changeset 4122 f63c283cefaf
parent 4121 390e10ddadf2
child 4123 9600dd68d35b
equal deleted inserted replaced
4121:390e10ddadf2 4122:f63c283cefaf
     1 (*  TTITLEF/thy_ops.ML
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Tobias Mayr
     5 Additional theory file section for HOLCF: ops 
     7 TODO:
     8   maybe AST-representation with "op name" instead of _I_...
     9 *)
    11 signature THY_OPS =
    12 sig
    13  (* continuous mixfixes (extension of datatype Mixfix.mixfix) *)
    14  datatype cmixfix =
    15     Mixfix of Mixfix.mixfix |
    16     CInfixl of int | 
    17     CInfixr of int |
    18     CMixfix of string * int list *int;
    20  exception CINFIX of cmixfix;
    21  val cmixfix_to_mixfix : cmixfix ->  Mixfix.mixfix;
    23  (* theory extenders : *)
    24  val add_ops          : {curried: bool, total: bool, strict: bool} ->
    25                         (string * string * cmixfix) list -> theory -> theory;
    26  val add_ops_i        : {curried: bool, total: bool, strict: bool} ->
    27                         (string * typ * cmixfix) list -> theory -> theory;
    28  val ops_keywords  : string list;
    29  val ops_sections  : (string * (ThyParse.token list -> 
    30                         (string * string) * ThyParse.token list)) list;
    31  val opt_cmixfix: ThyParse.token list -> (string * ThyParse.token list);
    32  val const_name    : string -> cmixfix -> string;
    33 end;
    35 structure ThyOps : THY_OPS =
    36 struct
    38 open HOLCFlogic;
    40 (** library ******************************************************)
    42 (* abbreviations *)
    43 val internal = fst; (* cinfix-ops will have diffrent internal/external names *)
    44 val external = snd;
    46 fun apsnd_of_three f = fn (a,b,c) => (a,f b,c);
    49 (******** ops ********************)
    51 (* the extended copy of mixfix *)
    52 datatype cmixfix =
    53     Mixfix of Mixfix.mixfix |
    54     CInfixl of int |
    55     CInfixr of int |
    56     CMixfix of string * int list *int;
    58 exception CINFIX of cmixfix;
    60 fun cmixfix_to_mixfix (Mixfix x) = x
    61   | cmixfix_to_mixfix x = raise CINFIX x;
    64 (** theory extender : add_ops *)
    66 (* generating the declarations of the new constants. *************
    67    cinfix names x are internally non infix (renamed by mk_internal_name) 
    68    and externally non continous infix function names (changed by op_to_fun).
    69    Thus the cinfix declaration is splitted in an 'oldstyle' decl,
    70    which is NoSyn (non infix) and is added by add_consts_i,
    71    and an syn(tactic) decl, which is an infix function (not operation)
    72    added by add_syntax_i, so that it can appear in input strings, but 
    73    not in terms.
    74    The interface between internal and external names is realized by 
    75    transrules A x B <=> _x ' A ' B (generated by xrules_of) 
    76    The boolean argument 'curried' distinguishes between curried and
    77    tupeled syntax of operation application *)
    79 local
    80  fun strip ("'" :: c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
    81    | strip ["'"] = []
    82    | strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
    83    | strip [] = [];
    85  val strip_esc = implode o strip o explode;
    87  fun infix_name c = "op " ^ strip_esc c;
    88 in
    89   val mk_internal_name = infix_name;
    90 (*
    91 (* changing e.g. 'ab' to '_I_97_98'. 
