changeset 48958 12afbf6eb7f9
parent 48957 c04001b3a753
child 48959 d7e36be3eb60
--- a/doc-src/IsarRef/Thy/Inner_Syntax.thy	Tue Aug 28 12:31:53 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1574 +0,0 @@
-theory Inner_Syntax
-imports Base Main
-chapter {* Inner syntax --- the term language \label{ch:inner-syntax} *}
-text {* The inner syntax of Isabelle provides concrete notation for
-  the main entities of the logical framework, notably @{text
-  "\<lambda>"}-terms with types and type classes.  Applications may either
-  extend existing syntactic categories by additional notation, or
-  define new sub-languages that are linked to the standard term
-  language via some explicit markers.  For example @{verbatim
-  FOO}~@{text "foo"} could embed the syntax corresponding for some
-  user-defined nonterminal @{text "foo"} --- within the bounds of the
-  given lexical syntax of Isabelle/Pure.
-  The most basic way to specify concrete syntax for logical entities
-  works via mixfix annotations (\secref{sec:mixfix}), which may be
-  usually given as part of the original declaration or via explicit
-  notation commands later on (\secref{sec:notation}).  This already
-  covers many needs of concrete syntax without having to understand
-  the full complexity of inner syntax layers.
-  Further details of the syntax engine involves the classical
-  distinction of lexical language versus context-free grammar (see
-  \secref{sec:pure-syntax}), and various mechanisms for \emph{syntax
-  transformations} (see \secref{sec:syntax-transformations}).
-section {* Printing logical entities *}
-subsection {* Diagnostic commands \label{sec:print-diag} *}
-text {*
-  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
-    @{command_def "typ"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
-    @{command_def "term"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
-    @{command_def "prop"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
-    @{command_def "thm"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
-    @{command_def "prf"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
-    @{command_def "full_prf"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
-    @{command_def "pr"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "any \<rightarrow>"} \\
-  \end{matharray}
-  These diagnostic commands assist interactive development by printing
-  internal logical entities in a human-readable fashion.
-  @{rail "
-    @@{command typ} @{syntax modes}? @{syntax type} ('::' @{syntax sort})?
-    ;
-    @@{command term} @{syntax modes}? @{syntax term}
-    ;
-    @@{command prop} @{syntax modes}? @{syntax prop}
-    ;
-    @@{command thm} @{syntax modes}? @{syntax thmrefs}
-    ;
-    ( @@{command prf} | @@{command full_prf} ) @{syntax modes}? @{syntax thmrefs}?
-    ;
-    @@{command pr} @{syntax modes}? @{syntax nat}?
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def modes}: '(' (@{syntax name} + ) ')'
-  "}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{command "typ"}~@{text \<tau>} reads and prints a type expression
-  according to the current context.
-  \item @{command "typ"}~@{text "\<tau> :: s"} uses type-inference to
-  determine the most general way to make @{text "\<tau>"} conform to sort
-  @{text "s"}.  For concrete @{text "\<tau>"} this checks if the type
-  belongs to that sort.  Dummy type parameters ``@{text "_"}''
-  (underscore) are assigned to fresh type variables with most general
-  sorts, according the the principles of type-inference.
-  \item @{command "term"}~@{text t} and @{command "prop"}~@{text \<phi>}
-  read, type-check and print terms or propositions according to the
-  current theory or proof context; the inferred type of @{text t} is
-  output as well.  Note that these commands are also useful in
-  inspecting the current environment of term abbreviations.
-  \item @{command "thm"}~@{text "a\<^sub>1 \<dots> a\<^sub>n"} retrieves
-  theorems from the current theory or proof context.  Note that any
-  attributes included in the theorem specifications are applied to a
-  temporary context derived from the current theory or proof; the
-  result is discarded, i.e.\ attributes involved in @{text "a\<^sub>1,
-  \<dots>, a\<^sub>n"} do not have any permanent effect.
-  \item @{command "prf"} displays the (compact) proof term of the
-  current proof state (if present), or of the given theorems. Note
-  that this requires proof terms to be switched on for the current
-  object logic (see the ``Proof terms'' section of the Isabelle
-  reference manual for information on how to do this).
-  \item @{command "full_prf"} is like @{command "prf"}, but displays
-  the full proof term, i.e.\ also displays information omitted in the
-  compact proof term, which is denoted by ``@{text _}'' placeholders
-  there.
-  \item @{command "pr"}~@{text "goals"} prints the current proof state
-  (if present), including current facts and goals.  The optional limit
-  arguments affect the number of goals to be displayed, which is
-  initially 10.  Omitting limit value leaves the current setting
-  unchanged.
-  \end{description}
-  All of the diagnostic commands above admit a list of @{text modes}
-  to be specified, which is appended to the current print mode; see
-  also \secref{sec:print-modes}.  Thus the output behavior may be
-  modified according particular print mode features.  For example,
-  @{command "pr"}~@{text "(latex xsymbols)"} would print the current
-  proof state with mathematical symbols and special characters
-  represented in {\LaTeX} source, according to the Isabelle style
-  \cite{isabelle-sys}.
-  Note that antiquotations (cf.\ \secref{sec:antiq}) provide a more
-  systematic way to include formal items into the printed text
-  document.
-subsection {* Details of printed content *}
-text {*
-  \begin{tabular}{rcll}
-    @{attribute_def show_types} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def show_sorts} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def show_consts} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def show_abbrevs} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text true} \\
-    @{attribute_def show_brackets} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def names_long} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def names_short} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def names_unique} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text true} \\
-    @{attribute_def eta_contract} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text true} \\
-    @{attribute_def goals_limit} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text 10} \\
-    @{attribute_def show_main_goal} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def show_hyps} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def show_tags} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def show_question_marks} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text true} \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \medskip
-  These configuration options control the detail of information that
-  is displayed for types, terms, theorems, goals etc.  See also
-  \secref{sec:config}.
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{attribute show_types} and @{attribute show_sorts} control
-  printing of type constraints for term variables, and sort
-  constraints for type variables.  By default, neither of these are
-  shown in output.  If @{attribute show_sorts} is enabled, types are
-  always shown as well.
-  Note that displaying types and sorts may explain why a polymorphic
-  inference rule fails to resolve with some goal, or why a rewrite
-  rule does not apply as expected.
-  \item @{attribute show_consts} controls printing of types of
-  constants when displaying a goal state.
-  Note that the output can be enormous, because polymorphic constants
-  often occur at several different type instances.
-  \item @{attribute show_abbrevs} controls folding of constant
-  abbreviations.
-  \item @{attribute show_brackets} controls bracketing in pretty
-  printed output.  If enabled, all sub-expressions of the pretty
-  printing tree will be parenthesized, even if this produces malformed
-  term syntax!  This crude way of showing the internal structure of
-  pretty printed entities may occasionally help to diagnose problems
-  with operator priorities, for example.
-  \item @{attribute names_long}, @{attribute names_short}, and
-  @{attribute names_unique} control the way of printing fully
-  qualified internal names in external form.  See also
-  \secref{sec:antiq} for the document antiquotation options of the
-  same names.
-  \item @{attribute eta_contract} controls @{text "\<eta>"}-contracted
-  printing of terms.
-  The @{text \<eta>}-contraction law asserts @{prop "(\<lambda>x. f x) \<equiv> f"},
-  provided @{text x} is not free in @{text f}.  It asserts
-  \emph{extensionality} of functions: @{prop "f \<equiv> g"} if @{prop "f x \<equiv>
-  g x"} for all @{text x}.  Higher-order unification frequently puts
-  terms into a fully @{text \<eta>}-expanded form.  For example, if @{text
-  F} has type @{text "(\<tau> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>) \<Rightarrow> \<tau>"} then its expanded form is @{term
-  "\<lambda>h. F (\<lambda>x. h x)"}.
-  Enabling @{attribute eta_contract} makes Isabelle perform @{text
-  \<eta>}-contractions before printing, so that @{term "\<lambda>h. F (\<lambda>x. h x)"}
-  appears simply as @{text F}.
-  Note that the distinction between a term and its @{text \<eta>}-expanded
-  form occasionally matters.  While higher-order resolution and
-  rewriting operate modulo @{text "\<alpha>\<beta>\<eta>"}-conversion, some other tools
-  might look at terms more discretely.
-  \item @{attribute goals_limit} controls the maximum number of
-  subgoals to be shown in goal output.
-  \item @{attribute show_main_goal} controls whether the main result
-  to be proven should be displayed.  This information might be
-  relevant for schematic goals, to inspect the current claim that has
-  been synthesized so far.
-  \item @{attribute show_hyps} controls printing of implicit
-  hypotheses of local facts.  Normally, only those hypotheses are
-  displayed that are \emph{not} covered by the assumptions of the
-  current context: this situation indicates a fault in some tool being
-  used.
