changeset 37872 d83659570337
parent 37871 c7ce7685e087
child 37873 66d90b2b87bc
equal deleted inserted replaced
37871:c7ce7685e087 37872:d83659570337
     1 (*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_ghc.ML
     2     Author:     Steven Obua
     3 *)
     5 structure AM_GHC : ABSTRACT_MACHINE = struct
     7 open AbstractMachine;
     9 type program = string * string * (int Inttab.table)
    11 fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
    12   | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
    13       List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
    15 fun update_arity arity code a = 
    16     (case Inttab.lookup arity code of
    17          NONE => Inttab.update_new (code, a) arity
    18        | SOME (a': int) => if a > a' then Inttab.update (code, a) arity else arity)
    20 (* We have to find out the maximal arity of each constant *)
    21 fun collect_pattern_arity PVar arity = arity
    22   | collect_pattern_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = fold collect_pattern_arity args (update_arity arity c (length args))
    24 local
    25 fun collect applevel (Var _) arity = arity
    26   | collect applevel (Const c) arity = update_arity arity c applevel
    27   | collect applevel (Abs m) arity = collect 0 m arity
    28   | collect applevel (App (a,b)) arity = collect 0 b (collect (applevel + 1) a arity)
    29 in
    30 fun collect_term_arity t arity = collect 0 t arity
    31 end
    33 fun nlift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
    34   | nlift level n (Const c) = Const c
    35   | nlift level n (App (a,b)) = App (nlift level n a, nlift level n b)
    36   | nlift level n (Abs b) = Abs (nlift (level+1) n b)
    38 fun rep n x = if n = 0 then [] else x::(rep (n-1) x)
    40 fun adjust_rules rules =
    41     let
    42         val arity = fold (fn (p, t) => fn arity => collect_term_arity t (collect_pattern_arity p arity)) rules Inttab.empty
    43         fun arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup arity c)
    44         fun adjust_pattern PVar = PVar
    45           | adjust_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else C
    46         fun adjust_rule (PVar, t) = raise Compile ("pattern may not be a variable")
    47           | adjust_rule (rule as (p as PConst (c, args),t)) = 
    48             let
    49                 val _ = if not (check_freevars (count_patternvars p) t) then raise Compile ("unbound variables on right hand side") else () 
    50                 val args = map adjust_pattern args              
    51                 val len = length args
    52                 val arity = arity_of c
    53                 fun lift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
    54                   | lift level n (Const c) = Const c
    55                   | lift level n (App (a,b)) = App (lift level n a, lift level n b)
    56                   | lift level n (Abs b) = Abs (lift (level+1) n b)
    57                 val lift = lift 0
    58                 fun adjust_term n t = if n=0 then t else adjust_term (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1))) 
    59             in
    60                 if len = arity then
    61                     rule
    62                 else if arity >= len then  
    63                     (PConst (c, args @ (rep (arity-len) PVar)), adjust_term (arity-len) (lift (arity-len) t))
    64                 else (raise Compile "internal error in adjust_rule")
    65             end
    66     in
    67         (arity, map adjust_rule rules)
    68     end             
    70 fun print_term arity_of n =
    71 let
    72     fun str x = string_of_int x
    73     fun protect_blank s = if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank s then "(" ^ s ^")" else s
    75     fun print_apps d f [] = f
    76       | print_apps d f (a::args) = print_apps d ("app "^(protect_blank f)^" "^(protect_blank (print_term d a))) args
    77     and print_call d (App (a, b)) args = print_call d a (b::args) 
    78       | print_call d (Const c) args = 
    79         (case arity_of c of 
    80              NONE => print_apps d ("Const "^(str c)) args 
    81            | SOME a =>
    82              let
    83                  val len = length args
    84              in
    85                  if a <= len then 
    86                      let
    87                          val s = "c"^(str c)^(implode (map (fn t => " "^(protect_blank (print_term d t))) (List.take (args, a))))
    88                      in
    89                          print_apps d s (List.drop (args, a))
    90                      end
    91                  else 
    92                      let
    93                          fun mk_apps n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_apps (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
    94                          fun mk_lambdas n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_lambdas (n-1) (Abs t)
    95                          fun append_args [] t = t
    96                            | append_args (c::cs) t = append_args cs (App (t, c))
    97                      in
    98                          print_term d (mk_lambdas (a-len) (mk_apps (a-len) (nlift 0 (a-len) (append_args args (Const c)))))
    99                      end
   100              end)
   101       | print_call d t args = print_apps d (print_term d t) args