    92    Called by oldstyle, xrules_of, strictness_axms and totality_axms. *)
    93   fun mk_internal_name name =
    94   let fun alphanum (s::ss) = "_"^(string_of_int (ord s))^(alphanum ss)
    95         | alphanum [] = "";
    96   in 
    97       "_I"^(alphanum o explode) name
    98   end;
    99 *)
   100  (* extension of Pure/Syntax/mixfix.ML: SynExt.const_name *)
   101  fun const_name c (CInfixl _) = mk_internal_name c
   102    | const_name c (CInfixr _) = mk_internal_name c
   103    | const_name c (CMixfix _) = c
   104    | const_name c (Mixfix  x) = Syntax.const_name c x;
   105 end;
   107 (* Changing a->b->c res. a*b->c to a=>b=>c. Called by syn_decls. *) 
   108 (*####*)
   109 fun op_to_fun true  sign (ty as Type(name ,[larg,t]))= if name = cfun_arrow
   110                   then Type("fun",[larg,op_to_fun true sign t]) else ty
   111   | op_to_fun false sign (ty as Type(name,[args,res])) = let
   112                 fun otf (Type("*",[larg,rargs])) = Type("fun",[larg,otf rargs])
   113                 |   otf t                        = Type("fun",[t,res]);
   114                 in if name = cfun_arrow then otf args else ty end
   115   | op_to_fun _     sign t = t;
   116 (*####*)
   118 (* oldstyle is called by add_ext_axioms(_i) *)
   119     (* the first part is just copying the homomorphic part of the structures *)
   120 fun oldstyle ((name,typ,Mixfix(x))::tl) = 
   121          (name,typ,x)::(oldstyle tl)
   122   | oldstyle ((name,typ,CInfixl(i))::tl) = 
   123          (mk_internal_name name,typ,Mixfix.NoSyn)::
   124          (oldstyle tl)
   125   | oldstyle ((name,typ,CInfixr(i))::tl) =
   126          (mk_internal_name name,typ,Mixfix.NoSyn)::
   127          (oldstyle tl) 
   128   | oldstyle ((name,typ,CMixfix(x))::tl) =
   129          (name,typ,Mixfix.NoSyn)::
   130          (oldstyle tl) 
   131   | oldstyle [] = [];
   133 (* generating the external purely syntactical infix functions. 
   134    Called by add_ext_axioms(_i) *)
   135 fun syn_decls curried sign ((name,typ,CInfixl(i))::tl) =
   136      (name,op_to_fun curried sign typ,Mixfix.Infixl(i))::
   137       (syn_decls curried sign tl)
   138   | syn_decls curried sign ((name,typ,CInfixr(i))::tl) =
   139      (name,op_to_fun curried sign typ,Mixfix.Infixr(i))::
   140       (syn_decls curried sign tl)
   141   | syn_decls curried sign ((name,typ,CMixfix(x))::tl) =
   142      (name,op_to_fun curried sign typ,Mixfix.Mixfix(x))::
   144       (syn_decls curried sign tl)
   145   | syn_decls curried sign (_::tl) = syn_decls curried sign tl
   146   | syn_decls _ _ [] = [];
   148 fun translate name vars rhs = 
   149     Syntax.ParsePrintRule ((Ast.mk_appl (Constant (mk_internal_name name)) 
   150 		 (map Variable vars)), 
   151 		rhs); 
   153 (* generating the translation rules. Called by add_ext_axioms(_i) *)
   154 local open Ast in 
   155 fun xrules_of true ((name,typ,CInfixl(i))::tail) = 
   156     translate name ["A","B"]
   157      (mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") 
   158       [(mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") 
   159 	[Constant (mk_internal_name name),Variable "A"]),Variable "B"])
   160     ::xrules_of true tail
   161   | xrules_of true ((name,typ,CInfixr(i))::tail) = 
   162     translate name ["A","B"]
   163      (mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") 
   164       [(mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") 
   165 	[Constant (mk_internal_name name),Variable "A"]),Variable "B"])
   166     ::xrules_of true tail
   167 (*####*)
   168   | xrules_of true ((name,typ,CMixfix(_))::tail) = 
   169         let fun argnames n (Type(name ,[_,t]))= if name = cfun_arrow then
   170 					chr n :: argnames (n+1) t else []
   171             |   argnames _ _ = [];
   172             val names = argnames (ord"A") typ;
   173         in if names = [] then [] else 
   174 	    [Syntax.ParsePrintRule (mk_appl (Constant name) (map Variable names),
   175 			 foldl (fn (t,arg) => 
