changeset 3602 cdfb8b7e60fa
parent 3576 9cd0a0919ba0
child 3619 0fc67ad6d62a
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_read.ML	Wed Aug 06 00:18:34 1997 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_read.ML	Wed Aug 06 00:23:01 1997 +0200
@@ -4,62 +4,19 @@
                 Tobias Nipkow and L C Paulson
     Copyright   1994 TU Muenchen
-Functions for reading theory files, and storing and retrieving theories,
+Functions for reading theory files.
-(*Types for theory storage*)
-(*Functions to handle arbitrary data added by the user; type "exn" is used
-  to store data*)
-datatype thy_methods =
-  ThyMethods of {merge: exn list -> exn, put: exn -> unit, get: unit -> exn};
-datatype thy_info =
-  ThyInfo of {path: string,
-              children: string list, parents: string list,
-              thy_time: string option, ml_time: string option,
-              theory: theory option, thms: thm Symtab.table,
-              methods: thy_methods Symtab.table,
-              data: exn Symtab.table * exn Symtab.table};
-      (*thy_time, ml_time = None     theory file has not been read yet
-                          = Some ""  theory was read but has either been marked
-                                     as outdated or there is no such file for
-                                     this theory (see e.g. 'virtual' theories
-                                     like Pure or theories without a ML file)
-        theory = None  theory has not been read yet
-        parents: While 'children' contains all theories the theory depends
-                 on (i.e. also ones quoted in the .thy file),
-                 'parents' only contains the theories which were used to form
-                 the base of this theory.
-        methods: three methods for each user defined data;
-                 merge: merges data of ancestor theories
-                 put: retrieves data from loaded_thys and stores it somewhere
-                 get: retrieves data from somewhere and stores it
-                      in loaded_thys
-                 Warning: If these functions access reference variables inside
-                          READTHY, they have to be redefined each time
-                          init_thy_reader is invoked
-        data: user defined data; exn is used to allow arbitrary types;
-              first element of pairs contains result that get returned after
-              thy file was read, second element after ML file was read;
-              if ML files has not been read, second element is identical to
-              first one because get_thydata, which is meant to return the
-              latest data, always accesses the 2nd element
-       *)
 signature READTHY =
   datatype basetype = Thy  of string
                     | File of string
-  val loaded_thys    : thy_info Symtab.table ref
   val loadpath       : string list ref
-  val thy_reader_files: string list ref
   val delete_tmpfiles: bool ref
+  val set_parser     : (string -> string -> string) -> unit
   val use_thy        : string -> unit
   val time_use_thy   : string -> unit
   val use_dir        : string -> unit
@@ -67,158 +24,55 @@
   val update         : unit -> unit
   val unlink_thy     : string -> unit
   val mk_base        : basetype list -> string -> bool -> theory
-  val store_theory   : theory * string -> unit
-  val theory_of      : string -> theory
-  val theory_of_sign : -> theory
-  val theory_of_thm  : thm -> theory
-  val children_of    : string -> string list
-  val parents_of_name: string -> string list
-  val thyname_of_sign: -> string
-  val store_thm      : string * thm -> thm
-  val bind_thm       : string * thm -> unit
-  val qed            : string -> unit
-  val qed_thm        : thm ref
-  val qed_goal       : string -> theory -> string 
-                       -> (thm list -> tactic list) -> unit
-  val qed_goalw      : string -> theory -> thm list -> string 
-                       -> (thm list -> tactic list) -> unit
-  val get_thm        : theory -> string -> thm
-  val thms_of        : theory -> (string * thm) list
-  val delete_thms    : string -> unit
-  val add_thydata    : string -> string * thy_methods -> unit
-  val get_thydata    : string -> string -> exn option
-  val add_thy_reader_file: string -> unit
-  val set_thy_reader_file: string -> unit
-  val read_thy_reader_files: unit -> unit
-  val set_current_thy: string -> unit
-  val print_theory   : theory -> unit
-  val base_path      : string ref
-  val gif_path       : string ref
-  val index_path     : string ref
-  val pure_subchart  : string option ref
-  val make_html      : bool ref
-  val init_html      : unit -> unit
-  val finish_html    : unit -> unit
-  val section        : string -> unit
-functor ReadthyFun(structure ThySyn: THY_SYN and ThmDB: THMDB): READTHY =
+structure ReadThy : READTHY =
-open ThmDB;
+open ThmDB ThyInfo BrowserInfo;
 datatype basetype = Thy  of string
                   | File of string;
-val loaded_thys =
-  ref (Symtab.make [("ProtoPure",
-                     ThyInfo {path = "",
-                              children = ["Pure", "CPure"], parents = [],
-                              thy_time = Some "", ml_time = Some "",
-                              theory = Some proto_pure_thy,
-                              thms = Symtab.null, methods = Symtab.null,
-                              data = (Symtab.null, Symtab.null)}),
-                    ("Pure",
-                     ThyInfo {path = "", children = [],
-                              parents = ["ProtoPure"],
-                              thy_time = Some "", ml_time = Some "",
-                              theory = Some pure_thy, thms = Symtab.null,
-                              methods = Symtab.null,
-                              data = (Symtab.null, Symtab.null)}),
-                    ("CPure",
-                     ThyInfo {path = "",
-                              children = [], parents = ["ProtoPure"],
-                              thy_time = Some "", ml_time = Some "",
-                              theory = Some cpure_thy,
-                              thms = Symtab.null,
-                              methods = Symtab.null,
-                              data = (Symtab.null, Symtab.null)})
-                   ]);
+(*parser for theory files*)
+val parser = ref ((K (K "")):string -> string -> string);
+(*set parser for theory files*)
+fun set_parser p = parser := p;
 (*Default search path for theory files*)
 val loadpath = ref ["."];
 (*Directory given as parameter to use_thy. This is temporarily added to
   loadpath while the theory's ancestors are loaded.*)
 val tmp_loadpath = ref [] : string list ref;
-(*ML files to be read by init_thy_reader; they normally contain redefinitions
-  of functions accessing reference variables inside READTHY*)
-val thy_reader_files = ref [] : string list ref;
 (*Remove temporary files after use*)
-val delete_tmpfiles = ref true;            
-(*Set location of graphics for HTML files
-  (When this is executed for the first time we are in $ISABELLE/Pure/Thy.