   102     and print_term d (Var x) = if x < d then "b"^(str (d-x-1)) else "x"^(str (n-(x-d)-1))
   103       | print_term d (Abs c) = "Abs (\\b"^(str d)^" -> "^(print_term (d + 1) c)^")"
   104       | print_term d t = print_call d t []
   105 in
   106     print_term 0 
   107 end
   109 fun print_rule arity_of (p, t) = 
   110     let 
   111         fun str x = Int.toString x                  
   112         fun print_pattern top n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
   113           | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c))
   114           | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, args)) = 
   115             let
   116                 val (n,s) = print_pattern_list (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)) args
   117             in
   118                 (n, if top then s else "("^s^")")
   119             end
   120         and print_pattern_list r [] = r
   121           | print_pattern_list (n, p) (t::ts) = 
   122             let
   123                 val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
   124             in
   125                 print_pattern_list (n, p^" "^t) ts
   126             end
   127         val (n, pattern) = print_pattern true 0 p
   128     in
   129         pattern^" = "^(print_term arity_of n t) 
   130     end
   132 fun group_rules rules =
   133     let
   134         fun add_rule (r as (PConst (c,_), _)) groups =
   135             let
   136                 val rs = (case Inttab.lookup groups c of NONE => [] | SOME rs => rs)
   137             in
   138                 Inttab.update (c, r::rs) groups
   139             end
   140           | add_rule _ _ = raise Compile "internal error group_rules"
   141     in
   142         fold_rev add_rule rules Inttab.empty
   143     end
   145 fun haskell_prog name rules = 
   146     let
   147         val buffer = Unsynchronized.ref ""
   148         fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
   149         fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
   150         fun writelist [] = ()
   151           | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
   152         fun str i = Int.toString i
   153         val (arity, rules) = adjust_rules rules
   154         val rules = group_rules rules
   155         val constants = Inttab.keys arity
   156         fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c
   157         fun rep_str s n = implode (rep n s)
   158         fun indexed s n = s^(str n)
   159         fun section n = if n = 0 then [] else (section (n-1))@[n-1]
   160         fun make_show c = 
   161             let
   162                 val args = section (the (arity_of c))
   163             in
   164                 "  show ("^(indexed "C" c)^(implode (map (indexed " a") args))^") = "
   165                 ^"\""^(indexed "C" c)^"\""^(implode (map (fn a => "++(show "^(indexed "a" a)^")") args))
   166             end
   167         fun default_case c = 
   168             let
   169                 val args = implode (map (indexed " x") (section (the (arity_of c))))
   170             in
   171                 (indexed "c" c)^args^" = "^(indexed "C" c)^args
   172             end
   173         val _ = writelist [        
   174                 "module "^name^" where",
   175                 "",
   176                 "data Term = Const Integer | App Term Term | Abs (Term -> Term)",
   177                 "         "^(implode (map (fn c => " | C"^(str c)^(rep_str " Term" (the (arity_of c)))) constants)),
   178                 "",
   179                 "instance Show Term where"]
   180         val _ = writelist (map make_show constants)
   181         val _ = writelist [
   182                 "  show (Const c) = \"c\"++(show c)",
   183                 "  show (App a b) = \"A\"++(show a)++(show b)",
   184                 "  show (Abs _) = \"L\"",
   185                 ""]
   186         val _ = writelist [
   187                 "app (Abs a) b = a b",
   188                 "app a b = App a b",
   189                 "",
   190                 "calc s c = writeFile s (show c)",
   191                 ""]
   192         fun list_group c = (writelist (case Inttab.lookup rules c of 
   193                                            NONE => [default_case c, ""] 
   194                                          | SOME (rs as ((PConst (_, []), _)::rs')) => 
   195                                            if not (null rs') then raise Compile "multiple declaration of constant"
   196                                            else (map (print_rule arity_of) rs) @ [""]
   197                                          | SOME rs => (map (print_rule arity_of) rs) @ [default_case c, ""]))
   198         val _ = map list_group constants
   199     in
   200         (arity, !buffer)
   201     end
   203 val guid_counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
   204 fun get_guid () = 
   205     let
   206         val c = !guid_counter
   207         val _ = guid_counter := !guid_counter + 1
   208     in
   209         (LargeInt.toString (Time.toMicroseconds ( ()))) ^ (string_of_int c)
   210     end
   212 fun tmp_file s = Path.implode (Path.expand (File.tmp_path (Path.make [s])));
   213 fun wrap s = "\""^s^"\""
   215 fun writeTextFile name s = File.write (Path.explode name) s
