changeset 52248 2c893e0c1def
child 52250 4dced3d4155c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Spec_Check/output_style.ML	Thu May 30 20:09:49 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Spec_Check/output_style.ML
+    Author:     Lukas Bulwahn and Nicolai Schaffroth, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Christopher League
+Output styles for presenting Spec_Check's results.
+structure Perl_Style =
+open StringCvt
+fun new ctxt tag =
+  let
+    val target = Config.get_generic ctxt Spec_Check.gen_target
+    val namew = Config.get_generic ctxt Spec_Check.column_width
+    val sort_examples = Config.get_generic ctxt Spec_Check.sort_examples
+    val show_stats = Config.get_generic ctxt Spec_Check.show_stats
+    val limit = Config.get_generic ctxt Spec_Check.examples
+    val resultw = 8
+    val countw = 20
+    val allw = namew + resultw + countw + 2
+    val maybe_sort = if sort_examples then sort (int_ord o pairself size) else I
+    fun result ({count=0,...}, _) _ = "dubious"
+      | result (_ : Property.stats, badobjs) false = if null badobjs then "ok" else "FAILED"
+      | result ({count,tags,...}, badobjs) true = if not (null badobjs) then "FAILED"
+          else if AList.defined (op =) tags "__GEN" andalso count < target then "dubious" else "ok"
+    fun ratio (0, _) = "(0/0 passed)"
+      | ratio (count, 0) = "(" ^ string_of_int count ^ " passed)"
+      | ratio (count, n) = "(" ^ string_of_int (count - n) ^ "/" ^ string_of_int count ^  " passed)"
+    fun update (stats, badobjs) donep =
+      "\r" ^ (padRight #"." namew tag) ^ "." ^ (padRight #" " resultw (result (stats, badobjs) donep))
+      ^ (padRight #" " countw (ratio (#count stats, length badobjs)))
+    fun status (_, result, (stats, badobjs)) =
+      if Property.failure result then Output.writeln (update (stats, badobjs) false) else ()
+    fun prtag count (tag, n) first =
+      if String.isPrefix "__" tag then ("", first)
+      else
+         let
+           val ratio = round ((real n / real count) * 100.0)
+         in
+           (((if first then "" else padRight #" " allw "\n") ^
+             padLeft #" " 3 (string_of_int ratio) ^ "% " ^ tag),
+           false)
+         end
+    fun prtags ({count, tags, ...} : Property.stats) =
+      if show_stats then cat_lines (fst (fold_map (prtag count) tags true)) else ""
+    fun err badobjs =
+      let
+        fun iter [] _ = ()
+          | iter (e :: es) k =
+              (Output.writeln (padLeft #" " namew (if k > 0 then "" else "counter-examples")
+                ^ padRight #" " resultw (if k > 0 then "" else ":") ^ e);
+              iter es (k + 1))
+      in
+        iter (maybe_sort (take limit (map_filter I badobjs))) 0
+      end
+    fun finish (stats, badobjs) =
+      if null badobjs then Output.writeln (update (stats, badobjs) true ^ prtags stats)
+      else (Output.writeln (update (stats, badobjs) true); err badobjs)
+  in
+    {status=status, finish=finish}
+  end
+  val setup = Spec_Check.register_style ("Perl", new)
+(* CM style: meshes with CM output; highlighted in sml-mode *)
+structure CMStyle =
+fun pad wd = StringCvt.padLeft #"0" wd o Int.toString
+fun new ctxt tag =
+  let
+    val gen_target = Config.get_generic ctxt Spec_Check.gen_target
+    val _ = Output.writeln ("[testing " ^ tag ^ "... ") (* TODO: Output without line break *)
+    fun finish ({count, ...}, badobjs) = case (count, badobjs) of
+        (0, []) => Output.writeln ("no valid cases generated]")
+      | (n, []) => Output.writeln (
+            if n >= gen_target then "ok]"
+            else "ok on " ^ string_of_int n ^ "; " ^ string_of_int gen_target ^ " required]")
+      | (_, es) =>
+        let
+          val wd = size (string_of_int (length es))
+          fun each (NONE, _) = ()
+            | each (SOME e, i) = Output.writeln (tag ^ ":" ^ pad wd i ^ ".0 Error: " ^ e)
+         in
+           (Output.writeln "FAILED]"; map each (es ~~ (1 upto (length es))); ())
+         end
+  in
+    {status = K (), finish = finish}
+  end
+  val setup = Spec_Check.register_style ("CM", new)