-   This path is converted to $ISABELLE/Tools by removing the last two
-   directories and appending "Tools". All subsequently made ReadThy
-   structures inherit this value.)
-val gif_path = ref (tack_on ("/" ^
-  space_implode "/" (rev (tl (tl (rev (space_explode "/" 
-				       (OS.FileSys.getDir ())))))))
-  "Tools");
-(*Path of Isabelle's main directory*)
-val base_path = ref (
-  "/" ^ space_implode "/" (rev (tl (tl (rev (space_explode "/" (OS.FileSys.getDir ())))))));
-(** HTML variables **)
-(*Location of .theory-list.txt and index.html (set by init_html)*)
-val index_path = ref "";
-(*Location of .Pure_sub.html and .CPure_sub.html*)
-val pure_subchart = ref (None : string option);
-(*Controls whether HTML files should be generated*)
-val make_html = ref false;
-(*HTML file of theory currently being read
-  (Initialized by thyfile2html; used by use_thy and store_thm)*)
-val cur_htmlfile = ref None : TextIO.outstream option ref;
-(*Boolean variable which indicates if the title "Theorems proved in foo.ML"
-  has already been inserted into the current HTML file*)
-val cur_has_title = ref false;
-(*Name of theory currently being read*)
-val cur_thyname = ref "";
+val delete_tmpfiles = ref true;
 (*Make name of the TextIO.output ML file for a theory *)
 fun out_name tname = "." ^ tname ^ ".thy.ML";
 (*Read a file specified by thy_file containing theory thy *)
 fun read_thy tname thy_file =
     val instream  = TextIO.openIn thy_file;
     val outstream = TextIO.openOut (out_name tname);
-    TextIO.output (outstream, ThySyn.parse tname (TextIO.inputAll instream));
+    TextIO.output (outstream, (!parser) tname (TextIO.inputAll instream));
     TextIO.closeOut outstream;
     TextIO.closeIn instream
-fun file_exists file = (file_info file <> "");
-(*Get last directory in path (e.g. /usr/proj/isabelle -> isabelle) *)
-fun last_path s = case space_explode "/" s of
-                      [] => ""
-                    | ds => last_elem ds;
-(*Get thy_info for a loaded theory *)
-fun get_thyinfo tname = Symtab.lookup (!loaded_thys, tname);
 (*Check if a theory was completly loaded *)
 fun already_loaded thy =
@@ -228,6 +82,7 @@
           in is_some thy_time andalso is_some ml_time end
 (*Check if a theory file has changed since its last use.
   Return a pair of boolean values for .thy and for .ML *)
 fun thy_unchanged thy thy_file ml_file =
@@ -245,15 +100,6 @@
     | None => (false, false)
-(*Get all direct descendants of a theory*)
-fun children_of t =
-  case get_thyinfo t of Some (ThyInfo {children, ...}) => children
-                      | None => [];
-(*Get all direct ancestors of a theory*)
-fun parents_of_name t =
-  case get_thyinfo t of Some (ThyInfo {parents, ...}) => parents
-                      | None => [];
 (*Get all descendants of a theory list *)
 fun get_descendants [] = []
@@ -261,16 +107,6 @@
       let val children = children_of t
       in children union (get_descendants (children union ts)) end;
-(*Get theory object for a loaded theory *)
-fun theory_of name =
-  case get_thyinfo name of Some (ThyInfo {theory = Some t, ...}) => t
-                         | _ => error ("Theory " ^ name ^
-                                       " not stored by loader");
-(*Get path where theory's files are located*)
-fun path_of tname =
-  let val ThyInfo {path, ...} = the (get_thyinfo tname)
-  in path end;
 (*Find a file using a list of paths if no absolute or relative path is
@@ -286,6 +122,7 @@
       if file_exists (tack_on path name) then tack_on path name
                                          else "";
 (*Get absolute pathnames for a new or already loaded theory *)
 fun get_filenames path name =
   let fun new_filename () =
@@ -326,6 +163,7 @@
      else new_filename ()
 (*Remove theory from all child lists in loaded_thys *)
 fun unlink_thy tname =
   let fun remove (ThyInfo {path, children, parents, thy_time, ml_time,
@@ -335,11 +173,13 @@
                  thms = thms, methods = methods, data = data}
   in loaded_thys := remove (!loaded_thys) end;
 (*Remove a theory from loaded_thys *)
 fun remove_thy tname =
   loaded_thys := Symtab.make (filter_out (fn (id, _) => id = tname)
                  (Symtab.dest (!loaded_thys)));
 (*Change thy_time and ml_time for an existent item *)
 fun set_info tname thy_time ml_time =
   let val tinfo = case Symtab.lookup (!loaded_thys, tname) of
@@ -352,6 +192,7 @@
         | None => error ("set_info: theory " ^ tname ^ " not found");
   in loaded_thys := Symtab.update ((tname, tinfo), !loaded_thys) end;
 (*Mark theory as changed since last read if it has been completly read *)
 fun mark_outdated tname =
   let val t = get_thyinfo tname;
@@ -363,245 +204,6 @@
-(*Remove theorems associated with a theory from theory and theorem database*)
-fun delete_thms tname =
-  let
-    val tinfo = case get_thyinfo tname of
-        Some (ThyInfo {path, children, parents, thy_time, ml_time, theory,
-                       methods, data, ...}) =>
-          ThyInfo {path = path, children = children, parents = parents,
-                   thy_time = thy_time, ml_time = ml_time,
-                   theory = theory, thms = Symtab.null,
-                   methods = methods, data = data}
