author wenzelm
Sat, 21 Jul 2012 16:41:55 +0200
changeset 48418 1a634f9614fb
parent 48411 5b3440850d36
child 48419 6d7b6e47f3ef
permissions -rw-r--r--
some actual build function on ML side; further imitation of "usedir" shell script;

/*  Title:      Pure/System/build.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Build and manage Isabelle sessions.

package isabelle

import{File => JFile}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec

object Build
  /** session information **/

  type Options = List[(String, Option[String])]

  object Session
    object Key
      object Ordering extends scala.math.Ordering[Key]
        def compare(key1: Key, key2: Key): Int =
          key1.order compare key2.order match {
            case 0 => compare
            case ord => ord

    sealed case class Key(name: String, order: Int)
      override def toString: String = name

    sealed case class Info(
      dir: Path,
      parent: Option[String],
      description: String,
      options: Options,
      theories: List[(Options, List[String])],
      files: List[String])

    object Queue
      val empty: Queue = new Queue()

    final class Queue private(
      keys: Map[String, Key] = Map.empty,
      graph: Graph[Key, Info] = Graph.empty(Key.Ordering))
      def defined(name: String): Boolean = keys.isDefinedAt(name)

      def + (key: Key, info: Info): Queue =
        val keys1 =
          if (defined( error("Duplicate session: " + quote(
          else keys + ( -> key)

        val graph1 =
          try {
            graph.new_node(key, info).add_deps_acyclic(key,
          catch {
            case exn: Graph.Cycles[_] =>
              error(cat_lines( =>
                "Cyclic session dependency of " +
         => quote(key.toString)).mkString(" via "))))
        new Queue(keys1, graph1)

      def required(names: List[String]): Queue =
        val req = graph.all_preds(
        val keys1 = keys -- keys.keySet.filter(name => !req(name))
        val graph1 = graph.restrict(key => keys1.isDefinedAt(
        new Queue(keys1, graph1)

      def topological_order: List[(Key, Info)] = => (key, graph.get_node(key)))

  /* parsing */

  private case class Session_Entry(
    name: String,
    reset: Boolean,
    order: Int,
    path: Option[String],
    parent: Option[String],
    description: String,
    options: Options,
    theories: List[(Options, List[String])],
    files: List[String])

  private object Parser extends Parse.Parser
    val SESSION = "session"
    val IN = "in"
    val DESCRIPTION = "description"
    val OPTIONS = "options"
    val THEORIES = "theories"
    val FILES = "files"

    val syntax =
      Outer_Syntax.empty + "!" + "(" + ")" + "+" + "," + "=" + "[" + "]" +

    val session_entry: Parser[Session_Entry] =
      val session_name = atom("session name", _.is_name)
      val theory_name = atom("theory name", _.is_name)

      val option =
        name ~ opt(keyword("=") ~! name ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) ^^ { case x ~ y => (x, y) }
      val options = keyword("[") ~> repsep(option, keyword(",")) <~ keyword("]")

      val theories =
        keyword(THEORIES) ~! ((options | success(Nil)) ~ rep1(theory_name)) ^^
          { case _ ~ (x ~ y) => (x, y) }

      ((keyword(SESSION) ~! session_name) ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) ~
        (keyword("!") ^^^ true | success(false)) ~
        (keyword("(") ~! (nat <~ keyword(")")) ^^ { case _ ~ x => x } | success(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) ~
        (opt(keyword(IN) ~! string ^^ { case _ ~ x => x })) ~
        (keyword("=") ~> opt(session_name <~ keyword("+"))) ~
        (keyword(DESCRIPTION) ~! text ^^ { case _ ~ x => x } | success("")) ~
        (keyword(OPTIONS) ~! options ^^ { case _ ~ x => x } | success(Nil)) ~
        rep(theories) ~
        (keyword(FILES) ~! rep1(path) ^^ { case _ ~ x => x } | success(Nil)) ^^
          { case a ~ b ~ c ~ d ~ e ~ f ~ g ~ h ~ i => Session_Entry(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) }

    def parse_entries(root: JFile): List[Session_Entry] =
      val toks = syntax.scan(
      parse_all(rep(session_entry), Token.reader(toks, root.toString)) match {
        case Success(result, _) => result
        case bad => error(bad.toString)

  /* find sessions */

  private val ROOT = Path.explode("ROOT")
  private val SESSIONS = Path.explode("etc/sessions")

  private def is_pure(name: String): Boolean = name == "RAW" || name == "Pure"

  private def sessions_root(dir: Path, root: JFile, queue: Session.Queue): Session.Queue =
    (queue /: Parser.parse_entries(root))((queue1, entry) =>
      try {
        if ( == "") error("Bad session name")

        val full_name =
          if (is_pure( {
            if (entry.parent.isDefined) error("Illegal parent session")
            entry.parent match {
              case Some(parent_name) if queue1.defined(parent_name) =>
                if (entry.reset)
                else parent_name + "-" +
              case _ => error("Bad parent session")

        val path =
          entry.path match {
            case Some(p) => Path.explode(p)
            case None => Path.basic(

        val key = Session.Key(full_name, entry.order)
        val info =
          Session.Info(dir + path, entry.parent,
            entry.description, entry.options, entry.theories, entry.files)

