changeset 1826 2a2c0dbeb4ac
child 1907 d069f23e941f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/8bit/perl/generators/	Tue Jun 25 17:44:43 1996 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+# Title:      Tools/8bit/perl/generators/gen-isa2latex
+# ID:         $Id$
+# Author:     Franz Regensburger
+# Copyright   1996 TU Muenchen
+# configures the converter isa2latex with user provided settings
+# Franz Regensburger <> 8.3.95
+# I like to see the output as it happens (flushed output)
+$| = 1;
+# cash current working directory 
+require "";
+$initial_dir = $ENV{'PWD'};
+# comand line processing
+# processes all known switches and ingnores others.
+# first non-switch which is the name of a text file is 
+# interpreted as name of configuration file.
+# initialize
+$do_debug = 0;
+$do_ddebug = 0;
+#$install_source = 0;
+#$cleanup = 0;
+while (@ARGV){
+    $cur_arg = shift @ARGV;
+    if ($cur_arg eq '-d')  {$do_debug = 1;}
+    elsif ($cur_arg eq '-dd') {$do_debug = 1; $do_ddebug = 1;}
+#    elsif ($cur_arg eq '-c')  {$cleanup = 1;}
+#    elsif ($cur_arg eq '-s')  {$install_source = 1;}
+    elsif ((-T $cur_arg) && !$config_file) {$config_file = $cur_arg;}
+# complain if no configuration file is found
+if ($config_file eq "") {
+    print "\nno configuration file suplied or argument is not a text file\n\n";
+    print "usage gen-isa2latex [-d -dd ] configfile\n", 
+#    print "usage gen-isa2latex [-d -dd -s -c ] configfile\n", 
+          "options must be separated by blanks!";
+    die "\n";
+print "debug mode is on\n" if $do_debug;
+print "double debug mode is on\n" if $do_ddebug;
+print "name of configuration file is $config_file\n" if $do_debug;
+# open the configuration file
+open(CONFIG,$config_file) || die "can't open $config_file: $!\n";
+print "opened configuration file,\nprocessing\n" if $do_debug;
+# search for general setup variables
+print "\ngeneral setup\n" if $do_debug;
+# search for CONV_SOURCE_DIR
+$conv_source_dir = 
+    &look_for_value('^\s*CONV_SOURCE_DIR\s*"(.*)"',"CONV_SOURCE_DIR");
+if ($conv_source_dir eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find CONV_SOURCE_DIR  in configuration file\n";}
+if (! (-d $conv_source_dir)){
+    die "\nCONV_SOURCE_DIR is not a directory\n";}
+if (! (-r $conv_source_dir)){
+    die "\nno read permission for directory CONV_SOURCE_DIR \n";}
+#if ($install_source && !(-w $conv_source_dir)){
+#    die "\noption -s used but no write permission for directory CONV_SOURCE_DIR\n";}
+# search for CONV_TEMP_DIR
+#$conv_temp_dir = &look_for_value('^\s*CONV_TEMP_DIR\s*"(.*)"',"CONV_TEMP_DIR");
+#if ($conv_temp_dir eq "") {
+#    die "\ncan't find CONV_TEMP_DIR  in configuration file\n";}
+#if (! (-d $conv_temp_dir)){
+#    die "\nCONV_TEMP_DIR is not a directory\n";}
+#if (!(-r $conv_temp_dir && -w $conv_temp_dir && -x $conv_temp_dir)){
+#    die "\nneed read, write and execute permission for directory CONV_TEMP_DIR\n";}
+# search for CONV_SUB_DIR
+#$conv_sub_dir = &look_for_value('^\s*CONV_SUB_DIR\s*"(.*)"',"CONV_SUB_DIR");
+#if ($conv_sub_dir eq "") {
+#    die "\ncan't find CONV_SUB_DIR  in configuration file\n";}
+# process switsch -c for cleanup
+#if ($cleanup) { # cleanup $conv_sub_dir
+#    chdir $conv_temp_dir || die "can't cd to $conv_temp_dir: $!\n";
+#    $status = system("rm -rf $conv_sub_dir/*; rmdir $conv_sub_dir");
