changeset 1826 2a2c0dbeb4ac
child 4170 6b8bbcc9f05f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/8bit/c-sources/isa2latex/conv-tables.h	Tue Jun 25 17:44:43 1996 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+ * translation table for the low-8-bit ascii codes
+ * translation takes place only if destCode is TO_LaTeX
+ *
+ * the row number + START_LOW_TABLE -1 is the ascii code !!
+ */
+/* do not edit the lines between BEGIN_OF_LOW_TABLE and END_OF_LOW_TABLE  */
+/* these lines are automatically generated by gen-isa2latex               */
+char *translationTableLow[END_LOW_TABLE - START_LOW_TABLE + 1] = {
+   "\\ ",
+   "!",
+   "\x22{}",
+   "\\#",
+   "\\$",
+   "\\%",
+   "\\mbox{$\\&$}",
+   "'",
+   "(",
+   ")",
+   "\\mbox{$*$}",
+   "\\mbox{$+$}",
+   ",",
+   "\\mbox{$-$}",
+   ".",
+   "/",
+   "0",
+   "1",
+   "2",
+   "3",
+   "4",
+   "5",
+   "6",
+   "7",
+   "8",
+   "9",
+   ":",
+   ";",
+   "\\mbox{$<$}",
+   "\\mbox{$=$}",
+   "\\mbox{$>$}",
+   "?",
+   "@",
+   "A",
+   "B",
+   "C",
+   "D",
+   "E",
+   "F",
+   "G",
+   "H",
+   "I",
+   "J",
+   "K",
+   "L",
+   "M",
+   "N",
+   "O",
+   "P",
+   "Q",
+   "R",
+   "S",
+   "T",
+   "U",
+   "V",
+   "W",
+   "X",
+   "Y",
+   "Z",
+   "\\mbox{$[$}",
+   "\\mbox{$\\backslash$}",
+   "\\mbox{$]$}",
+   "\\^{}",
+   "\\_",
+   "`",
+   "a",
+   "b",
+   "c",
+   "d",
+   "e",
+   "f",
+   "g",
+   "h",
+   "i",
+   "j",
+   "k",
+   "l",
+   "m",
+   "n",
+   "o",
+   "p",
+   "q",
+   "r",
+   "s",
+   "t",
+   "u",
+   "v",
+   "w",
+   "x",
+   "y",
+   "z",
+   "\\{",
+   "\\mbox{$|$}",
+   "\\}",
+   "\\~{}"
+ * conversion table for Hi-8-bit table
+ *
+ * the row number + START_HIGH_TABLE -1 is the ascii code !!
+ * 
+ * first  column is used if destCode is TO_7bit
+ * second column is used if destCode is TO_LaTeX
+ */
+/* do not edit the lines between BEGIN_OF_HI_TABLE and END_OF_HI_TABLE  */
+/* these lines are automatically generated by gen-isa2latex             */
+char *translationTableHi[END_HI_TABLE - START_HI_TABLE + 1][2] = {
+   {"\\Gamma"      ,"\\mbox{$\\Gamma$}"},
+   {"\\Delta"      ,"\\mbox{$\\Delta$}"},
+   {"\\Theta"      ,"\\mbox{$\\Theta$}"},
+   {"LAM"          ,"\\mbox{$\\Lambda$}"},
+   {"\\Pi"         ,"\\mbox{$\\Pi$}"},
+   {"\\Sigma"      ,"\\mbox{$\\Sigma$}"},
+   {"\\Phi"        ,"\\mbox{$\\Phi$}"},
+   {"\\Psi"        ,"\\mbox{$\\Psi$}"},
+   {"\\Omega"      ,"\\mbox{$\\Omega$}"},
+   {"'a"           ,"\\mbox{$\\alpha$}"},
+   {"'b"           ,"\\mbox{$\\beta$}"},
+   {"'c"           ,"\\mbox{$\\gamma$}"},
+   {"\\delta"      ,"\\mbox{$\\delta$}"},
+   {"\\varepsilon" ,"\\mbox{$\\varepsilon$}"},
+   {"\\zeta"       ,"\\mbox{$\\zeta$}"},
+   {"\\eta"        ,"\\mbox{$\\eta$}"},
+   {"\\vartheta"   ,"\\mbox{$\\vartheta$}"},
+   {"\\kappa"      ,"\\mbox{$\\kappa$}"},
+   {"%"            ,"\\mbox{$\\lambda$}"},
+   {"\\mu"         ,"\\mbox{$\\mu$}"},
+   {"\\nu"         ,"\\mbox{$\\nu$}"},
+   {"\\xi"         ,"\\mbox{$\\xi$}"},
+   {"\\pi"         ,"\\mbox{$\\pi$}"},
+   {"'r"           ,"\\mbox{$\\rho$}"},
+   {"'s"           ,"\\mbox{$\\sigma$}"},
+   {"'t"           ,"\\mbox{$\\tau$}"},
+   {"\\varphi"     ,"\\mbox{$\\varphi$}"},
+   {"\\chi"        ,"\\mbox{$\\chi$}"},
+   {"\\psi"        ,"\\mbox{$\\psi$}"},
+   {"\\omega"      ,"\\mbox{$\\omega$}"},
+   {"~"            ,"\\mbox{$\\neg$}"},
+   {"&"            ,"\\mbox{$\\wedge$}"},
+   {"|"            ,"\\mbox{$\\vee$}"},
+   {"!"            ,"\\mbox{$\\forall$}"},
+   {"?"            ,"\\mbox{$\\exists$}"},
+   {"!!"           ,"\\mbox{$\\bigwedge$}"},
+   {"\\lceil"      ,"\\mbox{$\\lceil$}"},
