changeset 39433 3e41c9d29769
parent 39429 126b879df319
child 39449 fbc1ab44b5f1
--- a/src/Tools/Metis/metis.ML	Wed Sep 15 20:07:41 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/metis.ML	Wed Sep 15 22:20:10 2010 +0200
@@ -1494,357 +1494,6 @@
-(**** Original file: Stream.sig ****)
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-(* A POSSIBLY-INFINITE STREAM DATATYPE FOR ML                                *)
-(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the BSD License       *)
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-signature Metis_Stream =
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* The stream type.                                                          *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype 'a stream = Nil | Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream)
-(* If you're wondering how to create an infinite stream: *)
-(* val stream4 = let fun s4 () = Metis_Stream.Cons (4,s4) in s4 () end; *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Metis_Stream constructors.                                                      *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val repeat : 'a -> 'a stream
-val count : int -> int stream
-val funpows : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a stream
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Metis_Stream versions of standard list operations: these should all terminate.  *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val cons : 'a -> (unit -> 'a stream) -> 'a stream
-val null : 'a stream -> bool
-val hd : 'a stream -> 'a  (* raises Empty *)
-val tl : 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Empty *)
-val hdTl : 'a stream -> 'a * 'a stream  (* raises Empty *)
-val singleton : 'a -> 'a stream
-val append : 'a stream -> (unit -> 'a stream) -> 'a stream
-val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
-val maps :
-    ('a -> 's -> 'b * 's) -> ('s -> 'b stream) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
-val zipwith : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream -> 'c stream
-val zip : 'a stream -> 'b stream -> ('a * 'b) stream
-val take : int -> 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Subscript *)
-val drop : int -> 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Subscript *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Metis_Stream versions of standard list operations: these might not terminate.   *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val length : 'a stream -> int
-val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> bool
-val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> bool
-val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> 'a stream
-val foldl : ('a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 's
-val concat : 'a stream stream -> 'a stream
-val mapPartial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
-val mapsPartial :
-    ('a -> 's -> 'b option * 's) -> ('s -> 'b stream) -> 's ->
-    'a stream -> 'b stream
-val mapConcat : ('a -> 'b stream) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
-val mapsConcat :
-    ('a -> 's -> 'b stream * 's) -> ('s -> 'b stream) -> 's ->
-    'a stream -> 'b stream
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Metis_Stream operations.                                                        *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val memoize : 'a stream -> 'a stream
-val listConcat : 'a list stream -> 'a stream
-val concatList : 'a stream list -> 'a stream
-val toList : 'a stream -> 'a list
-val fromList : 'a list -> 'a stream
-val toString : char stream -> string
-val fromString : string -> char stream
-val toTextFile : {filename : string} -> string stream -> unit
-val fromTextFile : {filename : string} -> string stream  (* line by line *)
-(**** Original file: Stream.sml ****)
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-(* A POSSIBLY-INFINITE STREAM DATATYPE FOR ML                                *)
-(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the BSD License       *)
-(* ========================================================================= *)
-structure Metis_Stream :> Metis_Stream =
-open Metis_Useful; (* MODIFIED by Jasmin Blanchette *)
-val K = Metis_Useful.K;
-val pair = Metis_Useful.pair;
-val funpow = Metis_Useful.funpow;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* The stream type.                                                          *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype 'a stream =
-    Nil
