author blanchet
Tue, 17 Feb 2009 14:01:54 +0100
changeset 29956 62f931b257b7
parent 29820 07f53494cf20
child 30190 479806475f3c
child 30239 179ff9cb160b
child 30304 d8e4cd2ac2a1
permissions -rw-r--r--
Reintroduce set_interpreter for Collect and op :. I removed them by accident when removing old code that dealt with the "set" type. Incidentally, there is still some broken "set" code in Refute that should be fixed (see TODO in refute.ML).

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/refute.ML
    Author:     Tjark Weber, TU Muenchen

Finite model generation for HOL formulas, using a SAT solver.

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Declares the 'REFUTE' signature as well as a structure 'Refute'.          *)
(* Documentation is available in the Isabelle/Isar theory 'HOL/Refute.thy'.  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

signature REFUTE =

  exception REFUTE of string * string

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Model/interpretation related code (translation HOL -> propositional logic *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  type params
  type interpretation
  type model
  type arguments


  val add_interpreter : string -> (theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option) -> theory -> theory
  val add_printer     : string -> (theory -> model -> Term.typ ->
    interpretation -> (int -> bool) -> Term.term option) -> theory -> theory

  val interpret : theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments)

  val print       : theory -> model -> Term.typ -> interpretation ->
    (int -> bool) -> Term.term
  val print_model : theory -> model -> (int -> bool) -> string

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Interface                                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  val set_default_param  : (string * string) -> theory -> theory
  val get_default_param  : theory -> string -> string option
  val get_default_params : theory -> (string * string) list
  val actual_params      : theory -> (string * string) list -> params

  val find_model : theory -> params -> Term.term -> bool -> unit

  (* tries to find a model for a formula: *)
  val satisfy_term   : theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit
  (* tries to find a model that refutes a formula: *)
  val refute_term    : theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit
  val refute_subgoal :
    theory -> (string * string) list -> Thm.thm -> int -> unit

  val setup : theory -> theory

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Additional functions used by Nitpick (to be factored out)                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  val close_form : Term.term -> Term.term
  val get_classdef : theory -> string -> (string * Term.term) option
  val get_def : theory -> string * Term.typ -> (string * Term.term) option
  val get_typedef : theory -> Term.typ -> (string * Term.term) option
  val is_IDT_constructor : theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool
  val is_IDT_recursor : theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool
  val is_const_of_class: theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool
  val monomorphic_term : Type.tyenv -> Term.term -> Term.term
  val specialize_type : theory -> (string * Term.typ) -> Term.term -> Term.term
  val string_of_typ : Term.typ -> string
  val typ_of_dtyp :
    DatatypeAux.descr -> (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list -> DatatypeAux.dtyp
    -> Term.typ
end;  (* signature REFUTE *)

structure Refute : REFUTE =

  open PropLogic;

  (* We use 'REFUTE' only for internal error conditions that should    *)
  (* never occur in the first place (i.e. errors caused by bugs in our *)
  (* code).  Otherwise (e.g. to indicate invalid input data) we use    *)
  (* 'error'.                                                          *)
  exception REFUTE of string * string;  (* ("in function", "cause") *)

  (* should be raised by an interpreter when more variables would be *)
  (* required than allowed by 'maxvars'                              *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* TREES                                                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* tree: implements an arbitrarily (but finitely) branching tree as a list   *)
(*       of (lists of ...) elements                                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  datatype 'a tree =
      Leaf of 'a
    | Node of ('a tree) list;

  (* ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree *)

  fun tree_map f tr =
    case tr of
      Leaf x  => Leaf (f x)
    | Node xs => Node (map (tree_map f) xs);

  (* ('a * 'b -> 'a) -> 'a * ('b tree) -> 'a *)

  fun tree_foldl f =
    fun itl (e, Leaf x)  = f(e,x)
      | itl (e, Node xs) = Library.foldl (tree_foldl f) (e,xs)

  (* 'a tree * 'b tree -> ('a * 'b) tree *)

  fun tree_pair (t1, t2) =
    case t1 of
      Leaf x =>
      (case t2 of
          Leaf y => Leaf (x,y)
        | Node _ => raise REFUTE ("tree_pair",
            "trees are of different height (second tree is higher)"))
    | Node xs =>
      (case t2 of
          (* '~~' will raise an exception if the number of branches in   *)
          (* both trees is different at the current node                 *)
          Node ys => Node (map tree_pair (xs ~~ ys))
        | Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("tree_pair",
            "trees are of different height (first tree is higher)"));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* params: parameters that control the translation into a propositional      *)
(*         formula/model generation                                          *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* The following parameters are supported (and required (!), except for      *)
(* "sizes"):                                                                 *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* Name          Type    Description                                         *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* "sizes"       (string * int) list                                         *)
(*                       Size of ground types (e.g. 'a=2), or depth of IDTs. *)
(* "minsize"     int     If >0, minimal size of each ground type/IDT depth.  *)
(* "maxsize"     int     If >0, maximal size of each ground type/IDT depth.  *)
(* "maxvars"     int     If >0, use at most 'maxvars' Boolean variables      *)
(*                       when transforming the term into a propositional     *)
(*                       formula.                                            *)
(* "maxtime"     int     If >0, terminate after at most 'maxtime' seconds.   *)
(* "satsolver"   string  SAT solver to be used.                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  type params =
      sizes    : (string * int) list,
      minsize  : int,
      maxsize  : int,
      maxvars  : int,
      maxtime  : int,
      satsolver: string

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* interpretation: a term's interpretation is given by a variable of type    *)
(*                 'interpretation'                                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  type interpretation =
    prop_formula list tree;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* model: a model specifies the size of types and the interpretation of      *)
(*        terms                                                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  type model =
    (Term.typ * int) list * (Term.term * interpretation) list;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* arguments: additional arguments required during interpretation of terms   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  type arguments =
      (* just passed unchanged from 'params': *)
      maxvars   : int,
      (* whether to use 'make_equality' or 'make_def_equality': *)
      def_eq    : bool,
      (* the following may change during the translation: *)
      next_idx  : int,
      bounds    : interpretation list,
      wellformed: prop_formula

  structure RefuteData = TheoryDataFun
    type T =
      {interpreters: (string * (theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
        (interpretation * model * arguments) option)) list,
       printers: (string * (theory -> model -> Term.typ -> interpretation ->
        (int -> bool) -> Term.term option)) list,
       parameters: string Symtab.table};
    val empty = {interpreters = [], printers = [], parameters = Symtab.empty};
    val copy = I;
    val extend = I;
    fun merge _
      ({interpreters = in1, printers = pr1, parameters = pa1},
       {interpreters = in2, printers = pr2, parameters = pa2}) =
      {interpreters = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (in1, in2),
       printers = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (pr1, pr2),
       parameters = Symtab.merge (op=) (pa1, pa2)};

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* interpret: interprets the term 't' using a suitable interpreter; returns  *)
(*            the interpretation and a (possibly extended) model that keeps  *)
(*            track of the interpretation of subterms                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) *)

  fun interpret thy model args t =
    case get_first (fn (_, f) => f thy model args t)
      (#interpreters (RefuteData.get thy)) of
      NONE   => raise REFUTE ("interpret",
        "no interpreter for term " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t))
    | SOME x => x;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* print: converts the interpretation 'intr', which must denote a term of    *)
(*        type 'T', into a term using a suitable printer                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> model -> Term.typ -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
    Term.term *)

  fun print thy model T intr assignment =
    case get_first (fn (_, f) => f thy model T intr assignment)
      (#printers (RefuteData.get thy)) of
      NONE   => raise REFUTE ("print",
        "no printer for type " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T))
    | SOME x => x;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* print_model: turns the model into a string, using a fixed interpretation  *)
(*              (given by an assignment for Boolean variables) and suitable  *)
(*              printers                                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> model -> (int -> bool) -> string *)

  fun print_model thy model assignment =
    val (typs, terms) = model
    val typs_msg =
      if null typs then
        "empty universe (no type variables in term)\n"
        "Size of types: " ^ commas (map (fn (T, i) =>
          Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T ^ ": " ^ string_of_int i) typs) ^ "\n"
    val show_consts_msg =
      if not (!show_consts) andalso Library.exists (is_Const o fst) terms then
        "set \"show_consts\" to show the interpretation of constants\n"
    val terms_msg =
      if null terms then
        "empty interpretation (no free variables in term)\n"
        cat_lines (List.mapPartial (fn (t, intr) =>
          (* print constants only if 'show_consts' is true *)
          if (!show_consts) orelse not (is_Const t) then
            SOME (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t ^ ": " ^
              Syntax.string_of_term_global thy
                (print thy model (Term.type_of t) intr assignment))
            NONE) terms) ^ "\n"
    typs_msg ^ show_consts_msg ^ terms_msg

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* PARAMETER MANAGEMENT                                                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* string -> (theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option) -> theory -> theory *)

  fun add_interpreter name f thy =
    val {interpreters, printers, parameters} = RefuteData.get thy
    case AList.lookup (op =) interpreters name of
      NONE   => RefuteData.put {interpreters = (name, f) :: interpreters,
      printers = printers, parameters = parameters} thy
    | SOME _ => error ("Interpreter " ^ name ^ " already declared")

  (* string -> (theory -> model -> Term.typ -> interpretation ->
    (int -> bool) -> Term.term option) -> theory -> theory *)

  fun add_printer name f thy =
    val {interpreters, printers, parameters} = RefuteData.get thy
    case AList.lookup (op =) printers name of
      NONE   => RefuteData.put {interpreters = interpreters,
      printers = (name, f) :: printers, parameters = parameters} thy
    | SOME _ => error ("Printer " ^ name ^ " already declared")

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* set_default_param: stores the '(name, value)' pair in RefuteData's        *)
(*                    parameter table                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* (string * string) -> theory -> theory *)

  fun set_default_param (name, value) = 
    (fn {interpreters, printers, parameters} =>
      {interpreters = interpreters, printers = printers,
        parameters = Symtab.update (name, value) parameters});

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* get_default_param: retrieves the value associated with 'name' from        *)
(*                    RefuteData's parameter table                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> string -> string option *)

  val get_default_param = Symtab.lookup o #parameters o RefuteData.get;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* get_default_params: returns a list of all '(name, value)' pairs that are  *)
(*                     stored in RefuteData's parameter table                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> (string * string) list *)

  val get_default_params = Symtab.dest o #parameters o RefuteData.get;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* actual_params: takes a (possibly empty) list 'params' of parameters that  *)
(*      override the default parameters currently specified in 'thy', and    *)
(*      returns a record that can be passed to 'find_model'.                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> (string * string) list -> params *)

  fun actual_params thy override =
    (* (string * string) list * string -> int *)
    fun read_int (parms, name) =
      case AList.lookup (op =) parms name of
        SOME s => (case Int.fromString s of
          SOME i => i
        | NONE   => error ("parameter " ^ quote name ^
          " (value is " ^ quote s ^ ") must be an integer value"))
      | NONE   => error ("parameter " ^ quote name ^
          " must be assigned a value")
    (* (string * string) list * string -> string *)
    fun read_string (parms, name) =
      case AList.lookup (op =) parms name of
        SOME s => s
      | NONE   => error ("parameter " ^ quote name ^
        " must be assigned a value")
    (* 'override' first, defaults last: *)
    (* (string * string) list *)
    val allparams = override @ (get_default_params thy)
    (* int *)
    val minsize   = read_int (allparams, "minsize")
    val maxsize   = read_int (allparams, "maxsize")
    val maxvars   = read_int (allparams, "maxvars")
    val maxtime   = read_int (allparams, "maxtime")
    (* string *)
    val satsolver = read_string (allparams, "satsolver")
    (* all remaining parameters of the form "string=int" are collected in *)
    (* 'sizes'                                                            *)
    (* TODO: it is currently not possible to specify a size for a type    *)
    (*       whose name is one of the other parameters (e.g. 'maxvars')   *)
    (* (string * int) list *)
    val sizes     = List.mapPartial
      (fn (name, value) => (pair name) (Int.fromString value))
      (List.filter (fn (name, _) => name<>"minsize" andalso name<>"maxsize"
        andalso name<>"maxvars" andalso name<>"maxtime"
        andalso name<>"satsolver") allparams)
    {sizes=sizes, minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize, maxvars=maxvars,
      maxtime=maxtime, satsolver=satsolver}