   176 				(mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") [t,Variable arg]))
   177 			 (Constant name,names))] 
   178         end
   179     @xrules_of true tail
   180 (*####*)
   181   | xrules_of false ((name,typ,CInfixl(i))::tail) = 
   182     translate name ["A","B"]
   183     (mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") [ Constant(mk_internal_name name),
   184      (mk_appl (Constant "@ctuple") [Variable "A",Variable "B"])])
   185     ::xrules_of false tail
   186   | xrules_of false ((name,typ,CInfixr(i))::tail) = 
   187     translate name ["A","B"]
   188     (mk_appl (Constant "@fapp") [ Constant(mk_internal_name name),
   189      (mk_appl (Constant "@ctuple") [Variable "A",Variable "B"])])
   190     ::xrules_of false tail
   191 (*####*)
   192   | xrules_of false ((name,typ,CMixfix(_))::tail) = 
   193         let fun foldr' f l =
   194 	      let fun itr []  = raise LIST "foldr'"
   195 		    | itr [a] = a
   196 		    | itr (a::l) = f(a, itr l)
   197 	      in  itr l end;
   198 	    fun argnames n (Type("*" ,[_,t]))= chr n :: argnames (n+1) t
   199 	    |   argnames n _ = [chr n];
   200 	    val vars = map Variable (case typ of (Type(name ,[t,_])) =>
   201 			if name = cfun_arrow then argnames (ord"A") t else []
   202 						 | _ => []);
   203         in if vars = [] then [] else 
   204 	    [Syntax.ParsePrintRule 
   205 	     (mk_appl (Constant name) vars,
   206 	      mk_appl (Constant "@fapp")
   207 	      [Constant name, 
   208 	       case vars of [v] => v
   209 	                 | args => mk_appl (Constant "@ctuple")
   210 			             [hd args,
   211 				      foldr' (fn (t,arg) => 
   212 					      mk_appl (Constant "_args")
   213 					      [t,arg]) (tl args)]])]
   214         end
   215     @xrules_of false tail
   216 (*####*)
   217   | xrules_of c ((name,typ,Mixfix(_))::tail) = xrules_of c tail
   218   | xrules_of _ [] = [];
   219 end; 
   220 (**** producing the new axioms ****************)
   222 datatype arguments = Curried_args of ((typ*typ) list) |
   223                      Tupeled_args of (typ list);
   225 fun num_of_args (Curried_args l) = length l
   226   | num_of_args (Tupeled_args l) = length l;
   228 fun types_of (Curried_args l) = map fst l
   229   | types_of (Tupeled_args l) = l;
   231 fun mk_mkNotEqUU_vars (typ::tl) cnt = mkNotEqUU (Free("x"^(string_of_int cnt),typ))::
   232                             (mk_mkNotEqUU_vars tl (cnt+1))
   233   | mk_mkNotEqUU_vars [] _ = [];
   235 local
   236  (* T1*...*Tn goes to [T1,...,Tn] *)
   237  fun args_of_tupel (Type("*",[left,right])) = left::(args_of_tupel right)
   238    | args_of_tupel T = [T];
   240  (* A1->...->An->R goes to [(A1,B1),...,(An,Bn)] where Bi=Ai->...->An->R 
   241     Bi is the Type of the function that is applied to an Ai type argument *)
   242  fun args_of_curried (typ as (Type(name,[S,T]))) = if name = cfun_arrow then
   243       (S,typ) :: args_of_curried T else []
   244    | args_of_curried _ = [];
   245 in
   246  fun args_of_op true typ = Curried_args(rev(args_of_curried typ))
   247    | args_of_op false (typ as (Type(name,[S,T]))) = if name = cfun_arrow then
   248       Tupeled_args(args_of_tupel S) else Tupeled_args([])
   249    | args_of_op false _ = Tupeled_args([]);
   250 end;
   252 (* generates for the type t the type of the fapp constant 
   253    that will be applied to t *)
   254 fun mk_fapp_typ (typ as Type(_(*"->"*),argl)) = Type("fun",[typ,Type("fun",argl)]) 
   255   | mk_fapp_typ t = (
   256                     error("Internal error:mk_fapp_typ: wrong argument\n"));
   258 fun mk_arg_tupel_UU uu_pos [typ] n = 
   259      if n<>uu_pos then Free("x"^(string_of_int n),typ)
   260                   else Const("UU",typ)
   261   | mk_arg_tupel_UU uu_pos (typ::tail) n = 
   262      mkCPair
   263      (if n<>uu_pos then Free("x"^(string_of_int n),typ) 
   264                    else Const("UU",typ))
   265      (mk_arg_tupel_UU uu_pos tail (n+1))
   266   | mk_arg_tupel_UU _ [] _ = error("Internal error:mk_arg_tupel: empty list");
