changeset 1274 ea0668a1c0ba
child 1461 6bcb44e4d6e5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/library.ML	Fri Oct 06 17:25:24 1995 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+(* library.ML
+   ID:         $Id$
+   Author:      David von Oheimb
+   Created: 18-Jul-95 extracted from syntax.ML, axioms.ML, extender.ML, interface.ML
+   Updated: 30-Aug-95
+   Copyright 1995 TU Muenchen
+(* ----- general support ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun Id x = x;
+fun mapn f n []      = []
+|   mapn f n (x::xs) = (f n x) :: mapn f (n+1) xs;
+fun foldr'' f (l,f2) =
+  let fun itr []  = raise LIST "foldr''"
+        | itr [a] = f2 a
+        | itr (a::l) = f(a, itr l)
+  in  itr l  end;
+fun foldr' f l = foldr'' f (l,Id);
+fun map_cumulr f start xs = foldr (fn (x,(ys,res)) => case f(x,res) of (y,res2) => 
+						      (y::ys,res2)) (xs,([],start));
+fun first  (x,_,_) = x; fun second (_,x,_) = x; fun third  (_,_,x) = x;
+fun upd_first  f (x,y,z) = (f x,   y,   z);
+fun upd_second f (x,y,z) = (  x, f y,   z);
+fun upd_third  f (x,y,z) = (  x,   y, f z);
+(* fn : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> int -> 'a *)
+fun bin_branchr f1 f2 y is j = let
+fun bb y 1 _ = y
+|   bb y _ 0 = f1 y
+|   bb y i j = if i=2 then (f2 y) else bb (f2 y) (i-1) (j-1)
+in bb y (length is) j end;
+fun atomize thm = case concl_of thm of
+      _ $ (Const("op &",_) $ _ $ _)       => atomize (thm RS conjunct1) @
+				             atomize (thm RS conjunct2)
+    | _ $ (Const("All" ,_) $ Abs (s,_,_)) => atomize (thm RS 
+					     (read_instantiate [("x","?"^s)] spec))
+    | _				      => [thm];
+(* ----- specific support for domain ---------------------------------------------- *)
+structure Domain_Library = struct
+exception Impossible of string;
+fun Imposs msg = raise Impossible ("Domain:"^msg);
+(* ----- name handling ----- *)
+val strip_esc = let
+  fun strip ("'" :: c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
+  |   strip ["'"] = []
+  |   strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
+  |   strip [] = [];
+in implode o strip o explode end;
+fun extern_name con = case explode con of 
+		   ("o"::"p"::" "::rest) => implode rest
+		   | _ => con;
+fun dis_name  con = "is_"^ (extern_name con);
+fun dis_name_ con = "is_"^ (strip_esc   con);
+(*make distinct names out of the type list, 
+  forbidding "o", "x..","f..","P.." as names *)
+(*a number string is added if necessary *)
+fun mk_var_names types : string list = let
+    fun typid (Type  (id,_)   ) = hd     (explode id)
+      | typid (TFree (id,_)   ) = hd (tl (explode id))
+      | typid (TVar ((id,_),_)) = hd (tl (explode id));
+    fun nonreserved id = let val cs = explode id in
+			 if not(hd cs mem ["x","f","P"]) then id
+			 else implode(chr(1+ord (hd cs))::tl cs) end;
+    fun index_vnames(vn::vns,tab) =
+          (case assoc(tab,vn) of
+             None => if vn mem vns
+                     then (vn^"1") :: index_vnames(vns,(vn,2)::tab)
+                     else  vn      :: index_vnames(vns,        tab)
+           | Some(i) => (vn^(string_of_int i)) :: index_vnames(vns,(vn,i+1)::tab))
+      | index_vnames([],tab) = [];
+in index_vnames(map (nonreserved o typid) types,[("o",1)]) end;
+fun type_name_vars (Type(name,typevars)) = (name,typevars)
+|   type_name_vars _                     = Imposs "library:type_name_vars";
+(* ----- support for type and mixfix expressions ----- *)
+fun mk_tvar s = TFree("'"^s,["pcpo"]);
+fun mk_typ t (S,T) = Type(t,[S,T]);
+infixr 5 -->;
+infixr 6 ~>; val op ~> = mk_typ "->";
+val NoSyn' = ThyOps.Mixfix NoSyn;
+(* ----- constructor list handling ----- *)
+type cons = (string *			(* operator name of constr *)
+	    ((bool*int)*		(*  (lazy,recursive element or ~1) *)
+	      string*			(*   selector name    *)
+	      string)			(*   argument name    *)
+	    list);			(* argument list      *)