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* typ_of_dtyp: converts a data type ('DatatypeAux.dtyp') into a type        *)
(*              ('Term.typ'), given type parameters for the data type's type *)
(*              arguments                                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* DatatypeAux.descr -> (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list ->
    DatatypeAux.dtyp -> Term.typ *)

  fun typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtTFree a) =
    (* replace a 'DtTFree' variable by the associated type *)
    the (AList.lookup (op =) typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtTFree a))
    | typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtType (s, ds)) =
    Type (s, map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ds)
    | typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (DatatypeAux.DtRec i) =
      val (s, ds, _) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr i)
      Type (s, map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ds)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* close_form: universal closure over schematic variables in 't'             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* Term.term -> Term.term *)

  fun close_form t =
    (* (Term.indexname * Term.typ) list *)
    val vars = sort_wrt (fst o fst) (map dest_Var (OldTerm.term_vars t))
    Library.foldl (fn (t', ((x, i), T)) =>
      (Term.all T) $ Abs (x, T, abstract_over (Var ((x, i), T), t')))
      (t, vars)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* monomorphic_term: applies a type substitution 'typeSubs' for all type     *)
(*                   variables in a term 't'                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* Type.tyenv -> Term.term -> Term.term *)

  fun monomorphic_term typeSubs t =
    map_types (map_type_tvar
      (fn v =>
        case Type.lookup typeSubs v of
          NONE =>
          (* schematic type variable not instantiated *)
          raise REFUTE ("monomorphic_term",
            "no substitution for type variable " ^ fst (fst v) ^
            " in term " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global Pure.thy t)
        | SOME typ =>
          typ)) t;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* specialize_type: given a constant 's' of type 'T', which is a subterm of  *)
(*                  't', where 't' has a (possibly) more general type, the   *)
(*                  schematic type variables in 't' are instantiated to      *)
(*                  match the type 'T' (may raise Type.TYPE_MATCH)           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> (string * Term.typ) -> Term.term -> Term.term *)

  fun specialize_type thy (s, T) t =
    fun find_typeSubs (Const (s', T')) =
      if s=s' then
        SOME (Sign.typ_match thy (T', T) Vartab.empty)
          handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
      | find_typeSubs (Free _)           = NONE
      | find_typeSubs (Var _)            = NONE
      | find_typeSubs (Bound _)          = NONE
      | find_typeSubs (Abs (_, _, body)) = find_typeSubs body
      | find_typeSubs (t1 $ t2)          =
      (case find_typeSubs t1 of SOME x => SOME x
                              | NONE   => find_typeSubs t2)
    case find_typeSubs t of
      SOME typeSubs =>
      monomorphic_term typeSubs t
    | NONE =>
      (* no match found - perhaps due to sort constraints *)
      raise Type.TYPE_MATCH

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* is_const_of_class: returns 'true' iff 'Const (s, T)' is a constant that   *)
(*                    denotes membership to an axiomatic type class          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool *)

  fun is_const_of_class thy (s, T) =
    val class_const_names = map Logic.const_of_class (Sign.all_classes thy)
    (* I'm not quite sure if checking the name 's' is sufficient, *)
    (* or if we should also check the type 'T'.                   *)
    s mem_string class_const_names

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* is_IDT_constructor: returns 'true' iff 'Const (s, T)' is the constructor  *)
(*                     of an inductive datatype in 'thy'                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool *)

  fun is_IDT_constructor thy (s, T) =
    (case body_type T of
      Type (s', _) =>
      (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype_constrs thy s' of
        SOME constrs =>
        List.exists (fn (cname, cty) =>
          cname = s andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (T, cty)) constrs
      | NONE =>
    | _  =>

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* is_IDT_recursor: returns 'true' iff 'Const (s, T)' is the recursion       *)
(*                  operator of an inductive datatype in 'thy'               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> string * Term.typ -> bool *)

  fun is_IDT_recursor thy (s, T) =
    val rec_names = Symtab.fold (append o #rec_names o snd)
      (DatatypePackage.get_datatypes thy) []
    (* I'm not quite sure if checking the name 's' is sufficient, *)
    (* or if we should also check the type 'T'.                   *)
    s mem_string rec_names

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* get_def: looks up the definition of a constant, as created by "constdefs" *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> string * Term.typ -> (string * Term.term) option *)

  fun get_def thy (s, T) =
    (* maps  f ?t1 ... ?tn == rhs  to rhs *)
    fun norm_rhs eqn =
      fun lambda (v as Var ((x, _), T)) t = Abs (x, T, abstract_over (v, t))
        | lambda v t                      = raise TERM ("lambda", [v, t])
      val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals eqn
      val (_, args)  = Term.strip_comb lhs
      fold lambda (rev args) rhs
    (* (string * Term.term) list -> (string * Term.term) option *)
    fun get_def_ax [] = NONE
      | get_def_ax ((axname, ax) :: axioms) =
        val (lhs, _) = Logic.dest_equals ax  (* equations only *)
        val c        = Term.head_of lhs
        val (s', T') = Term.dest_Const c
        if s=s' then
            val typeSubs = Sign.typ_match thy (T', T) Vartab.empty
            val ax'      = monomorphic_term typeSubs ax
            val rhs      = norm_rhs ax'
            SOME (axname, rhs)
          get_def_ax axioms
      end handle ERROR _         => get_def_ax axioms
               | TERM _          => get_def_ax axioms
               | Type.TYPE_MATCH => get_def_ax axioms)
    get_def_ax (Theory.all_axioms_of thy)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* get_typedef: looks up the definition of a type, as created by "typedef"   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> Term.typ -> (string * Term.term) option *)

  fun get_typedef thy T =
    (* (string * Term.term) list -> (string * Term.term) option *)
    fun get_typedef_ax [] = NONE
      | get_typedef_ax ((axname, ax) :: axioms) =
        (* Term.term -> Term.typ option *)
        fun type_of_type_definition (Const (s', T')) =
          if s'="Typedef.type_definition" then
            SOME T'
          | type_of_type_definition (Free _)           = NONE
          | type_of_type_definition (Var _)            = NONE
          | type_of_type_definition (Bound _)          = NONE
          | type_of_type_definition (Abs (_, _, body)) =
          type_of_type_definition body
          | type_of_type_definition (t1 $ t2)          =
          (case type_of_type_definition t1 of
            SOME x => SOME x
          | NONE   => type_of_type_definition t2)
        case type_of_type_definition ax of
          SOME T' =>
            val T''      = (domain_type o domain_type) T'
            val typeSubs = Sign.typ_match thy (T'', T) Vartab.empty
            SOME (axname, monomorphic_term typeSubs ax)
        | NONE =>
          get_typedef_ax axioms
      end handle ERROR _         => get_typedef_ax axioms
               | MATCH           => get_typedef_ax axioms
               | Type.TYPE_MATCH => get_typedef_ax axioms)
    get_typedef_ax (Theory.all_axioms_of thy)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* get_classdef: looks up the defining axiom for an axiomatic type class, as *)
(*               created by the "axclass" command                            *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> string -> (string * Term.term) option *)

  fun get_classdef thy class =
    val axname = class ^ "_class_def"
  in (pair axname)
      (AList.lookup (op =) (Theory.all_axioms_of thy) axname)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* unfold_defs: unfolds all defined constants in a term 't', beta-eta        *)
(*              normalizes the result term; certain constants are not        *)
(*              unfolded (cf. 'collect_axioms' and the various interpreters  *)
(*              below): if the interpretation respects a definition anyway,  *)
(*              that definition does not need to be unfolded                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> Term.term -> Term.term *)

  (* Note: we could intertwine unfolding of constants and beta-(eta-)       *)
  (*       normalization; this would save some unfolding for terms where    *)
  (*       constants are eliminated by beta-reduction (e.g. 'K c1 c2').  On *)
  (*       the other hand, this would cause additional work for terms where *)
  (*       constants are duplicated by beta-reduction (e.g. 'S c1 c2 c3').  *)

  fun unfold_defs thy t =
    (* Term.term -> Term.term *)
    fun unfold_loop t =
      case t of
      (* Pure *)
        Const (@{const_name all}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name "==>"}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name TYPE}, _) => t  (* axiomatic type classes *)
      (* HOL *)
      | Const (@{const_name Trueprop}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name Not}, _) => t
      | (* redundant, since 'True' is also an IDT constructor *)
        Const (@{const_name True}, _) => t
      | (* redundant, since 'False' is also an IDT constructor *)
        Const (@{const_name False}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name undefined}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name The}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name Hilbert_Choice.Eps}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name All}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name "op &"}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name "op |"}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name "op -->"}, _) => t
      (* sets *)
      | Const (@{const_name Collect}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name "op :"}, _) => t
      (* other optimizations *)
      | Const (@{const_name Finite_Set.card}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name Finite_Set.finite}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name HOL.less}, Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("bool", [])])])) => t
      | Const (@{const_name}, Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) => t
      | Const (@{const_name HOL.minus}, Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) => t
      | Const (@{const_name HOL.times}, Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) => t
      | Const (@{const_name List.append}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name lfp}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name gfp}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) => t
      | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) => t
      (* simply-typed lambda calculus *)
      | Const (s, T) =>
        (if is_IDT_constructor thy (s, T)
          orelse is_IDT_recursor thy (s, T) then
          t  (* do not unfold IDT constructors/recursors *)
        (* unfold the constant if there is a defining equation *)
        else case get_def thy (s, T) of
          SOME (axname, rhs) =>
          (* Note: if the term to be unfolded (i.e. 'Const (s, T)')  *)
          (* occurs on the right-hand side of the equation, i.e. in  *)
          (* 'rhs', we must not use this equation to unfold, because *)
          (* that would loop.  Here would be the right place to      *)
          (* check this.  However, getting this really right seems   *)
          (* difficult because the user may state arbitrary axioms,  *)
          (* which could interact with overloading to create loops.  *)
          ((*Output.immediate_output (" unfolding: " ^ axname);*)
           unfold_loop rhs)
        | NONE => t)
      | Free _           => t
      | Var _            => t
      | Bound _          => t
      | Abs (s, T, body) => Abs (s, T, unfold_loop body)
      | t1 $ t2          => (unfold_loop t1) $ (unfold_loop t2)
    val result = Envir.beta_eta_contract (unfold_loop t)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* collect_axioms: collects (monomorphic, universally quantified, unfolded   *)
(*                 versions of) all HOL axioms that are relevant w.r.t 't'   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* Note: to make the collection of axioms more easily extensible, this    *)
  (*       function could be based on user-supplied "axiom collectors",     *)
  (*       similar to 'interpret'/interpreters or 'print'/printers          *)

  (* Note: currently we use "inverse" functions to the definitional         *)
  (*       mechanisms provided by Isabelle/HOL, e.g. for "axclass",         *)
  (*       "typedef", "constdefs".  A more general approach could consider  *)
  (*       *every* axiom of the theory and collect it if it has a constant/ *)
  (*       type/typeclass in common with the term 't'.                      *)

  (* theory -> Term.term -> Term.term list *)

  (* Which axioms are "relevant" for a particular term/type goes hand in    *)
  (* hand with the interpretation of that term/type by its interpreter (see *)
  (* way below): if the interpretation respects an axiom anyway, the axiom  *)
  (* does not need to be added as a constraint here.                        *)

  (* To avoid collecting the same axiom multiple times, we use an           *)
  (* accumulator 'axs' which contains all axioms collected so far.          *)

  fun collect_axioms thy t =
    val _ = Output.immediate_output "Adding axioms..."
    (* (string * Term.term) list *)
    val axioms = Theory.all_axioms_of thy
    (* string * Term.term -> Term.term list -> Term.term list *)
    fun collect_this_axiom (axname, ax) axs =
      val ax' = unfold_defs thy ax
      if member (op aconv) axs ax' then
      else (
        Output.immediate_output (" " ^ axname);
        collect_term_axioms (ax' :: axs, ax')
    (* Term.term list * Term.typ -> Term.term list *)
    and collect_sort_axioms (axs, T) =
      (* string list *)
      val sort = (case T of
          TFree (_, sort) => sort
        | TVar (_, sort)  => sort
        | _               => raise REFUTE ("collect_axioms", "type " ^
          Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T ^ " is not a variable"))
      (* obtain axioms for all superclasses *)
      val superclasses = sort @ (maps (Sign.super_classes thy) sort)
      (* merely an optimization, because 'collect_this_axiom' disallows *)
      (* duplicate axioms anyway:                                       *)
      val superclasses = distinct (op =) superclasses
      val class_axioms = maps (fn class => map (fn ax =>
        ("<" ^ class ^ ">", Thm.prop_of ax))
        (#axioms (AxClass.get_info thy class) handle ERROR _ => []))
      (* replace the (at most one) schematic type variable in each axiom *)
      (* by the actual type 'T'                                          *)
      val monomorphic_class_axioms = map (fn (axname, ax) =>
        (case Term.add_tvars ax [] of
          [] =>
          (axname, ax)
        | [(idx, S)] =>
          (axname, monomorphic_term (Vartab.make [(idx, (S, T))]) ax)
        | _ =>
          raise REFUTE ("collect_axioms", "class axiom " ^ axname ^ " (" ^
            Syntax.string_of_term_global thy ax ^
            ") contains more than one type variable")))
      fold collect_this_axiom monomorphic_class_axioms axs
    (* Term.term list * Term.typ -> Term.term list *)
    and collect_type_axioms (axs, T) =
      case T of
      (* simple types *)
        Type ("prop", [])      => axs
      | Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) => collect_type_axioms
        (collect_type_axioms (axs, T1), T2)
      (* axiomatic type classes *)
      | Type ("itself", [T1])  => collect_type_axioms (axs, T1)
      | Type (s, Ts)           =>
        (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
          SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
            (* only collect relevant type axioms for the argument types *)
            Library.foldl collect_type_axioms (axs, Ts)
        | NONE =>
          (case get_typedef thy T of
            SOME (axname, ax) =>
            collect_this_axiom (axname, ax) axs
          | NONE =>
            (* unspecified type, perhaps introduced with "typedecl" *)
            (* at least collect relevant type axioms for the argument types *)
            Library.foldl collect_type_axioms (axs, Ts)))
      (* axiomatic type classes *)
      | TFree _                => collect_sort_axioms (axs, T)
      (* axiomatic type classes *)
      | TVar _                 => collect_sort_axioms (axs, T)
    (* Term.term list * Term.term -> Term.term list *)
    and collect_term_axioms (axs, t) =
      case t of
      (* Pure *)
        Const (@{const_name all}, _) => axs
      | Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) => axs
      | Const (@{const_name "==>"}, _) => axs
      (* axiomatic type classes *)
      | Const (@{const_name TYPE}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      (* HOL *)
      | Const (@{const_name Trueprop}, _) => axs
      | Const (@{const_name Not}, _) => axs
      (* redundant, since 'True' is also an IDT constructor *)
      | Const (@{const_name True}, _) => axs
      (* redundant, since 'False' is also an IDT constructor *)
      | Const (@{const_name False}, _) => axs
      | Const (@{const_name undefined}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name The}, T) =>
          val ax = specialize_type thy (@{const_name The}, T)
            (the (AList.lookup (op =) axioms "HOL.the_eq_trivial"))
          collect_this_axiom ("HOL.the_eq_trivial", ax) axs
      | Const (@{const_name Hilbert_Choice.Eps}, T) =>
          val ax = specialize_type thy (@{const_name Hilbert_Choice.Eps}, T)
            (the (AList.lookup (op =) axioms "Hilbert_Choice.someI"))
          collect_this_axiom ("Hilbert_Choice.someI", ax) axs
      | Const (@{const_name All}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name "op ="}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name "op &"}, _) => axs
      | Const (@{const_name "op |"}, _) => axs
      | Const (@{const_name "op -->"}, _) => axs
      (* sets *)
      | Const (@{const_name Collect}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name "op :"}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      (* other optimizations *)
      | Const (@{const_name Finite_Set.card}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name Finite_Set.finite}, T) =>
        collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name HOL.less}, T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("bool", [])])])) =>
          collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name}, T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
          collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name HOL.minus}, T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
          collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name HOL.times}, T as Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
          collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name List.append}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name lfp}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name gfp}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name fst}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Const (@{const_name snd}, T) => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      (* simply-typed lambda calculus *)
      | Const (s, T) =>
          if is_const_of_class thy (s, T) then
            (* axiomatic type classes: add "OFCLASS(?'a::c, c_class)" *)
            (* and the class definition                               *)
              val class   = Logic.class_of_const s
              val inclass = Logic.mk_inclass (TVar (("'a", 0), [class]), class)
              val ax_in   = SOME (specialize_type thy (s, T) inclass)
                (* type match may fail due to sort constraints *)
                handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
              val ax_1 = (fn ax => (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy ax, ax))
              val ax_2 = (apsnd (specialize_type thy (s, T)))
                (get_classdef thy class)
              collect_type_axioms (fold collect_this_axiom
                (map_filter I [ax_1, ax_2]) axs, T)
          else if is_IDT_constructor thy (s, T)
            orelse is_IDT_recursor thy (s, T) then
            (* only collect relevant type axioms *)
            collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
            (* other constants should have been unfolded, with some *)
            (* exceptions: e.g. Abs_xxx/Rep_xxx functions for       *)
            (* typedefs, or type-class related constants            *)
            (* only collect relevant type axioms *)
            collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Free (_, T)      => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Var (_, T)       => collect_type_axioms (axs, T)
      | Bound i          => axs
      | Abs (_, T, body) => collect_term_axioms
        (collect_type_axioms (axs, T), body)
      | t1 $ t2          => collect_term_axioms
        (collect_term_axioms (axs, t1), t2)
    (* Term.term list *)
    val result = map close_form (collect_term_axioms ([], t))
    val _ = writeln " ...done."