        queue1 + (key, info)
      catch {
        case ERROR(msg) =>
          error(msg + "\nThe error(s) above occurred in session entry " +
            quote( + Position.str_of(Position.file(root)))

  private def sessions_dir(strict: Boolean, dir: Path, queue: Session.Queue): Session.Queue =
    val root = (dir + ROOT).file
    if (root.isFile) sessions_root(dir, root, queue)
    else if (strict) error("Bad session root file: " + quote(root.toString))
    else queue

  private def sessions_catalog(dir: Path, catalog: JFile, queue: Session.Queue): Session.Queue =
    val dirs =
      split_lines( => line == "" || line.startsWith("#"))
    (queue /: dirs)((queue1, dir1) =>
      try {
        val dir2 = dir + Path.explode(dir1)
        if (dir2.file.isDirectory) sessions_dir(true, dir2, queue1)
        else error("Bad session directory: " + dir2.toString)
      catch {
        case ERROR(msg) =>
          error(msg + "\nThe error(s) above occurred in session catalog " + quote(catalog.toString))

  def find_sessions(more_dirs: List[Path]): Session.Queue =
    var queue = Session.Queue.empty

    for (dir <- Isabelle_System.components()) {
      queue = sessions_dir(false, dir, queue)

      val catalog = (dir + SESSIONS).file
      if (catalog.isFile)
        queue = sessions_catalog(dir, catalog, queue)

    for (dir <- more_dirs) queue = sessions_dir(true, dir, queue)


  /** build **/

  private def echo(msg: String) { java.lang.System.out.println(msg) }
  private def echo_n(msg: String) { java.lang.System.out.print(msg) }

  class Build_Job(cwd: JFile, env: Map[String, String], script: String, args: String)
    private val args_file = File.tmp_file("args")
    private val env1 = env + ("ARGS_FILE" -> Isabelle_System.posix_path(args_file.getPath))
    File.write(args_file, args)

    private val (thread, result) = Simple_Thread.future("build_job") {
      Isabelle_System.bash_env(cwd, env1, script)

    def terminate: Unit = thread.interrupt
    def is_finished: Boolean = result.is_finished
    def join: (String, String, Int) = { val rc = result.join; args_file.delete; rc }

  private def build_job(build_images: Boolean, name: String, info: Session.Info): Build_Job =
    val parent = info.parent.getOrElse("")

    val cwd = info.dir.file
    val env = Map("INPUT" -> parent, "TARGET" -> name)
    val script =
      if (is_pure(name)) "./build " + (if (build_images) "-b " else "") + name
      else {
        . "$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/timestart.bash"
        """ +
          (if (build_images)
            """ "$ISABELLE_PROCESS" -e " \"$ARGS_FILE\";" -q -w "$INPUT" "$TARGET" """
            """ "$ISABELLE_PROCESS" -e " \"$ARGS_FILE\";" -r -q "$INPUT" """) +

        . "$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/timestop.bash"

        if [ "$RC" -eq 0 ]; then
          echo "Finished $TARGET ($TIMES_REPORT)" >&2

        exit "$RC"
    val args_xml =
      import XML.Encode._
      def symbol_string: T[String] = (s => string(Symbol.encode(s)))
      pair(bool, pair(symbol_string, pair(symbol_string, list(symbol_string))))(
        build_images, (parent, (name,
    new Build_Job(cwd, env, script, YXML.string_of_body(args_xml))

  def build(all_sessions: Boolean, build_images: Boolean, list_only: Boolean,
    more_dirs: List[Path], options: List[String], sessions: List[String]): Int =
    val full_queue = find_sessions(more_dirs)
    val build_options = (Options.init() /: options)(_.define_simple(_))

    sessions.filter(name => !full_queue.defined(name)) match {
      case Nil =>
      case bad => error("Undefined session(s): " + commas_quote(bad))

    val required_queue =
      if (all_sessions) full_queue
      else full_queue.required(sessions)

    // prepare browser info dir
    if (build_options.bool("browser_info") &&
      File.write(Path.explode("$ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO/index.html"),"$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/html/library_index_header.template")) +"$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/html/library_index_content.template")) +"$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/html/library_index_footer.template")))

    // prepare log dir
    val log_dir = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_OUTPUT/log")

    // run jobs
    val rcs =
      for ((key, info) <- required_queue.topological_order) yield
        if (list_only) { echo( + " in " + info.dir); 0 }
        else {
          if (build_images) echo("Building " + + " ...")
          else echo("Running " + + " ...")

          val (out, err, rc) = build_job(build_images,, info).join

          val log = log_dir + Path.basic(
          if (rc == 0) {
            File.write_zip(log.ext("gz"), out)
          else {
            File.write(log, out)
            echo( + " FAILED")
            echo("(see also " + log.file + ")")
            val lines = split_lines(out)
            val tail = lines.drop(lines.length - 20 max 0)
            echo("\n" + cat_lines(tail))
    (0 /: rcs)(_ max _)

  /* command line entry point */

  def main(args: Array[String])
    Command_Line.tool {
      args.toList match {
          Properties.Value.Boolean(all_sessions) ::
          Properties.Value.Boolean(build_images) ::
          Properties.Value.Boolean(list_only) ::
          Command_Line.Chunks(more_dirs, options, sessions) =>
            build(all_sessions, build_images, list_only,
    , options, sessions)
        case _ => error("Bad arguments:\n" + cat_lines(args))