changeset 37872 d83659570337
parent 37871 c7ce7685e087
child 37873 66d90b2b87bc
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML	Wed Jul 21 15:31:38 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/am_sml.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-TODO: "parameterless rewrite cannot be used in pattern": In a lot of
-cases it CAN be used, and these cases should be handled
-properly; right now, all cases raise an exception. 
-signature AM_SML = 
-  val save_result : (string * term) -> unit
-  val set_compiled_rewriter : (term -> term) -> unit                                   
-  val list_nth : 'a list * int -> 'a
-  val dump_output : (string option) Unsynchronized.ref 
-structure AM_SML : AM_SML = struct
-open AbstractMachine;
-val dump_output = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE: string option)
-type program = string * string * (int Inttab.table) * (int Inttab.table) * (term Inttab.table) * (term -> term)
-val saved_result = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE:(string*term)option)
-fun save_result r = (saved_result := SOME r)
-fun clear_result () = (saved_result := NONE)
-val list_nth = List.nth
-(*fun list_nth (l,n) = (writeln (makestring ("list_nth", (length l,n))); List.nth (l,n))*)
-val compiled_rewriter = Unsynchronized.ref (NONE:(term -> term)Option.option)
-fun set_compiled_rewriter r = (compiled_rewriter := SOME r)
-fun count_patternvars PVar = 1
-  | count_patternvars (PConst (_, ps)) =
-      List.foldl (fn (p, count) => (count_patternvars p)+count) 0 ps
-fun update_arity arity code a = 
-    (case Inttab.lookup arity code of
-         NONE => Inttab.update_new (code, a) arity
-       | SOME (a': int) => if a > a' then Inttab.update (code, a) arity else arity)
-(* We have to find out the maximal arity of each constant *)
-fun collect_pattern_arity PVar arity = arity
-  | collect_pattern_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = fold collect_pattern_arity args (update_arity arity c (length args))
-(* We also need to find out the maximal toplevel arity of each function constant *)
-fun collect_pattern_toplevel_arity PVar arity = raise Compile "internal error: collect_pattern_toplevel_arity"
-  | collect_pattern_toplevel_arity (PConst (c, args)) arity = update_arity arity c (length args)
-fun collect applevel (Var _) arity = arity
-  | collect applevel (Const c) arity = update_arity arity c applevel
-  | collect applevel (Abs m) arity = collect 0 m arity
-  | collect applevel (App (a,b)) arity = collect 0 b (collect (applevel + 1) a arity)
-fun collect_term_arity t arity = collect 0 t arity
-fun collect_guard_arity (Guard (a,b)) arity  = collect_term_arity b (collect_term_arity a arity)
-fun rep n x = if n < 0 then raise Compile "internal error: rep" else if n = 0 then [] else x::(rep (n-1) x)
-fun beta (Const c) = Const c
-  | beta (Var i) = Var i
-  | beta (App (Abs m, b)) = beta (unlift 0 (subst 0 m (lift 0 b)))
-  | beta (App (a, b)) = 
-    (case beta a of
-         Abs m => beta (App (Abs m, b))
-       | a => App (a, beta b))
-  | beta (Abs m) = Abs (beta m)
-  | beta (Computed t) = Computed t
-and subst x (Const c) t = Const c
-  | subst x (Var i) t = if i = x then t else Var i
-  | subst x (App (a,b)) t = App (subst x a t, subst x b t)
-  | subst x (Abs m) t = Abs (subst (x+1) m (lift 0 t))
-and lift level (Const c) = Const c
-  | lift level (App (a,b)) = App (lift level a, lift level b)
-  | lift level (Var i) = if i < level then Var i else Var (i+1)
-  | lift level (Abs m) = Abs (lift (level + 1) m)
-and unlift level (Const c) = Const c
-  | unlift level (App (a, b)) = App (unlift level a, unlift level b)
-  | unlift level (Abs m) = Abs (unlift (level+1) m)
-  | unlift level (Var i) = if i < level then Var i else Var (i-1)
-fun nlift level n (Var m) = if m < level then Var m else Var (m+n) 
-  | nlift level n (Const c) = Const c
-  | nlift level n (App (a,b)) = App (nlift level n a, nlift level n b)
-  | nlift level n (Abs b) = Abs (nlift (level+1) n b)
-fun subst_const (c, t) (Const c') = if c = c' then t else Const c'
-  | subst_const _ (Var i) = Var i
-  | subst_const ct (App (a, b)) = App (subst_const ct a, subst_const ct b)
-  | subst_const ct (Abs m) = Abs (subst_const ct m)
-(* Remove all rules that are just parameterless rewrites. This is necessary because SML does not allow functions with no parameters. *)
-fun inline_rules rules =
-    let
-        fun term_contains_const c (App (a, b)) = term_contains_const c a orelse term_contains_const c b
-          | term_contains_const c (Abs m) = term_contains_const c m
-          | term_contains_const c (Var i) = false
-          | term_contains_const c (Const c') = (c = c')
-        fun find_rewrite [] = NONE
-          | find_rewrite ((prems, PConst (c, []), r) :: _) = 