-      | None => error ("Theory " ^ tname ^ " not stored by loader");
-    val ThyInfo {theory, ...} = tinfo;
-  in loaded_thys := Symtab.update ((tname, tinfo), !loaded_thys);
-     case theory of
-         Some t => delete_thm_db t
-       | None => ()
-  end;
-(*Make head of HTML dependency charts
-  Parameters are:
-    file: HTML file
-    tname: theory name
-    suffix: suffix of complementary chart
-            (sup if this head is for a sub-chart, sub if it is for a sup-chart;
-             empty for Pure and CPure sub-charts)
-    gif_path: relative path to directory containing GIFs
-    index_path: relative path to directory containing main theory chart
-fun mk_charthead file tname title repeats gif_path index_path package =
-  TextIO.output (file,
-   "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" ^ title ^ " of " ^ tname ^
-   "</TITLE></HEAD>\n<H2>" ^ title ^ " of theory " ^ tname ^
-   "</H2>\nThe name of every theory is linked to its theory file<BR>\n" ^
-   "<IMG SRC = \"" ^ tack_on gif_path "red_arrow.gif\
-   \\" ALT = \\/></A> stands for subtheories (child theories)<BR>\n\
-   \<IMG SRC = \"" ^ tack_on gif_path "blue_arrow.gif\
-   \\" ALT = /\\></A> stands for supertheories (parent theories)\n" ^
-   (if not repeats then "" else
-      "<BR><TT>...</TT> stands for repeated subtrees") ^
-   "<P>\n<A HREF = \"" ^ tack_on index_path "index.html\
-   \\">Back</A> to the index of " ^ package ^ "\n<HR>\n<PRE>");
-(*Convert .thy file to HTML and make chart of its super-theories*)
-fun thyfile2html tpath tname =
-  let
-    val gif_path = relative_path tpath (!gif_path);
-    (*Determine name of current logic; if index_path is no subdirectory of
-      base_path then we take the last directory of index_path*)
-    val package =
-      if (!index_path) = "" then
-        error "index_path is empty. Please use 'init_html()' instead of \
-              \'make_html := true'"
-      else if (!index_path) subdir_of (!base_path) then
-        relative_path (!base_path) (!index_path)
-      else last_path (!index_path);
-    val rel_index_path = relative_path tpath (!index_path);
-    (*Make list of all theories and all theories that own a .thy file*)
-    fun list_theories [] theories thy_files = (theories, thy_files)
-      | list_theories ((tname, ThyInfo {thy_time, ...}) :: ts)
-                      theories thy_files =
-          list_theories ts (tname :: theories)
-            (if is_some thy_time andalso the thy_time <> "" then
-               tname :: thy_files
-             else thy_files);
-    val (theories, thy_files) =
-      list_theories (Symtab.dest (!loaded_thys)) [] [];
-    (*Do the conversion*)
-    fun gettext thy_file  =
-      let
-        (*Convert special HTML characters ('&', '>', and '<')*)
-        val file =
-          explode (execute ("sed -e 's/\\&/\\&amp;/g' -e 's/>/\\&gt;/g' \
-                            \-e 's/</\\&lt;/g' " ^ thy_file));
-        (*Isolate first (possibly nested) comment;
-          skip all leading whitespaces*)
-        val (comment, file') =
-          let fun first_comment ("*" :: ")" :: cs) co 1 = (co ^ "*)", cs)
-                | first_comment ("*" :: ")" :: cs) co d =
-                    first_comment cs (co ^ "*)") (d-1)
-                | first_comment ("(" :: "*" :: cs) co d =
-                    first_comment cs (co ^ "(*") (d+1)
-                | first_comment (" "  :: cs) "" 0 = first_comment cs "" 0
-                | first_comment ("\n" :: cs) "" 0 = first_comment cs "" 0
-                | first_comment ("\t" :: cs) "" 0 = first_comment cs "" 0
-                | first_comment cs           "" 0 = ("", cs)
-                | first_comment (c :: cs) co d =
-                    first_comment cs (co ^ implode [c]) d
-                | first_comment [] co _ =
-                    error ("Unexpected end of file " ^ tname ^ ".thy.");
-          in first_comment file "" 0 end;
-        (*Process line defining theory's ancestors;
-          convert valid theory names to links to their HTML file*)
-        val (ancestors, body) =
-          let
-            fun make_links l result =
-              let val (pre, letter) = take_prefix (not o is_letter) l;
-                  val (id, rest) =
-                    take_prefix (is_quasi_letter orf is_digit) letter;
-                  val id = implode id;
-                  (*Make a HTML link out of a theory name*)
-                  fun make_link t =
-                    let val path = path_of t;
-                    in "<A HREF = \"" ^
-                       tack_on (relative_path tpath path) ("." ^ t) ^
-                       ".html\">" ^ t ^ "</A>" end;
-              in if not (id mem theories) then (result, implode l)
-                 else if id mem thy_files then
-                   make_links rest (result ^ implode pre ^ make_link id)
-                 else make_links rest (result ^ implode pre ^ id)
-              end;
-            val (pre, rest) = take_prefix (fn c => c <> "=") file';
-            val (ancestors, body) =
-              if null rest then
-                error ("Missing \"=\" in file " ^ tname ^ ".thy.\n\
-                       \(Make sure that the last line ends with a linebreak.)")