-  By enabling @{attribute show_hyps}, output of \emph{all} hypotheses
-  can be enforced, which is occasionally useful for diagnostic
-  purposes.
-  \item @{attribute show_tags} controls printing of extra annotations
-  within theorems, such as internal position information, or the case
-  names being attached by the attribute @{attribute case_names}.
-  Note that the @{attribute tagged} and @{attribute untagged}
-  attributes provide low-level access to the collection of tags
-  associated with a theorem.
-  \item @{attribute show_question_marks} controls printing of question
-  marks for schematic variables, such as @{text ?x}.  Only the leading
-  question mark is affected, the remaining text is unchanged
-  (including proper markup for schematic variables that might be
-  relevant for user interfaces).
-  \end{description}
-subsection {* Alternative print modes \label{sec:print-modes} *}
-text {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-    @{index_ML print_mode_value: "unit -> string list"} \\
-    @{index_ML Print_Mode.with_modes: "string list -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  The \emph{print mode} facility allows to modify various operations
-  for printing.  Commands like @{command typ}, @{command term},
-  @{command thm} (see \secref{sec:print-diag}) take additional print
-  modes as optional argument.  The underlying ML operations are as
-  follows.
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{ML "print_mode_value ()"} yields the list of currently
-  active print mode names.  This should be understood as symbolic
-  representation of certain individual features for printing (with
-  precedence from left to right).
-  \item @{ML Print_Mode.with_modes}~@{text "modes f x"} evaluates
-  @{text "f x"} in an execution context where the print mode is
-  prepended by the given @{text "modes"}.  This provides a thread-safe
-  way to augment print modes.  It is also monotonic in the set of mode
-  names: it retains the default print mode that certain
-  user-interfaces might have installed for their proper functioning!
-  \end{description}
-  \begin{warn}
-  The old global reference @{ML print_mode} should never be used
-  directly in applications.  Its main reason for being publicly
-  accessible is to support historic versions of Proof~General.
-  \end{warn}
-  \medskip The pretty printer for inner syntax maintains alternative
-  mixfix productions for any print mode name invented by the user, say
-  in commands like @{command notation} or @{command abbreviation}.
-  Mode names can be arbitrary, but the following ones have a specific
-  meaning by convention:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item @{verbatim "\"\""} (the empty string): default mode;
-  implicitly active as last element in the list of modes.
-  \item @{verbatim input}: dummy print mode that is never active; may
-  be used to specify notation that is only available for input.
-  \item @{verbatim internal} dummy print mode that is never active;
-  used internally in Isabelle/Pure.
-  \item @{verbatim xsymbols}: enable proper mathematical symbols
-  instead of ASCII art.\footnote{This traditional mode name stems from
-  the ``X-Symbol'' package for old versions Proof~General with XEmacs,
-  although that package has been superseded by Unicode in recent
-  years.}
-  \item @{verbatim HTML}: additional mode that is active in HTML
-  presentation of Isabelle theory sources; allows to provide
-  alternative output notation.
-  \item @{verbatim latex}: additional mode that is active in {\LaTeX}
-  document preparation of Isabelle theory sources; allows to provide
-  alternative output notation.
-  \end{itemize}
-subsection {* Printing limits *}
-text {*
-  \begin{mldecls}
-    @{index_ML Pretty.margin_default: "int Unsynchronized.ref"} \\
-    @{index_ML print_depth: "int -> unit"} \\
-  \end{mldecls}
-  These ML functions set limits for pretty printed text.
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{ML Pretty.margin_default} indicates the global default for
-  the right margin of the built-in pretty printer, with initial value
-  76.  Note that user-interfaces typically control margins
-  automatically when resizing windows, or even bypass the formatting
-  engine of Isabelle/ML altogether and do it within the front end via
-  Isabelle/Scala.
-  \item @{ML print_depth}~@{text n} limits the printing depth of the
-  ML toplevel pretty printer; the precise effect depends on the ML
-  compiler and run-time system.  Typically @{text n} should be less
-  than 10.  Bigger values such as 100--1000 are useful for debugging.
-  \end{description}
-section {* Mixfix annotations \label{sec:mixfix} *}
-text {* Mixfix annotations specify concrete \emph{inner syntax} of
-  Isabelle types and terms.  Locally fixed parameters in toplevel
-  theorem statements, locale and class specifications also admit
-  mixfix annotations in a fairly uniform manner.  A mixfix annotation
-  describes describes the concrete syntax, the translation to abstract
-  syntax, and the pretty printing.  Special case annotations provide a
-  simple means of specifying infix operators and binders.
-  Isabelle mixfix syntax is inspired by {\OBJ} \cite{OBJ}.  It allows
-  to specify any context-free priority grammar, which is more general
-  than the fixity declarations of ML and Prolog.
-  @{rail "
-    @{syntax_def mixfix}: '(' mfix ')'
-    ;
-    @{syntax_def struct_mixfix}: '(' ( mfix | @'structure' ) ')'
-    ;
-    mfix: @{syntax template} prios? @{syntax nat}? |
-      (@'infix' | @'infixl' | @'infixr') @{syntax template} @{syntax nat} |
-      @'binder' @{syntax template} prios? @{syntax nat}
-    ;
-    template: string
-    ;
-    prios: '[' (@{syntax nat} + ',') ']'
-  "}
-  The string given as @{text template} may include literal text,
-  spacing, blocks, and arguments (denoted by ``@{text _}''); the
-  special symbol ``@{verbatim "\<index>"}'' (printed as ``@{text "\<index>"}'')
-  represents an index argument that specifies an implicit structure
-  reference (see also \secref{sec:locale}).  Infix and binder
-  declarations provide common abbreviations for particular mixfix
-  declarations.  So in practice, mixfix templates mostly degenerate to
-  literal text for concrete syntax, such as ``@{verbatim "++"}'' for
-  an infix symbol.
-subsection {* The general mixfix form *}
-text {* In full generality, mixfix declarations work as follows.
-  Suppose a constant @{text "c :: \<tau>\<^sub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<dots> \<tau>\<^sub>n \<Rightarrow> \<tau>"} is annotated by
-  @{text "(mixfix [p\<^sub>1, \<dots>, p\<^sub>n] p)"}, where @{text "mixfix"} is a string
-  @{text "d\<^sub>0 _ d\<^sub>1 _ \<dots> _ d\<^sub>n"} consisting of delimiters that surround
-  argument positions as indicated by underscores.
-  Altogether this determines a production for a context-free priority
-  grammar, where for each argument @{text "i"} the syntactic category
-  is determined by @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>i"} (with priority @{text "p\<^sub>i"}), and the
-  result category is determined from @{text "\<tau>"} (with priority @{text
-  "p"}).  Priority specifications are optional, with default 0 for
-  arguments and 1000 for the result.\footnote{Omitting priorities is
-  prone to syntactic ambiguities unless the delimiter tokens determine
-  fully bracketed notation, as in @{text "if _ then _ else _ fi"}.}
-  Since @{text "\<tau>"} may be again a function type, the constant
-  type scheme may have more argument positions than the mixfix
-  pattern.  Printing a nested application @{text "c t\<^sub>1 \<dots> t\<^sub>m"} for
-  @{text "m > n"} works by attaching concrete notation only to the
-  innermost part, essentially by printing @{text "(c t\<^sub>1 \<dots> t\<^sub>n) \<dots> t\<^sub>m"}
-  instead.  If a term has fewer arguments than specified in the mixfix
-  template, the concrete syntax is ignored.
-  \medskip A mixfix template may also contain additional directives
-  for pretty printing, notably spaces, blocks, and breaks.  The
-  general template format is a sequence over any of the following
-  entities.
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{text "d"} is a delimiter, namely a non-empty sequence of
-  characters other than the following special characters:
-  \smallskip
-  \begin{tabular}{ll}
-    @{verbatim "'"} & single quote \\
-    @{verbatim "_"} & underscore \\
-    @{text "\<index>"} & index symbol \\
-    @{verbatim "("} & open parenthesis \\
-    @{verbatim ")"} & close parenthesis \\
-    @{verbatim "/"} & slash \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \medskip
-  \item @{verbatim "'"} escapes the special meaning of these
-  meta-characters, producing a literal version of the following
-  character, unless that is a blank.
-  A single quote followed by a blank separates delimiters, without
-  affecting printing, but input tokens may have additional white space
-  here.
-  \item @{verbatim "_"} is an argument position, which stands for a
-  certain syntactic category in the underlying grammar.
-  \item @{text "\<index>"} is an indexed argument position; this is the place
-  where implicit structure arguments can be attached.
-  \item @{text "s"} is a non-empty sequence of spaces for printing.