-            if check_freevars 0 r then 
-                if term_contains_const c r then 
-                    raise Compile "parameterless rewrite is caught in cycle"
-                else if not (null prems) then
-                    raise Compile "parameterless rewrite may not be guarded"
-                else
-                    SOME (c, r) 
-            else raise Compile "unbound variable on right hand side or guards of rule"
-          | find_rewrite (_ :: rules) = find_rewrite rules
-        fun remove_rewrite (c,r) [] = []
-          | remove_rewrite (cr as (c,r)) ((rule as (prems', PConst (c', args), r'))::rules) = 
-            (if c = c' then 
-                 if null args andalso r = r' andalso null (prems') then 
-                     remove_rewrite cr rules 
-                 else raise Compile "incompatible parameterless rewrites found"
-             else
-                 rule :: (remove_rewrite cr rules))
-          | remove_rewrite cr (r::rs) = r::(remove_rewrite cr rs)
-        fun pattern_contains_const c (PConst (c', args)) = (c = c' orelse exists (pattern_contains_const c) args)
-          | pattern_contains_const c (PVar) = false
-        fun inline_rewrite (ct as (c, _)) (prems, p, r) = 
-            if pattern_contains_const c p then 
-                raise Compile "parameterless rewrite cannot be used in pattern"
-            else (map (fn (Guard (a,b)) => Guard (subst_const ct a, subst_const ct b)) prems, p, subst_const ct r)
-        fun inline inlined rules =
-            (case find_rewrite rules of 
-                 NONE => (Inttab.make inlined, rules)
-               | SOME ct => 
-                 let
-                     val rules = map (inline_rewrite ct) (remove_rewrite ct rules)
-                     val inlined =  ct :: (map (fn (c', r) => (c', subst_const ct r)) inlined)
-                 in
-                     inline inlined rules
-                 end)           
-    in
-        inline [] rules         
-    end
-   Calculate the arity, the toplevel_arity, and adjust rules so that all toplevel pattern constants have maximal arity.
-   Also beta reduce the adjusted right hand side of a rule.   
-fun adjust_rules rules = 
-    let
-        val arity = fold (fn (prems, p, t) => fn arity => fold collect_guard_arity prems (collect_term_arity t (collect_pattern_arity p arity))) rules Inttab.empty
-        val toplevel_arity = fold (fn (_, p, t) => fn arity => collect_pattern_toplevel_arity p arity) rules Inttab.empty
-        fun arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup arity c)
-        fun toplevel_arity_of c = the (Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c)
-        fun test_pattern PVar = ()
-          | test_pattern (C as PConst (c, args)) = if (length args <> arity_of c) then raise Compile ("Constant inside pattern must have maximal arity") else (map test_pattern args; ())
-        fun adjust_rule (_, PVar, _) = raise Compile ("pattern may not be a variable")
-          | adjust_rule (_, PConst (_, []), _) = raise Compile ("cannot deal with rewrites that take no parameters")
-          | adjust_rule (rule as (prems, p as PConst (c, args),t)) = 
-            let
-                val patternvars_counted = count_patternvars p
-                fun check_fv t = check_freevars patternvars_counted t
-                val _ = if not (check_fv t) then raise Compile ("unbound variables on right hand side of rule") else () 
-                val _ = if not (forall (fn (Guard (a,b)) => check_fv a andalso check_fv b) prems) then raise Compile ("unbound variables in guards") else () 
-                val _ = map test_pattern args           
-                val len = length args
-                val arity = arity_of c
-                val lift = nlift 0
-                fun addapps_tm n t = if n=0 then t else addapps_tm (n-1) (App (t, Var (n-1)))
-                fun adjust_term n t = addapps_tm n (lift n t)
-                fun adjust_guard n (Guard (a,b)) = Guard (lift n a, lift n b)
-            in
-                if len = arity then
-                    rule
-                else if arity >= len then  
-                    (map (adjust_guard (arity-len)) prems, PConst (c, args @ (rep (arity-len) PVar)), adjust_term (arity-len) t)
-                else (raise Compile "internal error in adjust_rule")
-            end
-        fun beta_rule (prems, p, t) = ((prems, p, beta t) handle Match => raise Compile "beta_rule")
-    in
-        (arity, toplevel_arity, map (beta_rule o adjust_rule) rules)
-    end             
-fun print_term module arity_of toplevel_arity_of pattern_var_count pattern_lazy_var_count =
-    fun str x = string_of_int x
-    fun protect_blank s = if exists_string Symbol.is_ascii_blank s then "(" ^ s ^")" else s