+#    if ($status) {die "can't remove subdirectory $conv_sub_dir: $!\n";}
+#    print "cleanup done, exit configuration script\n";
+#    exit(0);
+# configuration of LOW_TABLE
+print "\nsetup for LOW_TABLE\n" if $do_debug;
+# search for START_LOW_TABLE
+$start_low_table = 
+    &look_for_value('^\s*START_LOW_TABLE\s*"(\d+)"',"START_LOW_TABLE");
+if ($start_low_table eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find START_LOW_TABLE in configuration file\n";}
+if ($start_low_table < 32 || 127 < $start_low_table) {
+    die "\nSTART_LOW_TABLE not in range 32 .. 127\n";}
+# search for BEGIN_LOW_TABLE
+$found = &look_for_label('^\s*BEGIN_LOW_TABL(E)',"BEGIN_LOW_TABLE");
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find BEGIN_LOW_TABLE in configuration file\n";}
+# read the LOW_TABLE
+$index = 0;
+$found = 0;
+$end_low_table = 0;
+$pattern = '^>\s*"([^"]*)"';
+while (<CONFIG> ){
+    if (/^\s*END_LOW_TABLE/){
+	    print "line $.: END_LOW_TABLE found\n" if $do_debug;
+	    $found = 1;
+	    $end_low_table = $start_low_table + $index - 1;
+	    last;}
+    elsif (($temp) = /$pattern/){
+	$low_table[$index]= &double_bs($temp);
+	 # backslashes are duplicated
+	print "line $.: \"$low_table[$index]\"\n" if $do_ddebug;
+	$index +=1;
+    }
+if (!$found){
+	die "\ncan't find END_LOW_TABLE in configuration file\n";}
+if ($end_low_table < $start_low_table || 127 < $end_low_table){
+	die "\nEND_LOW_TABLE $end_low_table not in range $start_low_table .. 127\n";}
+    else {print 
+	"computed index for END_LOW_TABLE is $end_low_table\n" if $do_debug;}
+# configuration of HI_TABLE
+print "\nsetup for HI_TABLE\n" if $do_debug;
+# search for START_HI_TABLE
+$start_hi_table = 
+    &look_for_value('^\s*START_HI_TABLE\s*"(\d+)"',"START_HI_TABLE");
+if ($start_hi_table eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find START_HI_TABLE in configuration file\n";}
+if ($start_hi_table < 128 || 255 < $start_hi_table) {
+    die "\nSTART_HI_TABLE not in range 128 .. 255\n";}
+# search for BEGIN_HI_TABLE
+$found = &look_for_label('^\s*BEGIN_HI_TABL(E)',"BEGIN_HI_TABLE");
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find BEGIN_HI_TABLE in configuration file\n";}
+# read the HI_TABLE
+$index = 0;
+$max_hi_len1 = 0; # for pretty printing
+$max_hi_len2 = 0; # for pretty printing
+$max_hi_len3 = 0; # for pretty printing
+$found = 0;
+$end_hi_table = 0;
+$pattern = '^>\s*"([^"]*)"\s*"([^"]*)"\s*"([^"]*)"';
+while (<CONFIG> ){
+    if (/^\s*END_HI_TABLE/){
+	    print "line $.: END_HI_TABLE found\n" if $do_debug;
+	    $found = 1;
+	    $end_hi_table = $start_hi_table + $index - 1;
+	    last;}
+    elsif (($temp_1,$temp_2,$temp_3) = /$pattern/){
+	$temp1 =            $temp_1 ;
+	$temp2 = &double_bs($temp_2);
+	$temp3 = &double_bs($temp_3);
+	$max_hi_len1 = length($temp1) if $max_hi_len1 < length($temp1);
+	$max_hi_len2 = length($temp2) if $max_hi_len2 < length($temp2);
+	$max_hi_len3 = length($temp3) if $max_hi_len3 < length($temp3);
+	$hi_table[$index]= join('"',$temp1, $temp2, $temp3);
+	# the " as seperator is perfect since it cannot occur inside the strings
+	# backslashes are duplicated
+	printf "line $.: \"%s\" \t\t \"%s\" \t\t \"%s\"\n", 
+	                 $temp1, $temp2, $temp3          if $do_ddebug;
+	$index +=1;
+    }