-  This and the following specifications do not affect parsing at all.
-  \item @{verbatim "("}@{text n} opens a pretty printing block.  The
-  optional number specifies how much indentation to add when a line
-  break occurs within the block.  If the parenthesis is not followed
-  by digits, the indentation defaults to 0.  A block specified via
-  @{verbatim "(00"} is unbreakable.
-  \item @{verbatim ")"} closes a pretty printing block.
-  \item @{verbatim "//"} forces a line break.
-  \item @{verbatim "/"}@{text s} allows a line break.  Here @{text s}
-  stands for the string of spaces (zero or more) right after the
-  slash.  These spaces are printed if the break is \emph{not} taken.
-  \end{description}
-  The general idea of pretty printing with blocks and breaks is also
-  described in \cite{paulson-ml2}; it goes back to \cite{Oppen:1980}.
-subsection {* Infixes *}
-text {* Infix operators are specified by convenient short forms that
-  abbreviate general mixfix annotations as follows:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{lll}
-  @{verbatim "("}@{keyword_def "infix"}~@{verbatim "\""}@{text sy}@{verbatim "\""} @{text "p"}@{verbatim ")"}
-  & @{text "\<mapsto>"} &
-  @{verbatim "(\"(_ "}@{text sy}@{verbatim "/ _)\" ["}@{text "p + 1"}@{verbatim ", "}@{text "p + 1"}@{verbatim "]"}@{text " p"}@{verbatim ")"} \\
-  @{verbatim "("}@{keyword_def "infixl"}~@{verbatim "\""}@{text sy}@{verbatim "\""} @{text "p"}@{verbatim ")"}
-  & @{text "\<mapsto>"} &
-  @{verbatim "(\"(_ "}@{text sy}@{verbatim "/ _)\" ["}@{text "p"}@{verbatim ", "}@{text "p + 1"}@{verbatim "]"}@{text " p"}@{verbatim ")"} \\
-  @{verbatim "("}@{keyword_def "infixr"}~@{verbatim "\""}@{text sy}@{verbatim "\""} @{text "p"}@{verbatim ")"}
-  & @{text "\<mapsto>"} &
-  @{verbatim "(\"(_ "}@{text sy}@{verbatim "/ _)\" ["}@{text "p + 1"}@{verbatim ", "}@{text "p"}@{verbatim "]"}@{text " p"}@{verbatim ")"} \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  The mixfix template @{verbatim "\"(_ "}@{text sy}@{verbatim "/ _)\""}
-  specifies two argument positions; the delimiter is preceded by a
-  space and followed by a space or line break; the entire phrase is a
-  pretty printing block.
-  The alternative notation @{verbatim "op"}~@{text sy} is introduced
-  in addition.  Thus any infix operator may be written in prefix form
-  (as in ML), independently of the number of arguments in the term.
-subsection {* Binders *}
-text {* A \emph{binder} is a variable-binding construct such as a
-  quantifier.  The idea to formalize @{text "\<forall>x. b"} as @{text "All
-  (\<lambda>x. b)"} for @{text "All :: ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool"} already goes back
-  to \cite{church40}.  Isabelle declarations of certain higher-order
-  operators may be annotated with @{keyword_def "binder"} annotations
-  as follows:
-  \begin{center}
-  @{text "c :: "}@{verbatim "\""}@{text "(\<tau>\<^sub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<tau>\<^sub>2) \<Rightarrow> \<tau>\<^sub>3"}@{verbatim "\"  ("}@{keyword "binder"}@{verbatim " \""}@{text "sy"}@{verbatim "\" ["}@{text "p"}@{verbatim "] "}@{text "q"}@{verbatim ")"}
-  \end{center}
-  This introduces concrete binder syntax @{text "sy x. b"}, where
-  @{text x} is a bound variable of type @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>1"}, the body @{text
-  b} has type @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>2"} and the whole term has type @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>3"}.
-  The optional integer @{text p} specifies the syntactic priority of
-  the body; the default is @{text "q"}, which is also the priority of
-  the whole construct.
-  Internally, the binder syntax is expanded to something like this:
-  \begin{center}
-  @{text "c_binder :: "}@{verbatim "\""}@{text "idts \<Rightarrow> \<tau>\<^sub>2 \<Rightarrow> \<tau>\<^sub>3"}@{verbatim "\"  (\"(3"}@{text sy}@{verbatim "_./ _)\" [0, "}@{text "p"}@{verbatim "] "}@{text "q"}@{verbatim ")"}
-  \end{center}
-  Here @{syntax (inner) idts} is the nonterminal symbol for a list of
-  identifiers with optional type constraints (see also
-  \secref{sec:pure-grammar}).  The mixfix template @{verbatim
-  "\"(3"}@{text sy}@{verbatim "_./ _)\""} defines argument positions
-  for the bound identifiers and the body, separated by a dot with
-  optional line break; the entire phrase is a pretty printing block of
-  indentation level 3.  Note that there is no extra space after @{text
-  "sy"}, so it needs to be included user specification if the binder
-  syntax ends with a token that may be continued by an identifier
-  token at the start of @{syntax (inner) idts}.
-  Furthermore, a syntax translation to transforms @{text "c_binder x\<^sub>1
-  \<dots> x\<^sub>n b"} into iterated application @{text "c (\<lambda>x\<^sub>1. \<dots> c (\<lambda>x\<^sub>n. b)\<dots>)"}.
-  This works in both directions, for parsing and printing.  *}
-section {* Explicit notation \label{sec:notation} *}
-text {*
-  \begin{matharray}{rcll}
-    @{command_def "type_notation"} & : & @{text "local_theory \<rightarrow> local_theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "no_type_notation"} & : & @{text "local_theory \<rightarrow> local_theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "notation"} & : & @{text "local_theory \<rightarrow> local_theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "no_notation"} & : & @{text "local_theory \<rightarrow> local_theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "write"} & : & @{text "proof(state) \<rightarrow> proof(state)"} \\
-  \end{matharray}
-  Commands that introduce new logical entities (terms or types)
-  usually allow to provide mixfix annotations on the spot, which is
-  convenient for default notation.  Nonetheless, the syntax may be
-  modified later on by declarations for explicit notation.  This
-  allows to add or delete mixfix annotations for of existing logical
-  entities within the current context.
-  @{rail "
-    (@@{command type_notation} | @@{command no_type_notation}) @{syntax target}?
-      @{syntax mode}? \\ (@{syntax nameref} @{syntax mixfix} + @'and')
-    ;
-    (@@{command notation} | @@{command no_notation}) @{syntax target}? @{syntax mode}? \\
-      (@{syntax nameref} @{syntax struct_mixfix} + @'and')
-    ;
-    @@{command write} @{syntax mode}? (@{syntax nameref} @{syntax struct_mixfix} + @'and')
-  "}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{command "type_notation"}~@{text "c (mx)"} associates mixfix
-  syntax with an existing type constructor.  The arity of the
-  constructor is retrieved from the context.
-  \item @{command "no_type_notation"} is similar to @{command
-  "type_notation"}, but removes the specified syntax annotation from
-  the present context.
-  \item @{command "notation"}~@{text "c (mx)"} associates mixfix
-  syntax with an existing constant or fixed variable.  The type
-  declaration of the given entity is retrieved from the context.
-  \item @{command "no_notation"} is similar to @{command "notation"},
-  but removes the specified syntax annotation from the present
-  context.
-  \item @{command "write"} is similar to @{command "notation"}, but
-  works within an Isar proof body.
-  \end{description}
-section {* The Pure syntax \label{sec:pure-syntax} *}
-subsection {* Lexical matters \label{sec:inner-lex} *}
-text {* The inner lexical syntax vaguely resembles the outer one
-  (\secref{sec:outer-lex}), but some details are different.  There are
-  two main categories of inner syntax tokens:
-  \begin{enumerate}
-  \item \emph{delimiters} --- the literal tokens occurring in
-  productions of the given priority grammar (cf.\
-  \secref{sec:priority-grammar});
-  \item \emph{named tokens} --- various categories of identifiers etc.
-  \end{enumerate}
-  Delimiters override named tokens and may thus render certain
-  identifiers inaccessible.  Sometimes the logical context admits
-  alternative ways to refer to the same entity, potentially via
-  qualified names.
-  \medskip The categories for named tokens are defined once and for
-  all as follows, reusing some categories of the outer token syntax
-  (\secref{sec:outer-lex}).