   268 fun mk_app_UU cnt uu_pos fname (Curried_args((typ,ftyp)::tl)) = 
   269      Const("fapp",mk_fapp_typ ftyp) $
   270      (mk_app_UU (cnt-1) uu_pos fname (Curried_args tl))$ 
   271      (if cnt = uu_pos then Const("UU",typ)
   272                       else Free("x"^(string_of_int cnt),typ))
   273   | mk_app_UU _ _ (name,typ) (Curried_args []) = Const(name,typ)
   274   | mk_app_UU cnt uu_pos (name,typ) (Tupeled_args []) = Const(name,typ)
   275   | mk_app_UU cnt uu_pos (name,typ) (Tupeled_args list) = 
   276      Const("fapp",mk_fapp_typ typ) $ Const(name,typ) $ 
   277      mk_arg_tupel_UU uu_pos list 0;
   279 fun mk_app cnt fname args = mk_app_UU cnt (~1) fname args;
   281 (* producing the strictness axioms *)
   282 local
   283  fun s_axm_of curried name typ args num cnt = 
   284        if cnt = num then 
   285         error("Internal error: s_axm_of: arg is no operation "^(external name))
   286        else 
   287        let val app = mk_app_UU (num-1) cnt (internal name,typ) args
   288            val equation = HOLogic.mk_eq(app,Const("UU",fastype_of app)) 
   289        in 
   290         if cnt = num-1 then equation
   291         else And $ equation $
   292              s_axm_of curried name typ args num (cnt+1)
   293        end;
   294 in
   295  fun strictness_axms curried ((rawname,typ,cmixfix)::tail) =
   296   let val name = case cmixfix of
   297                       (CInfixl _) => (mk_internal_name rawname,rawname)
   298                     | (CInfixr _) => (mk_internal_name rawname,rawname)
   299                     |  _          => (rawname,rawname)
   300       val args = args_of_op curried typ;
   301       val num  = num_of_args args;
   302   in
   303       ((external name)^"_strict",
   304        if num <> 0
   305        then HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(s_axm_of curried name typ args num 0) 
   306        else HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(True)) :: strictness_axms curried tail
   307   end
   308    | strictness_axms _ [] = [];
   309 end; (*local*)
   311 (* producing the totality axioms *)
   313 fun totality_axms curried ((rawname,typ,cmixfix)::tail) =
   314  let val name  = case cmixfix of
   315                      (CInfixl _) => (mk_internal_name rawname,rawname)
   316                    | (CInfixr _) => (mk_internal_name rawname,rawname)
   317                    | _           => (rawname,rawname)
   318      val args  = args_of_op curried typ;
   319      val prems = mk_mkNotEqUU_vars (if curried then rev (types_of args)
   320                                            else (types_of args)) 0;
   321      val term  = mk_app (num_of_args args - 1) (internal name,typ) args;
   322  in
   323      ((external name)^"_total", 
   324       if num_of_args args <> 0 
   325       then Logic.list_implies (prems,mkNotEqUU term)
   326       else HOLogic.mk_Trueprop(True)) :: totality_axms curried tail
   327  end
   328   | totality_axms _ [] = [];
   332 (* the theory extenders ****************************)
   334 fun add_ops {curried,strict,total} raw_decls thy =
   335   let val {sign,...} = rep_theory thy;
   336       val decls = map (apsnd_of_three (typ_of o read_ctyp sign)) raw_decls;
   337       val oldstyledecls = oldstyle decls;
   338       val syndecls = syn_decls curried sign decls;
   339       val xrules = xrules_of curried decls;
   340       val s_axms = (if strict then strictness_axms curried decls else []);
   341       val t_axms = (if total  then totality_axms   curried decls else []);
   342   in 
   343   Theory.add_trrules_i xrules (PureThy.add_store_axioms_i (s_axms @ t_axms) 
   344                      (Theory.add_syntax_i syndecls (Theory.add_consts_i oldstyledecls thy)))
   345   end;
   347 fun add_ops_i {curried,strict,total} decls thy =
   348   let val {sign,...} = rep_theory thy;
   349       val oldstyledecls = oldstyle decls;
   350       val syndecls = syn_decls curried sign decls;
   351       val xrules = xrules_of curried decls;
