufficiently
  1223 long and strange names.
  1224 \end{example}
  1226 \begin{example} \label{ex:prod_trans}
  1227 One of the well-formedness conditions for ast rewrite rules stated earlier
  1228 implies that you can never introduce new {\tt Variable}s on the right-hand
  1229 side. Something like \verb|"K(B)" => "%x. B"| is illegal and could cause
  1230 variable capturing, if it were allowed. In such cases you usually have to
  1231 fall back on translation functions. But there is a trick that makes things
  1232 quite readable in some cases: {\em calling print translations by print
  1233 rules}. This is demonstrated here.
  1234 \begin{ttbox}
  1235 PROD = FINSET +
  1236 consts
  1237   Pi            :: "[i, i => i] => i"
  1238   "{\at}PROD"       :: "[idt, i, i] => i"     ("(3PROD _:_./ _)" 10)
  1239   "{\at}->"         :: "[i, i] => i"          ("(_ ->/ _)" [51, 50] 50)
  1240 translations
  1241   "PROD x:A. B" => "Pi(A, %x. B)"
  1242   "A -> B"      => "Pi(A, _K(B))"
  1243 end
  1244 ML
  1245   val print_translation = [("Pi", dependent_tr' ("{\at}PROD", "{\at}->"))];
  1246 \end{ttbox}
  1248 {\tt Pi} is an internal constant for constructing dependent products. Two
  1249 external forms exist: {\tt PROD x:A.B}, the general case, and {\tt A -> B},
  1250 an abbreviation for \verb|Pi(A, %x.B)| with {\tt B} not actually depending on
  1251 {\tt x}.
  1253 Now the second parse rule is where the trick comes in: {\tt _K(B)} is
  1254 introduced during ast rewriting, which later becomes \verb|%x.B| due to a
  1255 parse translation associated with \ttindex{_K}. Note that a leading {\tt _}
  1256 in $id$s is allowed in translation rules, but not in ordinary terms. This
  1257 special behaviour of the lexer is very useful for 'forging' asts containing
  1258 names that are not directly accessible normally. Unfortunately, there is no
  1259 such trick for printing, so we have to add a {\tt ML} section for the print
  1260 translation \ttindex{dependent_tr'}.
  1262 The parse translation for {\tt _K} is already installed in Pure, and {\tt
  1263 dependent_tr'} is exported by the syntax module for public use. See
  1264 \S\ref{sec:tr_funs} for more of the arcane lore of translation functions.
  1265 \end{example}
  1269 \section{Translation functions *} \label{sec:tr_funs}
  1271 This section is about the remaining translation mechanism which enables the
  1272 designer of theories to do almost everything with terms or asts during the
  1273 parsing or printing process, by writing some \ML-functions. The logic \LK\ is
  1274 a good example of a quite sophisticated use of this to transform between
  1275 internal and external representations of associative sequences. The high
  1276 level macro system described in \S\ref{sec:macros} fails here completely.
  1278 \begin{warn}
  1279 A full understanding of the matters presented here requires some familiarity
  1280 with Isabelle's internals, especially the datatypes {\tt term}, {\tt typ},
  1281 {\tt Syntax.ast} and the encodings of types and terms as such at the various
  1282 stages of the parsing or printing process. You probably do not really want to
  1283 use translation functions at all!
  1284 \end{warn}
  1286 As already mentioned in \S\ref{sec:asts}, there are four kinds of translation
  1287 functions. All such functions are associated with a name which specifies an
  1288 ast's or term's head invoking that function. Such names can be (logical or
  1289 syntactic) constants or type constructors.
  1291 {\tt Syntax.print_syntax} displays the sets of names associated with the
  1292 translation functions of a {\tt Syntax.syntax} under
  1293 \ttindex{parse_ast_translation}, \ttindex{parse_translation},
  1294 \ttindex{print_translation} and \ttindex{print_ast_translation}. The user can
  1295 add new ones via the {\tt ML} section\index{ML section@{\tt ML} section} of a
  1296 {\tt .thy} file. But there may never be more than one function of the same
  1297 kind per name.