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ground_types: collects all ground types in a term (including argument     *)
(*               types of other types), suppressing duplicates.  Does not    *)
(*               return function types, set types, non-recursive IDTs, or    *)
(*               'propT'.  For IDTs, also the argument types of constructors *)
(*               and all mutually recursive IDTs are considered.             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  fun ground_types thy t =
    fun collect_types T acc =
      (case T of
        Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) => collect_types T1 (collect_types T2 acc)
      | Type ("prop", [])      => acc
      | Type (s, Ts)           =>
        (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
          SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
            val index        = #index info
            val descr        = #descr info
            val (_, typs, _) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr index)
            val typ_assoc    = typs ~~ Ts
            (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a *)
            (* 'DtTFree'                                        *)
            val _ = if Library.exists (fn d =>
              case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) typs then
              raise REFUTE ("ground_types", "datatype argument (for type "
                ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T ^ ") is not a variable")
            else ()
            (* required for mutually recursive datatypes; those need to   *)
            (* be added even if they are an instance of an otherwise non- *)
            (* recursive datatype                                         *)
            fun collect_dtyp (d, acc) =
              val dT = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
              case d of
                DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ =>
                collect_types dT acc
              | DatatypeAux.DtType (_, ds) =>
                collect_types dT (foldr collect_dtyp acc ds)
              | DatatypeAux.DtRec i =>
                if dT mem acc then
                  acc  (* prevent infinite recursion *)
                    val (_, dtyps, dconstrs) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr i)
                    (* if the current type is a recursive IDT (i.e. a depth *)
                    (* is required), add it to 'acc'                        *)
                    val acc_dT = if Library.exists (fn (_, ds) =>
                      Library.exists DatatypeAux.is_rec_type ds) dconstrs then
                        insert (op =) dT acc
                      else acc
                    (* collect argument types *)
                    val acc_dtyps = foldr collect_dtyp acc_dT dtyps
                    (* collect constructor types *)
                    val acc_dconstrs = foldr collect_dtyp acc_dtyps
                      (List.concat (map snd dconstrs))
            (* argument types 'Ts' could be added here, but they are also *)
            (* added by 'collect_dtyp' automatically                      *)
            collect_dtyp (DatatypeAux.DtRec index, acc)
        | NONE =>
          (* not an inductive datatype, e.g. defined via "typedef" or *)
          (* "typedecl"                                               *)
          insert (op =) T (fold collect_types Ts acc))
      | TFree _                => insert (op =) T acc
      | TVar _                 => insert (op =) T acc)
    fold_types collect_types t []

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* string_of_typ: (rather naive) conversion from types to strings, used to   *)
(*                look up the size of a type in 'sizes'.  Parameterized      *)
(*                types with different parameters (e.g. "'a list" vs. "bool  *)
(*                list") are identified.                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* Term.typ -> string *)

  fun string_of_typ (Type (s, _))     = s
    | string_of_typ (TFree (s, _))    = s
    | string_of_typ (TVar ((s,_), _)) = s;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* first_universe: returns the "first" (i.e. smallest) universe by assigning *)
(*                 'minsize' to every type for which no size is specified in *)
(*                 'sizes'                                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* Term.typ list -> (string * int) list -> int -> (Term.typ * int) list *)

  fun first_universe xs sizes minsize =
    fun size_of_typ T =
      case AList.lookup (op =) sizes (string_of_typ T) of
        SOME n => n
      | NONE   => minsize
    map (fn T => (T, size_of_typ T)) xs

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* next_universe: enumerates all universes (i.e. assignments of sizes to     *)
(*                types), where the minimal size of a type is given by       *)
(*                'minsize', the maximal size is given by 'maxsize', and a   *)
(*                type may have a fixed size given in 'sizes'                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* (Term.typ * int) list -> (string * int) list -> int -> int ->
    (Term.typ * int) list option *)

  fun next_universe xs sizes minsize maxsize =
    (* creates the "first" list of length 'len', where the sum of all list *)
    (* elements is 'sum', and the length of the list is 'len'              *)
    (* int -> int -> int -> int list option *)
    fun make_first _ 0 sum =
      if sum=0 then
        SOME []
      | make_first max len sum =
      if sum<=max orelse max<0 then (fn xs' => sum :: xs') (make_first max (len-1) 0)
      else (fn xs' => max :: xs') (make_first max (len-1) (sum-max))
    (* enumerates all int lists with a fixed length, where 0<=x<='max' for *)
    (* all list elements x (unless 'max'<0)                                *)
    (* int -> int -> int -> int list -> int list option *)
    fun next max len sum [] =
      | next max len sum [x] =
      (* we've reached the last list element, so there's no shift possible *)
      make_first max (len+1) (sum+x+1)  (* increment 'sum' by 1 *)
      | next max len sum (x1::x2::xs) =
      if x1>0 andalso (x2<max orelse max<0) then
        (* we can shift *)
        SOME (valOf (make_first max (len+1) (sum+x1-1)) @ (x2+1) :: xs)
        (* continue search *)
        next max (len+1) (sum+x1) (x2::xs)
    (* only consider those types for which the size is not fixed *)
    val mutables = List.filter
      (not o (AList.defined (op =) sizes) o string_of_typ o fst) xs
    (* subtract 'minsize' from every size (will be added again at the end) *)
    val diffs = map (fn (_, n) => n-minsize) mutables
    case next (maxsize-minsize) 0 0 diffs of
      SOME diffs' =>
      (* merge with those types for which the size is fixed *)
      SOME (snd (foldl_map (fn (ds, (T, _)) =>
        case AList.lookup (op =) sizes (string_of_typ T) of
        (* return the fixed size *)
          SOME n => (ds, (T, n))
        (* consume the head of 'ds', add 'minsize' *)
        | NONE   => (tl ds, (T, minsize + hd ds)))
        (diffs', xs)))
    | NONE =>

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* toTrue: converts the interpretation of a Boolean value to a propositional *)
(*         formula that is true iff the interpretation denotes "true"        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* interpretation -> prop_formula *)

  fun toTrue (Leaf [fm, _]) =
    | toTrue _              =
    raise REFUTE ("toTrue", "interpretation does not denote a Boolean value");

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* toFalse: converts the interpretation of a Boolean value to a              *)
(*          propositional formula that is true iff the interpretation        *)
(*          denotes "false"                                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* interpretation -> prop_formula *)

  fun toFalse (Leaf [_, fm]) =
    | toFalse _              =
    raise REFUTE ("toFalse", "interpretation does not denote a Boolean value");

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* find_model: repeatedly calls 'interpret' with appropriate parameters,     *)
(*             applies a SAT solver, and (in case a model is found) displays *)
(*             the model to the user by calling 'print_model'                *)
(* thy       : the current theory                                            *)
(* {...}     : parameters that control the translation/model generation      *)
(* t         : term to be translated into a propositional formula            *)
(* negate    : if true, find a model that makes 't' false (rather than true) *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> params -> Term.term -> bool -> unit *)

  fun find_model thy {sizes, minsize, maxsize, maxvars, maxtime, satsolver} t
    negate =
    (* unit -> unit *)
    fun wrapper () =
      val u      = unfold_defs thy t
      val _      = writeln ("Unfolded term: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy u)
      val axioms = collect_axioms thy u
      (* Term.typ list *)
      val types = Library.foldl (fn (acc, t') =>
        acc union (ground_types thy t')) ([], u :: axioms)
      val _     = writeln ("Ground types: "
        ^ (if null types then "none."
           else commas (map (Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy) types)))
      (* we can only consider fragments of recursive IDTs, so we issue a  *)
      (* warning if the formula contains a recursive IDT                  *)
      (* TODO: no warning needed for /positive/ occurrences of IDTs       *)
      val _ = if Library.exists (fn
          Type (s, _) =>
          (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
            SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
              val index           = #index info
              val descr           = #descr info
              val (_, _, constrs) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr index)
              (* recursive datatype? *)
              Library.exists (fn (_, ds) =>
                Library.exists DatatypeAux.is_rec_type ds) constrs
          | NONE => false)
        | _ => false) types then
          warning ("Term contains a recursive datatype; "
            ^ "countermodel(s) may be spurious!")
      (* (Term.typ * int) list -> unit *)
      fun find_model_loop universe =
        val init_model = (universe, [])
        val init_args  = {maxvars = maxvars, def_eq = false, next_idx = 1,
          bounds = [], wellformed = True}
        val _          = Output.immediate_output ("Translating term (sizes: "
          ^ commas (map (fn (_, n) => string_of_int n) universe) ^ ") ...")
        (* translate 'u' and all axioms *)
        val ((model, args), intrs) = foldl_map (fn ((m, a), t') =>
            val (i, m', a') = interpret thy m a t'
            (* set 'def_eq' to 'true' *)
            ((m', {maxvars = #maxvars a', def_eq = true,
              next_idx = #next_idx a', bounds = #bounds a',
              wellformed = #wellformed a'}), i)
          end) ((init_model, init_args), u :: axioms)
        (* make 'u' either true or false, and make all axioms true, and *)
        (* add the well-formedness side condition                       *)
        val fm_u  = (if negate then toFalse else toTrue) (hd intrs)
        val fm_ax = PropLogic.all (map toTrue (tl intrs))
        val fm    = PropLogic.all [#wellformed args, fm_ax, fm_u]
        Output.immediate_output " invoking SAT solver...";
        (case SatSolver.invoke_solver satsolver fm of
          SatSolver.SATISFIABLE assignment =>
          (writeln " model found!";
          writeln ("*** Model found: ***\n" ^ print_model thy model
            (fn i => case assignment i of SOME b => b | NONE => true)))
        | SatSolver.UNSATISFIABLE _ =>
          (Output.immediate_output " no model exists.\n";
          case next_universe universe sizes minsize maxsize of
            SOME universe' => find_model_loop universe'
          | NONE           => writeln
            "Search terminated, no larger universe within the given limits.")
        | SatSolver.UNKNOWN =>
          (Output.immediate_output " no model found.\n";
          case next_universe universe sizes minsize maxsize of
            SOME universe' => find_model_loop universe'
          | NONE           => writeln
            "Search terminated, no larger universe within the given limits.")
        ) handle SatSolver.NOT_CONFIGURED =>
          error ("SAT solver " ^ quote satsolver ^ " is not configured.")
      end handle MAXVARS_EXCEEDED =>
        writeln ("\nSearch terminated, number of Boolean variables ("
          ^ string_of_int maxvars ^ " allowed) exceeded.")
        find_model_loop (first_universe types sizes minsize)
      (* some parameter sanity checks *)
      minsize>=1 orelse
        error ("\"minsize\" is " ^ string_of_int minsize ^ ", must be at least 1");
      maxsize>=1 orelse
        error ("\"maxsize\" is " ^ string_of_int maxsize ^ ", must be at least 1");
      maxsize>=minsize orelse
        error ("\"maxsize\" (=" ^ string_of_int maxsize ^
        ") is less than \"minsize\" (=" ^ string_of_int minsize ^ ").");
      maxvars>=0 orelse
        error ("\"maxvars\" is " ^ string_of_int maxvars ^ ", must be at least 0");
      maxtime>=0 orelse
        error ("\"maxtime\" is " ^ string_of_int maxtime ^ ", must be at least 0");
      (* enter loop with or without time limit *)
      writeln ("Trying to find a model that "
        ^ (if negate then "refutes" else "satisfies") ^ ": "
        ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t);
      if maxtime>0 then (
        TimeLimit.timeLimit (Time.fromSeconds maxtime)
          wrapper ()
        handle TimeLimit.TimeOut =>
          writeln ("\nSearch terminated, time limit (" ^ string_of_int maxtime
            ^ (if maxtime=1 then " second" else " seconds") ^ ") exceeded.")
      ) else
        wrapper ()