-    val module_prefix = (case module of NONE => "" | SOME s => s^".")                                                                                     
-    fun print_apps d f [] = f
-      | print_apps d f (a::args) = print_apps d (module_prefix^"app "^(protect_blank f)^" "^(protect_blank (print_term d a))) args
-    and print_call d (App (a, b)) args = print_call d a (b::args) 
-      | print_call d (Const c) args = 
-        (case arity_of c of 
-             NONE => print_apps d (module_prefix^"Const "^(str c)) args 
-           | SOME 0 => module_prefix^"C"^(str c)
-           | SOME a =>
-             let
-                 val len = length args
-             in
-                 if a <= len then 
-                     let
-                         val strict_a = (case toplevel_arity_of c of SOME sa => sa | NONE => a)
-                         val _ = if strict_a > a then raise Compile "strict" else ()
-                         val s = module_prefix^"c"^(str c)^(implode (map (fn t => " "^(protect_blank (print_term d t))) (List.take (args, strict_a))))
-                         val s = s^(implode (map (fn t => " (fn () => "^print_term d t^")") (List.drop (List.take (args, a), strict_a))))
-                     in
-                         print_apps d s (List.drop (args, a))
-                     end
-                 else 
-                     let
-                         fun mk_apps n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_apps (n-1) (App (t, Var (n - 1)))
-                         fun mk_lambdas n t = if n = 0 then t else mk_lambdas (n-1) (Abs t)
-                         fun append_args [] t = t
-                           | append_args (c::cs) t = append_args cs (App (t, c))
-                     in
-                         print_term d (mk_lambdas (a-len) (mk_apps (a-len) (nlift 0 (a-len) (append_args args (Const c)))))
-                     end
-             end)
-      | print_call d t args = print_apps d (print_term d t) args
-    and print_term d (Var x) = 
-        if x < d then 
-            "b"^(str (d-x-1)) 
-        else 
-            let
-                val n = pattern_var_count - (x-d) - 1
-                val x = "x"^(str n)
-            in
-                if n < pattern_var_count - pattern_lazy_var_count then 
-                    x
-                else 
-                    "("^x^" ())"
-            end                                                         
-      | print_term d (Abs c) = module_prefix^"Abs (fn b"^(str d)^" => "^(print_term (d + 1) c)^")"
-      | print_term d t = print_call d t []
-    print_term 0 
-fun section n = if n = 0 then [] else (section (n-1))@[n-1]
-fun print_rule gnum arity_of toplevel_arity_of (guards, p, t) = 
-    let 
-        fun str x = Int.toString x                  
-        fun print_pattern top n PVar = (n+1, "x"^(str n))
-          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, [])) = (n, (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)^(if top andalso gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else ""))
-          | print_pattern top n (PConst (c, args)) = 
-            let
-                val f = (if top then "c" else "C")^(str c)^(if top andalso gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else "")
-                val (n, s) = print_pattern_list 0 top (n, f) args
-            in
-                (n, s)
-            end
-        and print_pattern_list' counter top (n,p) [] = if top then (n,p) else (n,p^")")
-          | print_pattern_list' counter top (n, p) (t::ts) = 
-            let
-                val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
-            in
-                print_pattern_list' (counter + 1) top (n, if top then p^" (a"^(str counter)^" as ("^t^"))" else p^", "^t) ts
-            end 
-        and print_pattern_list counter top (n, p) (t::ts) = 
-            let
-                val (n, t) = print_pattern false n t
-            in
-                print_pattern_list' (counter + 1) top (n, if top then p^" (a"^(str counter)^" as ("^t^"))" else p^" ("^t) ts
-            end
-        val c = (case p of PConst (c, _) => c | _ => raise Match)
-        val (n, pattern) = print_pattern true 0 p
-        val lazy_vars = the (arity_of c) - the (toplevel_arity_of c)
-        fun print_tm tm = print_term NONE arity_of toplevel_arity_of n lazy_vars tm
-        fun print_guard (Guard (a,b)) = "term_eq ("^(print_tm a)^") ("^(print_tm b)^")"
-        val else_branch = "c"^(str c)^"_"^(str (gnum+1))^(implode (map (fn i => " a"^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c)))))
-        fun print_guards t [] = print_tm t
-          | print_guards t (g::gs) = "if ("^(print_guard g)^")"^(implode (map (fn g => " andalso ("^(print_guard g)^")") gs))^" then ("^(print_tm t)^") else "^else_branch