-              else
-                make_links rest "";
-          in (implode pre ^ ancestors, body) end;
-      in "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" ^ tname ^ ".thy</TITLE></HEAD>\n\n<BODY>\n" ^
-         "<H2>" ^ tname ^ ".thy</H2>\n<A HREF = \"" ^
-         tack_on rel_index_path "index.html\
-         \\">Back</A> to the index of " ^ package ^
-         "\n<HR>\n\n<PRE>\n" ^ comment ^ ancestors ^ body ^
-         "</PRE>\n"
-      end;
-    (** Make chart of super-theories **)
-    val sup_out = TextIO.openOut (tack_on tpath ("." ^ tname ^ "_sup.html"));
-    val sub_out = TextIO.openOut (tack_on tpath ("." ^ tname ^ "_sub.html"));
-    (*Theories that already have been listed in this chart*)
-    val listed = ref [];
-    val wanted_theories =
-      filter (fn s => s mem thy_files orelse s = "Pure" orelse s = "CPure")
-             theories;
-    (*Make tree of theory dependencies*)
-    fun list_ancestors tname level continued =
-      let
-        fun mk_entry [] = ()
-          | mk_entry (t::ts) =
-            let
-              val is_pure = t = "Pure" orelse t = "CPure";
-              val path = if is_pure then (the (!pure_subchart))
-                         else path_of t;
-              val rel_path = relative_path tpath path;
-              val repeated = t mem (!listed) andalso
-                             not (null (parents_of_name t));
-              fun mk_offset [] cur =
-                    if level < cur then error "Error in mk_offset"
-                    else implode (replicate (level - cur) "    ")
-                | mk_offset (l::ls) cur =
-                    implode (replicate (l - cur) "    ") ^ "|   " ^
-                    mk_offset ls (l+1);
-            in TextIO.output (sup_out,
-                 " " ^ mk_offset continued 0 ^
-                 "\\__" ^ (if is_pure then t else
-                             "<A HREF=\"" ^ tack_on rel_path ("." ^ t) ^
-                             ".html\">" ^ t ^ "</A>") ^
-                 (if repeated then "..." else " ") ^
-                 "<A HREF = \"" ^ tack_on rel_path ("." ^ t) ^
-                 "_sub.html\"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM BORDER=0 SRC = \"" ^
-                 tack_on gif_path "red_arrow.gif\" ALT = \\/></A>" ^
-                 (if is_pure then ""
-                  else "<A HREF = \"" ^ tack_on rel_path ("." ^ t) ^
-                       "_sup.html\"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM BORDER=0 SRC = \"" ^
-                       tack_on gif_path "blue_arrow.gif\
-                       \\" ALT = /\\></A>") ^
-                 "\n");
-              if repeated then ()
-              else (listed := t :: (!listed);
-                    list_ancestors t (level+1) (if null ts then continued
-                                                else continued @ [level]);
-                    mk_entry ts)
-            end;
-        val relatives =
-          filter (fn s => s mem wanted_theories) (parents_of_name tname);
-      in mk_entry relatives end;
-  in if is_some (!cur_htmlfile) then
-       (TextIO.closeOut (the (!cur_htmlfile));
-        warning "Last theory's HTML file has not been closed.")
