author nipkow
Mon, 29 Nov 2004 18:49:35 +0100
changeset 15342 13bd3d12ec2f
parent 15337 628d87767434
child 15366 e6f595009734
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

theory Sugar
imports LaTeXsugar

section "Introduction"

text{* This document is for those Isabelle users that have mastered
the art of mixing \LaTeX\ text and Isabelle theories and never want to
typeset a theorem by hand anymore because they have experienced the
bliss of writing \verb!@!\verb!{thm[display]setsum_cartesian_product[no_vars]}!
and seeing Isabelle typeset it for them:
@{thm[display,eta_contract=false] setsum_cartesian_product[no_vars]}
No typos, no omissions, no sweat.
If you have not experienced that joy, read Chapter 4, \emph{Presenting
Theories}, \cite{LNCS2283} first.

If you have mastered the art of Isabelle's \emph{antiquotations},
i.e.\ things like the above \verb!@!\verb!{thm...}!, beware: in your vanity
you may be tempted to think that all readers of the stunning ps or pdf
documents you can now produce at the drop of a hat will be struck with
awe at the beauty unfolding in front of their eyes. Until one day you
come across that very critical of readers known as the ``common referee''.
He has the nasty habit of refusing to understand unfamiliar notation
like Isabelle's infamous @{text"\<lbrakk> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>"} no matter how many times you
explain it in your paper. Even worse, he thinks that using @{text"\<lbrakk>
\<rbrakk>"} for anything other than denotational semantics is a cardinal sin
that must be punished by instant rejection.

This document shows you how to make Isabelle and \LaTeX\ cooperate to
produce ordinary looking mathematics that hides the fact that it was
typeset by a machine. You merely need to import theory
\texttt{LaTeXsugar} in the header of your own theory. You may also
need additional \LaTeX\ packages. These should be included
at the beginning of your \LaTeX\ document, typically in \texttt{root.tex}.

section{* HOL syntax*}

subsection{* Logic *}

text{* The predefined constructs @{text"if"}, @{text"let"} and
@{text"case"} are set in sans serif font to distinguish them from
other functions. This improves readability:
\item @{term"if b then e\<^isub>1 else e\<^isub>2"} instead of @{text"if b then e\<^isub>1 else e\<^isub>2"}.
\item @{term"let x = e\<^isub>1 in e\<^isub>2"} instead of @{text"let x = e\<^isub>1 in e\<^isub>2"}.
\item @{term"case x of True \<Rightarrow> e\<^isub>1 | False \<Rightarrow> e\<^isub>2"} instead of\\
      @{text"case x of True \<Rightarrow> e\<^isub>1 | False \<Rightarrow> e\<^isub>2"}.

subsection{* Sets *}

text{* Although set syntax in HOL is already close to
standard, we provide a few further improvements:
\item @{term"{x. P}"} instead of @{text"{x. P}"}.
\item @{term"{}"} instead of @{text"{}"}.
\item @{term"insert a (insert b (insert c M))"} instead of @{text"insert a (insert b (insert c M))"}.

subsection{* Lists *}

text{* If lists are used heavily, the following notations increase readability:
\item @{term"x # xs"} instead of @{text"x # xs"}.
      Exceptionally, @{term"x # xs"} is also input syntax.
If you prefer more space around the $\cdot$ you have to redefine
\verb!\isasymcdot! in \LaTeX:

\item @{term"length xs"} instead of @{text"length xs"}.
\item @{term"nth xs n"} instead of @{text"nth xs i"},
      the $n$th element of @{text xs}.

%\item The @ {text"@"} operation associates implicitly to the right,
%which leads to unpleasant line breaks if the term is too long for one
%line. To avoid this, @ {text"@"}-terms are grouped to the left before
%printing, which leads to better line breaking behaviour:
%@ {term[display]"term\<^isub>0 @ term\<^isub>1 @ term\<^isub>2 @ term\<^isub>3 @ term\<^isub>4 @ term\<^isub>5 @ term\<^isub>6 @ term\<^isub>7 @ term\<^isub>9 @ term\<^isub>1\<^isub>0"}


section "Printing theorems"

subsection "Inference rules"

text{* To print theorems as inference rules you need to include Didier
R\'emy's \texttt{mathpartir} package~\cite{mathpartir}
for typesetting inference rules in your \LaTeX\ file.

Writing \verb!@!\verb!{thm[mode=Rule] conjI[no_vars]}! produces
@{thm[mode=Rule] conjI[no_vars]}, even in the middle of a sentence.
If you prefer your inference rule on a separate line, maybe with a name,
@{thm[mode=Rule] conjI[no_vars]} {\sc conjI}
is produced by
\verb!@!\verb!{thm[mode=Rule] conjI[no_vars]} {\sc conjI}!\\
It is not recommended to use the standard \texttt{display} attribute
together with \texttt{Rule} because centering does not work and because
the line breaking mechanisms of \texttt{display} and \texttt{mathpartir} can

Of course you can display multiple rules in this fashion:
\verb!@!\verb!{thm[mode=Rule] conjI[no_vars]} {\sc conjI} \\[1ex]!\\
\verb!@!\verb!{thm[mode=Rule] conjE[no_vars]} {\sc disjI$_1$} \qquad!\\
\verb!@!\verb!{thm[mode=Rule] disjE[no_vars]} {\sc disjI$_2$}!\\
@{thm[mode=Rule] conjI[no_vars]} {\sc conjI} \\[1ex]
@{thm[mode=Rule] disjI1[no_vars]} {\sc disjI$_1$} \qquad
@{thm[mode=Rule] disjI2[no_vars]} {\sc disjI$_2$}
Note that we included \verb!\isastyle! to obtain
the smaller font that otherwise comes only with \texttt{display}.

The \texttt{mathpartir} package copes well if there are too many
premises for one line:
@{prop[mode=Rule] "\<lbrakk> A \<longrightarrow> B; B \<longrightarrow> C; C \<longrightarrow> D; D \<longrightarrow> E; E \<longrightarrow> F; F \<longrightarrow> G;
 G \<longrightarrow> H; H \<longrightarrow> I; I \<longrightarrow> J; J \<longrightarrow> K \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<longrightarrow> K"}

Limitations: premises and conclusion must each not be longer than the line.


text{* If you prefer a fake ``natural language'' style you can produce
the body of
@{thm[mode=IfThen,eta_contract=false] setsum_cartesian_product[no_vars]}
by typing
\verb!@!\verb!{thm[mode=IfThen] setsum_cartesian_product[no_vars]}!

In order to prevent odd line breaks, the premises are put into boxes.
At times this is too drastic:
@{prop[mode=IfThen] "longpremise \<Longrightarrow> longerpremise \<Longrightarrow> P(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))))))) \<Longrightarrow> longestpremise \<Longrightarrow> conclusion"}
In which case you should use \texttt{mode=IfThenNoBox} instead of
@{prop[mode=IfThenNoBox] "longpremise \<Longrightarrow> longerpremise \<Longrightarrow> P(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))))))) \<Longrightarrow> longestpremise \<Longrightarrow> conclusion"}