  1299 \begin{warn}
  1300 Conceptually, the {\tt ML} section should appear between {\tt consts} and
  1301 {\tt translations}, i.e.\ newly installed translation functions are already
  1302 effective when macros and logical rules are parsed. {\tt ML} has to be the
  1303 last section because the {\tt .thy} file parser is unable to detect the end
  1304 of \ML\ code in another way than by end-of-file.
  1305 \end{warn}
  1307 All text of the {\tt ML} section is simply copied verbatim into the \ML\ file
  1308 generated from a {\tt .thy} file. Definitions made here by the user become
  1309 components of a \ML\ structure of the same name as the theory to be created.
  1310 Therefore local things should be declared within {\tt local}. The following
  1311 special \ML\ values, which are all optional, serve as the interface for the
  1312 installation of user defined translation functions.
  1314 \begin{ttbox}
  1315 val parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list
  1316 val parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list
  1317 val print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list
  1318 val print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list
  1319 \end{ttbox}
  1321 The basic idea behind all four kinds of functions is relatively simple (see
  1322 also Figure~\ref{fig:parse_print}): Whenever --- during the transformations
  1323 between parse trees, asts and terms --- a combination of the form
  1324 $(\mtt"c\mtt"~x@1 \ldots x@n)$ is encountered, and a translation function $f$
  1325 of appropriate kind exists for $c$, the result will be $f \mtt[ x@1, \ldots,
  1326 x@n \mtt]$. Thereby, $x@1, \ldots, x@n$ (with $n \ge 0$) are asts for ast
  1327 translations and terms for term translations. A 'combination' at ast level is
  1328 of the form $\Constant c$ or $\Appl{\Constant c, x@1, \ldots, x@n}$, and at
  1329 term level $\ttfct{Const} (c, \tau)$ or $\ttfct{Const} (c, \tau) \ttrel{\$}
  1330 x@1 \ttrel{\$} \dots \ttrel{\$} x@n$.
  1332 \medskip
  1333 Translation functions at ast level differ from those at term level only in
  1334 the same way, as asts and terms differ. Terms, being more complex and more
  1335 specific, allow more sophisticated transformations (typically involving
  1336 abstractions and bound variables).
  1338 On the other hand, {\em parse} (ast) translations differ from {\em print}
  1339 (ast) translations more fundamentally:
  1340 \begin{description}
  1341   \item[Parse (ast) translations] are applied bottom-up, i.e.\ the arguments
  1342     supplied ($x@1, \ldots, x@n$ above) are already in translated form.
  1343     Additionally, they may not fail, exceptions are re-raised after printing
  1344     of an error message.
  1346   \item[Print (ast) translations] are applied top-down, i.e.\ supplied with
  1347     arguments that are partly still in internal form. The result is again fed
  1348     into the translation machinery as a whole. Therefore a print (ast)
  1349     translation should not introduce as head a constant of the same name that
  1350     invoked it in the first place. Alternatively, exception \ttindex{Match}
  1351     may be raised, indicating failure of translation.
  1352 \end{description}
  1354 Another difference between the parsing and the printing process is, which
  1355 atoms are {\tt Constant}s or {\tt Const}s, i.e.\ able to invoke translation
  1356 functions.
  1358 For parse ast translations only former parse tree heads are {\tt Constant}s
  1359 (see also $ast_of_pt$ in \S\ref{sec:asts}). These and additionally introduced
  1360 {\tt Constant}s (e.g.\ by macros), become {\tt Const}s for parse translations
  1361 (see also $term_of_ast$ in \S\ref{sec:asts}).
  1363 The situation is slightly different, when terms are prepared for printing,
  1364 since the role of atoms is known. Initially, all logical constants and type
  1365 constructors may invoke print translations. New constants may be introduced
  1366 by these or by macros, able to invoke parse ast translations.
  1369 \subsection{A simple example *}
  1371 Presenting a simple and useful example of translation functions is not that
  1372 easy, since the macro system is sufficient for most simple applications. By
  1373 convention, translation functions always have names ending with {\tt
  1374 _ast_tr}, {\tt _tr}, {\tt _tr'} or {\tt _ast_tr'}. You may look for such
  1375 names in the sources of Pure Isabelle for more examples.