-     else ();
-     cur_htmlfile := Some (TextIO.openOut (tack_on tpath ("." ^ tname ^ ".html")));
-     cur_has_title := false;
-     TextIO.output (the (!cur_htmlfile), gettext (tack_on tpath tname ^ ".thy"));
-     mk_charthead sup_out tname "Ancestors" true gif_path rel_index_path
-                  package;
-     TextIO.output(sup_out,
-       "<A HREF=\"." ^ tname ^ ".html\">" ^ tname ^ "</A> \
-       \<A HREF = \"." ^ tname ^
-       "_sub.html\"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM BORDER=0 SRC = \"" ^
-       tack_on gif_path "red_arrow.gif\" ALT = \\/></A>\n");
-     list_ancestors tname 0 [];
-     TextIO.output (sup_out, "</PRE><HR></BODY></HTML>");
-     TextIO.closeOut sup_out;
-     mk_charthead sub_out tname "Children" false gif_path rel_index_path
-                  package;
-     TextIO.output(sub_out,
-       "<A HREF=\"." ^ tname ^ ".html\">" ^ tname ^ "</A> \
-       \<A HREF = \"." ^ tname ^ "_sup.html\"><IMG SRC = \"" ^
-       tack_on gif_path "blue_arrow.gif\" BORDER=0 ALT = \\/></A>\n");
-     TextIO.closeOut sub_out
-  end;
-(*Invoke every put method stored in a theory's methods table to initialize
-  the state of user defined variables*)
-fun put_thydata first tname =
-  let val (methods, data) = 
-        case get_thyinfo tname of
-            Some (ThyInfo {methods, data, ...}) => 
-              (methods, Symtab.dest ((if first then fst else snd) data))
-          | None => error ("Theory " ^ tname ^ " not stored by loader");
-      fun put_data (id, date) =
-            case Symtab.lookup (methods, id) of
-                Some (ThyMethods {put, ...}) => put date
-              | None => error ("No method defined for theory data \"" ^
-                               id ^ "\"");
-  in seq put_data data end;
-val set_current_thy = put_thydata false;
 (*Read .thy and .ML files that haven't been read yet or have changed since
   they were last read;
@@ -675,61 +277,6 @@
-    (*Add theory to file listing all loaded theories (for index.html)
-      and to the sub-charts of its parents*)
-    local exception MK_HTML in
-    fun mk_html () =
-      let val new_parents = parents_of_name tname \\ old_parents;
-          fun robust_seq (proc: 'a -> unit) : 'a list -> unit =
-            let fun seqf [] = ()
-                  | seqf (x :: xs) = (proc x  handle _ => (); seqf xs)
-            in seqf end;
-          (*Add child to parents' sub-theory charts*)
-          fun add_to_parents t =
-            let val path = if t = "Pure" orelse t = "CPure" then
-                             (the (!pure_subchart))
-                           else path_of t;
-                val gif_path = relative_path path (!gif_path);
-                val rel_path = relative_path path abs_path;
-                val tpath = tack_on rel_path ("." ^ tname);
-                val fname = tack_on path ("." ^ t ^ "_sub.html");
-                val out = if file_exists fname then
-                            TextIO.openAppend fname  handle e  =>
-                              (warning ("Unable to write to file " ^
-                                        fname); raise e)
-                          else raise MK_HTML;
-            in TextIO.output (out,
-                 " |\n \\__<A HREF=\"" ^
-                 tack_on rel_path ("." ^ tname) ^ ".html\">" ^ tname ^
-                 "</A> <A HREF = \"" ^ tpath ^ "_sub.html\">\
-                 \<IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM BORDER=0 SRC = \"" ^
-                 tack_on gif_path "red_arrow.gif\" ALT = \\/></A>\
-                 \<A HREF = \"" ^ tpath ^ "_sup.html\">\
-                 \<IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM BORDER=0 SRC = \"" ^
-                 tack_on gif_path "blue_arrow.gif\" ALT = /\\></A>\n");
-               TextIO.closeOut out
-            end;
-          val theory_list =
-            TextIO.openAppend (tack_on (!index_path) ".theory_list.txt")
-              handle _ => (make_html := false;
-                           warning ("Cannot write to " ^
-                                  (!index_path) ^ " while making HTML files.\n\
-                                  \HTML generation has been switched off.\n\
-                                  \Call init_html() from within a \
-                                  \writeable directory to reactivate it.");
-                           raise MK_HTML)
-      in TextIO.output (theory_list, tname ^ " " ^ abs_path ^ "\n");
-         TextIO.closeOut theory_list;
-         robust_seq add_to_parents new_parents
-      end
-      end;
     (*Make sure that loaded_thys contains an entry for tname*)
     fun init_thyinfo () =
     let val tinfo = ThyInfo {path = "", children = [], parents = [],
@@ -767,8 +314,7 @@
           if not (!delete_tmpfiles) then ()
           else OS.FileSys.remove (out_name tname);
-          if not (!make_html) then ()
-          else thyfile2html abs_path tname
+          thyfile2html tname abs_path
        set_info tname (Some (file_info thy_file)) None;
@@ -785,13 +331,18 @@
        (*Add theory to list of all loaded theories (for index.html)
          and add it to its parents' sub-charts*)
-       if !make_html then
-         let val path = path_of tname;
-         in if path = "" then               (*first time theory has been read*)
-              (mk_html()  handle MK_HTML => ())
-            else ()
-         end
-       else ();
+       let val path = path_of tname;
+       in if path = "" then               (*first time theory has been read*)
+          (
+            (*Add theory to list of all loaded theories (for index.html)
+              and add it to its parents' sub-charts*)
+            mk_html tname abs_path old_parents;
+            (*Add theory to graph definition file*)
+            mk_graph tname abs_path
+          )
+          else ()
+       end;
        (*Now set the correct info*)
        set_info tname (Some (file_info thy_file)) (Some (file_info ml_file));
@@ -801,22 +352,21 @@
        mark_children tname;
        (*Close HTML file*)
-       case !cur_htmlfile of
-           Some out => (TextIO.output (out, "<HR></BODY></HTML>\n");
-                        TextIO.closeOut out;
-                        cur_htmlfile := None)
-         | None => ()
+       close_html ()
 val use_thy = use_thy1 false;
 fun time_use_thy tname = timeit(fn()=>
    (writeln("\n**** Starting Theory " ^ tname ^ " ****");
     use_thy tname;
     writeln("\n**** Finished Theory " ^ tname ^ " ****"))
 (*Load all thy or ML files that have been changed and also
   all theories that depend on them.*)
 fun update () =
@@ -863,6 +413,7 @@
      reload_changed (load_order ["Pure", "CPure"] [])
 (*Merge theories to build a base for a new theory.