+if (!$found){
+	die "\ncan't find END_HI_TABLE in configuration file\n";}
+if ($end_hi_table < $start_hi_table || 255 < $end_hi_table ){
+	die "\nEND_HI_TABLE $end_hi_table not in range $start_low_table .. 255\n";}
+  {print "computed index for END_HI_TABLE is $end_hi_table\n"  if $do_debug; }
+# configuration of SEQ_TABLE
+print "\nsetup for SEQ_TABLE\n" if $do_debug;
+# search for BEGIN_SEQ_TABLE
+$found = &look_for_label('^\s*BEGIN_SEQ_TABL(E)',"BEGIN_SEQ_TABLE");
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find BEGIN_SEQ_TABLE in configuration file\n";}
+# read the SEQ_TABLE
+$index = 0;
+$max_seq_len1 = 0; # for pretty printing
+$max_seq_len2 = 0; # for pretty printing
+$max_seq_len3 = 0; # for pretty printing
+$max_seq_len4 = 0; # for pretty printing
+$found = 0;
+$seq_table = 0;
+$pattern = '^>\s*"([^"]*)"\s*"([^"]*)"\s*"([^"]*)"\s*"([^"]*)"';
+while (<CONFIG> ){
+    if (/^\s*END_SEQ_TABLE/){
+	    print "line $.: END_SEQ_TABLE found\n" if $do_debug;
+	    $found = 1;
+	    $seq_table = $index;
+	    last;}
+        elsif (($temp_1,$temp_2,$temp_3,$temp_4) = /$pattern/){
+	    $temp1 =            $temp_1 ;
+	    $temp2 =            $temp_2 ;
+	    $temp3 = &double_bs($temp_3) ;
+	    $temp4 = &double_bs($temp_4);
+	    $max_seq_len1 = length($temp1) if $max_seq_len1 < length($temp1);
+	    $max_seq_len2 = length($temp2) if $max_seq_len2 < length($temp2);
+	    $max_seq_len3 = length($temp4) if $max_seq_len3 < length($temp3);
+	    $max_seq_len4 = length($temp3) if $max_seq_len4 < length($temp4);
+	    $seq_table[$index]= join('"',$temp1, $temp2, $temp3, $temp4);
+	     # the " as seperator is perfect since it cannot occur inside the strings
+	     # backslashes are only expanded in the latex replacement
+	    printf "line $.: \"%s\" \t\t \"%s\" \t\t \"%s\" \t\t \"%s\"\n", 
+	                     $temp1, $temp2, $temp3, $temp4   if $do_ddebug;
+	    $index +=1;
+	}
+if ($found == 0) {
+    die "\ncan't find END_SEQ_TABLE in configuration file\n";}
+else {print "computed index for SEQ_TABLE is $seq_table\n"  if $do_debug; }
+# we reached the end of the configuration file
+print "\nprocessing of configuration file completed\n" if $do_debug;
+# close the handle for config file
+print "closed configuration file\n" if $do_debug;
+# copy sources and modify them
+# change to temporary directory, 
+# make subdir and copy sources
+# change to subdir
+#print "\ncopying sources\n" if $do_debug;
+#chdir $conv_temp_dir || die "can't cd to $conv_temp_dir: $!\n";
+# cleanup if directory exists
+#if (-d $conv_sub_dir){ # directory exists 
+#    $status = system("rm -rf $conv_sub_dir/*; rmdir $conv_sub_dir");
+#    if ($status) {die "can't remove subdirectory $conv_sub_dir: $!\n";}
+# make the new sub dir
+#mkdir($conv_sub_dir,0755) || die "can't create subdirectory $conv_sub_dir: $!\n";
+#$status = system("cp -r $conv_source_dir/* $conv_sub_dir") ;
+#if ($status) { die "can't copy files from CONV_SOURCE_DIR to CONV_SUB_DIR: $!\n";}
+#chdir $conv_sub_dir || die "can't cd to $conv_sub_dir: $!\n";
+ chdir $conv_source_dir || die "can't cd to $conv_source_dir: $!\n";
+print "\nconfiguring sources\n" if $do_debug;
+# configure conv-defs.h
+$filename = "conv-defs.h";
+print "\nconfiguring $filename\n" if $do_debug;
+open(INFILE ,$filename) || die "can't open $filename in CONV_SOURCE_DIR: $!\n";
