author oheimb
Tue, 25 Jun 1996 17:44:43 +0200
changeset 1826 2a2c0dbeb4ac
child 2795 d136fff43370
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Initial revision

# gen-isa_xemacs
# Franz Regensburger <>
# 21.3.95
# last changed: 
# configures the script `isa_xemacs'

# I like to see the output as it happens (flushed output)

$| = 1;

# cash current working directory 
require "";

$initial_dir = $ENV{'PWD'};

# comand line processing
# processes all known switches and ingnores others.
# first non-switch which is the name of a text file is 
# interpreted as name of configuration file.

# initialize
$do_debug = 0;
$do_ddebug = 0;

while (@ARGV){
    $cur_arg = shift @ARGV;
    if ($cur_arg eq '-d')  {$do_debug = 1;}
    elsif ($cur_arg eq '-dd') {$do_debug = 1; $do_ddebug = 1;}
    elsif ((-T $cur_arg) && !$config_file) {$config_file = $cur_arg;}

# complain if no configuration file is found

if ($config_file eq "") {
    print "\nno configuration file suplied or argument is not a text file\n\n";
    print "usage gen-isa_xemacs [-d -dd] configfile\n", 
          "options must be seperated by blanks!";
    die "\n";

print "debug mode is on\n" if $do_debug;
print "double debug mode is on\n" if $do_ddebug;
print "name of configuration file is $config_file\n" if $do_debug;

# open the configuration file

open(INFILE,$config_file) || die "can't open $config_file: $!\n";
print "opened configuration file,\nprocessing\n" if $do_debug;

# search for general setup variables

print "\ngeneral setup\n" if $do_debug;

# search for PACK

$pack = $ENV{'ISABELLE8BIT'};

if ($pack eq "") {
    die "\ncan't find label PACK in configuration file\n";}

if (! (-d $pack)){
    die "\nPACK is not a directory\n";}

# search for XEMACS_DIR

#$xemacs_dir = &look_for_value('^\s*XEMACS_DIR\s*"(.*)"',"XEMACS_DIR");

#if ($xemacs_dir eq "") {
#    die "\ncan't find XEMACS_DIR  in configuration file\n";}

#if (!(-r $pack."/".$xemacs_dir && -w $pack."/".$xemacs_dir && -x $pack."/".$xemacs_dir)){
#    die "\nneed read, write and execute permission for directory XEMACS_DIR\n";}

$xemacs_dir = "xemacs";

# configuration of KEY_MAP
print "\nsetup for KEY_MAP\n" if $do_debug;

# search for BEGIN_KEY_MAP

$found = &look_for_label('^\s*BEGIN_KEY_MA(P)',"BEGIN_KEY_MAP");

if ($found eq "") {
    die "\ncan't find BEGIN_KEY_MAP in configuration file\n";}

# read the KEY_MAP

$index = 0;
$found = 0;
$end_key_map = 0;
$pattern = 

while (<INFILE> ){
    if (/^\s*END_KEY_MAP/){
	    print "line $.: END_KEY_MAP found\n" if $do_debug;
	    $found = 1;
	    $end_key_map = $index - 1;
    elsif (($modifiers,$key,$codeseq) = /$pattern/){
	$key_map[$index]= join(':',$modifiers,$key,$codeseq);
	print "line $.: \"$key_map[$index]\"\n" if $do_ddebug;
	$index +=1;
    else {
	print "Is this a comment? line $.: $_\n" ;}
if (!$found){
	die "\ncan't find END_KEY_MAP in configuration file\n";}

if ($end_low_table < $start_low_table){
	die "\nNo entries in KEY_MAP\n";}
    else {print 
	"computed index for END_KEY_MAP is $end_key_map\n" if $do_debug;}

# we reached the end of the configuration file

print "\nprocessing of configuration file completed\n" if $do_debug;

# close the handle for config file
print "closed configuration file\n" if $do_debug;

# modify the sources 

# change to directory XEMACS_DIR and open the file `isa_xemacs' 

chdir $pack."/".$xemacs_dir || die "can't cd to $xemacs_dir: $!\n";

# configure isa_xemacs

$filename = "isa_xemacs.emacs";
print "\nconfiguring $filename\n" if $do_debug;

open(INFILE ,$filename) || die "can't open $filename: $!\n";
print "opened $filename for reading\n" if $do_ddebug;
open(OUTFILE,">tmp.txt") || die "can't open temporary file tmp.txt: $!\n";
print "opened tmp.txt for writing\n" if $do_ddebug;

$found = &replicate_until('^\s*;;\s*BEGIN-KEY-(MAP)',

if ( $found eq "") {
    die "\ncan't find `BEGIN-KEY-MAP'\n";}

# print header of table
printf(OUTFILE ";; BEGIN-KEY-MAP\n");

#print the table
$index = 0;
while ($index < $end_key_map) {
    $entry = &translate_entry(split(/:/,$key_map[$index]));
    printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", $entry);
    $index += 1;
# print the last item
$entry = &translate_entry(split(/:/,$key_map[$index]));
printf(OUTFILE "%s\n", $entry);