   352       val s_axms = (if strict then strictness_axms curried decls else []);
   353       val t_axms = (if total  then totality_axms   curried decls else []);
   354   in 
   355   Theory.add_trrules_i xrules (PureThy.add_store_axioms_i (s_axms @ t_axms) 
   356                      (Theory.add_syntax_i syndecls (Theory.add_consts_i oldstyledecls thy)))
   357   end;
   360 (* parser: ops_decls ********************************)
   362 local open ThyParse 
   363 in
   364 (* the following is an adapted version of const_decls from thy_parse.ML *)
   366 val names1 = list1 name;
   368 fun split_decls decls = flat (map (fn (xs, y) => map (rpair y) xs) decls);
   370 fun mk_triple2 (x, (y, z)) = mk_triple (x, y, z);
   372 fun mk_strict_vals [] = ""
   373   | mk_strict_vals [name] =
   374       "get_axiom thy \""^name^"_strict\"\n"
   375   | mk_strict_vals (name::tail) =
   376       "get_axiom thy \""^name^"_strict\",\n"^
   377       mk_strict_vals tail;
   379 fun mk_total_vals [] = ""
   380   | mk_total_vals [name] = 
   381       "get_axiom thy \""^name^"_total\"\n"
   382   | mk_total_vals (name::tail) =
   383       "get_axiom thy \""^name^"_total\",\n"^
   384       mk_total_vals tail;
   386 fun mk_ops_decls (((curried,strict),total),list) =
   387           (* call for the theory extender *)
   388            ("|> ThyOps.add_ops \n"^
   389             "{ curried = "^curried^" , strict = "^strict^
   390                " , total = "^total^" } \n"^
   391             (mk_big_list o map mk_triple2) list^";\n"^
   392             "val strict_axms = []; val total_axms = [];\nval thy = thy\n",
   393           (* additional declarations *)
   394             (if strict="true" then "val strict_axms = strict_axms @ [\n"^
   395                mk_strict_vals (map (strip_quotes o fst) list)^
   396                "];\n"             
   397              else "")^
   398             (if total="true" then "val total_axms = total_axms @ [\n"^
   399                mk_total_vals (map (strip_quotes o fst) list)^
   400                "];\n"             
   401              else ""));
   403 (* mixfix annotations *)
   405 fun cat_parens pre1 pre2 s = cat pre1 (parens (cat pre2 s));
   407 val infxl = "infixl" $$-- !! nat >> cat_parens "ThyOps.Mixfix" "Infixl";
   408 val infxr = "infixr" $$-- !! nat >> cat_parens "ThyOps.Mixfix" "Infixr";
   410 val cinfxl = "cinfixl" $$-- !! nat >> cat "ThyOps.CInfixl";
   411 val cinfxr = "cinfixr" $$-- !! nat >> cat "ThyOps.CInfixr";
   413 val opt_pris = optional ("[" $$-- !! (list nat --$$ "]")) [] >> mk_list;
   415 val cmixfx = "cmixfix" $$-- string -- !! (opt_pris -- optional nat "max_pri")
   416   >> (cat "ThyOps.CMixfix" o mk_triple2);
   418 val bindr = "binder" $$--
   419   !! (string -- ( ("[" $$-- nat --$$ "]") -- nat
   420                 || nat >> (fn n => (n,n))
   421      )          )
   422   >> (cat_parens "ThyOps.Mixfix" "Binder" o mk_triple2);
   424 val mixfx = string -- !! (opt_pris -- optional nat "max_pri")
   425   >> (cat_parens "ThyOps.Mixfix" "Mixfix" o mk_triple2);
   427 fun opt_syn fx = optional ("(" $$-- fx --$$ ")") "ThyOps.Mixfix NoSyn";
   429 val opt_cmixfix = opt_syn (mixfx || infxl || infxr || bindr || 
   430                               cinfxl || cinfxr || cmixfx);
   432 fun ops_decls toks= 
   433                (optional ($$ "curried" >> K "true") "false" --
   434                 optional ($$ "strict" >> K "true") "false" --
   435                 optional ($$ "total" >> K "true") "false" -- 
   436                 (repeat1 (names1 --$$ "::" -- !! (string -- opt_cmixfix)) 
   437                  >> split_decls)
   438                 >> mk_ops_decls) toks
   440 end;
   442 (*** new keywords and sections: ******************************************)
   444 val ops_keywords = ["curried","strict","total","cinfixl","cinfixr","cmixfix"];
   445      (* "::" is already a pure keyword *)
   447 val ops_sections = [("ops"    , ops_decls) ];
   449 end; (* the structure ThyOps *)