+print "opened $filename for reading\n" if $do_ddebug;
+open(OUTFILE,">tmp.txt") || die "can't open temporary file tmp.txt: $!\n";
+print "opened tmp.txt for writing\n" if $do_ddebug;
+$found = &replicate_until('^\s*\/\*\s*BEGIN\s*gen-isa2late(x)','BEGIN gen-isa2latex');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find BEGIN gen-isa2latex\n";}
+## replace
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "/* BEGIN gen-isa2latex */");
+printf(OUTFILE "#define START_LOW_TABLE %s\n", $start_low_table);
+printf(OUTFILE "#define END_LOW_TABLE   %s\n", $end_low_table);
+printf(OUTFILE "#define START_HI_TABLE  %s\n", $start_hi_table);
+printf(OUTFILE "#define END_HI_TABLE    %s\n", $end_hi_table);
+printf(OUTFILE "#define SEQ_TABLE       %s\n", $seq_table);
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "/* END gen-isa2latex */");
+$found = &skip_until('^\s*\/\*\s*END\s*gen-isa2late(x)','END gen-isa2latex');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find END gen-isa2latex\n";}
+## the rest
+while (<INFILE> ){printf(OUTFILE "%s",$_);}
+print "closed $filename and tmp.txt\n" if $do_ddebug;
+$status = system("cp tmp.txt $filename") ;
+if ($status) { die "can't copy tmp.txt to $filename: $!\n";}
+# configure conv-tables.h
+$filename = "conv-tables.h";
+print "\nconfiguring $filename\n" if $do_debug;
+open(INFILE ,$filename) || die "can't open $filename in CONV_SOURCE_DIR: $!\n";
+print "opened $filename for reading\n" if $do_ddebug;
+open(OUTFILE,">tmp.txt") || die "can't open temporary file tmp.txt: $!\n";
+print "opened tmp.txt for writing\n" if $do_ddebug;
+$found = &replicate_until('^\s*\/\*\s*BEGIN_OF_LOW_TABL(E)','BEGIN_OF_LOW_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find BEGIN_OF_LOW_TABLE\n";}
+## replace
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "/* BEGIN_OF_LOW_TABLE */");
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n",
+       "char *translationTableLow[END_LOW_TABLE - START_LOW_TABLE + 1] = {");
+$index = $start_low_table;
+$sep = ",\n";
+while ($index <= $end_low_table) {
+    $sep = "\n" if $index == $end_low_table;   
+    printf(OUTFILE "   \"%s\"".$sep, $low_table[$index - $start_low_table]);
+    $index++;
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n","};");
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "/* END_OF_LOW_TABLE */");
+$found = &skip_until('^\s*\/\*\s*END_OF_LOW_TABL(E)','END_OF_LOW_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find END_OF_LOW_TABLE\n";}
+$found = &replicate_until('^\s*\/\*\s*BEGIN_OF_HI_TABL(E)','BEGIN_OF_HI_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find BEGIN_OF_HI_TABLE\n";}
+## replace
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "/* BEGIN_OF_HI_TABLE */");
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n",
+       "char *translationTableHi[END_HI_TABLE - START_HI_TABLE + 1][2] = {");
+$index = $start_hi_table;
+$sep = ",\n";
+while ($index <= $end_hi_table) {
+    $sep = "\n" if $index == $end_hi_table;   
+    ($temp1,$temp2,$temp3) = split(/\"/,$hi_table[$index - $start_hi_table]); 
+    printf(OUTFILE "   {%-".($max_hi_len2+3)."s,%s}".$sep,
+	   "\"".$temp2."\"","\"".$temp3."\"");
+    $index++;
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n","};");