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* INTERFACE, PART 2: FINDING A MODEL                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* satisfy_term: calls 'find_model' to find a model that satisfies 't'       *)
(* params      : list of '(name, value)' pairs used to override default      *)
(*               parameters                                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit *)

  fun satisfy_term thy params t =
    find_model thy (actual_params thy params) t false;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* refute_term: calls 'find_model' to find a model that refutes 't'          *)
(* params     : list of '(name, value)' pairs used to override default       *)
(*              parameters                                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> (string * string) list -> Term.term -> unit *)

  fun refute_term thy params t =
    (* disallow schematic type variables, since we cannot properly negate  *)
    (* terms containing them (their logical meaning is that there EXISTS a *)
    (* type s.t. ...; to refute such a formula, we would have to show that *)
    (* for ALL types, not ...)                                             *)
    val _ = null (Term.add_tvars t []) orelse
      error "Term to be refuted contains schematic type variables"

    (* existential closure over schematic variables *)
    (* (Term.indexname * Term.typ) list *)
    val vars = sort_wrt (fst o fst) (map dest_Var (OldTerm.term_vars t))
    (* Term.term *)
    val ex_closure = Library.foldl (fn (t', ((x, i), T)) =>
      (HOLogic.exists_const T) $
        Abs (x, T, abstract_over (Var ((x, i), T), t')))
      (t, vars)
    (* Note: If 't' is of type 'propT' (rather than 'boolT'), applying   *)
    (* 'HOLogic.exists_const' is not type-correct.  However, this is not *)
    (* really a problem as long as 'find_model' still interprets the     *)
    (* resulting term correctly, without checking its type.              *)

    (* replace outermost universally quantified variables by Free's:     *)
    (* refuting a term with Free's is generally faster than refuting a   *)
    (* term with (nested) quantifiers, because quantifiers are expanded, *)
    (* while the SAT solver searches for an interpretation for Free's.   *)
    (* Also we get more information back that way, namely an             *)
    (* interpretation which includes values for the (formerly)           *)
    (* quantified variables.                                             *)
    (* maps  !!x1...xn. !xk...xm. t   to   t  *)
    fun strip_all_body (Const (@{const_name all}, _) $ Abs (_, _, t)) =
        strip_all_body t
      | strip_all_body (Const (@{const_name Trueprop}, _) $ t) =
        strip_all_body t
      | strip_all_body (Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ Abs (_, _, t)) =
        strip_all_body t
      | strip_all_body t = t
    (* maps  !!x1...xn. !xk...xm. t   to   [x1, ..., xn, xk, ..., xm]  *)
    fun strip_all_vars (Const (@{const_name all}, _) $ Abs (a, T, t)) =
      (a, T) :: strip_all_vars t
      | strip_all_vars (Const (@{const_name Trueprop}, _) $ t) =
      strip_all_vars t
      | strip_all_vars (Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ Abs (a, T, t)) =
      (a, T) :: strip_all_vars t
      | strip_all_vars t =
      [] : (string * typ) list
    val strip_t = strip_all_body ex_closure
    val frees   = Term.rename_wrt_term strip_t (strip_all_vars ex_closure)
    val subst_t = Term.subst_bounds (map Free frees, strip_t)
    find_model thy (actual_params thy params) subst_t true

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* refute_subgoal: calls 'refute_term' on a specific subgoal                 *)
(* params        : list of '(name, value)' pairs used to override default    *)
(*                 parameters                                                *)
(* subgoal       : 0-based index specifying the subgoal number               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> (string * string) list -> Thm.thm -> int -> unit *)

  fun refute_subgoal thy params thm subgoal =
    refute_term thy params (List.nth (Thm.prems_of thm, subgoal));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* INTERPRETERS: Auxiliary Functions                                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* make_constants: returns all interpretations for type 'T' that consist of  *)
(*                 unit vectors with 'True'/'False' only (no Boolean         *)
(*                 variables)                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> model -> Term.typ -> interpretation list *)

  fun make_constants thy model T =
    (* returns a list with all unit vectors of length n *)
    (* int -> interpretation list *)
    fun unit_vectors n =
      (* returns the k-th unit vector of length n *)
      (* int * int -> interpretation *)
      fun unit_vector (k, n) =
        Leaf ((replicate (k-1) False) @ (True :: (replicate (n-k) False)))
      (* int -> interpretation list *)
      fun unit_vectors_loop k =
        if k>n then [] else unit_vector (k,n) :: unit_vectors_loop (k+1)
      unit_vectors_loop 1
    (* returns a list of lists, each one consisting of n (possibly *)
    (* identical) elements from 'xs'                               *)
    (* int -> 'a list -> 'a list list *)
    fun pick_all 1 xs =
      map single xs
      | pick_all n xs =
      let val rec_pick = pick_all (n-1) xs in
        List.concat (map (fn x => map (cons x) rec_pick) xs)
    (* returns all constant interpretations that have the same tree *)
    (* structure as the interpretation argument                     *)
    (* interpretation -> interpretation list *)
    fun make_constants_intr (Leaf xs) = unit_vectors (length xs)
      | make_constants_intr (Node xs) = map Node (pick_all (length xs)
      (make_constants_intr (hd xs)))
    (* obtain the interpretation for a variable of type 'T' *)
    val (i, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1,
      bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
    make_constants_intr i

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* power: 'power (a, b)' computes a^b, for a>=0, b>=0                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* int * int -> int *)

  fun power (a, 0) = 1
    | power (a, 1) = a
    | power (a, b) = let val ab = power(a, b div 2) in
        ab * ab * power(a, b mod 2)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* size_of_type: returns the number of elements in a type 'T' (i.e. 'length  *)
(*               (make_constants T)', but implemented more efficiently)      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> model -> Term.typ -> int *)

  (* returns 0 for an empty ground type or a function type with empty      *)
  (* codomain, but fails for a function type with empty domain --          *)
  (* admissibility of datatype constructor argument types (see "Inductive  *)
  (* datatypes in HOL - lessons learned ...", S. Berghofer, M. Wenzel,     *)
  (* TPHOLs 99) ensures that recursive, possibly empty, datatype fragments *)
  (* never occur as the domain of a function type that is the type of a    *)
  (* constructor argument                                                  *)

  fun size_of_type thy model T =
    (* returns the number of elements that have the same tree structure as a *)
    (* given interpretation                                                  *)
    fun size_of_intr (Leaf xs) = length xs
      | size_of_intr (Node xs) = power (size_of_intr (hd xs), length xs)
    (* obtain the interpretation for a variable of type 'T' *)
    val (i, _, _) = interpret thy model {maxvars=0, def_eq=false, next_idx=1,
      bounds=[], wellformed=True} (Free ("dummy", T))
    size_of_intr i

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* TT/FF: interpretations that denote "true" or "false", respectively        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* interpretation *)

  val TT = Leaf [True, False];

  val FF = Leaf [False, True];

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* make_equality: returns an interpretation that denotes (extensional)       *)
(*                equality of two interpretations                            *)
(* - two interpretations are 'equal' iff they are both defined and denote    *)
(*   the same value                                                          *)
(* - two interpretations are 'not_equal' iff they are both defined at least  *)
(*   partially, and a defined part denotes different values                  *)
(* - a completely undefined interpretation is neither 'equal' nor            *)
(*   'not_equal' to another interpretation                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* We could in principle represent '=' on a type T by a particular        *)
  (* interpretation.  However, the size of that interpretation is quadratic *)
  (* in the size of T.  Therefore comparing the interpretations 'i1' and    *)
  (* 'i2' directly is more efficient than constructing the interpretation   *)
  (* for equality on T first, and "applying" this interpretation to 'i1'    *)
  (* and 'i2' in the usual way (cf. 'interpretation_apply') then.           *)

  (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)

  fun make_equality (i1, i2) =
    (* interpretation * interpretation -> prop_formula *)
    fun equal (i1, i2) =
      (case i1 of
        Leaf xs =>
        (case i2 of
          Leaf ys => PropLogic.dot_product (xs, ys)  (* defined and equal *)
        | Node _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
          "second interpretation is higher"))
      | Node xs =>
        (case i2 of
          Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
          "first interpretation is higher")
        | Node ys => PropLogic.all (map equal (xs ~~ ys))))
    (* interpretation * interpretation -> prop_formula *)
    fun not_equal (i1, i2) =
      (case i1 of
        Leaf xs =>
        (case i2 of
          (* defined and not equal *)
          Leaf ys => PropLogic.all ((PropLogic.exists xs)
          :: (PropLogic.exists ys)
          :: (map (fn (x,y) => SOr (SNot x, SNot y)) (xs ~~ ys)))
        | Node _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
          "second interpretation is higher"))
      | Node xs =>
        (case i2 of
          Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("make_equality",
          "first interpretation is higher")
        | Node ys => PropLogic.exists (map not_equal (xs ~~ ys))))
    (* a value may be undefined; therefore 'not_equal' is not just the *)
    (* negation of 'equal'                                             *)
    Leaf [equal (i1, i2), not_equal (i1, i2)]

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* make_def_equality: returns an interpretation that denotes (extensional)   *)
(*                    equality of two interpretations                        *)
(* This function treats undefined/partially defined interpretations          *)
(* different from 'make_equality': two undefined interpretations are         *)
(* considered equal, while a defined interpretation is considered not equal  *)
(* to an undefined interpretation.                                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)

  fun make_def_equality (i1, i2) =
    (* interpretation * interpretation -> prop_formula *)
    fun equal (i1, i2) =
      (case i1 of
        Leaf xs =>
        (case i2 of
          (* defined and equal, or both undefined *)
          Leaf ys => SOr (PropLogic.dot_product (xs, ys),
          SAnd (PropLogic.all (map SNot xs), PropLogic.all (map SNot ys)))
        | Node _  => raise REFUTE ("make_def_equality",
          "second interpretation is higher"))
      | Node xs =>
        (case i2 of
          Leaf _  => raise REFUTE ("make_def_equality",
          "first interpretation is higher")
        | Node ys => PropLogic.all (map equal (xs ~~ ys))))
    (* interpretation *)
    val eq = equal (i1, i2)
    Leaf [eq, SNot eq]

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* interpretation_apply: returns an interpretation that denotes the result   *)
(*                       of applying the function denoted by 'i1' to the     *)
(*                       argument denoted by 'i2'                            *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)

  fun interpretation_apply (i1, i2) =
    (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
    fun interpretation_disjunction (tr1,tr2) =
      tree_map (fn (xs,ys) => map (fn (x,y) => SOr(x,y)) (xs ~~ ys))
        (tree_pair (tr1,tr2))
    (* prop_formula * interpretation -> interpretation *)
    fun prop_formula_times_interpretation (fm,tr) =
      tree_map (map (fn x => SAnd (fm,x))) tr
    (* prop_formula list * interpretation list -> interpretation *)
    fun prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list ([fm],[tr]) =
      prop_formula_times_interpretation (fm,tr)
      | prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list (fm::fms,tr::trees) =
      interpretation_disjunction (prop_formula_times_interpretation (fm,tr),
        prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list (fms,trees))
      | prop_formula_list_dot_product_interpretation_list (_,_) =
      raise REFUTE ("interpretation_apply", "empty list (in dot product)")
    (* concatenates 'x' with every list in 'xss', returning a new list of *)
    (* lists                                                              *)
    (* 'a -> 'a list list -> 'a list list *)
    fun cons_list x xss =
      map (cons x) xss
    (* returns a list of lists, each one consisting of one element from each *)
    (* element of 'xss'                                                      *)
    (* 'a list list -> 'a list list *)
    fun pick_all [xs] =
      map single xs
      | pick_all (xs::xss) =
      let val rec_pick = pick_all xss in
        List.concat (map (fn x => map (cons x) rec_pick) xs)
      | pick_all _ =
      raise REFUTE ("interpretation_apply", "empty list (in pick_all)")
    (* interpretation -> prop_formula list *)
    fun interpretation_to_prop_formula_list (Leaf xs) =
      | interpretation_to_prop_formula_list (Node trees) =
      map PropLogic.all (pick_all
        (map interpretation_to_prop_formula_list trees))
    case i1 of
      Leaf _ =>
      raise REFUTE ("interpretation_apply", "first interpretation is a leaf")
    | Node xs =>
        (interpretation_to_prop_formula_list i2, xs)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* eta_expand: eta-expands a term 't' by adding 'i' lambda abstractions      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* Term.term -> int -> Term.term *)

  fun eta_expand t i =
    val Ts = Term.binder_types (Term.fastype_of t)
    val t' = Term.incr_boundvars i t
    foldr (fn (T, term) => Abs ("<eta_expand>", T, term))
      (Term.list_comb (t', map Bound (i-1 downto 0))) (List.take (Ts, i))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* sum: returns the sum of a list 'xs' of integers                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* int list -> int *)

  fun sum xs = foldl op+ 0 xs;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* product: returns the product of a list 'xs' of integers                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* int list -> int *)