   Base members are only loaded if they are missing.*)
 fun mk_base bases child mk_draft =
@@ -1010,380 +561,16 @@
-(*Change theory object for an existent item of loaded_thys*)
-fun store_theory (thy, tname) =
-  let val tinfo = case Symtab.lookup (!loaded_thys, tname) of
-               Some (ThyInfo {path, children, parents, thy_time, ml_time, thms,
-                              methods, data, ...}) =>
-                 ThyInfo {path = path, children = children, parents = parents,
-                          thy_time = thy_time, ml_time = ml_time,
-                          theory = Some thy, thms = thms,
-                          methods = methods, data = data}
-             | None => error ("store_theory: theory " ^ tname ^ " not found");
-  in loaded_thys := Symtab.update ((tname, tinfo), !loaded_thys) end;
-(*** Store and retrieve theorems ***)
-(*Guess the name of a theory object
-  (First the quick way by looking at the stamps; if that doesn't work,
-   we search loaded_thys for the first theory which fits.)
-fun thyname_of_sign sg =
-  let val ref xname = hd (#stamps (Sign.rep_sg sg));
-      val opt_info = get_thyinfo xname;
-    fun eq_sg (ThyInfo {theory = None, ...}) = false
-      | eq_sg (ThyInfo {theory = Some thy, ...}) = Sign.eq_sg (sg,sign_of thy);
-    val show_sg = Pretty.str_of o Sign.pretty_sg;
-  in
-    if is_some opt_info andalso eq_sg (the opt_info) then xname
-    else
-      (case Symtab.find_first (eq_sg o snd) (!loaded_thys) of
-        Some (name, _) => name
-      | None => error ("Theory " ^ show_sg sg ^ " not stored by loader"))
-  end;
-(*Guess to which theory a signature belongs and return it's thy_info*)
-fun thyinfo_of_sign sg =
-  let val name = thyname_of_sign sg;
-  in (name, the (get_thyinfo name)) end;
-(*Try to get the theory object corresponding to a given signature*)
-fun theory_of_sign sg =
-  (case thyinfo_of_sign sg of
-    (_, ThyInfo {theory = Some thy, ...}) => thy
-  | _ => sys_error "theory_of_sign");
-(*Try to get the theory object corresponding to a given theorem*)
-val theory_of_thm = theory_of_sign o #sign o rep_thm;
-(** Store theorems **)
-(*Makes HTML title for list of theorems; as this list may be empty and we
-  don't want a title in that case, mk_theorems_title is only invoked when
-  something is added to the list*)
-fun mk_theorems_title out =
-  if not (!cur_has_title) then
-    (cur_has_title := true;
-     TextIO.output (out, "<HR><H2>Theorems proved in <A HREF = \"" ^
-                  (!cur_thyname) ^ ".ML\">" ^ (!cur_thyname) ^
-                  ".ML</A>:</H2>\n"))
-  else ();
-(*Store a theorem in the thy_info of its theory,
-  and in the theory's HTML file*)
-fun store_thm (name, thm) =
-  let
-    val (thy_name, ThyInfo {path, children, parents, thy_time, ml_time,
-                            theory, thms, methods, data}) =
-      thyinfo_of_sign (#sign (rep_thm thm))
-    val (thms', duplicate) = (Symtab.update_new ((name, thm), thms), false)
-      handle Symtab.DUPLICATE s => 
-        (if eq_thm (the (Symtab.lookup (thms, name)), thm) then 
-           (warning ("Theory database already contains copy of\
-                     \ theorem " ^ quote name);
-            (thms, true))
-         else error ("Duplicate theorem name " ^ quote s
-                     ^ " used in theory database"));
-    fun thm_to_html () =
-      let fun escape []       = ""
-            | escape ("<"::s) = "&lt;" ^ escape s
-            | escape (">"::s) = "&gt;" ^ escape s
-            | escape ("&"::s) = "&amp;" ^ escape s
-            | escape (c::s)   = c ^ escape s;
-      in case !cur_htmlfile of
-             Some out =>
-               (mk_theorems_title out;
-                TextIO.output (out, "<DD><EM>" ^ name ^ "</EM>\n<PRE>" ^
-                             escape 
-                              (explode 
-                               (string_of_thm (#1 (freeze_thaw thm)))) ^
-                             "</PRE><P>\n")
-               )
-           | None => ()
-      end;
-    (*Label this theorem*)
-    val thm' = Thm.name_thm (name, thm)
-  in
-    loaded_thys := Symtab.update
-     ((thy_name, ThyInfo {path = path, children = children, parents = parents,
-                          thy_time = thy_time, ml_time = ml_time,
-                          theory = theory, thms = thms',
-                          methods = methods, data = data}),
-      !loaded_thys);
-    thm_to_html ();
-    if duplicate then thm' else store_thm_db (name, thm')
-  end;
-(*Store result of proof in loaded_thys and as ML value*)
-val qed_thm = ref flexpair_def(*dummy*);
-fun bind_thm (name, thm) =
- (qed_thm := store_thm (name, (standard thm));
-  use_string ["val " ^ name ^ " = !qed_thm;"]);
-fun qed name =
- (qed_thm := store_thm (name, result ());
-  use_string ["val " ^ name ^ " = !qed_thm;"]);
-fun qed_goal name thy agoal tacsf =
- (qed_thm := store_thm (name, prove_goal thy agoal tacsf);