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "/* END_OF_HI_TABLE */");
+$found = &skip_until('^\s*\/\*\s*END_OF_HI_TABL(E)','END_OF_HI_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find END_OF_HI_TABLE\n";}
+$found = &replicate_until('^\s*\/\*\s*BEGIN_OF_SEQ_TABL(E)','BEGIN_OF_SEQ_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find BEGIN_OF_SEQ_TABLE\n";}
+## replace
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "/* BEGIN_OF_SEQ_TABLE */");
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n",
+       "char *translationTableSeq[SEQ_TABLE][2] = {");
+$index = 0;
+$sep = ",\n";
+while ($index <= $seq_table - 1) {
+    $sep = "\n" if $index == $seq_table - 1;   
+    ($temp1,$temp2,$temp3,$temp4) = split(/\"/,$seq_table[$index]); 
+    printf(OUTFILE "   {%-".($max_seq_len3+3)."s,%s}".$sep,
+	   "\"".$temp3."\"","\"".$temp4."\"");
+    $index++;
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n","};");
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "/* END_OF_SEQ_TABLE */");
+$found = &skip_until('^\s*\/\*\s*END_OF_SEQ_TABL(E)','END_OF_SEQ_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find END_OF_SEQ_TABLE\n";}
+## the rest
+while (<INFILE> ){printf(OUTFILE "%s",$_);}
+print "closed $filename and tmp.txt\n" if $do_ddebug;
+$status = system("cp tmp.txt $filename") ;
+if ($status) { die "can't copy tmp.txt to $filename: $!\n";}
+# configure conv-lex.x
+$filename = "conv-lex.x";
+print "\nconfiguring $filename\n" if $do_debug;
+open(INFILE ,$filename) || die "can't open $filename in CONV_SOURCE_DIR: $!\n";
+print "opened $filename for reading\n" if $do_ddebug;
+open(OUTFILE,">tmp.txt") || die "can't open temporary file tmp.txt: $!\n";
+print "opened tmp.txt for writing\n" if $do_ddebug;
+$found = &replicate_until('^\s*\/\*\s*BEGIN_OF_HI_TABL(E)','BEGIN_OF_HI_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find BEGIN_OF_HI_TABLE\n";}
+## replace
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "  /* BEGIN_OF_HI_TABLE */");
+$index = $start_hi_table;
+while ($index <= $end_hi_table) {
+    ($temp1,$temp2,$temp3) = split(/\"/,$hi_table[$index-$start_hi_table]); 
+    printf(OUTFILE "<ISAA>%-".($max_hi_len1+3)."s\t"."put((char)%d,FALSE,0);\n",
+	   $temp1,$index);
+    $index++;
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "  /* END_OF_HI_TABLE */");
+$found = &skip_until('^\s*\/\*\s*END_OF_HI_TABL(E)','END_OF_HI_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find END_OF_SEQ_TABLE\n";}
+$found = &replicate_until('^\s*\/\*\s*BEGIN_OF_SEQ_TABL(E)','BEGIN_OF_SEQ_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find BEGIN_OF_SEQ_TABLE\n";}
+## replace
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "  /* BEGIN_OF_SEQ_TABLE */");
+$index = 0;
+while ($index < $seq_table ) {
+    ($temp1,$temp2,$temp3,$temp4) = split(/\"/,$seq_table[$index]); 
+    printf(OUTFILE "<ISA,ISAA>%-".($max_seq_len1+3)."s\t"."put((char)32,TRUE,%d);\n",
+	   $temp1,$index);
+    printf(OUTFILE "<ISAA>%-".($max_seq_len2+3)."s    \t"."put((char)32,TRUE,%d);\n",
+	   $temp2,$index);
+    $index++;
+printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", "  /* END_OF_SEQ_TABLE */");
+$found = &skip_until('^\s*\/\*\s*END_OF_SEQ_TABL(E)','END_OF_SEQ_TABLE');
+if ($found eq "") {
+    die "\ncan't find END_OF_SEQ_TABLE\n";}
+## the rest