  1377 \begin{example} \label{ex:tr_funs}
  1379 We continue Example~\ref{ex:prod_trans} by presenting the \ML\ sources of the
  1380 parse translation for \ttindex{_K} and the print translation
  1381 \ttindex{dependent_tr'}:
  1383 \begin{ttbox}
  1384 (* nondependent abstraction *)
  1386 fun k_tr (*"_K"*) [t] = Abs ("x", dummyT, incr_boundvars 1 t)
  1387   | k_tr (*"_K"*) ts = raise_term "k_tr" ts;
  1389 (* dependent / nondependent quantifiers *)
  1391 fun dependent_tr' (q, r) (A :: Abs (x, T, B) :: ts) =
  1392       if 0 mem (loose_bnos B) then
  1393         let val (x', B') = variant_abs (x, dummyT, B);
  1394         in list_comb (Const (q, dummyT) $ Free (x', T) $ A $ B', ts)
  1395         end
  1396       else list_comb (Const (r, dummyT) $ A $ B, ts)
  1397   | dependent_tr' _ _ = raise Match;
  1398 \end{ttbox}
  1400 This text is taken from the Pure sources, ordinary user translations would
  1401 typically appear within the {\tt ML} section of the {\tt .thy} file.
  1403 \medskip
  1404 If {\tt k_tr} is called with exactly one argument $t$, it creates a new {\tt
  1405 Abs} node with a body derived from $t$: loose {\tt Bound}s, i.e.\ those
  1406 referring to outer {\tt Abs}s, are incremented using
  1407 \ttindex{incr_boundvars}. This and many other basic term manipulation
  1408 functions are defined in {\tt Pure/term.ML}, the comments there being in most
  1409 cases the only documentation.
  1411 Since terms fed into parse translations are not yet typed, the type of the
  1412 bound variable in the new {\tt Abs} is simply {\tt dummyT}.
  1414 \medskip
  1415 The argument $(q, r)$ for {\tt dependent_tr'} is supplied already during the
  1416 installation within a {\tt ML} section. This yields a parse translation that
  1417 transforms something like $c(A, \mtt{Abs}(x, T, B), t@1, \ldots, t@n)$ into
  1418 $q(x', A, B', t@1, \ldots, t@n)$ or $r(A, B, t@1, \ldots, t@n)$. The latter
  1419 form, if $B$ does not actually depend on $x$. This is checked using
  1420 \ttindex{loose_bnos}, yet another undocumented function of {\tt
  1421 Pure/term.ML}. Note that $x'$ is a version of $x$ renamed away from all names
  1422 in $B$, and $B'$ the body $B$ with {\tt Bound}s referring to our {\tt Abs}
  1423 node replaced by $\ttfct{Free} (x', \mtt{dummyT})$.
  1425 We have to be more careful with types here. While types of {\tt Const}s are
  1426 completely ignored, type constraints may be printed for some {\tt Free}s and
  1427 {\tt Var}s (only if \ttindex{show_types} is set to {\tt true}). Variables of
  1428 type \ttindex{dummyT} are never printed with constraint, though. Thus, a
  1429 constraint of $x'$ may only appear at its binding place, since {\tt Free}s of
  1430 $B'$ replacing the appropriate {\tt Bound}s of $B$ via \ttindex{variant_abs}
  1431 have all type {\tt dummyT}.
  1432 \end{example}
  1436 \section{Example: some minimal logics} \label{sec:min_logics}
  1438 This concluding section presents some examples that are very simple from a
  1439 syntactic point of view. They should rather demonstrate how to define new
  1440 object-logics from scratch. In particular we need to say how an object-logic
  1441 syntax is hooked up to the meta-logic. Since all theorems must conform to the
  1442 syntax for $prop$ (see Figure~\ref{fig:pure_gram}), that syntax has to be
  1443 extended with the object-level syntax. Assume that the syntax of your
  1444 object-logic defines a category $o$ of formulae. These formulae can now
  1445 appear in axioms and theorems wherever $prop$ does if you add the production
  1446 \[ prop ~=~ o. \]
  1447 More precisely, you need a coercion from formulae to propositions:
  1448 \begin{ttbox}
  1449 Base = Pure +
  1450 types
  1451   o 0
  1452 arities
  1453   o :: logic
  1454 consts
  1455   Trueprop :: "o => prop"   ("_" 5)
  1456 end
  1457 \end{ttbox}
  1458 The constant {\tt Trueprop} (the name is arbitrary) acts as an invisible
  1459 coercion function. Assuming this definition resides in a file {\tt base.thy},
  1460 you have to load it with the command {\tt use_thy "base"}.