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{supertabular}{rcl}
-    @{syntax_def (inner) id} & = & @{syntax_ref ident} \\
-    @{syntax_def (inner) longid} & = & @{syntax_ref longident} \\
-    @{syntax_def (inner) var} & = & @{syntax_ref var} \\
-    @{syntax_def (inner) tid} & = & @{syntax_ref typefree} \\
-    @{syntax_def (inner) tvar} & = & @{syntax_ref typevar} \\
-    @{syntax_def (inner) num_token} & = & @{syntax_ref nat}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "-"}@{syntax_ref nat} \\
-    @{syntax_def (inner) float_token} & = & @{syntax_ref nat}@{verbatim "."}@{syntax_ref nat}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "-"}@{syntax_ref nat}@{verbatim "."}@{syntax_ref nat} \\
-    @{syntax_def (inner) xnum_token} & = & @{verbatim "#"}@{syntax_ref nat}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "#-"}@{syntax_ref nat} \\
-    @{syntax_def (inner) str_token} & = & @{verbatim "''"} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim "''"} \\
-  \end{supertabular}
-  \end{center}
-  The token categories @{syntax (inner) num_token}, @{syntax (inner)
-  float_token}, @{syntax (inner) xnum_token}, and @{syntax (inner)
-  str_token} are not used in Pure.  Object-logics may implement numerals
-  and string constants by adding appropriate syntax declarations,
-  together with some translation functions (e.g.\ see Isabelle/HOL).
-  The derived categories @{syntax_def (inner) num_const}, @{syntax_def
-  (inner) float_const}, and @{syntax_def (inner) num_const} provide
-  robust access to the respective tokens: the syntax tree holds a
-  syntactic constant instead of a free variable.
-subsection {* Priority grammars \label{sec:priority-grammar} *}
-text {* A context-free grammar consists of a set of \emph{terminal
-  symbols}, a set of \emph{nonterminal symbols} and a set of
-  \emph{productions}.  Productions have the form @{text "A = \<gamma>"},
-  where @{text A} is a nonterminal and @{text \<gamma>} is a string of
-  terminals and nonterminals.  One designated nonterminal is called
-  the \emph{root symbol}.  The language defined by the grammar
-  consists of all strings of terminals that can be derived from the
-  root symbol by applying productions as rewrite rules.
-  The standard Isabelle parser for inner syntax uses a \emph{priority
-  grammar}.  Each nonterminal is decorated by an integer priority:
-  @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>p\<^sup>)"}.  In a derivation, @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>p\<^sup>)"} may be rewritten
-  using a production @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>q\<^sup>) = \<gamma>"} only if @{text "p \<le> q"}.  Any
-  priority grammar can be translated into a normal context-free
-  grammar by introducing new nonterminals and productions.
-  \medskip Formally, a set of context free productions @{text G}
-  induces a derivation relation @{text "\<longrightarrow>\<^sub>G"} as follows.  Let @{text
-  \<alpha>} and @{text \<beta>} denote strings of terminal or nonterminal symbols.
-  Then @{text "\<alpha> A\<^sup>(\<^sup>p\<^sup>) \<beta> \<longrightarrow>\<^sub>G \<alpha> \<gamma> \<beta>"} holds if and only if @{text G}
-  contains some production @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>q\<^sup>) = \<gamma>"} for @{text "p \<le> q"}.
-  \medskip The following grammar for arithmetic expressions
-  demonstrates how binding power and associativity of operators can be
-  enforced by priorities.
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{rclr}
-  @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>)"} & @{text "="} & @{verbatim "("} @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>0\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim ")"} \\
-  @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>)"} & @{text "="} & @{verbatim 0} \\
-  @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>0\<^sup>)"} & @{text "="} & @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>0\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "+"} @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>)"} \\
-  @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>2\<^sup>)"} & @{text "="} & @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "*"} @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>2\<^sup>)"} \\
-  @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} & @{text "="} & @{verbatim "-"} @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  The choice of priorities determines that @{verbatim "-"} binds
-  tighter than @{verbatim "*"}, which binds tighter than @{verbatim
-  "+"}.  Furthermore @{verbatim "+"} associates to the left and
-  @{verbatim "*"} to the right.
-  \medskip For clarity, grammars obey these conventions:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item All priorities must lie between 0 and 1000.
-  \item Priority 0 on the right-hand side and priority 1000 on the
-  left-hand side may be omitted.
-  \item The production @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>p\<^sup>) = \<alpha>"} is written as @{text "A = \<alpha>
-  (p)"}, i.e.\ the priority of the left-hand side actually appears in
-  a column on the far right.
-  \item Alternatives are separated by @{text "|"}.
-  \item Repetition is indicated by dots @{text "(\<dots>)"} in an informal
-  but obvious way.
-  \end{itemize}
-  Using these conventions, the example grammar specification above
-  takes the form:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{rclc}
-    @{text A} & @{text "="} & @{verbatim "("} @{text A} @{verbatim ")"} \\
-              & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim 0} & \qquad\qquad \\
-              & @{text "|"} & @{text A} @{verbatim "+"} @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(0)"} \\
-              & @{text "|"} & @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "*"} @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>2\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(2)"} \\
-              & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "-"} @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(3)"} \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-subsection {* The Pure grammar \label{sec:pure-grammar} *}
-text {* The priority grammar of the @{text "Pure"} theory is defined
-  approximately like this:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{supertabular}{rclr}
-  @{syntax_def (inner) any} & = & @{text "prop  |  logic"} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) prop} & = & @{verbatim "("} @{text prop} @{verbatim ")"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "prop\<^sup>(\<^sup>4\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "::"} @{text type} & @{text "(3)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "any\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "=="} @{text "any\<^sup>(\<^sup>2\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(2)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "any\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} @{text "\<equiv>"} @{text "any\<^sup>(\<^sup>2\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(2)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "prop\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "&&&"} @{text "prop\<^sup>(\<^sup>2\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(2)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "prop\<^sup>(\<^sup>2\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "==>"} @{text "prop\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(1)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "prop\<^sup>(\<^sup>2\<^sup>)"} @{text "\<Longrightarrow>"} @{text "prop\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(1)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "[|"} @{text prop} @{verbatim ";"} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim ";"} @{text prop} @{verbatim "|]"} @{verbatim "==>"} @{text "prop\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(1)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "\<lbrakk>"} @{text prop} @{verbatim ";"} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim ";"} @{text prop} @{text "\<rbrakk>"} @{text "\<Longrightarrow>"} @{text "prop\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(1)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "!!"} @{text idts} @{verbatim "."} @{text prop} & @{text "(0)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "\<And>"} @{text idts} @{verbatim "."} @{text prop} & @{text "(0)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim OFCLASS} @{verbatim "("} @{text type} @{verbatim ","} @{text logic} @{verbatim ")"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim SORT_CONSTRAINT} @{verbatim "("} @{text type} @{verbatim ")"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim TERM} @{text logic} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim PROP} @{text aprop} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) aprop} & = & @{verbatim "("} @{text aprop} @{verbatim ")"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "id  |  longid  |  var  |  "}@{verbatim "_"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "..."} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim CONST} @{text "id  |  "}@{verbatim CONST} @{text "longid"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim XCONST} @{text "id  |  "}@{verbatim XCONST} @{text "longid"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "logic\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>)  any\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>) \<dots> any\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(999)"} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) logic} & = & @{verbatim "("} @{text logic} @{verbatim ")"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "logic\<^sup>(\<^sup>4\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "::"} @{text type} & @{text "(3)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "id  |  longid  |  var  |  "}@{verbatim "_"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "..."} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim CONST} @{text "id  |  "}@{verbatim CONST} @{text "longid"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim XCONST} @{text "id  |  "}@{verbatim XCONST} @{text "longid"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "logic\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>)  any\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>) \<dots> any\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(999)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "\<struct> index\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "%"} @{text pttrns} @{verbatim "."} @{text "any\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(3)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text \<lambda>} @{text pttrns} @{verbatim "."} @{text "any\<^sup>(\<^sup>3\<^sup>)"} & @{text "(3)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim op} @{verbatim "=="}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim op} @{text "\<equiv>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim op} @{verbatim "&&&"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim op} @{verbatim "==>"}@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim op} @{text "\<Longrightarrow>"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim TYPE} @{verbatim "("} @{text type} @{verbatim ")"} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) idt} & = & @{verbatim "("} @{text idt} @{verbatim ")"}@{text "  |  id  |  "}@{verbatim "_"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text id} @{verbatim "::"} @{text type} & @{text "(0)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "_"} @{verbatim "::"} @{text type} & @{text "(0)"} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) index} & = & @{verbatim "\<^bsub>"} @{text "logic\<^sup>(\<^sup>0\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "\<^esub>"}@{text "  |  |  \<index>"} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) idts} & = & @{text "idt  |  idt\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>) idts"} & @{text "(0)"} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) pttrn} & = & @{text idt} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) pttrns} & = & @{text "pttrn  |  pttrn\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>) pttrns"} & @{text "(0)"} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) type} & = & @{verbatim "("} @{text type} @{verbatim ")"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "tid  |  tvar  |  "}@{verbatim "_"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "tid"} @{verbatim "::"} @{text "sort  |  tvar  "}@{verbatim "::"} @{text "sort  |  "}@{verbatim "_"} @{verbatim "::"} @{text "sort"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "type_name  |  type\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>0\<^sup>) type_name"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "("} @{text type} @{verbatim ","} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim ","} @{text type} @{verbatim ")"} @{text type_name} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "type\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>)"} @{verbatim "=>"} @{text type} & @{text "(0)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{text "type\<^sup>(\<^sup>1\<^sup>)"} @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} @{text type} & @{text "(0)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "["} @{text type} @{verbatim ","} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim ","} @{text type} @{verbatim "]"} @{verbatim "=>"} @{text type} & @{text "(0)"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "["} @{text type} @{verbatim ","} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim ","} @{text type} @{verbatim "]"} @{text "\<Rightarrow>"} @{text type} & @{text "(0)"} \\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) type_name} & = & @{text "id  |  longid"} \\\\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) sort} & = & @{syntax class_name}~@{text "  |  "}@{verbatim "{}"} \\
-    & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "{"} @{syntax class_name} @{verbatim ","} @{text "\<dots>"} @{verbatim ","} @{syntax class_name} @{verbatim "}"} \\
-  @{syntax_def (inner) class_name} & = & @{text "id  |  longid"} \\
-  \end{supertabular}
-  \end{center}
-  \medskip Here literal terminals are printed @{verbatim "verbatim"};
-  see also \secref{sec:inner-lex} for further token categories of the
-  inner syntax.  The meaning of the nonterminals defined by the above
-  grammar is as follows:
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) any} denotes any term.
