changeset 63960 3daf02070be5
child 63992 3aa9837d05c7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Argo/argo_expr.ML	Thu Sep 29 20:54:44 2016 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/Argo/sid_expr.ML
+    Author:     Sascha Boehme
+The input language of the Argo solver.
+signature ARGO_EXPR =
+  (* data types *)
+  datatype typ = Bool | Real | Func of typ * typ | Type of string
+  datatype kind =
+    True | False | Not | And | Or | Imp | Iff | Ite | Eq | App | Con of string * typ |
+    Le | Lt | Num of Rat.rat | Neg | Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Min | Max | Abs
+  datatype expr = E of kind * expr list
+  (* indices, equalities, orders *)
+  val int_of_kind: kind -> int
+  val con_ord: (string * typ) * (string * typ) -> order
+  val eq_kind: kind * kind -> bool
+  val kind_ord: kind * kind -> order
+  val eq_expr: expr * expr -> bool
+  val expr_ord: expr * expr -> order
+  val dual_expr: expr -> expr -> bool
+  (* constructors *)
+  val kind_of_string: string -> kind
+  val true_expr: expr
+  val false_expr: expr
+  val mk_not: expr -> expr
+  val mk_and: expr list -> expr
+  val mk_and2: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_or: expr list -> expr
+  val mk_or2: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_imp: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_iff: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_ite: expr -> expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_eq: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_app: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_con: string * typ -> expr
+  val mk_le: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_lt: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_num: Rat.rat -> expr
+  val mk_neg: expr -> expr
+  val mk_add: expr list -> expr
+  val mk_add2: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_sub: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_mul: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_div: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_min: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_max: expr -> expr -> expr
+  val mk_abs: expr -> expr
+  (* type checking *)
+  exception TYPE of expr
+  exception EXPR of expr
+  val type_of: expr -> typ (* raises EXPR *)
+  val check: expr -> bool (* raises TYPE and EXPR *)
+structure Argo_Expr: ARGO_EXPR =
+(* data types *)
+datatype typ = Bool | Real | Func of typ * typ | Type of string
+datatype kind =
+  True | False | Not | And | Or | Imp | Iff | Ite | Eq | App | Con of string * typ |
+  Le | Lt | Num of Rat.rat | Neg | Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Min | Max | Abs
+datatype expr = E of kind * expr list
+(* indices, equalities, orders *)
+fun int_of_type Bool = 0
+  | int_of_type Real = 1
+  | int_of_type (Func _) = 2
+  | int_of_type (Type _) = 3
+fun int_of_kind True = 0
+  | int_of_kind False = 1
+  | int_of_kind Not = 2
+  | int_of_kind And = 3
+  | int_of_kind Or = 4
+  | int_of_kind Imp = 5
+  | int_of_kind Iff = 6
+  | int_of_kind Ite = 7
+  | int_of_kind Eq = 8
+  | int_of_kind App = 9
+  | int_of_kind (Con _) = 10
+  | int_of_kind Le = 11
+  | int_of_kind Lt = 12
+  | int_of_kind (Num _) = 13
+  | int_of_kind Neg = 14
+  | int_of_kind Add = 15
+  | int_of_kind Sub = 16
+  | int_of_kind Mul = 17
+  | int_of_kind Div = 18
+  | int_of_kind Min = 19
+  | int_of_kind Max = 20
+  | int_of_kind Abs = 21
+fun eq_type (Bool, Bool) = true
+  | eq_type (Real, Real) = true
+  | eq_type (Func tys1, Func tys2) = eq_pair eq_type eq_type (tys1, tys2)
+  | eq_type (Type n1, Type n2) = (n1 = n2)
+  | eq_type _ = false
+fun type_ord (Bool, Bool) = EQUAL
+  | type_ord (Real, Real) = EQUAL
+  | type_ord (Type n1, Type n2) = fast_string_ord (n1, n2)
+  | type_ord (Func tys1, Func tys2) = prod_ord type_ord type_ord (tys1, tys2)
+  | type_ord (ty1, ty2) = int_ord (int_of_type ty1, int_of_type ty2)
+fun eq_con cp = eq_pair (op =) eq_type cp
+fun con_ord cp = prod_ord fast_string_ord type_ord cp
+fun eq_kind (Con c1, Con c2) = eq_con (c1, c2)
+  | eq_kind (Num n1, Num n2) = n1 = n2
+  | eq_kind (k1, k2) = (k1 = k2)
+fun kind_ord (Con c1, Con c2) = con_ord (c1, c2)
+  | kind_ord (Num n1, Num n2) = Rat.ord (n1, n2)
+  | kind_ord (k1, k2) = int_ord (int_of_kind k1, int_of_kind k2)
+fun eq_expr (E e1, E e2) = eq_pair eq_kind (eq_list eq_expr) (e1, e2)
+fun expr_ord (E e1, E e2) = prod_ord kind_ord (list_ord expr_ord) (e1, e2)
+fun dual_expr (E (Not, [e1])) e2 = eq_expr (e1, e2)
+  | dual_expr e1 (E (Not, [e2])) = eq_expr (e1, e2)
+  | dual_expr _ _ = false
+(* constructors *)
+val kind_of_string = the o Symtab.lookup (Symtab.make [
+  ("true", True),("false", False), ("not", Not), ("and", And), ("or", Or), ("imp", Imp),
