changeset 32960 69916a850301
parent 32955 4a78daeb012b
child 32994 ccc07fbbfefd
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Sat Oct 17 01:05:59 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Sat Oct 17 14:43:18 2009 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(*  Author: Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, NICTA *)
+(*  Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, NICTA *)
 signature RES_ATP =
@@ -156,17 +156,17 @@
 fun count_axiom_consts theory_const thy ((thm,_), tab) = 
   let fun count_const (a, T, tab) =
-	let val (c, cts) = const_with_typ thy (a,T)
-	in  (*Two-dimensional table update. Constant maps to types maps to count.*)
-	    Symtab.map_default (c, CTtab.empty) 
-	                       (CTtab.map_default (cts,0) (fn n => n+1)) tab
-	end
+        let val (c, cts) = const_with_typ thy (a,T)
+        in  (*Two-dimensional table update. Constant maps to types maps to count.*)
+            Symtab.map_default (c, CTtab.empty) 
+                               (CTtab.map_default (cts,0) (fn n => n+1)) tab
+        end
       fun count_term_consts (Const(a,T), tab) = count_const(a,T,tab)
-	| count_term_consts (Free(a,T), tab) = count_const(a,T,tab)
-	| count_term_consts (t $ u, tab) =
-	    count_term_consts (t, count_term_consts (u, tab))
-	| count_term_consts (Abs(_,_,t), tab) = count_term_consts (t, tab)
-	| count_term_consts (_, tab) = tab
+        | count_term_consts (Free(a,T), tab) = count_const(a,T,tab)
+        | count_term_consts (t $ u, tab) =
+            count_term_consts (t, count_term_consts (u, tab))
+        | count_term_consts (Abs(_,_,t), tab) = count_term_consts (t, tab)
+        | count_term_consts (_, tab) = tab
   in  count_term_consts (const_prop_of theory_const thm, tab)  end;
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
     let val rel = filter (uni_mem gctyps) consts_typs
         val rel_weight = List.foldl (add_ct_weight ctab) 0.0 rel
-	rel_weight / (rel_weight + real (length consts_typs - length rel))
+        rel_weight / (rel_weight + real (length consts_typs - length rel))
 (*Multiplies out to a list of pairs: 'a * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list*)
@@ -210,17 +210,17 @@
 (*Look for definitions of the form f ?x1 ... ?xn = t, but not reversed.*)
 fun defines thy (thm,(name,n)) gctypes =
     let val tm = prop_of thm
-	fun defs lhs rhs =
+        fun defs lhs rhs =
             let val (rator,args) = strip_comb lhs
-		val ct = const_with_typ thy (dest_ConstFree rator)
+                val ct = const_with_typ thy (dest_ConstFree rator)
             in  forall is_Var args andalso uni_mem gctypes ct andalso
                 Term.add_vars rhs [] subset Term.add_vars lhs []
-	    handle ConstFree => false
+            handle ConstFree => false
-	case tm of Const ("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("op =",_) $ lhs $ rhs) => 
-		   defs lhs rhs 
-		 | _ => false
+        case tm of Const ("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("op =",_) $ lhs $ rhs) => 
+                   defs lhs rhs 
+                 | _ => false
 type annotd_cls = (thm * (string * int)) * ((string * const_typ list) list);
@@ -238,40 +238,40 @@
           val accepted = List.take (cls, max_new)
         ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Number of candidates, " ^ Int.toString nnew ^ 
-		       ", exceeds the limit of " ^ Int.toString (max_new)));
+                       ", exceeds the limit of " ^ Int.toString (max_new)));
         ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("Effective pass mark: " ^ Real.toString (#2 (List.last accepted))));
         ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => "Actually passed: " ^
           space_implode ", " (map (fn (((_,(name,_)),_),_) => name) accepted));
-	(map #1 accepted, map #1 (List.drop (cls, max_new)))
+        (map #1 accepted, map #1 (List.drop (cls, max_new)))
 fun relevant_clauses max_new thy ctab p rel_consts =
   let fun relevant ([],_) [] = [] : (thm * (string * int)) list  (*Nothing added this iteration*)
-	| relevant (newpairs,rejects) [] =
-	    let val (newrels,more_rejects) = take_best max_new newpairs
-		val new_consts = maps #2 newrels
-		val rel_consts' = List.foldl add_const_typ_table rel_consts new_consts
-		val newp = p + (1.0-p) / convergence
-	    in
+        | relevant (newpairs,rejects) [] =
+            let val (newrels,more_rejects) = take_best max_new newpairs
+                val new_consts = maps #2 newrels
+                val rel_consts' = List.foldl add_const_typ_table rel_consts new_consts
+                val newp = p + (1.0-p) / convergence
+            in
               ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("relevant this iteration: " ^ Int.toString (length newrels)));
-	       (map #1 newrels) @ 
-	       (relevant_clauses max_new thy ctab newp rel_consts' (more_rejects@rejects))
-	    end
-	| relevant (newrels,rejects) ((ax as (clsthm as (_,(name,n)),consts_typs)) :: axs) =
-	    let val weight = clause_weight ctab rel_consts consts_typs
-	    in
-	      if p <= weight orelse (follow_defs andalso defines thy clsthm rel_consts)
-	      then (ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => (name ^ " clause " ^ Int.toString n ^ 
-	                                    " passes: " ^ Real.toString weight));
-	            relevant ((ax,weight)::newrels, rejects) axs)
-	      else relevant (newrels, ax::rejects) axs
-	    end
+               (map #1 newrels) @ 
+               (relevant_clauses max_new thy ctab newp rel_consts' (more_rejects@rejects))
+            end
+        | relevant (newrels,rejects) ((ax as (clsthm as (_,(name,n)),consts_typs)) :: axs) =
+            let val weight = clause_weight ctab rel_consts consts_typs
+            in
+              if p <= weight orelse (follow_defs andalso defines thy clsthm rel_consts)
+              then (ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => (name ^ " clause " ^ Int.toString n ^ 
+                                            " passes: " ^ Real.toString weight));
+                    relevant ((ax,weight)::newrels, rejects) axs)
+              else relevant (newrels, ax::rejects) axs
+            end
     in  ResAxioms.trace_msg (fn () => ("relevant_clauses, current pass mark = " ^ Real.toString p));
         relevant ([],[]) 
 fun relevance_filter max_new theory_const thy axioms goals = 
  if run_relevance_filter andalso pass_mark >= 0.1