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) prop} denotes meta-level propositions,
-  which are terms of type @{typ prop}.  The syntax of such formulae of
-  the meta-logic is carefully distinguished from usual conventions for
-  object-logics.  In particular, plain @{text "\<lambda>"}-term notation is
-  \emph{not} recognized as @{syntax (inner) prop}.
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) aprop} denotes atomic propositions, which
-  are embedded into regular @{syntax (inner) prop} by means of an
-  explicit @{verbatim PROP} token.
-  Terms of type @{typ prop} with non-constant head, e.g.\ a plain
-  variable, are printed in this form.  Constants that yield type @{typ
-  prop} are expected to provide their own concrete syntax; otherwise
-  the printed version will appear like @{syntax (inner) logic} and
-  cannot be parsed again as @{syntax (inner) prop}.
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) logic} denotes arbitrary terms of a
-  logical type, excluding type @{typ prop}.  This is the main
-  syntactic category of object-logic entities, covering plain @{text
-  \<lambda>}-term notation (variables, abstraction, application), plus
-  anything defined by the user.
-  When specifying notation for logical entities, all logical types
-  (excluding @{typ prop}) are \emph{collapsed} to this single category
-  of @{syntax (inner) logic}.
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) index} denotes an optional index term for
-  indexed syntax.  If omitted, it refers to the first @{keyword
-  "structure"} variable in the context.  The special dummy ``@{text
-  "\<index>"}'' serves as pattern variable in mixfix annotations that
-  introduce indexed notation.
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) idt} denotes identifiers, possibly
-  constrained by types.
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) idts} denotes a sequence of @{syntax_ref
-  (inner) idt}.  This is the most basic category for variables in
-  iterated binders, such as @{text "\<lambda>"} or @{text "\<And>"}.
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) pttrn} and @{syntax_ref (inner) pttrns}
-  denote patterns for abstraction, cases bindings etc.  In Pure, these
-  categories start as a merely copy of @{syntax (inner) idt} and
-  @{syntax (inner) idts}, respectively.  Object-logics may add
-  additional productions for binding forms.
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) type} denotes types of the meta-logic.
-  \item @{syntax_ref (inner) sort} denotes meta-level sorts.
-  \end{description}
-  Here are some further explanations of certain syntax features.
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item In @{syntax (inner) idts}, note that @{text "x :: nat y"} is
-  parsed as @{text "x :: (nat y)"}, treating @{text y} like a type
-  constructor applied to @{text nat}.  To avoid this interpretation,
-  write @{text "(x :: nat) y"} with explicit parentheses.
-  \item Similarly, @{text "x :: nat y :: nat"} is parsed as @{text "x ::
-  (nat y :: nat)"}.  The correct form is @{text "(x :: nat) (y ::
-  nat)"}, or @{text "(x :: nat) y :: nat"} if @{text y} is last in the
-  sequence of identifiers.
-  \item Type constraints for terms bind very weakly.  For example,
-  @{text "x < y :: nat"} is normally parsed as @{text "(x < y) ::
-  nat"}, unless @{text "<"} has a very low priority, in which case the
-  input is likely to be ambiguous.  The correct form is @{text "x < (y
-  :: nat)"}.
-  \item Constraints may be either written with two literal colons
-  ``@{verbatim "::"}'' or the double-colon symbol @{verbatim "\<Colon>"},
-  which actually looks exactly the same in some {\LaTeX} styles.
-  \item Dummy variables (written as underscore) may occur in different
-  roles.
-  \begin{description}
-  \item A type ``@{text "_"}'' or ``@{text "_ :: sort"}'' acts like an
-  anonymous inference parameter, which is filled-in according to the
-  most general type produced by the type-checking phase.
-  \item A bound ``@{text "_"}'' refers to a vacuous abstraction, where
-  the body does not refer to the binding introduced here.  As in the
-  term @{term "\<lambda>x _. x"}, which is @{text "\<alpha>"}-equivalent to @{text
-  "\<lambda>x y. x"}.
-  \item A free ``@{text "_"}'' refers to an implicit outer binding.
-  Higher definitional packages usually allow forms like @{text "f x _
-  = x"}.
-  \item A schematic ``@{text "_"}'' (within a term pattern, see
-  \secref{sec:term-decls}) refers to an anonymous variable that is
-  implicitly abstracted over its context of locally bound variables.
-  For example, this allows pattern matching of @{text "{x. f x = g
-  x}"} against @{text "{x. _ = _}"}, or even @{text "{_. _ = _}"} by
-  using both bound and schematic dummies.
-  \end{description}
-  \item The three literal dots ``@{verbatim "..."}'' may be also
-  written as ellipsis symbol @{verbatim "\<dots>"}.  In both cases this
-  refers to a special schematic variable, which is bound in the
-  context.  This special term abbreviation works nicely with
-  calculational reasoning (\secref{sec:calculation}).
-  \item @{verbatim CONST} ensures that the given identifier is treated
-  as constant term, and passed through the parse tree in fully
-  internalized form.  This is particularly relevant for translation
-  rules (\secref{sec:syn-trans}), notably on the RHS.
-  \item @{verbatim XCONST} is similar to @{verbatim CONST}, but
-  retains the constant name as given.  This is only relevant to
-  translation rules (\secref{sec:syn-trans}), notably on the LHS.
-  \end{itemize}
-subsection {* Inspecting the syntax *}
-text {*
-  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
-    @{command_def "print_syntax"}@{text "\<^sup>*"} & : & @{text "context \<rightarrow>"} \\
-  \end{matharray}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{command "print_syntax"} prints the inner syntax of the
-  current context.  The output can be quite large; the most important
-  sections are explained below.
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{text "lexicon"} lists the delimiters of the inner token
-  language; see \secref{sec:inner-lex}.
-  \item @{text "prods"} lists the productions of the underlying
-  priority grammar; see \secref{sec:priority-grammar}.
-  The nonterminal @{text "A\<^sup>(\<^sup>p\<^sup>)"} is rendered in plain text as @{text
-  "A[p]"}; delimiters are quoted.  Many productions have an extra
-  @{text "\<dots> => name"}.  These names later become the heads of parse
-  trees; they also guide the pretty printer.
-  Productions without such parse tree names are called \emph{copy
-  productions}.  Their right-hand side must have exactly one
-  nonterminal symbol (or named token).  The parser does not create a
-  new parse tree node for copy productions, but simply returns the
-  parse tree of the right-hand symbol.
-  If the right-hand side of a copy production consists of a single
-  nonterminal without any delimiters, then it is called a \emph{chain
-  production}.  Chain productions act as abbreviations: conceptually,
-  they are removed from the grammar by adding new productions.
-  Priority information attached to chain productions is ignored; only
-  the dummy value @{text "-1"} is displayed.
-  \item @{text "print modes"} lists the alternative print modes
-  provided by this grammar; see \secref{sec:print-modes}.
-  \item @{text "parse_rules"} and @{text "print_rules"} relate to
-  syntax translations (macros); see \secref{sec:syn-trans}.