  fun product xs = foldl op* 1 xs;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* size_of_dtyp: the size of (an initial fragment of) an inductive data type *)
(*               is the sum (over its constructors) of the product (over     *)
(*               their arguments) of the size of the argument types          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> (Term.typ * int) list -> DatatypeAux.descr ->
    (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list ->
    (string * DatatypeAux.dtyp list) list -> int *)

  fun size_of_dtyp thy typ_sizes descr typ_assoc constructors =
    sum (map (fn (_, dtyps) =>
      product (map (size_of_type thy (typ_sizes, []) o
        (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc)) dtyps))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* INTERPRETERS: Actual Interpreters                                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* simply typed lambda calculus: Isabelle's basic term syntax, with type *)
  (* variables, function types, and propT                                  *)

  fun stlc_interpreter thy model args t =
    val (typs, terms)                                   = model
    val {maxvars, def_eq, next_idx, bounds, wellformed} = args
    (* Term.typ -> (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
    fun interpret_groundterm T =
      (* unit -> (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
      fun interpret_groundtype () =
        (* the model must specify a size for ground types *)
        val size = if T = Term.propT then 2
          else the (AList.lookup (op =) typs T)
        val next = next_idx+size
        (* check if 'maxvars' is large enough *)
        val _    = (if next-1>maxvars andalso maxvars>0 then
          raise MAXVARS_EXCEEDED else ())
        (* prop_formula list *)
        val fms  = map BoolVar (next_idx upto (next_idx+size-1))
        (* interpretation *)
        val intr = Leaf fms
        (* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
        fun one_of_two_false []      = True
          | one_of_two_false (x::xs) = SAnd (PropLogic.all (map (fn x' =>
          SOr (SNot x, SNot x')) xs), one_of_two_false xs)
        (* prop_formula *)
        val wf   = one_of_two_false fms
        (* extend the model, increase 'next_idx', add well-formedness *)
        (* condition                                                  *)
        SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), {maxvars = maxvars,
          def_eq = def_eq, next_idx = next, bounds = bounds,
          wellformed = SAnd (wellformed, wf)})
      case T of
        Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) =>
          (* we create 'size_of_type ... T1' different copies of the        *)
          (* interpretation for 'T2', which are then combined into a single *)
          (* new interpretation                                             *)
          (* make fresh copies, with different variable indices *)
          (* 'idx': next variable index                         *)
          (* 'n'  : number of copies                            *)
          (* int -> int -> (int * interpretation list * prop_formula *)
          fun make_copies idx 0 =
            (idx, [], True)
            | make_copies idx n =
              val (copy, _, new_args) = interpret thy (typs, [])
                {maxvars = maxvars, def_eq = false, next_idx = idx,
                bounds = [], wellformed = True} (Free ("dummy", T2))
              val (idx', copies, wf') = make_copies (#next_idx new_args) (n-1)
              (idx', copy :: copies, SAnd (#wellformed new_args, wf'))
          val (next, copies, wf) = make_copies next_idx
            (size_of_type thy model T1)
          (* combine copies into a single interpretation *)
          val intr = Node copies
          (* extend the model, increase 'next_idx', add well-formedness *)
          (* condition                                                  *)
          SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), {maxvars = maxvars,
            def_eq = def_eq, next_idx = next, bounds = bounds,
            wellformed = SAnd (wellformed, wf)})
      | Type _  => interpret_groundtype ()
      | TFree _ => interpret_groundtype ()
      | TVar  _ => interpret_groundtype ()
    case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
      SOME intr =>
      (* return an existing interpretation *)
      SOME (intr, model, args)
    | NONE =>
      (case t of
        Const (_, T)     =>
        interpret_groundterm T
      | Free (_, T)      =>
        interpret_groundterm T
      | Var (_, T)       =>
        interpret_groundterm T
      | Bound i          =>
        SOME (List.nth (#bounds args, i), model, args)
      | Abs (x, T, body) =>
          (* create all constants of type 'T' *)
          val constants = make_constants thy model T
          (* interpret the 'body' separately for each constant *)
          val ((model', args'), bodies) = foldl_map
            (fn ((m, a), c) =>
                (* add 'c' to 'bounds' *)
                val (i', m', a') = interpret thy m {maxvars = #maxvars a,
                  def_eq = #def_eq a, next_idx = #next_idx a,
                  bounds = (c :: #bounds a), wellformed = #wellformed a} body
                (* keep the new model m' and 'next_idx' and 'wellformed', *)
                (* but use old 'bounds'                                   *)
                ((m', {maxvars = maxvars, def_eq = def_eq,
                  next_idx = #next_idx a', bounds = bounds,
                  wellformed = #wellformed a'}), i')
            ((model, args), constants)
          SOME (Node bodies, model', args')
      | t1 $ t2          =>
          (* interpret 't1' and 't2' separately *)
          val (intr1, model1, args1) = interpret thy model args t1
          val (intr2, model2, args2) = interpret thy model1 args1 t2
          SOME (interpretation_apply (intr1, intr2), model2, args2)

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  fun Pure_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name all}, _) $ t1 =>
        val (i, m, a) = interpret thy model args t1
        case i of
          Node xs =>
          (* 3-valued logic *)
            val fmTrue  = PropLogic.all (map toTrue xs)
            val fmFalse = PropLogic.exists (map toFalse xs)
            SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m, a)
        | _ =>
          raise REFUTE ("Pure_interpreter",
            "\"all\" is followed by a non-function")
    | Const (@{const_name all}, _) =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
    | Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
        (* we use either 'make_def_equality' or 'make_equality' *)
        SOME ((if #def_eq args then make_def_equality else make_equality)
          (i1, i2), m2, a2)
    | Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ t1 =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
    | Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
    | Const (@{const_name "==>"}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
      (* 3-valued logic *)
        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
        val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SOr (toFalse i1, toTrue i2)
        val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SAnd (toTrue i1, toFalse i2)
        SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
    | Const (@{const_name "==>"}, _) $ t1 =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
    | Const (@{const_name "==>"}, _) =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
    | _ => NONE;

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  fun HOLogic_interpreter thy model args t =
  (* Providing interpretations directly is more efficient than unfolding the *)
  (* logical constants.  In HOL however, logical constants can themselves be *)
  (* arguments.  They are then translated using eta-expansion.               *)
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name Trueprop}, _) =>
      SOME (Node [TT, FF], model, args)
    | Const (@{const_name Not}, _) =>
      SOME (Node [FF, TT], model, args)
    (* redundant, since 'True' is also an IDT constructor *)
    | Const (@{const_name True}, _) =>
      SOME (TT, model, args)
    (* redundant, since 'False' is also an IDT constructor *)
    | Const (@{const_name False}, _) =>
      SOME (FF, model, args)
    | Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ t1 =>  (* similar to "all" (Pure) *)
        val (i, m, a) = interpret thy model args t1
        case i of
          Node xs =>
          (* 3-valued logic *)
            val fmTrue  = PropLogic.all (map toTrue xs)
            val fmFalse = PropLogic.exists (map toFalse xs)
            SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m, a)
        | _ =>
          raise REFUTE ("HOLogic_interpreter",
            "\"All\" is followed by a non-function")
    | Const (@{const_name All}, _) =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
    | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ t1 =>
        val (i, m, a) = interpret thy model args t1
        case i of
          Node xs =>
          (* 3-valued logic *)
            val fmTrue  = PropLogic.exists (map toTrue xs)
            val fmFalse = PropLogic.all (map toFalse xs)
            SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m, a)
        | _ =>
          raise REFUTE ("HOLogic_interpreter",
            "\"Ex\" is followed by a non-function")
    | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
    | Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>  (* similar to "==" (Pure) *)
        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
        SOME (make_equality (i1, i2), m2, a2)
    | Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ t1 =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
    | Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
    | Const (@{const_name "op &"}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
      (* 3-valued logic *)
        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
        val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SAnd (toTrue i1, toTrue i2)
        val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SOr (toFalse i1, toFalse i2)
        SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
    | Const (@{const_name "op &"}, _) $ t1 =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
    | Const (@{const_name "op &"}, _) =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
      (* this would make "undef" propagate, even for formulae like *)
      (* "False & undef":                                          *)
      (* SOME (Node [Node [TT, FF], Node [FF, FF]], model, args) *)
    | Const (@{const_name "op |"}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
      (* 3-valued logic *)
        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
        val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SOr (toTrue i1, toTrue i2)
        val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SAnd (toFalse i1, toFalse i2)
        SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
    | Const (@{const_name "op |"}, _) $ t1 =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
    | Const (@{const_name "op |"}, _) =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
      (* this would make "undef" propagate, even for formulae like *)
      (* "True | undef":                                           *)
      (* SOME (Node [Node [TT, TT], Node [TT, FF]], model, args) *)
    | Const (@{const_name "op -->"}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>  (* similar to "==>" (Pure) *)
      (* 3-valued logic *)
        val (i1, m1, a1) = interpret thy model args t1
        val (i2, m2, a2) = interpret thy m1 a1 t2
        val fmTrue       = PropLogic.SOr (toFalse i1, toTrue i2)
        val fmFalse      = PropLogic.SAnd (toTrue i1, toFalse i2)
        SOME (Leaf [fmTrue, fmFalse], m2, a2)
    | Const (@{const_name "op -->"}, _) $ t1 =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
    | Const (@{const_name "op -->"}, _) =>
      SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
      (* this would make "undef" propagate, even for formulae like *)
      (* "False --> undef":                                        *)
      (* SOME (Node [Node [TT, FF], Node [TT, TT]], model, args) *)
    | _ => NONE;

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* interprets variables and constants whose type is an IDT (this is        *)
  (* relatively easy and merely requires us to compute the size of the IDT); *)
  (* constructors of IDTs however are properly interpreted by                *)
  (* 'IDT_constructor_interpreter'                                           *)

  fun IDT_interpreter thy model args t =
    val (typs, terms) = model
    (* Term.typ -> (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)
    fun interpret_term (Type (s, Ts)) =
      (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
        SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
          (* int option -- only recursive IDTs have an associated depth *)
          val depth = AList.lookup (op =) typs (Type (s, Ts))
          (* sanity check: depth must be at least 0 *)
          val _ = (case depth of SOME n =>
            if n<0 then
              raise REFUTE ("IDT_interpreter", "negative depth")
            else ()
            | _ => ())
          (* termination condition to avoid infinite recursion *)
          if depth = (SOME 0) then
            (* return a leaf of size 0 *)
            SOME (Leaf [], model, args)
              val index               = #index info
              val descr               = #descr info
              val (_, dtyps, constrs) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr index)
              val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts
              (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
              val _ = if Library.exists (fn d =>
                  case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
                  raise REFUTE ("IDT_interpreter",
                    "datatype argument (for type "
                    ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy (Type (s, Ts))
                    ^ ") is not a variable")
                else ()
              (* if the model specifies a depth for the current type, *)
              (* decrement it to avoid infinite recursion             *)
              val typs'    = case depth of NONE => typs | SOME n =>
                AList.update (op =) (Type (s, Ts), n-1) typs
              (* recursively compute the size of the datatype *)
              val size     = size_of_dtyp thy typs' descr typ_assoc constrs
              val next_idx = #next_idx args
              val next     = next_idx+size
              (* check if 'maxvars' is large enough *)
              val _        = (if next-1 > #maxvars args andalso
                #maxvars args > 0 then raise MAXVARS_EXCEEDED else ())
              (* prop_formula list *)
              val fms      = map BoolVar (next_idx upto (next_idx+size-1))
              (* interpretation *)
              val intr     = Leaf fms
              (* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
              fun one_of_two_false []      = True
                | one_of_two_false (x::xs) = SAnd (PropLogic.all (map (fn x' =>
                SOr (SNot x, SNot x')) xs), one_of_two_false xs)
              (* prop_formula *)
              val wf       = one_of_two_false fms
              (* extend the model, increase 'next_idx', add well-formedness *)
              (* condition                                                  *)
              SOME (intr, (typs, (t, intr)::terms), {maxvars = #maxvars args,
                def_eq = #def_eq args, next_idx = next, bounds = #bounds args,
                wellformed = SAnd (#wellformed args, wf)})
      | NONE =>  (* not an inductive datatype *)
      | interpret_term _ =  (* a (free or schematic) type variable *)
    case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
      SOME intr =>
      (* return an existing interpretation *)
      SOME (intr, model, args)
    | NONE =>
      (case t of
        Free (_, T)  => interpret_term T
      | Var (_, T)   => interpret_term T
      | Const (_, T) => interpret_term T
      | _            => NONE)