+   {"\\rceil"      ,"\\mbox{$\\rceil$}"},
+   {"\\lfloor"     ,"\\mbox{$\\lfloor$}"},
+   {"\\rfloor"     ,"\\mbox{$\\rfloor$}"},
+   {"(|"           ,"\\mbox{$(\\!|$}"},
+   {"|)"           ,"\\mbox{$|\\!)$}"},
+   {"[|"           ,"\\mbox{$[\\![$}"},
+   {"|]"           ,"\\mbox{$]\\!]$}"},
+   {"\\emptyset"   ,"\\mbox{$\\emptyset$}"},
+   {":"            ,"\\mbox{$\\in$}"},
+   {"\\subseteq"   ,"\\mbox{$\\subseteq$}"},
+   {"Int"          ,"\\mbox{$\\cap$}"},
+   {"Un"           ,"\\mbox{$\\cup$}"},
+   {"Inter"        ,"\\mbox{$\\bigcap$}"},
+   {"Union"        ,"\\mbox{$\\bigcup$}"},
+   {"\\sqcap"      ,"\\mbox{$\\sqcap$}"},
+   {"\\sqcup"      ,"\\mbox{$\\sqcup$}"},
+   {"glb"          ,"\\mbox{$\\overline{|\\,\\,|}$}"},
+   {"lub"          ,"\\mbox{$\\bigsqcup$}"},
+   {"UU"           ,"\\mbox{$\\perp$}"},
+   {"==="          ,"\\mbox{$\\doteq$}"},
+   {"=="           ,"\\mbox{$\\equiv$}"},
+   {"~="           ,"\\mbox{$\\not=$}"},
+   {"\\sqsubset"   ,"\\mbox{$\\sqsubset$}"},
+   {"<<"           ,"\\mbox{$\\sqsubseteq$}"},
+   {"\\prec"       ,"\\mbox{$\\prec$}"},
+   {"\\preceq"     ,"\\mbox{$\\preceq$}"},
+   {"\\succ"       ,"\\mbox{$\\succ$}"},
+   {"\\succeq"     ,"\\mbox{$\\succeq$}"},
+   {"\\sim"        ,"\\mbox{$\\sim$}"},
+   {"\\simeq"      ,"\\mbox{$\\simeq$}"},
+   {"\\le"         ,"\\mbox{$\\le$}"},
+   {"\\ge"         ,"\\mbox{$\\ge$}"},
+   {"<-"           ,"\\mbox{$\\leftarrow$}"},
+   {"-"            ,"\\mbox{$-$}"},
+   {"->"           ,"\\mbox{$\\rightarrow$}"},
+   {"<="           ,"\\mbox{$\\Leftarrow$}"},
+   {"="            ,"\\mbox{$=$}"},
+   {"=>"           ,"\\mbox{$\\Rightarrow$}"},
+   {"->>"          ,"\\mbox{$\\twoheadrightarrow$}"},
+   {"\\mapsto"     ,"\\mbox{$\\mapsto$}"},
+   {"\\leadsto"    ,"\\mbox{$\\leadsto$}"},
+   {"\\uparrow"    ,"\\mbox{$\\uparrow$}"},
+   {"\\downarrow"  ,"\\mbox{$\\downarrow$}"},
+   {"~:"           ,"\\mbox{$\\notin$}"},
+   {"*"            ,"\\mbox{$\\times$}"},
+   {"++"           ,"\\mbox{$\\oplus$}"},
+   {"\\ominus"     ,"\\mbox{$\\ominus$}"},
+   {"**"           ,"\\mbox{$\\otimes$}"},
+   {"\\oslash"     ,"\\mbox{$\\oslash$}"},
+   {"\\natural"    ,"\\mbox{$\\natural$}"},
+   {"\\infty"      ,"\\mbox{$\\infty$}"},
+   {"\\Box"        ,"\\mbox{$\\Box$}"},
+   {"\\Diamond"    ,"\\mbox{$\\Diamond$}"},
+   {"\\circ"       ,"\\mbox{$\\circ$}"},
+   {"\\bullet"     ,"\\mbox{$\\bullet$}"},
+   {"||"           ,"\\mbox{$\\parallel$}"},
+   {"\\tick"       ,"\\mbox{$\\surd$}"},
+   {"\\filter"     ,"\\mbox{\\copyright}"}
+ * conversion table for long ascii and 8bit sequences scanned by lexer
+ * 
+ * first  column is used if destCode is TO_7bit
+ * second column is used if destCode is TO_LaTeX
+ *
+ * Row - 1 is the code (longCode) used by the lexer
+ */      
+/* do not edit the lines between BEGIN_OF_SEQ_TABLE and END_OF_SEQ_TABLE  */
+/* these lines are automatically generated by gen-isa2latex               */
+char *translationTableSeq[SEQ_TABLE][2] = {
+   {"==>"                        ,"\\mbox{$\\Longrightarrow$}"},
+   {"-->"                        ,"\\mbox{$\\longrightarrow$}"},
+   {"?!"                         ,"\\mbox{$\\exists$}!"},
+   {"ALL"                        ,"\\mbox{$\\forall$}"},
+   {"EX"                         ,"\\mbox{$\\exists$}"},
+   {"<|"                         ,"\\mbox{$<\\!\\mid$}"},
+   {"<<|"                        ,"\\mbox{$\\ll\\!\\mid$}"},
+   {"<=="                        ,"\\mbox{$\\Longleftarrow$}"},
+   {"<=>"                        ,"\\mbox{$\\Leftrightarrow$}"},
+   {"<--"                        ,"\\mbox{$\\longleftarrow$}"},
+   {"<->"                        ,"\\mbox{$\\leftrightarrow$}"}