-  \item @{text "parse_ast_translation"} and @{text
-  "print_ast_translation"} list sets of constants that invoke
-  translation functions for abstract syntax trees, which are only
-  required in very special situations; see \secref{sec:tr-funs}.
-  \item @{text "parse_translation"} and @{text "print_translation"}
-  list the sets of constants that invoke regular translation
-  functions; see \secref{sec:tr-funs}.
-  \end{description}
-  \end{description}
-subsection {* Ambiguity of parsed expressions *}
-text {*
-  \begin{tabular}{rcll}
-    @{attribute_def syntax_ambiguity_warning} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text true} \\
-    @{attribute_def syntax_ambiguity_limit} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text 10} \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  Depending on the grammar and the given input, parsing may be
-  ambiguous.  Isabelle lets the Earley parser enumerate all possible
-  parse trees, and then tries to make the best out of the situation.
-  Terms that cannot be type-checked are filtered out, which often
-  leads to a unique result in the end.  Unlike regular type
-  reconstruction, which is applied to the whole collection of input
-  terms simultaneously, the filtering stage only treats each given
-  term in isolation.  Filtering is also not attempted for individual
-  types or raw ASTs (as required for @{command translations}).
-  Certain warning or error messages are printed, depending on the
-  situation and the given configuration options.  Parsing ultimately
-  fails, if multiple results remain after the filtering phase.
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{attribute syntax_ambiguity_warning} controls output of
-  explicit warning messages about syntax ambiguity.
-  \item @{attribute syntax_ambiguity_limit} determines the number of
-  resulting parse trees that are shown as part of the printed message
-  in case of an ambiguity.
-  \end{description}
-section {* Syntax transformations \label{sec:syntax-transformations} *}
-text {* The inner syntax engine of Isabelle provides separate
-  mechanisms to transform parse trees either as rewrite systems on
-  first-order ASTs (\secref{sec:syn-trans}), or ML functions on ASTs
-  or syntactic @{text "\<lambda>"}-terms (\secref{sec:tr-funs}).  This works
-  both for parsing and printing, as outlined in
-  \figref{fig:parse-print}.
-  \begin{figure}[htbp]
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{cl}
-  string          & \\
-  @{text "\<down>"}     & lexer + parser \\
-  parse tree      & \\
-  @{text "\<down>"}     & parse AST translation \\
-  AST             & \\
-  @{text "\<down>"}     & AST rewriting (macros) \\
-  AST             & \\
-  @{text "\<down>"}     & parse translation \\
-  --- pre-term ---    & \\
-  @{text "\<down>"}     & print translation \\
-  AST             & \\
-  @{text "\<down>"}     & AST rewriting (macros) \\
-  AST             & \\
-  @{text "\<down>"}     & print AST translation \\
-  string          &
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  \caption{Parsing and printing with translations}\label{fig:parse-print}
-  \end{figure}
-  These intermediate syntax tree formats eventually lead to a pre-term
-  with all names and binding scopes resolved, but most type
-  information still missing.  Explicit type constraints might be given by
-  the user, or implicit position information by the system --- both
-  need to be passed-through carefully by syntax transformations.
-  Pre-terms are further processed by the so-called \emph{check} and
-  \emph{unckeck} phases that are intertwined with type-inference (see
-  also \cite{isabelle-implementation}).  The latter allows to operate
-  on higher-order abstract syntax with proper binding and type
-  information already available.
-  As a rule of thumb, anything that manipulates bindings of variables
-  or constants needs to be implemented as syntax transformation (see
-  below).  Anything else is better done via check/uncheck: a prominent
-  example application is the @{command abbreviation} concept of
-  Isabelle/Pure. *}
-subsection {* Abstract syntax trees \label{sec:ast} *}
-text {* The ML datatype @{ML_type Ast.ast} explicitly represents the
-  intermediate AST format that is used for syntax rewriting
-  (\secref{sec:syn-trans}).  It is defined in ML as follows:
-  \begin{ttbox}
-  datatype ast =
-    Constant of string |
-    Variable of string |
-    Appl of ast list
-  \end{ttbox}
-  An AST is either an atom (constant or variable) or a list of (at
-  least two) subtrees.  Occasional diagnostic output of ASTs uses
-  notation that resembles S-expression of LISP.  Constant atoms are
-  shown as quoted strings, variable atoms as non-quoted strings and
-  applications as a parenthesized list of subtrees.  For example, the
-  AST
-  @{ML [display] "Ast.Appl
-  [Ast.Constant \"_abs\", Ast.Variable \"x\", Ast.Variable \"t\"]"}
-  is pretty-printed as @{verbatim "(\"_abs\" x t)"}.  Note that
-  @{verbatim "()"} and @{verbatim "(x)"} are excluded as ASTs, because
-  they have too few subtrees.
-  \medskip AST application is merely a pro-forma mechanism to indicate
-  certain syntactic structures.  Thus @{verbatim "(c a b)"} could mean
-  either term application or type application, depending on the
-  syntactic context.
-  Nested application like @{verbatim "((\"_abs\" x t) u)"} is also
-  possible, but ASTs are definitely first-order: the syntax constant
-  @{verbatim "\"_abs\""} does not bind the @{verbatim x} in any way.
-  Proper bindings are introduced in later stages of the term syntax,
-  where @{verbatim "(\"_abs\" x t)"} becomes an @{ML Abs} node and
-  occurrences of @{verbatim x} in @{verbatim t} are replaced by bound
-  variables (represented as de-Bruijn indices).
-subsubsection {* AST constants versus variables *}
-text {* Depending on the situation --- input syntax, output syntax,
-  translation patterns --- the distinction of atomic asts as @{ML
-  Ast.Constant} versus @{ML Ast.Variable} serves slightly different
-  purposes.
-  Input syntax of a term such as @{text "f a b = c"} does not yet
-  indicate the scopes of atomic entities @{text "f, a, b, c"}: they
-  could be global constants or local variables, even bound ones
-  depending on the context of the term.  @{ML Ast.Variable} leaves
-  this choice still open: later syntax layers (or translation
-  functions) may capture such a variable to determine its role
-  specifically, to make it a constant, bound variable, free variable
-  etc.  In contrast, syntax translations that introduce already known
-  constants would rather do it via @{ML Ast.Constant} to prevent
-  accidental re-interpretation later on.
-  Output syntax turns term constants into @{ML Ast.Constant} and
-  variables (free or schematic) into @{ML Ast.Variable}.  This
-  information is precise when printing fully formal @{text "\<lambda>"}-terms.
-  In AST translation patterns (\secref{sec:syn-trans}) the system
-  guesses from the current theory context which atoms should be
-  treated as constant versus variable for the matching process.
-  Sometimes this needs to be indicated more explicitly using @{text
-  "CONST c"} inside the term language.  It is also possible to use
-  @{command syntax} declarations (without mixfix annotation) to
-  enforce that certain unqualified names are always treated as
-  constant within the syntax machinery.
-  \medskip For ASTs that represent the language of types or sorts, the
-  situation is much simpler, since the concrete syntax already
-  distinguishes type variables from type constants (constructors).  So
-  @{text "('a, 'b) foo"} corresponds to an AST application of some
-  constant for @{text foo} and variable arguments for @{text "'a"} and
-  @{text "'b"}.  Note that the postfix application is merely a feature
-  of the concrete syntax, while in the AST the constructor occurs in
-  head position.  *}
-subsubsection {* Authentic syntax names *}
-text {* Naming constant entities within ASTs is another delicate
-  issue.  Unqualified names are looked up in the name space tables in
-  the last stage of parsing, after all translations have been applied.
-  Since syntax transformations do not know about this later name
-  resolution yet, there can be surprises in boundary cases.
-  \emph{Authentic syntax names} for @{ML Ast.Constant} avoid this
-  problem: the fully-qualified constant name with a special prefix for
-  its formal category (@{text "class"}, @{text "type"}, @{text
-  "const"}, @{text "fixed"}) represents the information faithfully
-  within the untyped AST format.  Accidental overlap with free or
-  bound variables is excluded as well.  Authentic syntax names work
-  implicitly in the following situations:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item Input of term constants (or fixed variables) that are
-  introduced by concrete syntax via @{command notation}: the
-  correspondence of a particular grammar production to some known term
-  entity is preserved.
-  \item Input of type constants (constructors) and type classes ---
-  thanks to explicit syntactic distinction independently on the
-  context.
-  \item Output of term constants, type constants, type classes ---
-  this information is already available from the internal term to be
-  printed.
-  \end{itemize}
-  In other words, syntax transformations that operate on input terms
-  written as prefix applications are difficult to make robust.