-    in
-        (if null guards then gnum else gnum+1, pattern^" = "^(print_guards t guards))
-    end
-fun group_rules rules =
-    let
-        fun add_rule (r as (_, PConst (c,_), _)) groups =
-            let
-                val rs = (case Inttab.lookup groups c of NONE => [] | SOME rs => rs)
-            in
-                Inttab.update (c, r::rs) groups
-            end
-          | add_rule _ _ = raise Compile "internal error group_rules"
-    in
-        fold_rev add_rule rules Inttab.empty
-    end
-fun sml_prog name code rules = 
-    let
-        val buffer = Unsynchronized.ref ""
-        fun write s = (buffer := (!buffer)^s)
-        fun writeln s = (write s; write "\n")
-        fun writelist [] = ()
-          | writelist (s::ss) = (writeln s; writelist ss)
-        fun str i = Int.toString i
-        val (inlinetab, rules) = inline_rules rules
-        val (arity, toplevel_arity, rules) = adjust_rules rules
-        val rules = group_rules rules
-        val constants = Inttab.keys arity
-        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c
-        fun toplevel_arity_of c = Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c
-        fun rep_str s n = implode (rep n s)
-        fun indexed s n = s^(str n)
-        fun string_of_tuple [] = ""
-          | string_of_tuple (x::xs) = "("^x^(implode (map (fn s => ", "^s) xs))^")"
-        fun string_of_args [] = ""
-          | string_of_args (x::xs) = x^(implode (map (fn s => " "^s) xs))
-        fun default_case gnum c = 
-            let
-                val leftargs = implode (map (indexed " x") (section (the (arity_of c))))
-                val rightargs = section (the (arity_of c))
-                val strict_args = (case toplevel_arity_of c of NONE => the (arity_of c) | SOME sa => sa)
-                val xs = map (fn n => if n < strict_args then "x"^(str n) else "x"^(str n)^"()") rightargs
-                val right = (indexed "C" c)^" "^(string_of_tuple xs)
-                val message = "(\"unresolved lazy call: " ^ string_of_int c ^ "\")"
-                val right = if strict_args < the (arity_of c) then "raise AM_SML.Run "^message else right               
-            in
-                (indexed "c" c)^(if gnum > 0 then "_"^(str gnum) else "")^leftargs^" = "^right
-            end
-        fun eval_rules c = 
-            let
-                val arity = the (arity_of c)
-                val strict_arity = (case toplevel_arity_of c of NONE => arity | SOME sa => sa)
-                fun eval_rule n = 
-                    let
-                        val sc = string_of_int c
-                        val left = fold (fn i => fn s => "AbstractMachine.App ("^s^(indexed ", x" i)^")") (section n) ("AbstractMachine.Const "^sc)
-                        fun arg i = 
-                            let
-                                val x = indexed "x" i
-                                val x = if i < n then "(eval bounds "^x^")" else x
-                                val x = if i < strict_arity then x else "(fn () => "^x^")"
-                            in
-                                x
-                            end
-                        val right = "c"^sc^" "^(string_of_args (map arg (section arity)))
-                        val right = fold_rev (fn i => fn s => "Abs (fn "^(indexed "x" i)^" => "^s^")") (List.drop (section arity, n)) right             
-                        val right = if arity > 0 then right else "C"^sc
-                    in
-                        "  | eval bounds ("^left^") = "^right
-                    end
-            in
-                map eval_rule (rev (section (arity + 1)))
-            end
-        fun convert_computed_rules (c: int) : string list = 
-            let
-                val arity = the (arity_of c)
-                fun eval_rule () = 
-                    let
-                        val sc = string_of_int c
-                        val left = fold (fn i => fn s => "AbstractMachine.App ("^s^(indexed ", x" i)^")") (section arity) ("AbstractMachine.Const "^sc)
-                        fun arg i = "(convert_computed "^(indexed "x" i)^")" 
-                        val right = "C"^sc^" "^(string_of_tuple (map arg (section arity)))              
-                        val right = if arity > 0 then right else "C"^sc
-                    in
-                        "  | convert_computed ("^left^") = "^right
-                    end
-            in
-                [eval_rule ()]
-            end
-        fun mk_constr_type_args n = if n > 0 then " of Term "^(rep_str " * Term" (n-1)) else ""
-        val _ = writelist [                   
-                "structure "^name^" = struct",
-                "",