-  | Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream);
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Metis_Stream constructors.                                                      *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun repeat x = let fun rep () = Cons (x,rep) in rep () end;
-fun count n = Cons (n, fn () => count (n + 1));
-fun funpows f x = Cons (x, fn () => funpows f (f x));
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Metis_Stream versions of standard list operations: these should all terminate.  *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun cons h t = Cons (h,t);
-fun null Nil = true
-  | null (Cons _) = false;
-fun hd Nil = raise Empty
-  | hd (Cons (h,_)) = h;
-fun tl Nil = raise Empty
-  | tl (Cons (_,t)) = t ();
-fun hdTl s = (hd s, tl s);
-fun singleton s = Cons (s, K Nil);
-fun append Nil s = s ()
-  | append (Cons (h,t)) s = Cons (h, fn () => append (t ()) s);
-fun map f =
-    let
-      fun m Nil = Nil
-        | m (Cons (h,t)) = Cons (f h, m o t)
-    in
-      m
-    end;
-fun maps f g =
-    let
-      fun mm s Nil = g s
-        | mm s (Cons (x,xs)) =
-          let
-            val (y,s') = f x s
-          in
-            Cons (y, mm s' o xs)
-          end
-    in
-      mm
-    end;
-fun zipwith f =
-    let
-      fun z Nil _ = Nil
-        | z _ Nil = Nil
-        | z (Cons (x,xs)) (Cons (y,ys)) =
-          Cons (f x y, fn () => z (xs ()) (ys ()))
-    in
-      z
-    end;
-fun zip s t = zipwith pair s t;
-fun take 0 _ = Nil
-  | take n Nil = raise Subscript
-  | take 1 (Cons (x,_)) = Cons (x, K Nil)
-  | take n (Cons (x,xs)) = Cons (x, fn () => take (n - 1) (xs ()));
-fun drop n s = funpow n tl s handle Empty => raise Subscript;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Metis_Stream versions of standard list operations: these might not terminate.   *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-  fun len n Nil = n
-    | len n (Cons (_,t)) = len (n + 1) (t ());
-  fun length s = len 0 s;
-fun exists pred =
-    let
-      fun f Nil = false
-        | f (Cons (h,t)) = pred h orelse f (t ())
-    in
-      f
-    end;
-fun all pred = not o exists (not o pred);
-fun filter p Nil = Nil
-  | filter p (Cons (x,xs)) =
-    if p x then Cons (x, fn () => filter p (xs ())) else filter p (xs ());
-fun foldl f =
-    let
-      fun fold b Nil = b
-        | fold b (Cons (h,t)) = fold (f (h,b)) (t ())
-    in
-      fold
-    end;
-fun concat Nil = Nil
-  | concat (Cons (Nil, ss)) = concat (ss ())
-  | concat (Cons (Cons (x, xs), ss)) =
-    Cons (x, fn () => concat (Cons (xs (), ss)));
-fun mapPartial f =
-    let
-      fun mp Nil = Nil
-        | mp (Cons (h,t)) =
-          case f h of
-            NONE => mp (t ())
-          | SOME h' => Cons (h', fn () => mp (t ()))
-    in
-      mp
-    end;
-fun mapsPartial f g =
-    let
-      fun mp s Nil = g s
-        | mp s (Cons (h,t)) =
-          let
-            val (h,s) = f h s
-          in
-            case h of
-              NONE => mp s (t ())
-            | SOME h => Cons (h, fn () => mp s (t ()))
-          end
-    in
-      mp
-    end;
-fun mapConcat f =
-    let
-      fun mc Nil = Nil
-        | mc (Cons (h,t)) = append (f h) (fn () => mc (t ()))
-    in
-      mc
-    end;
-fun mapsConcat f g =
-    let
-      fun mc s Nil = g s
-        | mc s (Cons (h,t)) =
-          let
-            val (l,s) = f h s
-          in
-            append l (fn () => mc s (t ()))
-          end
-    in
-      mc
-    end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Metis_Stream operations.                                                        *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun memoize Nil = Nil
-  | memoize (Cons (h,t)) = Cons (h, Metis_Lazy.memoize (fn () => memoize (t ())));
-fun concatList [] = Nil
-  | concatList (h :: t) = append h (fn () => concatList t);
-  fun toLst res Nil = rev res
-    | toLst res (Cons (x, xs)) = toLst (x :: res) (xs ());
-  fun toList s = toLst [] s;
-fun fromList [] = Nil
-  | fromList (x :: xs) = Cons (x, fn () => fromList xs);
-fun listConcat s = concat (map fromList s);
-fun toString s = implode (toList s);
-fun fromString s = fromList (explode s);
-fun toTextFile {filename = f} s =
-    let
-      val (h,close) =
-          if f = "-" then (TextIO.stdOut, K ())
-          else (TextIO.openOut f, TextIO.closeOut)
-      fun toFile Nil = ()
-        | toFile (Cons (x,y)) = (TextIO.output (h,x); toFile (y ()))
-      val () = toFile s
-    in
-      close h
-    end;
-fun fromTextFile {filename = f} =
-    let
-      val (h,close) =