-  Luckily, this case rarely occurs in practice, because syntax forms
-  to be translated usually correspond to some bits of concrete
-  notation. *}
-subsection {* Raw syntax and translations \label{sec:syn-trans} *}
-text {*
-  \begin{tabular}{rcll}
-    @{command_def "nonterminal"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "syntax"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "no_syntax"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "translations"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "no_translations"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{attribute_def syntax_ast_trace} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-    @{attribute_def syntax_ast_stats} & : & @{text attribute} & default @{text false} \\
-  \end{tabular}
-  Unlike mixfix notation for existing formal entities
-  (\secref{sec:notation}), raw syntax declarations provide full access
-  to the priority grammar of the inner syntax, without any sanity
-  checks.  This includes additional syntactic categories (via
-  @{command nonterminal}) and free-form grammar productions (via
-  @{command syntax}).  Additional syntax translations (or macros, via
-  @{command translations}) are required to turn resulting parse trees
-  into proper representations of formal entities again.
-  @{rail "
-    @@{command nonterminal} (@{syntax name} + @'and')
-    ;
-    (@@{command syntax} | @@{command no_syntax}) @{syntax mode}? (constdecl +)
-    ;
-    (@@{command translations} | @@{command no_translations})
-      (transpat ('==' | '=>' | '<=' | '\<rightleftharpoons>' | '\<rightharpoonup>' | '\<leftharpoondown>') transpat +)
-    ;
-    constdecl: @{syntax name} '::' @{syntax type} @{syntax mixfix}?
-    ;
-    mode: ('(' ( @{syntax name} | @'output' | @{syntax name} @'output' ) ')')
-    ;
-    transpat: ('(' @{syntax nameref} ')')? @{syntax string}
-  "}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{command "nonterminal"}~@{text c} declares a type
-  constructor @{text c} (without arguments) to act as purely syntactic
-  type: a nonterminal symbol of the inner syntax.
-  \item @{command "syntax"}~@{text "(mode) c :: \<sigma> (mx)"} augments the
-  priority grammar and the pretty printer table for the given print
-  mode (default @{verbatim "\"\""}). An optional keyword @{keyword_ref
-  "output"} means that only the pretty printer table is affected.
-  Following \secref{sec:mixfix}, the mixfix annotation @{text "mx =
-  template ps q"} together with type @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>\<^sub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<dots> \<tau>\<^sub>n \<Rightarrow> \<tau>"} and
-  specify a grammar production.  The @{text template} contains
-  delimiter tokens that surround @{text "n"} argument positions
-  (@{verbatim "_"}).  The latter correspond to nonterminal symbols
-  @{text "A\<^sub>i"} derived from the argument types @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>i"} as
-  follows:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item @{text "prop"} if @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>i = prop"}
-  \item @{text "logic"} if @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>i = (\<dots>)\<kappa>"} for logical type
-  constructor @{text "\<kappa> \<noteq> prop"}
-  \item @{text any} if @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>i = \<alpha>"} for type variables
-  \item @{text "\<kappa>"} if @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>i = \<kappa>"} for nonterminal @{text "\<kappa>"}
-  (syntactic type constructor)
-  \end{itemize}
-  Each @{text "A\<^sub>i"} is decorated by priority @{text "p\<^sub>i"} from the
-  given list @{text "ps"}; misssing priorities default to 0.
-  The resulting nonterminal of the production is determined similarly
-  from type @{text "\<tau>"}, with priority @{text "q"} and default 1000.
-  \medskip Parsing via this production produces parse trees @{text
-  "t\<^sub>1, \<dots>, t\<^sub>n"} for the argument slots.  The resulting parse tree is
-  composed as @{text "c t\<^sub>1 \<dots> t\<^sub>n"}, by using the syntax constant @{text
-  "c"} of the syntax declaration.
-  Such syntactic constants are invented on the spot, without formal
-  check wrt.\ existing declarations.  It is conventional to use plain
-  identifiers prefixed by a single underscore (e.g.\ @{text
-  "_foobar"}).  Names should be chosen with care, to avoid clashes
-  with other syntax declarations.
-  \medskip The special case of copy production is specified by @{text
-  "c = "}@{verbatim "\"\""} (empty string).  It means that the
-  resulting parse tree @{text "t"} is copied directly, without any
-  further decoration.
-  \item @{command "no_syntax"}~@{text "(mode) decls"} removes grammar
-  declarations (and translations) resulting from @{text decls}, which
-  are interpreted in the same manner as for @{command "syntax"} above.
-  \item @{command "translations"}~@{text rules} specifies syntactic
-  translation rules (i.e.\ macros) as first-order rewrite rules on
-  ASTs (\secref{sec:ast}).  The theory context maintains two
-  independent lists translation rules: parse rules (@{verbatim "=>"}
-  or @{text "\<rightharpoonup>"}) and print rules (@{verbatim "<="} or @{text "\<leftharpoondown>"}).
-  For convenience, both can be specified simultaneously as parse~/
-  print rules (@{verbatim "=="} or @{text "\<rightleftharpoons>"}).
-  Translation patterns may be prefixed by the syntactic category to be
-  used for parsing; the default is @{text logic} which means that
-  regular term syntax is used.  Both sides of the syntax translation
-  rule undergo parsing and parse AST translations
-  \secref{sec:tr-funs}, in order to perform some fundamental
-  normalization like @{text "\<lambda>x y. b \<leadsto> \<lambda>x. \<lambda>y. b"}, but other AST
-  translation rules are \emph{not} applied recursively here.
-  When processing AST patterns, the inner syntax lexer runs in a
-  different mode that allows identifiers to start with underscore.
-  This accommodates the usual naming convention for auxiliary syntax
-  constants --- those that do not have a logical counter part --- by
-  allowing to specify arbitrary AST applications within the term
-  syntax, independently of the corresponding concrete syntax.
-  Atomic ASTs are distinguished as @{ML Ast.Constant} versus @{ML
-  Ast.Variable} as follows: a qualified name or syntax constant
-  declared via @{command syntax}, or parse tree head of concrete
-  notation becomes @{ML Ast.Constant}, anything else @{ML
-  Ast.Variable}.  Note that @{text CONST} and @{text XCONST} within
-  the term language (\secref{sec:pure-grammar}) allow to enforce
-  treatment as constants.
-  AST rewrite rules @{text "(lhs, rhs)"} need to obey the following
-  side-conditions:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item Rules must be left linear: @{text "lhs"} must not contain
-  repeated variables.\footnote{The deeper reason for this is that AST
-  equality is not well-defined: different occurrences of the ``same''
-  AST could be decorated differently by accidental type-constraints or
-  source position information, for example.}
-  \item Every variable in @{text "rhs"} must also occur in @{text
-  "lhs"}.
-  \end{itemize}
-  \item @{command "no_translations"}~@{text rules} removes syntactic
-  translation rules, which are interpreted in the same manner as for
-  @{command "translations"} above.
-  \item @{attribute syntax_ast_trace} and @{attribute
-  syntax_ast_stats} control diagnostic output in the AST normalization
-  process, when translation rules are applied to concrete input or
-  output.
-  \end{description}
-  Raw syntax and translations provides a slightly more low-level
-  access to the grammar and the form of resulting parse trees.  It is
-  often possible to avoid this untyped macro mechanism, and use
-  type-safe @{command abbreviation} or @{command notation} instead.
-  Some important situations where @{command syntax} and @{command
-  translations} are really need are as follows:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item Iterated replacement via recursive @{command translations}.
-  For example, consider list enumeration @{term "[a, b, c, d]"} as
-  defined in theory @{theory List} in Isabelle/HOL.
-  \item Change of binding status of variables: anything beyond the
-  built-in @{keyword "binder"} mixfix annotation requires explicit
-  syntax translations.  For example, consider list filter
-  comprehension @{term "[x \<leftarrow> xs . P]"} as defined in theory @{theory
-  List} in Isabelle/HOL.
-  \end{itemize}
-subsubsection {* Applying translation rules *}
-text {* As a term is being parsed or printed, an AST is generated as
-  an intermediate form according to \figref{fig:parse-print}.  The AST
-  is normalized by applying translation rules in the manner of a
-  first-order term rewriting system.  We first examine how a single
-  rule is applied.
-  Let @{text "t"} be the abstract syntax tree to be normalized and
-  @{text "(lhs, rhs)"} some translation rule.  A subtree @{text "u"}
-  of @{text "t"} is called \emph{redex} if it is an instance of @{text
-  "lhs"}; in this case the pattern @{text "lhs"} is said to match the
-  object @{text "u"}.  A redex matched by @{text "lhs"} may be
-  replaced by the corresponding instance of @{text "rhs"}, thus
-  \emph{rewriting} the AST @{text "t"}.  Matching requires some notion
-  of \emph{place-holders} in rule patterns: @{ML Ast.Variable} serves
-  this purpose.
