changeset 15347 14585bc8fa09
child 16367 e11031fe4096
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_types_sorts.ML	Tue Nov 30 18:25:55 2004 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+(*  Author: Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Copyright 2004 University of Cambridge
+transformation of Isabelle arities and class relations into clauses (defined in the structure Clause). 
+signature RES_TYPES_SORTS =
+exception ARITIES of string
+val arity_clause :
+    string * (string * string list list) list -> ResClause.arityClause list
+val arity_clause_sig :
+ -> ResClause.arityClause list list * (string * 'a list) list
+val arity_clause_thy :
+    Theory.theory ->
+    ResClause.arityClause list list * (string * 'a list) list
+type classrelClauses
+val classrel_clause : string * string list -> ResClause.classrelClause list
+val classrel_clauses_classrel :
+    'a Graph.T -> ResClause.classrelClause list list
+val classrel_clauses_sg : -> ResClause.classrelClause list list
+val classrel_clauses_thy :
+    Theory.theory -> ResClause.classrelClause list list
+val classrel_of_sg : -> Sorts.classes
+val multi_arity_clause :
+    (string * (string * string list list) list) list ->
+    (string * 'a list) list ->
+    ResClause.arityClause list list * (string * 'a list) list
+val tptp_arity_clause_thy : Theory.theory -> string list list
+val tptp_classrel_clauses_sg : -> string list list
+val tsig_of : Theory.theory -> Type.tsig
+val tsig_of_sg : -> Type.tsig
+structure ResTypesSorts : RES_TYPES_SORTS =
+(**** Isabelle arities ****)
+exception ARITIES of string;
+fun arity_clause (tcons, []) = raise ARITIES(tcons)
+  | arity_clause (tcons,[ar]) = [ResClause.make_axiom_arity_clause (tcons,ar)]
+  | arity_clause (tcons,ar1::ars) = (ResClause.make_axiom_arity_clause (tcons,ar1)) :: (arity_clause (tcons,ars));
+fun multi_arity_clause [] expts = ([], expts)
+  | multi_arity_clause ((tcon,[])::tcons_ars) expts =
+    multi_arity_clause tcons_ars ((tcon,[])::expts)
+  | multi_arity_clause (tcon_ar::tcons_ars) expts =
+    let val result = multi_arity_clause tcons_ars expts
+    in
+	(((arity_clause tcon_ar) :: (fst result)),snd result)
+    end;
+fun tsig_of thy = #tsig(Sign.rep_sg (sign_of thy));
+fun tsig_of_sg sg = #tsig(Sign.rep_sg sg);
+(* Isabelle arities *)
+fun arity_clause_thy thy = 
+    let val tsig = tsig_of thy
+	val arities = #arities (Type.rep_tsig tsig) 
+        val entries = Symtab.dest arities 
+    in
+	multi_arity_clause entries []
+    end;
+fun arity_clause_sig sg =
+    let val tsig = #tsig(Sign.rep_sg sg)
+	val arities = #arities (Type.rep_tsig tsig) 
+        val entries = Symtab.dest arities 
+    in
+	multi_arity_clause entries []
+    end;
+fun tptp_arity_clause_thy thy = 
+    let val (arclss,_) = arity_clause_thy thy
+    in	
+	map (map ResClause.tptp_arity_clause) arclss
+    end;
+(**** Isabelle classrel ****)
+type classrelClauses = (ResClause.classrelClause list) Symtab.table;
+(* The new version of finding class relations from a signature *)
+fun classrel_of_sg sg = #classes (Type.rep_tsig (tsig_of_sg sg));
+fun classrel_clause (sub, sups) = ResClause.classrelClauses_of (sub,sups);
+(* new version of classrel_clauses_classrel *)
+fun classrel_clauses_classrel classrel =
+    let val entries = Graph.dest classrel
+    in
+	map classrel_clause entries
+    end;
+fun classrel_clauses_sg sg =
+    let val classrel = classrel_of_sg sg 
+    in
+	classrel_clauses_classrel classrel
+    end;
+val classrel_clauses_thy = classrel_clauses_sg o sign_of;
+fun tptp_classrel_clauses_sg sg =
+    let val relclss = classrel_clauses_sg sg
+    in
+	map (map  ResClause.tptp_classrelClause) relclss
+    end; 