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* This function imposes an order on the elements of a datatype fragment  *)
  (* as follows: C_i x_1 ... x_n < C_j y_1 ... y_m iff i < j or             *)
  (* (x_1, ..., x_n) < (y_1, ..., y_m).  With this order, a constructor is  *)
  (* a function C_i that maps some argument indices x_1, ..., x_n to the    *)
  (* datatype element given by index C_i x_1 ... x_n.  The idea remains the *)
  (* same for recursive datatypes, although the computation of indices gets *)
  (* a little tricky.                                                       *)

  fun IDT_constructor_interpreter thy model args t =
    (* returns a list of canonical representations for terms of the type 'T' *)
    (* It would be nice if we could just use 'print' for this, but 'print'   *)
    (* for IDTs calls 'IDT_constructor_interpreter' again, and this could    *)
    (* lead to infinite recursion when we have (mutually) recursive IDTs.    *)
    (* (Term.typ * int) list -> Term.typ -> Term.term list *)
    fun canonical_terms typs T =
      (case T of
        Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) =>
        (* 'T2' might contain a recursive IDT, so we cannot use 'print' (at *)
        (* least not for 'T2'                                               *)
          (* returns a list of lists, each one consisting of n (possibly *)
          (* identical) elements from 'xs'                               *)
          (* int -> 'a list -> 'a list list *)
          fun pick_all 1 xs =
            map single xs
          | pick_all n xs =
            let val rec_pick = pick_all (n-1) xs in
              List.concat (map (fn x => map (cons x) rec_pick) xs)
          (* ["x1", ..., "xn"] *)
          val terms1 = canonical_terms typs T1
          (* ["y1", ..., "ym"] *)
          val terms2 = canonical_terms typs T2
          (* [[("x1", "y1"), ..., ("xn", "y1")], ..., *)
          (*   [("x1", "ym"), ..., ("xn", "ym")]]     *)
          val functions = map (curry (op ~~) terms1)
            (pick_all (length terms1) terms2)
          (* [["(x1, y1)", ..., "(xn, y1)"], ..., *)
          (*   ["(x1, ym)", ..., "(xn, ym)"]]     *)
          val pairss = map (map HOLogic.mk_prod) functions
          (* Term.typ *)
          val HOLogic_prodT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (T1, T2)
          val HOLogic_setT  = HOLogic.mk_setT HOLogic_prodT
          (* Term.term *)
          val HOLogic_empty_set = Const (@{const_name "{}"}, HOLogic_setT)
          val HOLogic_insert    =
            Const (@{const_name insert}, HOLogic_prodT --> HOLogic_setT --> HOLogic_setT)
          (* functions as graphs, i.e. as a (HOL) set of pairs "(x, y)" *)
          map (foldr (fn (pair, acc) => HOLogic_insert $ pair $ acc)
            HOLogic_empty_set) pairss
      | Type (s, Ts) =>
        (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
          SOME info =>
          (case AList.lookup (op =) typs T of
            SOME 0 =>
            (* termination condition to avoid infinite recursion *)
            []  (* at depth 0, every IDT is empty *)
          | _ =>
              val index               = #index info
              val descr               = #descr info
              val (_, dtyps, constrs) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr index)
              val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts
              (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
              val _ = if Library.exists (fn d =>
                  case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
                  raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                    "datatype argument (for type "
                    ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T
                    ^ ") is not a variable")
                else ()
              (* decrement depth for the IDT 'T' *)
              val typs' = (case AList.lookup (op =) typs T of NONE => typs
                | SOME n => AList.update (op =) (T, n-1) typs)
              (* Term.term list -> DatatypeAux.dtyp list -> Term.term list *)
              fun constructor_terms terms [] = terms
                | constructor_terms terms (d::ds) =
                  val dT = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
                  val d_terms = canonical_terms typs' dT
                  (* C_i x_1 ... x_n < C_i y_1 ... y_n if *)
                  (* (x_1, ..., x_n) < (y_1, ..., y_n)    *)
                    (map_product (curry op $) terms d_terms) ds
              (* C_i ... < C_j ... if i < j *)
              List.concat (map (fn (cname, ctyps) =>
                  val cTerm = Const (cname,
                    map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ctyps ---> T)
                  constructor_terms [cTerm] ctyps
                end) constrs)
        | NONE =>
          (* not an inductive datatype; in this case the argument types in *)
          (* 'Ts' may not be IDTs either, so 'print' should be safe        *)
          map (fn intr => print thy (typs, []) T intr (K false))
            (make_constants thy (typs, []) T))
      | _ =>  (* TFree ..., TVar ... *)
        map (fn intr => print thy (typs, []) T intr (K false))
          (make_constants thy (typs, []) T))
    val (typs, terms) = model
    case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
      SOME intr =>
      (* return an existing interpretation *)
      SOME (intr, model, args)
    | NONE =>
      (case t of
        Const (s, T) =>
        (case body_type T of
          Type (s', Ts') =>
          (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s' of
            SOME info =>  (* body type is an inductive datatype *)
              val index               = #index info
              val descr               = #descr info
              val (_, dtyps, constrs) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr index)
              val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts'
              (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
              val _ = if Library.exists (fn d =>
                  case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
                  raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                    "datatype argument (for type "
                    ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy (Type (s', Ts'))
                    ^ ") is not a variable")
                else ()
              (* split the constructors into those occuring before/after *)
              (* 'Const (s, T)'                                          *)
              val (constrs1, constrs2) = take_prefix (fn (cname, ctypes) =>
                not (cname = s andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (T,
                  map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ctypes
                    ---> Type (s', Ts')))) constrs
              case constrs2 of
                [] =>
                (* 'Const (s, T)' is not a constructor of this datatype *)
              | (_, ctypes)::cs =>
                  (* int option -- only /recursive/ IDTs have an associated *)
                  (*               depth                                    *)
                  val depth = AList.lookup (op =) typs (Type (s', Ts'))
                  (* this should never happen: at depth 0, this IDT fragment *)
                  (* is definitely empty, and in this case we don't need to  *)
                  (* interpret its constructors                              *)
                  val _ = (case depth of SOME 0 =>
                      raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                        "depth is 0")
                    | _ => ())
                  val typs' = (case depth of NONE => typs | SOME n =>
                    AList.update (op =) (Type (s', Ts'), n-1) typs)
                  (* elements of the datatype come before elements generated *)
                  (* by 'Const (s, T)' iff they are generated by a           *)
                  (* constructor in constrs1                                 *)
                  val offset = size_of_dtyp thy typs' descr typ_assoc constrs1
                  (* compute the total (current) size of the datatype *)
                  val total = offset +
                    size_of_dtyp thy typs' descr typ_assoc constrs2
                  (* sanity check *)
                  val _ = if total <> size_of_type thy (typs, [])
                    (Type (s', Ts')) then
                      raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                        "total is not equal to current size")
                    else ()
                  (* returns an interpretation where everything is mapped to *)
                  (* an "undefined" element of the datatype                  *)
                  (* DatatypeAux.dtyp list -> interpretation *)
                  fun make_undef [] =
                    Leaf (replicate total False)
                    | make_undef (d::ds) =
                      (* compute the current size of the type 'd' *)
                      val dT   = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
                      val size = size_of_type thy (typs, []) dT
                      Node (replicate size (make_undef ds))
                  (* returns the interpretation for a constructor *)
                  (* int * DatatypeAux.dtyp list -> int * interpretation *)
                  fun make_constr (offset, []) =
                    if offset<total then
                      (offset+1, Leaf ((replicate offset False) @ True ::
                        (replicate (total-offset-1) False)))
                      raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                        "offset >= total")
                    | make_constr (offset, d::ds) =
                      (* Term.typ *)
                      val dT = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
                      (* compute canonical term representations for all   *)
                      (* elements of the type 'd' (with the reduced depth *)
                      (* for the IDT)                                     *)
                      val terms' = canonical_terms typs' dT
                      (* sanity check *)
                      val _ = if length terms' <>
                        size_of_type thy (typs', []) dT
                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                            "length of terms' is not equal to old size")
                        else ()
                      (* compute canonical term representations for all   *)
                      (* elements of the type 'd' (with the current depth *)
                      (* for the IDT)                                     *)
                      val terms = canonical_terms typs dT
                      (* sanity check *)
                      val _ = if length terms <> size_of_type thy (typs, []) dT
                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                            "length of terms is not equal to current size")
                        else ()
                      (* sanity check *)
                      val _ = if length terms < length terms' then
                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                            "current size is less than old size")
                        else ()
                      (* sanity check: every element of terms' must also be *)
                      (*               present in terms                     *)
                      val _ = if List.all (member op= terms) terms' then ()
                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                            "element has disappeared")
                      (* sanity check: the order on elements of terms' is    *)
                      (*               the same in terms, for those elements *)
                      val _ = let
                          fun search (x::xs) (y::ys) =
                            if x = y then search xs ys else search (x::xs) ys
                            | search (x::xs) [] =
                            raise REFUTE ("IDT_constructor_interpreter",
                              "element order not preserved")
                            | search [] _ = ()
                        in  search terms' terms  end
                      (* int * interpretation list *)
                      val (new_offset, intrs) = foldl_map (fn (off, t_elem) =>
                        (* if 't_elem' existed at the previous depth,    *)
                        (* proceed recursively, otherwise map the entire *)
                        (* subtree to "undefined"                        *)
                        if t_elem mem terms' then
                          make_constr (off, ds)
                          (off, make_undef ds)) (offset, terms)
                      (new_offset, Node intrs)
                  SOME (snd (make_constr (offset, ctypes)), model, args)
          | NONE =>  (* body type is not an inductive datatype *)
        | _ =>  (* body type is a (free or schematic) type variable *)
      | _ =>  (* term is not a constant *)

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* Difficult code ahead.  Make sure you understand the                *)
  (* 'IDT_constructor_interpreter' and the order in which it enumerates *)
  (* elements of an IDT before you try to understand this function.     *)