+while (<INFILE> ){printf(OUTFILE "%s",$_);}
+print "closed $filename and tmp.txt\n" if $do_ddebug;
+$status = system("cp tmp.txt $filename") ;
+if ($status) { die "can't copy tmp.txt to $filename: $!\n";}
+# execute  Makefile
+print "\nexecuting Makefile\n" if $do_debug;
+$status = system("gmake") ;
+if ($status) { die "\"gmake\" executed abnormally: $!\n";}
+#$status = system("cp $conv_temp_dir/$conv_sub_dir/isa2latex $conv_source_dir");
+#    if ($status) { die "can't copy binary file to CONV_SOURCE_DIR: $!\n";}
+#print "\nexecuting Makefile, cleaning up\n" if $do_debug;
+#$status = system("gmake clean");
+#if ($status) { die "\"gmake clean\" executed abnormally: $!\n";}
+# process -s option
+#if ($install_source){
+#    print "\ninstall new files in CONV_SOURCE_DIR due to -s option\n" if $do_debug;
+#    $status = system("cp -r $conv_temp_dir/$conv_sub_dir/* $conv_source_dir");
+#    if ($status) { die "can't copy new files to CONV_SOURCE_DIR: $!\n";}
+#    print "copied new files to CONV_SOURCE_DIR\n" if $do_debug;
+#    chdir $initial_dir || die "can't cd to initial dir $initial_dir: $!\n";
+#    $status = system("cp $config_file $conv_source_dir");
+#    if ($status) { die "can't copy configuration file to CONV_SOURCE_DIR: $!\n";}
+#   print "copied configuration file to CONV_SOURCE_DIR\n" if $do_debug;
+# END of script
+print "\nconfiguration and generation of isa2latex properly terminated\n".
+      "have fun with isa2latex!\n\n";
+# subroutines
+sub look_for_value {
+    local ($pattern,$label) = @_;
+    local ($temp) = "";
+    while (<CONFIG> ){
+	if (($temp) = /$pattern/){
+	    print "line $.: $label is $temp\n" if $do_debug;
+	    last;}
+    }
+    return $temp;
+sub look_for_label {
+    local ($pattern,$label) = @_;
+    local ($temp) = "";
+    while (<CONFIG> ){
+	if (($temp) = /$pattern/){
+	    print "line $.: $label found\n" if $do_debug;
+	    last;}
+    }
+    return $temp;
+sub replicate_until {
+    local ($pattern,$label) = @_;
+    local ($temp) = "";
+    while (<INFILE> ){
+	if (($temp) = /$pattern/){
+	    print "line $.: $label found\n" if $do_debug;
+	    last;}
+	else {printf(OUTFILE "%s",$_);}
+    }
+    return $temp;
+sub skip_until {
+    local ($pattern,$label) = @_;
+    local ($temp) = "";
+    while (<INFILE> ){
+	if (($temp) = /$pattern/){
+	    print "line $.: $label found\n" if $do_debug;
+	    last;}
+    }
+    return $temp;
+sub double_bs {
+    local ($string) = @_;
+    local ($element);
+    local (@temp1);
+    local (@temp2) = (); 
+    # find the hex-numbers
+    @temp1 = split(/(\\x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/,$string);
+    #duplicate all backslashes in elements which are not hexnumbers
+    while(@temp1) { 
+	$element = shift(@temp1);
+	if ($element =~ /\\x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]/){
+	    push(@temp2,$element);} 
+	else{
+	    $element =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+	    push(@temp2,$element);}
+    }
+    return (join('',@temp2));
+    # These next few lines are legal in both Perl and nroff.
+.00;                       # finish .ig
+'di           \" finish diversion--previous line must be blank nl 0-1    \" fake up transition to first page again % 0         \" start at page 1
+'; __END__ ##### From here on it's a standard manual page #####