author wenzelm
Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:58:12 +0200
changeset 57593 2f7d91242b99
parent 56770 e160ae47db94
child 57612 990ffb84489b
permissions -rw-r--r--
proper Swing buttons instead of active areas within text (by Lars Hupel);

/*  Title:      Tools/jEdit/src/simplifier_trace_dockable.scala
    Author:     Lars Hupel

Dockable window with interactive simplifier trace.

package isabelle.jedit

import isabelle._

import scala.swing.{Button, CheckBox, Orientation, Separator}
import scala.swing.event.ButtonClicked

import java.awt.BorderLayout
import java.awt.event.{ComponentEvent, ComponentAdapter}

import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View

class Simplifier_Trace_Dockable(view: View, position: String) extends Dockable(view, position)
  Swing_Thread.require {}

  /* component state -- owned by Swing thread */

  private var current_snapshot = Document.State.init.snapshot()
  private var current_command = Command.empty
  private var current_results = Command.Results.empty
  private var current_id = 0L
  private var do_update = true

  private val text_area = new Pretty_Text_Area(view)

  private def update_contents()

    Swing_Thread.require {}

    val snapshot = current_snapshot
    val context = Simplifier_Trace.handle_results(PIDE.session, current_id, current_results)

    context.questions.values.toList match {
      case q :: _ =>
        val data =
        val content = Pretty.separate(XML.Text(data.text) :: data.content)
        text_area.update(snapshot, Command.Results.empty, content)
        q.answers.foreach { answer =>
          answers.contents += new Button(answer.string) {
            reactions += {
              case ButtonClicked(_) =>
                Simplifier_Trace.send_reply(PIDE.session, data.serial, answer)
      case Nil =>
        text_area.update(snapshot, Command.Results.empty, Nil)


  private def show_trace()
    val trace = Simplifier_Trace.generate_trace(current_results)
    new Simplifier_Trace_Window(view, current_snapshot, trace)

  private def do_paint()
    Swing_Thread.later {

  private def handle_resize()

  private def handle_update(follow: Boolean)
    val (new_snapshot, new_command, new_results, new_id) =
      PIDE.editor.current_node_snapshot(view) match {
        case Some(snapshot) =>
          if (follow && !snapshot.is_outdated) {
            PIDE.editor.current_command(view, snapshot) match {
              case Some(cmd) =>
                (snapshot, cmd, snapshot.state.command_results(snapshot.version, cmd),
              case None =>
                (Document.State.init.snapshot(), Command.empty, Command.Results.empty, 0L)
          else (current_snapshot, current_command, current_results, current_id)
        case None => (current_snapshot, current_command, current_results, current_id)

    current_snapshot = new_snapshot
    current_command = new_command
    current_results = new_results
    current_id = new_id

  /* main */

  private val main =
    Session.Consumer[Any](getClass.getName) {
      case _: Session.Global_Options =>
        Swing_Thread.later { handle_resize() }

      case changed: Session.Commands_Changed =>
        Swing_Thread.later { handle_update(do_update) }

      case Session.Caret_Focus =>
        Swing_Thread.later { handle_update(do_update) }

      case Simplifier_Trace.Event =>
        Swing_Thread.later { handle_update(do_update) }

  override def init()
    Swing_Thread.require {}

    PIDE.session.global_options += main
    PIDE.session.commands_changed += main
    PIDE.session.caret_focus += main
    PIDE.session.trace_events += main

  override def exit()
    Swing_Thread.require {}

    PIDE.session.global_options -= main
    PIDE.session.commands_changed -= main
    PIDE.session.caret_focus -= main
    PIDE.session.trace_events -= main

  /* resize */

  private val delay_resize =
    Swing_Thread.delay_first(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_update_delay")) { handle_resize() }

  addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter {
    override def componentResized(e: ComponentEvent) { delay_resize.invoke() }
    override def componentShown(e: ComponentEvent) { delay_resize.invoke() }

  /* controls */

  private val controls = new Wrap_Panel(Wrap_Panel.Alignment.Right)(
    new CheckBox("Auto update") {
      selected = do_update
      reactions += {
        case ButtonClicked(_) =>
          do_update = this.selected
    new Button("Update") {
      reactions += {
        case ButtonClicked(_) =>
    new Separator(Orientation.Vertical),
    new Button("Show trace") {
      reactions += {
        case ButtonClicked(_) =>
    new Button("Clear memory") {
      reactions += {
        case ButtonClicked(_) =>

  private val answers = new Wrap_Panel(Wrap_Panel.Alignment.Left)()

  add(controls.peer, BorderLayout.NORTH)
  add(answers.peer, BorderLayout.SOUTH)