-  use_string ["val " ^ name ^ " = !qed_thm;"]);
-fun qed_goalw name thy rths agoal tacsf =
- (qed_thm := store_thm (name, prove_goalw thy rths agoal tacsf);
-  use_string ["val " ^ name ^ " = !qed_thm;"]);
-(** Retrieve theorems **)
-(*Get all theorems belonging to a given theory*)
-fun thmtab_of_thy thy =
-  let val (_, ThyInfo {thms, ...}) = thyinfo_of_sign (sign_of thy);
-  in thms end;
-fun thmtab_of_name name =
-  let val ThyInfo {thms, ...} = the (get_thyinfo name);
-  in thms end;
-(*Get a stored theorem specified by theory and name. *)
-fun get_thm thy name =
-  let fun get [] [] searched =
-           raise THEORY ("get_thm: no theorem " ^ quote name, [thy])
-        | get [] ng searched =
-            get (ng \\ searched) [] searched
-        | get (t::ts) ng searched =
-            (case Symtab.lookup (thmtab_of_name t, name) of
-                 Some thm => thm
-               | None => get ts (ng union (parents_of_name t)) (t::searched));
-      val (tname, _) = thyinfo_of_sign (sign_of thy);
-  in get [tname] [] [] end;
-(*Get stored theorems of a theory (original derivations) *)
-val thms_of = Symtab.dest o thmtab_of_thy;
-(*** Misc HTML functions ***)
-(*Init HTML generator by setting paths and creating new files*)
-fun init_html () =
-  let val cwd = OS.FileSys.getDir();
-      val theory_list = TextIO.closeOut (TextIO.openOut ".theory_list.txt");
-      val rel_gif_path = relative_path cwd (!gif_path);
-      (*Make new HTML files for Pure and CPure*)
-      fun init_pure_html () =
-        let val pure_out = TextIO.openOut ".Pure_sub.html";
-            val cpure_out = TextIO.openOut ".CPure_sub.html";
-            val package =
-              if cwd subdir_of (!base_path) then
-                relative_path (!base_path) cwd
-              else last_path cwd;
-        in mk_charthead pure_out "Pure" "Children" false rel_gif_path ""
-                        package;
-           mk_charthead cpure_out "CPure" "Children" false rel_gif_path ""
-                        package;
-           TextIO.output (pure_out, "Pure\n");
-           TextIO.output (cpure_out, "CPure\n");
-           TextIO.closeOut pure_out;
-           TextIO.closeOut cpure_out;
-           pure_subchart := Some cwd
-        end;
-  in make_html := true;
-     index_path := cwd;
-     (*Make sure that base_path contains the physical path and no
-       symbolic links*)
-     OS.FileSys.chDir (!base_path);
-     base_path := OS.FileSys.getDir();
-     OS.FileSys.chDir cwd;
-     if cwd subdir_of (!base_path) then ()
-     else warning "The current working directory seems to be no \
-                  \subdirectory of\nIsabelle's main directory. \
-                  \Please ensure that base_path's value is correct.\n";
-     writeln ("Setting path for index.html to " ^ quote cwd ^
-              "\nGIF path has been set to " ^ quote (!gif_path));
-     if is_none (!pure_subchart) then init_pure_html()
-     else ()
-  end;
-(*Generate index.html*)
-fun finish_html () = if not (!make_html) then () else
-  let val tlist_path = tack_on (!index_path) ".theory_list.txt";
-      val theory_list = TextIO.openIn tlist_path;
-      val theories = space_explode "\n" (TextIO.inputAll theory_list);
-      val dummy = (TextIO.closeIn theory_list; OS.FileSys.remove tlist_path);
-      val gif_path = relative_path (!index_path) (!gif_path);
-      (*Make entry for main chart of all theories.*)
-      fun main_entry t =
-        let
-          val (name, path) = take_prefix (not_equal " ") (explode t);
-          val tname = implode name
-          val tpath = tack_on (relative_path (!index_path) (implode (tl path)))
-                              ("." ^ tname);
-        in "<A HREF = \"" ^ tpath ^ "_sub.html\"><IMG SRC = \"" ^
-           tack_on gif_path "red_arrow.gif\" BORDER=0 ALT = \\/></A>" ^
-           "<A HREF = \"" ^ tpath ^ "_sup.html\"><IMG SRC = \"" ^
-           tack_on gif_path "blue_arrow.gif\
-           \\" BORDER=0 ALT = /\\></A> <A HREF = \"" ^ tpath ^
-           ".html\">" ^ tname ^ "</A><BR>\n"
-        end;
-      val out = TextIO.openOut (tack_on (!index_path) "index.html");
-      (*Find out in which subdirectory of Isabelle's main directory the
-        index.html is placed; if index_path is no subdirectory of base_path
-        then take the last directory of index_path*)
-      val inside_isabelle = (!index_path) subdir_of (!base_path);
-      val subdir =
-        if inside_isabelle then relative_path (!base_path) (!index_path)
-        else last_path (!index_path);
-      val subdirs = space_explode "/" subdir;
-      (*Look for index.html in superdirectories; stop when Isabelle's
-        main directory is reached*)
-      fun find_super_index [] n = ("", n)
-        | find_super_index (p::ps) n =
-          let val index_path = "/" ^ space_implode "/" (rev ps);
-          in if file_exists (index_path ^ "/index.html") then (index_path, n)
-             else if length subdirs - n >= 0 then find_super_index ps (n+1)