-                "datatype Term = Const of int | App of Term * Term | Abs of (Term -> Term)",
-                "         "^(implode (map (fn c => " | C"^(str c)^(mk_constr_type_args (the (arity_of c)))) constants)),
-                ""]
-        fun make_constr c argprefix = "(C"^(str c)^" "^(string_of_tuple (map (fn i => argprefix^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c)))))^")"
-        fun make_term_eq c = "  | term_eq "^(make_constr c "a")^" "^(make_constr c "b")^" = "^
-                             (case the (arity_of c) of 
-                                  0 => "true"
-                                | n => 
-                                  let 
-                                      val eqs = map (fn i => "term_eq a"^(str i)^" b"^(str i)) (section n)
-                                      val (eq, eqs) = (List.hd eqs, map (fn s => " andalso "^s) ( eqs))
-                                  in
-                                      eq^(implode eqs)
-                                  end)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "fun term_eq (Const c1) (Const c2) = (c1 = c2)",
-                "  | term_eq (App (a1,a2)) (App (b1,b2)) = term_eq a1 b1 andalso term_eq a2 b2"]
-        val _ = writelist (map make_term_eq constants)          
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "  | term_eq _ _ = false",
-                "" 
-                ] 
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "fun app (Abs a) b = a b",
-                "  | app a b = App (a, b)",
-                ""]     
-        fun defcase gnum c = (case arity_of c of NONE => [] | SOME a => if a > 0 then [default_case gnum c] else [])
-        fun writefundecl [] = () 
-          | writefundecl (x::xs) = writelist ((("and "^x)::(map (fn s => "  | "^s) xs)))
-        fun list_group c = (case Inttab.lookup rules c of 
-                                NONE => [defcase 0 c]
-                              | SOME rs => 
-                                let
-                                    val rs = 
-                                        fold
-                                            (fn r => 
-                                             fn rs =>
-                                                let 
-                                                    val (gnum, l, rs) = 
-                                                        (case rs of 
-                                                             [] => (0, [], []) 
-                                                           | (gnum, l)::rs => (gnum, l, rs))
-                                                    val (gnum', r) = print_rule gnum arity_of toplevel_arity_of r 
-                                                in 
-                                                    if gnum' = gnum then 
-                                                        (gnum, r::l)::rs
-                                                    else
-                                                        let
-                                                            val args = implode (map (fn i => " a"^(str i)) (section (the (arity_of c))))
-                                                            fun gnumc g = if g > 0 then "c"^(str c)^"_"^(str g)^args else "c"^(str c)^args
-                                                            val s = gnumc (gnum) ^ " = " ^ gnumc (gnum') 
-                                                        in
-                                                            (gnum', [])::(gnum, s::r::l)::rs
-                                                        end
-                                                end)
-                                        rs []
-                                    val rs = (case rs of [] => [(0,defcase 0 c)] | (gnum,l)::rs => (gnum, (defcase gnum c)@l)::rs)
-                                in
-                                    rev (map (fn z => rev (snd z)) rs)
-                                end)
-        val _ = map (fn z => (map writefundecl z; writeln "")) (map list_group constants)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "fun convert (Const i) = AM_SML.Const i",
-                "  | convert (App (a, b)) = AM_SML.App (convert a, convert b)",
-                "  | convert (Abs _) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no abstraction in result allowed\""]  
-        fun make_convert c = 
-            let
-                val args = map (indexed "a") (section (the (arity_of c)))
-                val leftargs = 
-                    case args of
-                        [] => ""
-                      | (x::xs) => "("^x^(implode (map (fn s => ", "^s) xs))^")"
-                val args = map (indexed "convert a") (section (the (arity_of c)))