-          if f = "-" then (TextIO.stdIn, K ())
-          else (TextIO.openIn f, TextIO.closeIn)
-      fun strm () =
-          case TextIO.inputLine h of
-            NONE => (close h; Nil)
-          | SOME s => Cons (s,strm)
-    in
-      memoize (strm ())
-    end;
 (**** Original file: Ordered.sig ****)
 (* ========================================================================= *)
@@ -6415,6 +6064,357 @@
+(**** Original file: Stream.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A POSSIBLY-INFINITE STREAM DATATYPE FOR ML                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the BSD License       *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Metis_Stream =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The stream type.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a stream = Nil | Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream)
+(* If you're wondering how to create an infinite stream: *)
+(* val stream4 = let fun s4 () = Metis_Stream.Cons (4,s4) in s4 () end; *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Metis_Stream constructors.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val repeat : 'a -> 'a stream
+val count : int -> int stream
+val funpows : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a stream
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Metis_Stream versions of standard list operations: these should all terminate.  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cons : 'a -> (unit -> 'a stream) -> 'a stream
+val null : 'a stream -> bool
+val hd : 'a stream -> 'a  (* raises Empty *)
+val tl : 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Empty *)
+val hdTl : 'a stream -> 'a * 'a stream  (* raises Empty *)
+val singleton : 'a -> 'a stream
+val append : 'a stream -> (unit -> 'a stream) -> 'a stream
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val maps :
+    ('a -> 's -> 'b * 's) -> ('s -> 'b stream) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val zipwith : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream -> 'c stream
+val zip : 'a stream -> 'b stream -> ('a * 'b) stream
+val take : int -> 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Subscript *)
+val drop : int -> 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Subscript *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Metis_Stream versions of standard list operations: these might not terminate.   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val length : 'a stream -> int
+val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> bool
+val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> bool
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> 'a stream
+val foldl : ('a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 's
+val concat : 'a stream stream -> 'a stream
+val mapPartial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val mapsPartial :
+    ('a -> 's -> 'b option * 's) -> ('s -> 'b stream) -> 's ->
+    'a stream -> 'b stream
+val mapConcat : ('a -> 'b stream) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val mapsConcat :
+    ('a -> 's -> 'b stream * 's) -> ('s -> 'b stream) -> 's ->
+    'a stream -> 'b stream
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Metis_Stream operations.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val memoize : 'a stream -> 'a stream
+val listConcat : 'a list stream -> 'a stream
+val concatList : 'a stream list -> 'a stream
+val toList : 'a stream -> 'a list
+val fromList : 'a list -> 'a stream
+val toString : char stream -> string
+val fromString : string -> char stream
+val toTextFile : {filename : string} -> string stream -> unit
+val fromTextFile : {filename : string} -> string stream  (* line by line *)
+(**** Original file: Stream.sml ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A POSSIBLY-INFINITE STREAM DATATYPE FOR ML                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the BSD License       *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Metis_Stream :> Metis_Stream =
+open Metis_Useful; (* MODIFIED by Jasmin Blanchette *)
+val K = Metis_Useful.K;
+val pair = Metis_Useful.pair;
+val funpow = Metis_Useful.funpow;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The stream type.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a stream =
+    Nil
+  | Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Metis_Stream constructors.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun repeat x = let fun rep () = Cons (x,rep) in rep () end;
+fun count n = Cons (n, fn () => count (n + 1));