  fun IDT_recursion_interpreter thy model args t =
    (* careful: here we descend arbitrarily deep into 't', possibly before *)
    (* any other interpreter for atomic terms has had a chance to look at  *)
    (* 't'                                                                 *)
    case strip_comb t of
      (Const (s, T), params) =>
      (* iterate over all datatypes in 'thy' *)
      Symtab.fold (fn (_, info) => fn result =>
        case result of
          SOME _ =>
          result  (* just keep 'result' *)
        | NONE =>
          if member (op =) (#rec_names info) s then
            (* we do have a recursion operator of one of the (mutually *)
            (* recursive) datatypes given by 'info'                    *)
              (* number of all constructors, including those of different  *)
              (* (mutually recursive) datatypes within the same descriptor *)
              val mconstrs_count = sum (map (fn (_, (_, _, cs)) => length cs)
                (#descr info))
              if mconstrs_count < length params then
                (* too many actual parameters; for now we'll use the *)
                (* 'stlc_interpreter' to strip off one application   *)
              else if mconstrs_count > length params then
                (* too few actual parameters; we use eta expansion          *)
                (* Note that the resulting expansion of lambda abstractions *)
                (* by the 'stlc_interpreter' may be rather slow (depending  *)
                (* on the argument types and the size of the IDT, of        *)
                (* course).                                                 *)
                SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t
                  (mconstrs_count - length params)))
              else  (* mconstrs_count = length params *)
                  (* interpret each parameter separately *)
                  val ((model', args'), p_intrs) = foldl_map (fn ((m, a), p) =>
                      val (i, m', a') = interpret thy m a p
                      ((m', a'), i)
                    end) ((model, args), params)
                  val (typs, _) = model'
                  (* 'index' is /not/ necessarily the index of the IDT that *)
                  (* the recursion operator is associated with, but merely  *)
                  (* the index of some mutually recursive IDT               *)
                  val index         = #index info
                  val descr         = #descr info
                  val (_, dtyps, _) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr index)
                  (* sanity check: we assume that the order of constructors *)
                  (*               in 'descr' is the same as the order of   *)
                  (*               corresponding parameters, otherwise the  *)
                  (*               association code below won't match the   *)
                  (*               right constructors/parameters; we also   *)
                  (*               assume that the order of recursion       *)
                  (*               operators in '#rec_names info' is the    *)
                  (*               same as the order of corresponding       *)
                  (*               datatypes in 'descr'                     *)
                  val _ = if map fst descr <> (0 upto (length descr - 1)) then
                      raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                        "order of constructors and corresponding parameters/" ^
                          "recursion operators and corresponding datatypes " ^
                    else ()
                  (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a *)
                  (*               'DtTFree'                          *)
                  val _ = if Library.exists (fn d =>
                    case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false
                            | _ => true) dtyps
                      raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                        "datatype argument is not a variable")
                    else ()
                  (* the type of a recursion operator is *)
                  (* [T1, ..., Tn, IDT] ---> Tresult     *)
                  val IDT = List.nth (binder_types T, mconstrs_count)
                  (* by our assumption on the order of recursion operators *)
                  (* and datatypes, this is the index of the datatype      *)
                  (* corresponding to the given recursion operator         *)
                  val idt_index = find_index_eq s (#rec_names info)
                  (* mutually recursive types must have the same type   *)
                  (* parameters, unless the mutual recursion comes from *)
                  (* indirect recursion                                 *)
                  (* (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list ->
                    (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list ->
                    (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list *)
                  fun rec_typ_assoc acc [] =
                    | rec_typ_assoc acc ((d, T)::xs) =
                    (case AList.lookup op= acc d of
                      NONE =>
                      (case d of
                        DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ =>
                        (* add the association, proceed *)
                        rec_typ_assoc ((d, T)::acc) xs
                      | DatatypeAux.DtType (s, ds) =>
                          val (s', Ts) = dest_Type T
                          if s=s' then
                            rec_typ_assoc ((d, T)::acc) ((ds ~~ Ts) @ xs)
                            raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                              "DtType/Type mismatch")
                      | DatatypeAux.DtRec i =>
                          val (_, ds, _) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr i)
                          val (_, Ts)    = dest_Type T
                          rec_typ_assoc ((d, T)::acc) ((ds ~~ Ts) @ xs)
                    | SOME T' =>
                      if T=T' then
                        (* ignore the association since it's already *)
                        (* present, proceed                          *)
                        rec_typ_assoc acc xs
                        raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                          "different type associations for the same dtyp"))
                  (* (DatatypeAux.dtyp * Term.typ) list *)
                  val typ_assoc = filter
                    (fn (DatatypeAux.DtTFree _, _) => true | (_, _) => false)
                    (rec_typ_assoc []
                      (#2 (the (AList.lookup (op =) descr idt_index)) ~~ (snd o dest_Type) IDT))
                  (* sanity check: typ_assoc must associate types to the   *)
                  (*               elements of 'dtyps' (and only to those) *)
                  val _ = if not (Library.eq_set (dtyps, map fst typ_assoc))
                      raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                        "type association has extra/missing elements")
                    else ()
                  (* interpret each constructor in the descriptor (including *)
                  (* those of mutually recursive datatypes)                  *)
                  (* (int * interpretation list) list *)
                  val mc_intrs = map (fn (idx, (_, _, cs)) =>
                      val c_return_typ = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc
                        (DatatypeAux.DtRec idx)
                      (idx, map (fn (cname, cargs) =>
                        (#1 o interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
                          def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[],
                          wellformed=True}) (Const (cname, map (typ_of_dtyp
                          descr typ_assoc) cargs ---> c_return_typ))) cs)
                    end) descr
                  (* associate constructors with corresponding parameters *)
                  (* (int * (interpretation * interpretation) list) list *)
                  val (p_intrs', mc_p_intrs) = foldl_map
                    (fn (p_intrs', (idx, c_intrs)) =>
                        val len = length c_intrs
                        (List.drop (p_intrs', len),
                          (idx, c_intrs ~~ List.take (p_intrs', len)))
                      end) (p_intrs, mc_intrs)
                  (* sanity check: no 'p_intr' may be left afterwards *)
                  val _ = if p_intrs' <> [] then
                      raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                        "more parameter than constructor interpretations")
                    else ()
                  (* The recursion operator, applied to 'mconstrs_count'     *)
                  (* arguments, is a function that maps every element of the *)
                  (* inductive datatype to an element of some result type.   *)
                  (* Recursion operators for mutually recursive IDTs are     *)
                  (* translated simultaneously.                              *)
                  (* Since the order on datatype elements is given by an     *)
                  (* order on constructors (and then by the order on         *)
                  (* argument tuples), we can simply copy corresponding      *)
                  (* subtrees from 'p_intrs', in the order in which they are *)
                  (* given.                                                  *)
                  (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation list *)
                  fun ci_pi (Leaf xs, pi) =
                    (* if the constructor does not match the arguments to a *)
                    (* defined element of the IDT, the corresponding value  *)
                    (* of the parameter must be ignored                     *)
                    if List.exists (equal True) xs then [pi] else []
                    | ci_pi (Node xs, Node ys) =
                    List.concat (map ci_pi (xs ~~ ys))
                    | ci_pi (Node _, Leaf _) =
                    raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                      "constructor takes more arguments than the " ^
                        "associated parameter")
                  (* (int * interpretation list) list *)
                  val rec_operators = map (fn (idx, c_p_intrs) =>
                    (idx, List.concat (map ci_pi c_p_intrs))) mc_p_intrs
                  (* sanity check: every recursion operator must provide as  *)
                  (*               many values as the corresponding datatype *)
                  (*               has elements                              *)
                  val _ = map (fn (idx, intrs) =>
                      val T = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc
                        (DatatypeAux.DtRec idx)
                      if length intrs <> size_of_type thy (typs, []) T then
                        raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                          "wrong number of interpretations for rec. operator")
                      else ()
                    end) rec_operators
                  (* For non-recursive datatypes, we are pretty much done at *)
                  (* this point.  For recursive datatypes however, we still  *)
                  (* need to apply the interpretations in 'rec_operators' to *)
                  (* (recursively obtained) interpretations for recursive    *)
                  (* constructor arguments.  To do so more efficiently, we   *)
                  (* copy 'rec_operators' into arrays first.  Each Boolean   *)
                  (* indicates whether the recursive arguments have been     *)
                  (* considered already.                                     *)
                  (* (int * (bool * interpretation) Array.array) list *)
                  val REC_OPERATORS = map (fn (idx, intrs) =>
                    (idx, Array.fromList (map (pair false) intrs)))
                  (* takes an interpretation, and if some leaf of this     *)
                  (* interpretation is the 'elem'-th element of the type,  *)
                  (* the indices of the arguments leading to this leaf are *)
                  (* returned                                              *)
                  (* interpretation -> int -> int list option *)
                  fun get_args (Leaf xs) elem =
                    if find_index_eq True xs = elem then
                      SOME []
                    | get_args (Node xs) elem =
                      (* interpretation list * int -> int list option *)
                      fun search ([], _) =
                        | search (x::xs, n) =
                        (case get_args x elem of
                          SOME result => SOME (n::result)
                        | NONE        => search (xs, n+1))
                      search (xs, 0)
                  (* returns the index of the constructor and indices for *)
                  (* its arguments that generate the 'elem'-th element of *)
                  (* the datatype given by 'idx'                          *)
                  (* int -> int -> int * int list *)
                  fun get_cargs idx elem =
                    (* int * interpretation list -> int * int list *)
                    fun get_cargs_rec (_, []) =
                      raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                        "no matching constructor found for datatype element")
                      | get_cargs_rec (n, x::xs) =
                        (case get_args x elem of
                          SOME args => (n, args)
                        | NONE      => get_cargs_rec (n+1, xs))
                      get_cargs_rec (0, the (AList.lookup (op =) mc_intrs idx))
                  (* computes one entry in 'REC_OPERATORS', and recursively *)
                  (* all entries needed for it, where 'idx' gives the       *)
                  (* datatype and 'elem' the element of it                  *)
                  (* int -> int -> interpretation *)
                  fun compute_array_entry idx elem =
                    val arr          = the (AList.lookup (op =) REC_OPERATORS idx)
                    val (flag, intr) = Array.sub (arr, elem)
                    if flag then
                      (* simply return the previously computed result *)
                      (* we have to apply 'intr' to interpretations for all *)
                      (* recursive arguments                                *)
                        (* int * int list *)
                        val (c, args) = get_cargs idx elem
                        (* find the indices of the constructor's /recursive/ *)
                        (* arguments                                         *)
                        val (_, _, constrs) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr idx)
                        val (_, dtyps)      = List.nth (constrs, c)
                        val rec_dtyps_args  = List.filter
                          (DatatypeAux.is_rec_type o fst) (dtyps ~~ args)
                        (* map those indices to interpretations *)
                        (* (DatatypeAux.dtyp * interpretation) list *)
                        val rec_dtyps_intrs = map (fn (dtyp, arg) =>
                            val dT     = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc dtyp
                            val consts = make_constants thy (typs, []) dT
                            val arg_i  = List.nth (consts, arg)
                            (dtyp, arg_i)
                          end) rec_dtyps_args
                        (* takes the dtyp and interpretation of an element, *)
                        (* and computes the interpretation for the          *)
                        (* corresponding recursive argument                 *)
                        (* DatatypeAux.dtyp -> interpretation ->
                          interpretation *)
                        fun rec_intr (DatatypeAux.DtRec i) (Leaf xs) =
                          (* recursive argument is "rec_i params elem" *)
                          compute_array_entry i (find_index_eq True xs)
                          | rec_intr (DatatypeAux.DtRec _) (Node _) =
                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                            "interpretation for IDT is a node")
                          | rec_intr (DatatypeAux.DtType ("fun", [dt1, dt2]))
                            (Node xs) =
                          (* recursive argument is something like     *)
                          (* "\<lambda>x::dt1. rec_? params (elem x)" *)
                          Node (map (rec_intr dt2) xs)
                          | rec_intr (DatatypeAux.DtType ("fun", [_, _]))
                            (Leaf _) =
                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                            "interpretation for function dtyp is a leaf")
                          | rec_intr _ _ =
                          (* admissibility ensures that every recursive type *)
                          (* is of the form 'Dt_1 -> ... -> Dt_k ->          *)
                          (* (DtRec i)'                                      *)
                          raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                            "non-recursive codomain in recursive dtyp")
                        (* obtain interpretations for recursive arguments *)
                        (* interpretation list *)
                        val arg_intrs = map (uncurry rec_intr) rec_dtyps_intrs
                        (* apply 'intr' to all recursive arguments *)
                        val result = foldl (fn (arg_i, i) =>
                          interpretation_apply (i, arg_i)) intr arg_intrs
                        (* update 'REC_OPERATORS' *)
                        val _ = Array.update (arr, elem, (true, result))
                  val idt_size = Array.length (the (AList.lookup (op =) REC_OPERATORS idt_index))
                  (* sanity check: the size of 'IDT' should be 'idt_size' *)
                  val _ = if idt_size <> size_of_type thy (typs, []) IDT then
                        raise REFUTE ("IDT_recursion_interpreter",
                          "unexpected size of IDT (wrong type associated?)")
                      else ()
                  (* interpretation *)
                  val rec_op = Node (map (compute_array_entry idt_index)
                    (0 upto (idt_size - 1)))
                  SOME (rec_op, model', args')
            NONE  (* not a recursion operator of this datatype *)
        ) (DatatypePackage.get_datatypes thy) NONE
    | _ =>  (* head of term is not a constant *)

  (* TODO: Fix all occurrences of Type ("set", _). *)

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  fun set_interpreter thy model args t =
    val (typs, terms) = model
    case AList.lookup (op =) terms t of
      SOME intr =>
      (* return an existing interpretation *)
      SOME (intr, model, args)
    | NONE =>
      (case t of
      (* 'Collect' == identity *)
        Const (@{const_name Collect}, _) $ t1 =>
        SOME (interpret thy model args t1)
      | Const (@{const_name Collect}, _) =>
        SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
      (* 'op :' == application *)
      | Const (@{const_name "op :"}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
        SOME (interpret thy model args (t2 $ t1))
      | Const (@{const_name "op :"}, _) $ t1 =>
        SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 1))
      | Const (@{const_name "op :"}, _) =>
        SOME (interpret thy model args (eta_expand t 2))
      | _ => NONE)

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'card' could in principle be interpreted with *)
  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
  (* below is more efficient                                             *)

  fun Finite_Set_card_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name Finite_Set.card},
        Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("nat", [])])) =>
        (* interpretation -> int *)
        fun number_of_elements (Node xs) =
          Library.foldl (fn (n, x) =>
            if x=TT then
            else if x=FF then
              raise REFUTE ("Finite_Set_card_interpreter",
                "interpretation for set type does not yield a Boolean"))
            (0, xs)
          | number_of_elements (Leaf _) =
          raise REFUTE ("Finite_Set_card_interpreter",
            "interpretation for set type is a leaf")
        val size_of_nat = size_of_type thy model (Type ("nat", []))
        (* takes an interpretation for a set and returns an interpretation *)
        (* for a 'nat' denoting the set's cardinality                      *)
        (* interpretation -> interpretation *)
        fun card i =
            val n = number_of_elements i
            if n<size_of_nat then
              Leaf ((replicate n False) @ True ::
                (replicate (size_of_nat-n-1) False))
              Leaf (replicate size_of_nat False)
        val set_constants = make_constants thy model (Type ("set", [T]))
        SOME (Node (map card set_constants), model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'finite' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code    *)
  (* below is more efficient                                                *)

  fun Finite_Set_finite_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name Finite_Set.finite},
        Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("bool", [])])) $ _ =>
        (* we only consider finite models anyway, hence EVERY set is *)
        (* "finite"                                                  *)
        SOME (TT, model, args)
    | Const (@{const_name Finite_Set.finite},
        Type ("fun", [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("bool", [])])) =>
        val size_of_set = size_of_type thy model (Type ("set", [T]))
        (* we only consider finite models anyway, hence EVERY set is *)
        (* "finite"                                                  *)
        SOME (Node (replicate size_of_set TT), model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'HOL.less' could in principle be interpreted with *)
  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code     *)
  (* below is more efficient                                                 *)

  fun Nat_less_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name HOL.less}, Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("bool", [])])])) =>
        val size_of_nat = size_of_type thy model (Type ("nat", []))
        (* the 'n'-th nat is not less than the first 'n' nats, while it *)
        (* is less than the remaining 'size_of_nat - n' nats            *)
        (* int -> interpretation *)
        fun less n = Node ((replicate n FF) @ (replicate (size_of_nat - n) TT))
        SOME (Node (map less (1 upto size_of_nat)), model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: '' could in principle be interpreted with *)
  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code     *)
  (* below is more efficient                                                 *)

  fun Nat_plus_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name}, Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
        val size_of_nat = size_of_type thy model (Type ("nat", []))
        (* int -> int -> interpretation *)
        fun plus m n =
            val element = m + n
            if element > size_of_nat - 1 then
              Leaf (replicate size_of_nat False)
              Leaf ((replicate element False) @ True ::
                (replicate (size_of_nat - element - 1) False))
        SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (plus m) (0 upto size_of_nat-1)))
          (0 upto size_of_nat-1)), model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'HOL.minus' could in principle be interpreted *)
  (* with interpreters available already (using its definition), but the *)
  (* code below is more efficient                                        *)

  fun Nat_minus_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name HOL.minus}, Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
        val size_of_nat = size_of_type thy model (Type ("nat", []))
        (* int -> int -> interpretation *)
        fun minus m n =
            val element = Int.max (m-n, 0)
            Leaf ((replicate element False) @ True ::
              (replicate (size_of_nat - element - 1) False))
        SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (minus m) (0 upto size_of_nat-1)))
          (0 upto size_of_nat-1)), model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'HOL.times' could in principle be interpreted *)
  (* with interpreters available already (using its definition), but the *)
  (* code below is more efficient                                        *)

  fun Nat_times_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name HOL.times}, Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []),
        Type ("fun", [Type ("nat", []), Type ("nat", [])])])) =>
        val size_of_nat = size_of_type thy model (Type ("nat", []))
        (* nat -> nat -> interpretation *)
        fun mult m n =
            val element = m * n
            if element > size_of_nat - 1 then
              Leaf (replicate size_of_nat False)
              Leaf ((replicate element False) @ True ::
                (replicate (size_of_nat - element - 1) False))
        SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (mult m) (0 upto size_of_nat-1)))
          (0 upto size_of_nat-1)), model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'append' could in principle be interpreted with *)
  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code   *)
  (* below is more efficient                                               *)