# print footer of table
printf(OUTFILE ";; END-KEY-MAP\n");

# skip the table in the input file
$found = &skip_until('^\s*;;\s*END-KEY-(MAP)','END-KEY-MAP');
if ($found eq "") {
    die "\ncan't find END-KEY-MAP in file $filename\n";}

## replicate the rest of the input file
while (<INFILE> ){printf(OUTFILE "%s",$_);}

print "closed $filename and tmp.txt\n" if $do_ddebug;

$status = system("cp tmp.txt $filename") ;
if ($status) { die "can't copy tmp.txt to $filename: $!\n";}

print "copied tmp.txt to $filename\n" if $do_ddebug;

$status = system("rm -f tmp.txt");
    if ($status) {die "can't remove file tmp.txt: $!\n";}

print "removed tmp.txt to $filename\n" if $do_ddebug;

# END of script
print "\nconfiguration of isa_xemacs  properly terminated\n\n";

# subroutines

sub look_for_value {
    local ($pattern,$label) = @_;
    local ($temp) = "";

    while (<INFILE> ){
	if (($temp) = /$pattern/){
	    print "line $.: $label is $temp\n" if $do_debug;
    return $temp;

sub look_for_label {
    local ($pattern,$label) = @_;
    local ($temp) = "";

    while (<INFILE> ){
	if (($temp) = /$pattern/){
	    print "line $.: $label found\n" if $do_debug;
    return $temp;

sub replicate_until {
    local ($pattern,$label) = @_;
    local ($temp) = "";

    while (<INFILE> ){
	if (($temp) = /$pattern/){
	    print "line $.: $label found\n" if $do_debug;
	else {printf(OUTFILE "%s",$_);}
    return $temp;

sub skip_until {
    local ($pattern,$label) = @_;
    local ($temp) = "";

    while (<INFILE> ){
	if (($temp) = /$pattern/){
	    print "line $.: $label found\n" if $do_debug;
    return $temp;

sub double_bs {
    local ($string) = @_;
    local ($element);
    local (@temp1);
    local (@temp2) = (); 

    # find the hex-numbers
    @temp1 = split(/(\\x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/,$string);

    #duplicate all backslashes in elements which are not hexnumbers
    while(@temp1) { 
	$element = shift(@temp1);
	if ($element =~ /\\x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]/){
	    $element =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
    return (join('',@temp2));

# strip leading and trailing blanks
sub strip_blanks{
    local ($string) = @_;
    $string =~ s/^\s*((\S+)|(\S.*\S))\s*$/$1/g;
    return $string;

# translate an entry for `isa_xemacs' script
sub translate_entry{
    local ($mod,$key,$code) = @_;
    local (@codelist);
    local ($string);
    local ($emacs_mod);

    # we have to construct an emacs modifier
    if ($mod eq "None") { # No Modifier
	if ($key =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/) { # key is not a function key
	    $emacs_mod = "\"$key\"";}    
	else { # key must be a function key, we translate the F to lowercase
	    $key =~ tr/F/f/;
	    $emacs_mod = "'(".$key.")";}}
    elsif ($mod eq "Mod1") { # Mod2 is Meta key in emacs
	if ($key =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/) { # key is not a function key
	    $emacs_mod = "'(meta ".$key.")";} 
	else { # key must be a function key, we translate the F to lowercase
	    $key =~ tr/F/f/;
	    $emacs_mod = "'(meta ".$key.")";}}
    elsif ($mod eq "Mod2") { # Mod2 is Super key in emacs
	if ($key =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/) { # key is not a function key
	    $emacs_mod = "'(super ".$key.")";}    
	else { # key must be a function key, we translate the F to lowercase
	    $key =~ tr/F/f/;
	    $emacs_mod = "'(super ".$key.")";}}
    elsif ($mod eq "Mod4") { # Mod4 is  Hyper key in emacs
	if ($key =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/) { # key is not a function key
	    $emacs_mod = "'(hyper ".$key.")";}    
	else { # key must be a function key, we translate the F to lowercase
	    $key =~ tr/F/f/;
	    $emacs_mod = "'(hyper ".$key.")";}}
    elsif ($mod eq "Ctrl") { # Ctrl is  Control key in emacs
	if ($key =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/) { # key is not a function key
	    $emacs_mod = "'(control ".$key.")";}    
	else { # key must be a function key, we translate the F to lowercase
	    $key =~ tr/F/f/;
	    $emacs_mod = "'(control ".$key.")";}}
    else { # modifier must be Shift
	if ($key =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/) { # key is not a function key
	    $key =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;    # we translate to uppercase
	    $emacs_mod = "\"$key\"";}    
	else { # key must be a function key, we translate the F to lowercase
	    $key =~ tr/F/f/;
	    $emacs_mod = "'(shift ".$key.")";}}

    # split the sequence of key codes
    @codelist = split(/\s*,\s*/,$code);

    # generate key codes
    foreach $string (@codelist){
   	$code .= "(insert \"". sprintf("\\%o",hex($string)) ."\")";}

    # assemble the whole line
    $string = 
	"(global-set-key ".$emacs_mod." '(lambda () (interactive) " .
	 $code. "))";

    return $string;