+fun funpows f x = Cons (x, fn () => funpows f (f x));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Metis_Stream versions of standard list operations: these should all terminate.  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun cons h t = Cons (h,t);
+fun null Nil = true
+  | null (Cons _) = false;
+fun hd Nil = raise Empty
+  | hd (Cons (h,_)) = h;
+fun tl Nil = raise Empty
+  | tl (Cons (_,t)) = t ();
+fun hdTl s = (hd s, tl s);
+fun singleton s = Cons (s, K Nil);
+fun append Nil s = s ()
+  | append (Cons (h,t)) s = Cons (h, fn () => append (t ()) s);
+fun map f =
+    let
+      fun m Nil = Nil
+        | m (Cons (h,t)) = Cons (f h, m o t)
+    in
+      m
+    end;
+fun maps f g =
+    let
+      fun mm s Nil = g s
+        | mm s (Cons (x,xs)) =
+          let
+            val (y,s') = f x s
+          in
+            Cons (y, mm s' o xs)
+          end
+    in
+      mm
+    end;
+fun zipwith f =
+    let
+      fun z Nil _ = Nil
+        | z _ Nil = Nil
+        | z (Cons (x,xs)) (Cons (y,ys)) =
+          Cons (f x y, fn () => z (xs ()) (ys ()))
+    in
+      z
+    end;
+fun zip s t = zipwith pair s t;
+fun take 0 _ = Nil
+  | take n Nil = raise Subscript
+  | take 1 (Cons (x,_)) = Cons (x, K Nil)
+  | take n (Cons (x,xs)) = Cons (x, fn () => take (n - 1) (xs ()));
+fun drop n s = funpow n tl s handle Empty => raise Subscript;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Metis_Stream versions of standard list operations: these might not terminate.   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun len n Nil = n
+    | len n (Cons (_,t)) = len (n + 1) (t ());
+  fun length s = len 0 s;
+fun exists pred =
+    let
+      fun f Nil = false
+        | f (Cons (h,t)) = pred h orelse f (t ())
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+fun all pred = not o exists (not o pred);
+fun filter p Nil = Nil
+  | filter p (Cons (x,xs)) =
+    if p x then Cons (x, fn () => filter p (xs ())) else filter p (xs ());
+fun foldl f =
+    let
+      fun fold b Nil = b
+        | fold b (Cons (h,t)) = fold (f (h,b)) (t ())
+    in
+      fold
+    end;
+fun concat Nil = Nil
+  | concat (Cons (Nil, ss)) = concat (ss ())
+  | concat (Cons (Cons (x, xs), ss)) =
+    Cons (x, fn () => concat (Cons (xs (), ss)));
+fun mapPartial f =
+    let
+      fun mp Nil = Nil
+        | mp (Cons (h,t)) =
+          case f h of
+            NONE => mp (t ())
+          | SOME h' => Cons (h', fn () => mp (t ()))
+    in
+      mp
+    end;
+fun mapsPartial f g =
+    let
+      fun mp s Nil = g s
+        | mp s (Cons (h,t)) =
+          let
+            val (h,s) = f h s
+          in
+            case h of
+              NONE => mp s (t ())
+            | SOME h => Cons (h, fn () => mp s (t ()))
+          end
+    in
+      mp
+    end;
+fun mapConcat f =
+    let
+      fun mc Nil = Nil
+        | mc (Cons (h,t)) = append (f h) (fn () => mc (t ()))
+    in
+      mc
+    end;
+fun mapsConcat f g =
+    let
+      fun mc s Nil = g s
+        | mc s (Cons (h,t)) =
+          let
+            val (l,s) = f h s
+          in
+            append l (fn () => mc s (t ()))
+          end
+    in
+      mc
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Metis_Stream operations.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun memoize Nil = Nil
+  | memoize (Cons (h,t)) = Cons (h, Metis_Lazy.memoize (fn () => memoize (t ())));
+fun concatList [] = Nil
+  | concatList (h :: t) = append h (fn () => concatList t);
+  fun toLst res Nil = rev res
+    | toLst res (Cons (x, xs)) = toLst (x :: res) (xs ());
+  fun toList s = toLst [] s;
+fun fromList [] = Nil
+  | fromList (x :: xs) = Cons (x, fn () => fromList xs);
+fun listConcat s = concat (map fromList s);
+fun toString s = implode (toList s);
+fun fromString s = fromList (explode s);
+fun toTextFile {filename = f} s =
+    let
+      val (h,close) =
+          if f = "-" then (TextIO.stdOut, K ())
+          else (TextIO.openOut f, TextIO.closeOut)
+      fun toFile Nil = ()
+        | toFile (Cons (x,y)) = (TextIO.output (h,x); toFile (y ()))
+      val () = toFile s
+    in
+      close h
+    end;
+fun fromTextFile {filename = f} =
+    let
+      val (h,close) =
+          if f = "-" then (TextIO.stdIn, K ())
+          else (TextIO.openIn f, TextIO.closeIn)
+      fun strm () =
+          case TextIO.inputLine h of
+            NONE => (close h; Nil)
+          | SOME s => Cons (s,strm)
+    in
+      memoize (strm ())
+    end;
 (**** Original file: Heap.sig ****)
 (* ========================================================================= *)