   217 val ghc = Unsynchronized.ref (case getenv "GHC_PATH" of "" => "ghc" | s => s)
   219 fun fileExists name = ((OS.FileSys.fileSize name; true) handle OS.SysErr _ => false)
   221 fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
   222     let
   223         val _ = if exists (fn (a,b,c) => not (null a)) eqs then raise Compile ("cannot deal with guards") else ()
   224         val eqs = map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) eqs
   225         val guid = get_guid ()
   226         val module = "AMGHC_Prog_"^guid
   227         val (arity, source) = haskell_prog module eqs
   228         val module_file = tmp_file (module^".hs")
   229         val object_file = tmp_file (module^".o")
   230         val _ = writeTextFile module_file source
   231         val _ = bash ((!ghc)^" -c "^module_file)
   232         val _ = if not (fileExists object_file) then raise Compile ("Failure compiling haskell code (GHC_PATH = '"^(!ghc)^"')") else ()
   233     in
   234         (guid, module_file, arity)      
   235     end
   237 fun readResultFile name = (Path.explode name) 
   239 fun parse_result arity_of result =
   240     let
   241         val result = String.explode result
   242         fun shift NONE x = SOME x
   243           | shift (SOME y) x = SOME (y*10 + x)
   244         fun parse_int' x (#"0"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 0) rest
   245           | parse_int' x (#"1"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 1) rest
   246           | parse_int' x (#"2"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 2) rest
   247           | parse_int' x (#"3"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 3) rest
   248           | parse_int' x (#"4"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 4) rest
   249           | parse_int' x (#"5"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 5) rest
   250           | parse_int' x (#"6"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 6) rest
   251           | parse_int' x (#"7"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 7) rest
   252           | parse_int' x (#"8"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 8) rest
   253           | parse_int' x (#"9"::rest) = parse_int' (shift x 9) rest
   254           | parse_int' x rest = (x, rest)
   255         fun parse_int rest = parse_int' NONE rest
   257         fun parse (#"C"::rest) = 
   258             (case parse_int rest of 
   259                  (SOME c, rest) => 
   260                  let
   261                      val (args, rest) = parse_list (the (arity_of c)) rest
   262                      fun app_args [] t = t
   263                        | app_args (x::xs) t = app_args xs (App (t, x))
   264                  in
   265                      (app_args args (Const c), rest)
   266                  end                 
   267                | (NONE, rest) => raise Run "parse C")
   268           | parse (#"c"::rest) = 
   269             (case parse_int rest of
   270                  (SOME c, rest) => (Const c, rest)
   271                | _ => raise Run "parse c")
   272           | parse (#"A"::rest) = 
   273             let
   274                 val (a, rest) = parse rest
   275                 val (b, rest) = parse rest
   276             in
   277                 (App (a,b), rest)
   278             end
   279           | parse (#"L"::rest) = raise Run "there may be no abstraction in the result"
   280           | parse _ = raise Run "invalid result"
   281         and parse_list n rest = 
   282             if n = 0 then 
   283                 ([], rest) 
   284             else 
   285                 let 
   286                     val (x, rest) = parse rest
   287                     val (xs, rest) = parse_list (n-1) rest
   288                 in
   289                     (x::xs, rest)
   290                 end
   291         val (parsed, rest) = parse result
   292         fun is_blank (#" "::rest) = is_blank rest
   293           | is_blank (#"\n"::rest) = is_blank rest
   294           | is_blank [] = true
   295           | is_blank _ = false
   296     in
   297         if is_blank rest then parsed else raise Run "non-blank suffix in result file"   
   298     end
   300 fun run (guid, module_file, arity) t = 
   301     let
   302         val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
   303         fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c                   
   304         val callguid = get_guid()
   305         val module = "AMGHC_Prog_"^guid
   306         val call = module^"_Call_"^callguid
   307         val result_file = tmp_file (module^"_Result_"^callguid^".txt")
   308         val call_file = tmp_file (call^".hs")
   309         val term = print_term arity_of 0 t
   310         val call_source = "module "^call^" where\n\nimport "^module^"\n\ncall = "^module^".calc \""^result_file^"\" ("^term^")"
   311         val _ = writeTextFile call_file call_source
   312         val _ = bash ((!ghc)^" -e \""^call^".call\" "^module_file^" "^call_file)
   313         val result = readResultFile result_file handle IO.Io _ => raise Run ("Failure running haskell compiler (GHC_PATH = '"^(!ghc)^"')")
   314         val t' = parse_result arity_of result
   315         val _ = OS.FileSys.remove call_file
   316         val _ = OS.FileSys.remove result_file
   317     in
   318         t'
   319     end
   322 fun discard _ = ()
   324 end