-  More precisely, the matching of the object @{text "u"} against the
-  pattern @{text "lhs"} is performed as follows:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item Objects of the form @{ML Ast.Variable}~@{text "x"} or @{ML
-  Ast.Constant}~@{text "x"} are matched by pattern @{ML
-  Ast.Constant}~@{text "x"}.  Thus all atomic ASTs in the object are
-  treated as (potential) constants, and a successful match makes them
-  actual constants even before name space resolution (see also
-  \secref{sec:ast}).
-  \item Object @{text "u"} is matched by pattern @{ML
-  Ast.Variable}~@{text "x"}, binding @{text "x"} to @{text "u"}.
-  \item Object @{ML Ast.Appl}~@{text "us"} is matched by @{ML
-  Ast.Appl}~@{text "ts"} if @{text "us"} and @{text "ts"} have the
-  same length and each corresponding subtree matches.
-  \item In every other case, matching fails.
-  \end{itemize}
-  A successful match yields a substitution that is applied to @{text
-  "rhs"}, generating the instance that replaces @{text "u"}.
-  Normalizing an AST involves repeatedly applying translation rules
-  until none are applicable.  This works yoyo-like: top-down,
-  bottom-up, top-down, etc.  At each subtree position, rules are
-  chosen in order of appearance in the theory definitions.
-  The configuration options @{attribute syntax_ast_trace} and
-  @{attribute syntax_ast_stats} might help to understand this process
-  and diagnose problems.
-  \begin{warn}
-  If syntax translation rules work incorrectly, the output of
-  @{command_ref print_syntax} with its \emph{rules} sections reveals the
-  actual internal forms of AST pattern, without potentially confusing
-  concrete syntax.  Recall that AST constants appear as quoted strings
-  and variables without quotes.
-  \end{warn}
-  \begin{warn}
-  If @{attribute_ref eta_contract} is set to @{text "true"}, terms
-  will be @{text "\<eta>"}-contracted \emph{before} the AST rewriter sees
-  them.  Thus some abstraction nodes needed for print rules to match
-  may vanish.  For example, @{text "Ball A (\<lambda>x. P x)"} would contract
-  to @{text "Ball A P"} and the standard print rule would fail to
-  apply.  This problem can be avoided by hand-written ML translation
-  functions (see also \secref{sec:tr-funs}), which is in fact the same
-  mechanism used in built-in @{keyword "binder"} declarations.
-  \end{warn}
-subsection {* Syntax translation functions \label{sec:tr-funs} *}
-text {*
-  \begin{matharray}{rcl}
-    @{command_def "parse_ast_translation"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "parse_translation"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "print_translation"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "typed_print_translation"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{command_def "print_ast_translation"} & : & @{text "theory \<rightarrow> theory"} \\
-    @{ML_antiquotation_def "class_syntax"} & : & @{text ML_antiquotation} \\
-    @{ML_antiquotation_def "type_syntax"} & : & @{text ML_antiquotation} \\
-    @{ML_antiquotation_def "const_syntax"} & : & @{text ML_antiquotation} \\
-    @{ML_antiquotation_def "syntax_const"} & : & @{text ML_antiquotation} \\
-  \end{matharray}
-  Syntax translation functions written in ML admit almost arbitrary
-  manipulations of inner syntax, at the expense of some complexity and
-  obscurity in the implementation.
-  @{rail "
-  ( @@{command parse_ast_translation} | @@{command parse_translation} |
-    @@{command print_translation} | @@{command typed_print_translation} |
-    @@{command print_ast_translation}) ('(' @'advanced' ')')? @{syntax text}
-  ;
-  (@@{ML_antiquotation class_syntax} |
-   @@{ML_antiquotation type_syntax} |
-   @@{ML_antiquotation const_syntax} |
-   @@{ML_antiquotation syntax_const}) name
-  "}
-  \begin{description}
-  \item @{command parse_translation} etc. declare syntax translation
-  functions to the theory.  Any of these commands have a single
-  @{syntax text} argument that refers to an ML expression of
-  appropriate type, which are as follows by default:
-  \medskip
-  {\footnotesize
-  \begin{tabular}{ll}
-  @{command parse_ast_translation} & : @{ML_type "(string * (Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast)) list"} \\
-  @{command parse_translation} & : @{ML_type "(string * (term list -> term)) list"} \\
-  @{command print_translation} & : @{ML_type "(string * (term list -> term)) list"} \\
-  @{command typed_print_translation} & : @{ML_type "(string * (typ -> term list -> term)) list"} \\
-  @{command print_ast_translation} & : @{ML_type "(string * (Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast)) list"} \\
-  \end{tabular}}
-  \medskip
-  The argument list consists of @{text "(c, tr)"} pairs, where @{text
-  "c"} is the syntax name of the formal entity involved, and @{text
-  "tr"} a function that translates a syntax form @{text "c args"} into
-  @{text "tr args"}.  The ML naming convention for parse translations
-  is @{text "c_tr"} and for print translations @{text "c_tr'"}.
-  The @{command_ref print_syntax} command displays the sets of names
-  associated with the translation functions of a theory under @{text
-  "parse_ast_translation"} etc.
-  If the @{verbatim "("}@{keyword "advanced"}@{verbatim ")"} option is
-  given, the corresponding translation functions depend on the current
-  theory or proof context as additional argument.  This allows to
-  implement advanced syntax mechanisms, as translations functions may
-  refer to specific theory declarations or auxiliary proof data.
-  \item @{text "@{class_syntax c}"}, @{text "@{type_syntax c}"},
-  @{text "@{const_syntax c}"} inline the authentic syntax name of the
-  given formal entities into the ML source.  This is the
-  fully-qualified logical name prefixed by a special marker to
-  indicate its kind: thus different logical name spaces are properly
-  distinguished within parse trees.
-  \item @{text "@{const_syntax c}"} inlines the name @{text "c"} of
-  the given syntax constant, having checked that it has been declared
-  via some @{command syntax} commands within the theory context.  Note
-  that the usual naming convention makes syntax constants start with
-  underscore, to reduce the chance of accidental clashes with other
-  names occurring in parse trees (unqualified constants etc.).
-  \end{description}
-subsubsection {* The translation strategy *}
-text {* The different kinds of translation functions are invoked during
-  the transformations between parse trees, ASTs and syntactic terms
-  (cf.\ \figref{fig:parse-print}).  Whenever a combination of the form
-  @{text "c x\<^sub>1 \<dots> x\<^sub>n"} is encountered, and a translation function
-  @{text "f"} of appropriate kind is declared for @{text "c"}, the
-  result is produced by evaluation of @{text "f [x\<^sub>1, \<dots>, x\<^sub>n]"} in ML.
-  For AST translations, the arguments @{text "x\<^sub>1, \<dots>, x\<^sub>n"} are ASTs.  A
-  combination has the form @{ML "Ast.Constant"}~@{text "c"} or @{ML
-  "Ast.Appl"}~@{text "["}@{ML Ast.Constant}~@{text "c, x\<^sub>1, \<dots>, x\<^sub>n]"}.
-  For term translations, the arguments are terms and a combination has
-  the form @{ML Const}~@{text "(c, \<tau>)"} or @{ML Const}~@{text "(c, \<tau>)
-  $ x\<^sub>1 $ \<dots> $ x\<^sub>n"}.  Terms allow more sophisticated transformations
-  than ASTs do, typically involving abstractions and bound
-  variables. \emph{Typed} print translations may even peek at the type
-  @{text "\<tau>"} of the constant they are invoked on, although that information
-  may be inaccurate.
-  Regardless of whether they act on ASTs or terms, translation
-  functions called during the parsing process differ from those for
-  printing in their overall behaviour:
-  \begin{description}
-  \item [Parse translations] are applied bottom-up.  The arguments are
-  already in translated form.  The translations must not fail;
-  exceptions trigger an error message.  There may be at most one
-  function associated with any syntactic name.
-  \item [Print translations] are applied top-down.  They are supplied
-  with arguments that are partly still in internal form.  The result
-  again undergoes translation; therefore a print translation should
-  not introduce as head the very constant that invoked it.  The
-  function may raise exception @{ML Match} to indicate failure; in
-  this event it has no effect.  Multiple functions associated with
-  some syntactic name are tried in the order of declaration in the
-  theory.
-  \end{description}
-  Only constant atoms --- constructor @{ML Ast.Constant} for ASTs and
-  @{ML Const} for terms --- can invoke translation functions.  This
-  means that parse translations can only be associated with parse tree
-  heads of concrete syntax, or syntactic constants introduced via
-  other translations.  For plain identifiers within the term language,
-  the status of constant versus variable is not yet know during
-  parsing.  This is in contrast to print translations, where constants
-  are explicitly known from the given term in its fully internal form.