+  ("iff", Iff), ("ite", Ite), ("eq", Eq), ("app", App), ("le", Le), ("lt", Lt), ("neg", Neg),
+  ("add", Add), ("sub", Sub), ("mul", Mul), ("div", Div), ("min", Min), ("max", Max), ("abs", Abs)])
+val true_expr = E (True, [])
+val false_expr = E (False, [])
+fun mk_not e = E (Not, [e])
+fun mk_and es = E (And, es)
+fun mk_and2 e1 e2 = mk_and [e1, e2]
+fun mk_or es = E (Or, es)
+fun mk_or2 e1 e2 = mk_or [e1, e2]
+fun mk_imp e1 e2 = E (Imp, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_iff e1 e2 = E (Iff, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_ite e1 e2 e3 = E (Ite, [e1, e2, e3])
+fun mk_eq e1 e2 = E (Eq, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_app e1 e2 = E (App, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_con n = E (Con n, [])
+fun mk_le e1 e2 = E (Le, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_lt e1 e2 = E (Lt, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_num r = E (Num r, [])
+fun mk_neg e = E (Neg, [e])
+fun mk_add es = E (Add, es)
+fun mk_add2 e1 e2 = mk_add [e1, e2]
+fun mk_sub e1 e2 = E (Sub, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_mul e1 e2 = E (Mul, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_div e1 e2 = E (Div, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_min e1 e2 = E (Min, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_max e1 e2 = E (Max, [e1, e2])
+fun mk_abs e = E (Abs, [e])
+(* type checking *)
+exception TYPE of expr
+exception EXPR of expr
+fun dest_func_type _ (Func tys) = tys
+  | dest_func_type e _ = raise TYPE e
+fun type_of (E (True, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (False, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (Not, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (And, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (Or, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (Imp, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (Iff, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (Ite, [_, e, _])) = type_of e
+  | type_of (E (Eq, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (App, [e, _])) = snd (dest_func_type e (type_of e))
+  | type_of (E (Con (_, ty), _)) = ty
+  | type_of (E (Le, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (Lt, _)) = Bool
+  | type_of (E (Num _, _)) = Real
+  | type_of (E (Neg, _)) = Real
+  | type_of (E (Add, _)) = Real
+  | type_of (E (Sub, _)) = Real
+  | type_of (E (Mul, _)) = Real
+  | type_of (E (Div, _)) = Real
+  | type_of (E (Min, _)) = Real
+  | type_of (E (Max, _)) = Real
+  | type_of (E (Abs, _)) = Real
+  | type_of e = raise EXPR e
+fun all_type ty (E (_, es)) = forall (curry eq_type ty o type_of) es
+val all_bool = all_type Bool
+val all_real = all_type Real
+  Types as well as proper arities are checked.
+  Exception TYPE is raised for invalid types.
+  Exception EXPR is raised for invalid expressions and invalid arities.
+fun check (e as E (_, es)) = (forall check es andalso raw_check e) orelse raise TYPE e
+and raw_check (E (True, [])) = true
+  | raw_check (E (False, [])) = true
+  | raw_check (e as E (Not, [_])) = all_bool e
+  | raw_check (e as E (And, _ :: _)) = all_bool e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Or, _ :: _)) = all_bool e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Imp, [_, _])) = all_bool e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Iff, [_, _])) = all_bool e
+  | raw_check (E (Ite, [e1, e2, e3])) =
+      let val ty1 = type_of e1 and ty2 = type_of e2 and ty3 = type_of e3
+      in eq_type (ty1, Bool) andalso eq_type (ty2, ty3) end
+  | raw_check (E (Eq, [e1, e2])) =
+      let val ty1 = type_of e1 and ty2 = type_of e2
+      in eq_type (ty1, ty2) andalso not (eq_type (ty1, Bool)) end
+  | raw_check (E (App, [e1, e2])) =
+      eq_type (fst (dest_func_type e1 (type_of e1)), type_of e2)
+  | raw_check (E (Con _, [])) = true
+  | raw_check (E (Num _, [])) = true
+  | raw_check (e as E (Le, [_, _])) = all_real e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Lt, [_, _])) = all_real e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Neg, [_])) = all_real e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Add, _)) = all_real e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Sub, [_, _])) = all_real e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Mul, [_, _])) = all_real e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Div, [_, _])) = all_real e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Min, [_, _])) = all_real e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Max, [_, _])) = all_real e
+  | raw_check (e as E (Abs, [_])) = all_real e
+  | raw_check e = raise EXPR e
+structure Argo_Exprtab = Table(type key = Argo_Expr.expr val ord = Argo_Expr.expr_ord)