+type eq = (string *		(* name      of abstracted type *)
+	   typ list) *		(* arguments of abstracted type *)
+	  cons list;		(* represented type, as a constructor list *)
+val rec_of    = snd o first;
+val is_lazy   = fst o first;
+val sel_of    =       second;
+val     vname =       third;
+val upd_vname =   upd_third;
+fun is_rec         arg = rec_of arg >=0;
+fun is_nonlazy_rec arg = is_rec arg andalso not (is_lazy arg);
+fun nonlazy args       = map vname (filter_out is_lazy args);
+fun is_one_con_one_arg p cons = length cons = 1 andalso let val args = snd(hd cons) in
+				length args = 1 andalso p (hd args) end;
+(* ----- support for term expressions ----- *)
+fun % s = Free(s,dummyT);
+fun %# arg = %(vname arg);
+fun %% s = Const(s,dummyT);
+local open HOLogic in
+val mk_trp = mk_Trueprop;
+fun mk_conj (S,T) = conj $ S $ T;
+fun mk_disj (S,T) = disj $ S $ T;
+fun mk_imp  (S,T) = imp  $ S $ T;
+fun mk_lam  (x,T) = Abs(x,dummyT,T);
+fun mk_all  (x,P) = HOLogic.mk_all (x,dummyT,P);
+		    fun tf (Type (s,args)) = foldl (op $) (%s,map tf args)
+		    |   tf (TFree(s,_   )) = %s
+		    |   tf _              = Imposs "mk_constrainall";
+fun mk_constrain      (typ,T) = %%"_constrain" $ T $ tf typ;
+fun mk_constrainall (x,typ,P) = %%"All" $ (%%"_constrainAbs"$Abs(x,dummyT,P)$tf typ);
+fun mk_ex   (x,P) = mk_exists (x,dummyT,P);
+fun mk_not     P  = Const("not" ,boolT --> boolT) $ P;
+fun mk_All  (x,P) = %%"all" $ mk_lam(x,P); (* meta universal quantification *)
+infixr 0 ===>;fun S ===> T = Const("==>", dummyT) $ S $ T;
+infixr 0 ==>;fun S ==> T = mk_trp S ===> mk_trp T;
+infix 0 ==;  fun S ==  T = Const("==", dummyT) $ S $ T;
+infix 1 ===; fun S === T = Const("op =", dummyT) $ S $ T;
+infix 1 ~=;  fun S ~=  T = mk_not (S === T);
+infix 1 <<;  fun S <<  T = Const("op <<", dummyT) $ S $ T;
+infix 1 ~<<; fun S ~<< T = mk_not (S << T);
+infix 9 `  ; fun f`  x = %%"fapp" $ f $ x;
+infix 9 `% ; fun f`% s = f` % s;
+infix 9 `%%; fun f`%%s = f` %%s;
+fun mk_cfapp (F,As) = foldl (op `) (F,As);
+fun con_app2 con f args = mk_cfapp(%%con,map f args);
+fun con_app con = con_app2 con %#;
+fun if_rec  arg f y   = if is_rec arg then f (rec_of arg) else y;
+fun app_rec_arg p arg = if_rec arg (fn n => fn x => (p n)`x) Id (%# arg);
+val cproj    = bin_branchr (fn S => %%"cfst"`S) (fn S => %%"csnd"`S);
+val  proj    = bin_branchr (fn S => %%"fst" $S) (fn S => %%"snd" $S);
+fun lift tfn = foldr (fn (x,t)=> (mk_trp(tfn x) ===> t));
+fun /\ v T = %%"fabs" $ mk_lam(v,T);
+fun /\# (arg,T) = /\ (vname arg) T;
+infixr 9 oo; fun S oo T = %%"cfcomp"`S`T;
+val UU = %%"UU";
+fun strict f = f`UU === UU;
+fun defined t = t ~= UU;
+fun cpair (S,T) = %%"cpair"`S`T;
+fun lift_defined f = lift (fn x => defined (f x));
+fun bound_arg vns v = Bound(length vns-find(v,vns)-1);
+fun cont_eta_contract (Const("fabs",TT) $ Abs(a,T,body)) = 
+      (case cont_eta_contract body  of
+        body' as (Const("fapp",Ta) $ f $ Bound 0) => 
+	  if not (0 mem loose_bnos f) then incr_boundvars ~1 f 
+	  else   Const("fabs",TT) $ Abs(a,T,body')
+      | body' => Const("fabs",TT) $ Abs(a,T,body'))
+|   cont_eta_contract(f$t) = cont_eta_contract f $ cont_eta_contract t
+|   cont_eta_contract t    = t;
+fun idx_name dnames s n = s ^ (if length dnames = 1 then "" else string_of_int n);
+fun when_funs cons = if length cons = 1 then ["f"] 
+		     else mapn (fn n => K("f"^(string_of_int n))) 1 cons;
+fun when_body cons funarg = let
+	fun one_fun n (_,[]  ) = /\ "dummy" (funarg(1,n))
+	|   one_fun n (_,args) = let
+		val l2 = length args;
+		fun idxs m arg = (if is_lazy arg then fn x=> %%"lift"`%%"ID"`x
+					         else Id) (Bound(l2-m));
+		in cont_eta_contract (foldr'' 
+			 (fn (a,t) => %%"ssplit"`(/\# (a,t)))
+			 (args,
+			  fn a => /\# (a,(mk_cfapp(funarg (l2,n),mapn idxs 1 args))))
+			 ) end;
+in foldr' (fn (x,y)=> %%"sswhen"`x`y) (mapn one_fun 1 cons) end;
+end; (* struct *)