  1462 One of the simplest nontrivial logics is {\em minimal logic} of implication.
  1463 Its definition in Isabelle needs no advanced features but illustrates the
  1464 overall mechanism quite nicely:
  1465 \begin{ttbox}
  1466 Hilbert = Base +
  1467 consts
  1468   "-->" :: "[o, o] => o"   (infixr 10)
  1469 rules
  1470   K     "P --> Q --> P"
  1471   S     "(P --> Q --> R) --> (P --> Q) --> P --> R"
  1472   MP    "[| P --> Q; P |] ==> Q"
  1473 end
  1474 \end{ttbox}
  1475 After loading this definition you can start to prove theorems in this logic:
  1476 \begin{ttbox}
  1477 goal Hilbert.thy "P --> P";
  1478 {\out Level 0}
  1479 {\out P --> P}
  1480 {\out  1.  P --> P}
  1481 by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.MP] 1);
  1482 {\out Level 1}
  1483 {\out P --> P}
  1484 {\out  1.  ?P --> P --> P}
  1485 {\out  2.  ?P}
  1486 by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.MP] 1);
  1487 {\out Level 2}
  1488 {\out P --> P}
  1489 {\out  1.  ?P1 --> ?P --> P --> P}
  1490 {\out  2.  ?P1}
  1491 {\out  3.  ?P}
  1492 by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.S] 1);
  1493 {\out Level 3}
  1494 {\out P --> P}
  1495 {\out  1.  P --> ?Q2 --> P}
  1496 {\out  2.  P --> ?Q2}
  1497 by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.K] 1);
  1498 {\out Level 4}
  1499 {\out P --> P}
  1500 {\out  1.  P --> ?Q2}
  1501 by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.K] 1);
  1502 {\out Level 5}
  1503 {\out P --> P}
  1504 {\out No subgoals!}
  1505 \end{ttbox}
  1506 As you can see, this Hilbert-style formulation of minimal logic is easy to
  1507 define but difficult to use. The following natural deduction formulation is
  1508 far preferable:
  1509 \begin{ttbox}
  1510 MinI = Base +
  1511 consts
  1512   "-->" :: "[o, o] => o"   (infixr 10)
  1513 rules
  1514   impI  "(P ==> Q) ==> P --> Q"
  1515   impE  "[| P --> Q; P |] ==> Q"
  1516 end
  1517 \end{ttbox}
  1518 Note, however, that although the two systems are equivalent, this fact cannot
  1519 be proved within Isabelle: {\tt S} and {\tt K} can be derived in {\tt MinI}
  1520 (exercise!), but {\tt impI} cannot be derived in {\tt Hilbert}. The reason is
  1521 that {\tt impI} is only an {\em admissible} rule in {\tt Hilbert}, something
  1522 that can only be shown by induction over all possible proofs in {\tt
  1523 Hilbert}.
  1525 It is a very simple matter to extend minimal logic with falsity:
  1526 \begin{ttbox}
  1527 MinIF = MinI +
  1528 consts
  1529   False :: "o"
  1530 rules
  1531   FalseE "False ==> P"
  1532 end
  1533 \end{ttbox}
  1534 On the other hand, we may wish to introduce conjunction only:
  1535 \begin{ttbox}
  1536 MinC = Base +
  1537 consts
  1538   "&" :: "[o, o] => o"   (infixr 30)
  1539 rules
  1540   conjI  "[| P; Q |] ==> P & Q"
  1541   conjE1 "P & Q ==> P"
  1542   conjE2 "P & Q ==> Q"
  1543 end
  1544 \end{ttbox}
  1545 And if we want to have all three connectives together, we define:
  1546 \begin{ttbox}
  1547 MinIFC = MinIF + MinC
  1548 \end{ttbox}
  1549 Now we can prove mixed theorems like
  1550 \begin{ttbox}
  1551 goal MinIFC.thy "P & False --> Q";
  1552 by (resolve_tac [MinI.impI] 1);
  1553 by (dresolve_tac [MinC.conjE2] 1);
  1554 by (eresolve_tac [MinIF.FalseE] 1);
  1555 \end{ttbox}
  1556 Try this as an exercise!