-             else ("", n)
-          end;
-      val (super_index, level_diff) =
-        find_super_index (rev (space_explode "/" (!index_path))) 1;
-      val level = length subdirs - level_diff;
-      (*Add link to current directory to 'super' index.html*)
-      fun link_directory () =
-        let val old_index = TextIO.openIn (super_index ^ "/index.html");
-            val content = rev (explode (TextIO.inputAll old_index));
-            val dummy = TextIO.closeIn old_index;
-            val out = TextIO.openAppend (super_index ^ "/index.html");
-            val rel_path = space_implode "/" (drop (level, subdirs));
-        in 
-           TextIO.output (out,
-             (if nth_elem (3, content) <> "!" then ""
-              else "\n<HR><H3>Subdirectories:</H3>\n") ^
-             "<H3><A HREF = \"" ^ rel_path ^ "/index.html\">" ^ rel_path ^
-             "</A></H3>\n");
-           TextIO.closeOut out
-        end;
-     (*If index_path is no subdirectory of base_path then the title should
-       not contain the string "Isabelle/"*)
-     val title = (if inside_isabelle then "Isabelle/" else "") ^ subdir;
-  in TextIO.output (out,
-       "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" ^ title ^ "</TITLE></HEAD>\n\
-       \<BODY><H2>" ^ title ^ "</H2>\n\
-       \The name of every theory is linked to its theory file<BR>\n\
-       \<IMG SRC = \"" ^ tack_on gif_path "red_arrow.gif\
-       \\" ALT = \\/></A> stands for subtheories (child theories)<BR>\n\
-       \<IMG SRC = \"" ^ tack_on gif_path "blue_arrow.gif\
-       \\" ALT = /\\></A> stands for supertheories (parent theories)" ^
-       (if super_index = "" then "" else
-        ("<P>\n<A HREF = \"" ^ relative_path (!index_path) super_index ^ 
-         "/index.html\">Back</A> to the index of " ^
-         (if not inside_isabelle then
-            hd (tl (rev (space_explode "/" (!index_path))))
-          else if level = 0 then "Isabelle logics"
-          else space_implode "/" (take (level, subdirs))))) ^
-       "\n" ^
-       (if file_exists (tack_on (!index_path) "README.html") then
-          "<BR>View the <A HREF = \"README.html\">ReadMe</A> file.\n"
-        else if file_exists (tack_on (!index_path) "README") then
-          "<BR>View the <A HREF = \"README\">ReadMe</A> file.\n"
-        else "") ^
-       "<HR>" ^ implode (map main_entry theories) ^ "<!-->");
-     TextIO.closeOut out;
-     if super_index = "" orelse (inside_isabelle andalso level = 0) then ()
-        else link_directory ()
-  end;
-(*Append section heading to HTML file*)
-fun section s =
-  case !cur_htmlfile of
-      Some out => (mk_theorems_title out;
-                   TextIO.output (out, "<H3>" ^ s ^ "</H3>\n"))
-    | None => ();
-(*** Print theory ***)
-fun print_thms thy =
-  let
-    val thms = thms_of thy;
-    fun prt_thm (s, th) = Pretty.block [Pretty.str (s ^ ":"), Pretty.brk 1,
-      Pretty.quote (pretty_thm th)];
-  in
-    Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "stored theorems:" (map prt_thm thms))
-  end;
-fun print_theory thy = (Display.print_theory thy; print_thms thy);
-(*** Misc functions ***)
-(*Add data handling methods to theory*)
-fun add_thydata tname (new_methods as (id, ThyMethods {get, ...})) =
-  let val ThyInfo {path, children, parents, thy_time, ml_time, theory,
-                   thms, methods, data} =
-        case get_thyinfo tname of
-            Some ti => ti
-          | None => error ("Theory " ^ tname ^ " not stored by loader");
-  in loaded_thys := Symtab.update ((tname, ThyInfo {path = path,
-       children = children, parents = parents, thy_time = thy_time,
-       ml_time = ml_time, theory = theory, thms = thms,
-       methods = Symtab.update (new_methods, methods), data = data}),
-       !loaded_thys)
-  end;
-(*Add file to thy_reader_files list*)
-fun set_thy_reader_file file =
-  let val file' = absolute_path (OS.FileSys.getDir ()) file;
-  in thy_reader_files := file' :: (!thy_reader_files) end;
-(*Add file and also 'use' it*)
-fun add_thy_reader_file file = (set_thy_reader_file file; use file);
-(*Read all files contained in thy_reader_files list*)
-fun read_thy_reader_files () = seq use (!thy_reader_files);
-(*Retrieve data associated with theory*)
-fun get_thydata tname id =
-  let val d2 = case get_thyinfo tname of
-                   Some (ThyInfo {data, ...}) => snd data
-                 | None => error ("Theory " ^ tname ^ " not stored by loader");
-  in Symtab.lookup (d2, id) end;
 (*Temporarily enter a directory and load its ROOT.ML file;
-  also do some work for HTML generation*)
+  also do some work for HTML and graph generation*)
   fun gen_use_dir use_cmd dirname =
     let val old_dir = OS.FileSys.getDir ();
     in OS.FileSys.chDir dirname;
        if !make_html then init_html() else ();
+       if !make_graph then init_graph dirname else ();
        use_cmd "ROOT.ML";
        OS.FileSys.chDir old_dir