-                val right = fold (fn x => fn s => "AM_SML.App ("^s^", "^x^")") args ("AM_SML.Const "^(str c))
-            in
-                "  | convert (C"^(str c)^" "^leftargs^") = "^right
-            end                 
-        val _ = writelist (map make_convert constants)
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "",
-                "fun convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Abs b) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no abstraction in convert_computed allowed\"",
-                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Var i) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no bound variables in convert_computed allowed\""]
-        val _ = map (writelist o convert_computed_rules) constants
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Const c) = Const c",
-                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = App (convert_computed a, convert_computed b)",
-                "  | convert_computed (AbstractMachine.Computed a) = raise AM_SML.Run \"no nesting in convert_computed allowed\""] 
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "",
-                "fun eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Abs m) = Abs (fn b => eval (b::bounds) m)",
-                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Var i) = AM_SML.list_nth (bounds, i)"]
-        val _ = map (writelist o eval_rules) constants
-        val _ = writelist [
-                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = app (eval bounds a) (eval bounds b)",
-                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Const c) = Const c",
-                "  | eval bounds (AbstractMachine.Computed t) = convert_computed t"]                
-        val _ = writelist [             
-                "",
-                "fun export term = AM_SML.save_result (\""^code^"\", convert term)",
-                "",
-                "val _ = AM_SML.set_compiled_rewriter (fn t => (convert (eval [] t)))",
-                "",
-                "end"]
-    in
-        (arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, !buffer)
-    end
-val guid_counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-fun get_guid () = 
-    let
-        val c = !guid_counter
-        val _ = guid_counter := !guid_counter + 1
-    in
-        (LargeInt.toString (Time.toMicroseconds ( ()))) ^ (string_of_int c)
-    end
-fun writeTextFile name s = File.write (Path.explode name) s
-fun use_source src = use_text ML_Env.local_context (1, "") false src
-fun compile cache_patterns const_arity eqs = 
-    let
-        val guid = get_guid ()
-        val code = Real.toString (random ())
-        val module = "AMSML_"^guid
-        val (arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, source) = sml_prog module code eqs
-        val _ = case !dump_output of NONE => () | SOME p => writeTextFile p source
-        val _ = compiled_rewriter := NONE
-        val _ = use_source source
-    in
-        case !compiled_rewriter of 
-            NONE => raise Compile "broken link to compiled function"
-          | SOME f => (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, f)
-    end
-fun run' (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, compiled_fun) t = 
-    let 
-        val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
-        fun inline (Const c) = (case Inttab.lookup inlinetab c of NONE => Const c | SOME t => t)
-          | inline (Var i) = Var i
-          | inline (App (a, b)) = App (inline a, inline b)
-          | inline (Abs m) = Abs (inline m)
-        val t = beta (inline t)
-        fun arity_of c = Inttab.lookup arity c                   
-        fun toplevel_arity_of c = Inttab.lookup toplevel_arity c
-        val term = print_term NONE arity_of toplevel_arity_of 0 0 t 
-        val source = "local open "^module^" in val _ = export ("^term^") end"
-        val _ = writeTextFile "Gencode_call.ML" source
-        val _ = clear_result ()
-        val _ = use_source source
-    in
-        case !saved_result of 
-            NONE => raise Run "broken link to compiled code"
-          | SOME (code', t) => (clear_result (); if code' = code then t else raise Run "link to compiled code was hijacked")
-    end         
-fun run (module, code, arity, toplevel_arity, inlinetab, compiled_fun) t = 
-    let 
-        val _ = if check_freevars 0 t then () else raise Run ("can only compute closed terms")
-        fun inline (Const c) = (case Inttab.lookup inlinetab c of NONE => Const c | SOME t => t)
-          | inline (Var i) = Var i
-          | inline (App (a, b)) = App (inline a, inline b)
-          | inline (Abs m) = Abs (inline m)
-          | inline (Computed t) = Computed t
-    in
-        compiled_fun (beta (inline t))
-    end 
-fun discard p = ()