  fun List_append_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name List.append}, Type ("fun", [Type ("List.list", [T]), Type ("fun",
        [Type ("List.list", [_]), Type ("List.list", [_])])])) =>
        val size_elem   = size_of_type thy model T
        val size_list   = size_of_type thy model (Type ("List.list", [T]))
        (* maximal length of lists; 0 if we only consider the empty list *)
        val list_length = let
            (* int -> int -> int -> int *)
            fun list_length_acc len lists total =
              if lists = total then
              else if lists < total then
                list_length_acc (len+1) (lists*size_elem) (total-lists)
                raise REFUTE ("List_append_interpreter",
                  "size_list not equal to 1 + size_elem + ... + " ^
                    "size_elem^len, for some len")
            list_length_acc 0 1 size_list
        val elements = 0 upto (size_list-1)
        (* FIXME: there should be a nice formula, which computes the same as *)
        (*        the following, but without all this intermediate tree      *)
        (*        length/offset stuff                                        *)
        (* associate each list with its length and offset in a complete tree *)
        (* of width 'size_elem' and depth 'length_list' (with 'size_list'    *)
        (* nodes total)                                                      *)
        (* (int * (int * int)) list *)
        val (_, lenoff_lists) = foldl_map (fn ((offsets, off), elem) =>
          (* corresponds to a pre-order traversal of the tree *)
            val len = length offsets
            (* associate the given element with len/off *)
            val assoc = (elem, (len, off))
            if len < list_length then
              (* go to first child node *)
              ((off :: offsets, off * size_elem), assoc)
            else if off mod size_elem < size_elem - 1 then
              (* go to next sibling node *)
              ((offsets, off + 1), assoc)
              (* go back up the stack until we find a level where we can go *)
              (* to the next sibling node                                   *)
                val offsets' = Library.dropwhile
                  (fn off' => off' mod size_elem = size_elem - 1) offsets
                case offsets' of
                  [] =>
                  (* we're at the last node in the tree; the next value *)
                  (* won't be used anyway                               *)
                  (([], 0), assoc)
                | off'::offs' =>
                  (* go to next sibling node *)
                  ((offs', off' + 1), assoc)
          end) (([], 0), elements)
        (* we also need the reverse association (from length/offset to *)
        (* index)                                                      *)
        val lenoff'_lists = map Library.swap lenoff_lists
        (* returns the interpretation for "(list no. m) @ (list no. n)" *)
        (* nat -> nat -> interpretation *)
        fun append m n =
            val (len_m, off_m) = the (AList.lookup (op =) lenoff_lists m)
            val (len_n, off_n) = the (AList.lookup (op =) lenoff_lists n)
            val len_elem = len_m + len_n
            val off_elem = off_m * power (size_elem, len_n) + off_n
            case AList.lookup op= lenoff'_lists (len_elem, off_elem)  of
              NONE =>
              (* undefined *)
              Leaf (replicate size_list False)
            | SOME element =>
              Leaf ((replicate element False) @ True ::
                (replicate (size_list - element - 1) False))
        SOME (Node (map (fn m => Node (map (append m) elements)) elements),
          model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'lfp' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
  (* below is more efficient                                             *)

  fun lfp_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name lfp}, Type ("fun", [Type ("fun",
        [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [_])]), Type ("set", [_])])) =>
        val size_elem = size_of_type thy model T
        (* the universe (i.e. the set that contains every element) *)
        val i_univ = Node (replicate size_elem TT)
        (* all sets with elements from type 'T' *)
        val i_sets = make_constants thy model (Type ("set", [T]))
        (* all functions that map sets to sets *)
        val i_funs = make_constants thy model (Type ("fun",
          [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [T])]))
        (* "lfp(f) == Inter({u. f(u) <= u})" *)
        (* interpretation * interpretation -> bool *)
        fun is_subset (Node subs, Node sups) =
          List.all (fn (sub, sup) => (sub = FF) orelse (sup = TT))
            (subs ~~ sups)
          | is_subset (_, _) =
          raise REFUTE ("lfp_interpreter",
            "is_subset: interpretation for set is not a node")
        (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
        fun intersection (Node xs, Node ys) =
          Node (map (fn (x, y) => if x=TT andalso y=TT then TT else FF)
            (xs ~~ ys))
          | intersection (_, _) =
          raise REFUTE ("lfp_interpreter",
            "intersection: interpretation for set is not a node")
        (* interpretation -> interpretaion *)
        fun lfp (Node resultsets) =
          foldl (fn ((set, resultset), acc) =>
            if is_subset (resultset, set) then
              intersection (acc, set)
              acc) i_univ (i_sets ~~ resultsets)
          | lfp _ =
            raise REFUTE ("lfp_interpreter",
              "lfp: interpretation for function is not a node")
        SOME (Node (map lfp i_funs), model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'gfp' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
  (* below is more efficient                                             *)

  fun gfp_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name gfp}, Type ("fun", [Type ("fun",
        [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [_])]), Type ("set", [_])])) =>
      let nonfix union (* because "union" is used below *)
        val size_elem = size_of_type thy model T
        (* the universe (i.e. the set that contains every element) *)
        val i_univ = Node (replicate size_elem TT)
        (* all sets with elements from type 'T' *)
        val i_sets = make_constants thy model (Type ("set", [T]))
        (* all functions that map sets to sets *)
        val i_funs = make_constants thy model (Type ("fun",
          [Type ("set", [T]), Type ("set", [T])]))
        (* "gfp(f) == Union({u. u <= f(u)})" *)
        (* interpretation * interpretation -> bool *)
        fun is_subset (Node subs, Node sups) =
          List.all (fn (sub, sup) => (sub = FF) orelse (sup = TT))
            (subs ~~ sups)
          | is_subset (_, _) =
          raise REFUTE ("gfp_interpreter",
            "is_subset: interpretation for set is not a node")
        (* interpretation * interpretation -> interpretation *)
        fun union (Node xs, Node ys) =
            Node (map (fn (x,y) => if x=TT orelse y=TT then TT else FF)
                 (xs ~~ ys))
          | union (_, _) =
          raise REFUTE ("gfp_interpreter",
            "union: interpretation for set is not a node")
        (* interpretation -> interpretaion *)
        fun gfp (Node resultsets) =
          foldl (fn ((set, resultset), acc) =>
            if is_subset (set, resultset) then
              union (acc, set)
              acc) i_univ (i_sets ~~ resultsets)
          | gfp _ =
            raise REFUTE ("gfp_interpreter",
              "gfp: interpretation for function is not a node")
        SOME (Node (map gfp i_funs), model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'fst' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
  (* below is more efficient                                             *)

  fun Product_Type_fst_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name fst}, Type ("fun", [Type ("*", [T, U]), _])) =>
        val constants_T = make_constants thy model T
        val size_U      = size_of_type thy model U
        SOME (Node (List.concat (map (replicate size_U) constants_T)),
          model, args)
    | _ =>

  (* theory -> model -> arguments -> Term.term ->
    (interpretation * model * arguments) option *)

  (* only an optimization: 'snd' could in principle be interpreted with  *)
  (* interpreters available already (using its definition), but the code *)
  (* below is more efficient                                             *)

  fun Product_Type_snd_interpreter thy model args t =
    case t of
      Const (@{const_name snd}, Type ("fun", [Type ("*", [T, U]), _])) =>
        val size_T      = size_of_type thy model T
        val constants_U = make_constants thy model U
        SOME (Node (List.concat (replicate size_T constants_U)), model, args)
    | _ =>

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* PRINTERS                                                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* theory -> model -> Term.typ -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
    Term.term option *)

  fun stlc_printer thy model T intr assignment =
    (* string -> string *)
    fun strip_leading_quote s =
      (implode o (fn [] => [] | x::xs => if x="'" then xs else x::xs)
        o explode) s
    (* Term.typ -> string *)
    fun string_of_typ (Type (s, _))     = s
      | string_of_typ (TFree (x, _))    = strip_leading_quote x
      | string_of_typ (TVar ((x,i), _)) =
      strip_leading_quote x ^ string_of_int i
    (* interpretation -> int *)
    fun index_from_interpretation (Leaf xs) =
      find_index (PropLogic.eval assignment) xs
      | index_from_interpretation _ =
      raise REFUTE ("stlc_printer",
        "interpretation for ground type is not a leaf")
    case T of
      Type ("fun", [T1, T2]) =>
        (* create all constants of type 'T1' *)
        val constants = make_constants thy model T1
        (* interpretation list *)
        val results = (case intr of
            Node xs => xs
          | _       => raise REFUTE ("stlc_printer",
            "interpretation for function type is a leaf"))
        (* Term.term list *)
        val pairs = map (fn (arg, result) =>
            (print thy model T1 arg assignment,
             print thy model T2 result assignment))
          (constants ~~ results)
        (* Term.typ *)
        val HOLogic_prodT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (T1, T2)
        val HOLogic_setT  = HOLogic.mk_setT HOLogic_prodT
        (* Term.term *)
        val HOLogic_empty_set = Const (@{const_name "{}"}, HOLogic_setT)
        val HOLogic_insert    =
          Const (@{const_name insert}, HOLogic_prodT --> HOLogic_setT --> HOLogic_setT)
        SOME (foldr (fn (pair, acc) => HOLogic_insert $ pair $ acc)
          HOLogic_empty_set pairs)
    | Type ("prop", [])      =>
      (case index_from_interpretation intr of
        ~1 => SOME (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Const (@{const_name undefined}, HOLogic.boolT)))
      | 0  => SOME (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop HOLogic.true_const)
      | 1  => SOME (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop HOLogic.false_const)
      | _  => raise REFUTE ("stlc_interpreter",
        "illegal interpretation for a propositional value"))
    | Type _  => if index_from_interpretation intr = (~1) then
        SOME (Const (@{const_name undefined}, T))
        SOME (Const (string_of_typ T ^
          string_of_int (index_from_interpretation intr), T))
    | TFree _ => if index_from_interpretation intr = (~1) then
        SOME (Const (@{const_name undefined}, T))
        SOME (Const (string_of_typ T ^
          string_of_int (index_from_interpretation intr), T))
    | TVar _  => if index_from_interpretation intr = (~1) then
        SOME (Const (@{const_name undefined}, T))
        SOME (Const (string_of_typ T ^
          string_of_int (index_from_interpretation intr), T))

  (* theory -> model -> Term.typ -> interpretation -> (int -> bool) ->
    Term.term option *)

  fun IDT_printer thy model T intr assignment =
    (case T of
      Type (s, Ts) =>
      (case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy s of
        SOME info =>  (* inductive datatype *)
          val (typs, _)           = model
          val index               = #index info
          val descr               = #descr info
          val (_, dtyps, constrs) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr index)
          val typ_assoc           = dtyps ~~ Ts
          (* sanity check: every element in 'dtyps' must be a 'DtTFree' *)
          val _ = if Library.exists (fn d =>
              case d of DatatypeAux.DtTFree _ => false | _ => true) dtyps
              raise REFUTE ("IDT_printer", "datatype argument (for type " ^
                Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy (Type (s, Ts)) ^ ") is not a variable")
            else ()
          (* the index of the element in the datatype *)
          val element = (case intr of
              Leaf xs => find_index (PropLogic.eval assignment) xs
            | Node _  => raise REFUTE ("IDT_printer",
              "interpretation is not a leaf"))
          if element < 0 then
            SOME (Const (@{const_name undefined}, Type (s, Ts)))
          else let
            (* takes a datatype constructor, and if for some arguments this  *)
            (* constructor generates the datatype's element that is given by *)
            (* 'element', returns the constructor (as a term) as well as the *)
            (* indices of the arguments                                      *)
            (* string * DatatypeAux.dtyp list ->
              (Term.term * int list) option *)
            fun get_constr_args (cname, cargs) =
                val cTerm      = Const (cname,
                  map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) cargs ---> Type (s, Ts))
                val (iC, _, _) = interpret thy (typs, []) {maxvars=0,
                  def_eq=false, next_idx=1, bounds=[], wellformed=True} cTerm
                (* interpretation -> int list option *)
                fun get_args (Leaf xs) =
                  if find_index_eq True xs = element then
                    SOME []
                  | get_args (Node xs) =
                    (* interpretation * int -> int list option *)
                    fun search ([], _) =
                      | search (x::xs, n) =
                      (case get_args x of
                        SOME result => SOME (n::result)
                      | NONE        => search (xs, n+1))
                    search (xs, 0)
       (fn args => (cTerm, cargs, args)) (get_args iC)
            (* Term.term * DatatypeAux.dtyp list * int list *)
            val (cTerm, cargs, args) =
              (* we could speed things up by computing the correct          *)
              (* constructor directly (rather than testing all              *)
              (* constructors), based on the order in which constructors    *)
              (* generate elements of datatypes; the current implementation *)
              (* of 'IDT_printer' however is independent of the internals   *)
              (* of 'IDT_constructor_interpreter'                           *)
              (case get_first get_constr_args constrs of
                SOME x => x
              | NONE   => raise REFUTE ("IDT_printer",
                "no matching constructor found for element " ^
                string_of_int element))
            val argsTerms = map (fn (d, n) =>
                val dT     = typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc d
                (* we only need the n-th element of this list, so there   *)
                (* might be a more efficient implementation that does not *)
                (* generate all constants                                 *)
                val consts = make_constants thy (typs, []) dT
                print thy (typs, []) dT (List.nth (consts, n)) assignment
              end) (cargs ~~ args)
            SOME (Library.foldl op$ (cTerm, argsTerms))
      | NONE =>  (* not an inductive datatype *)
    | _ =>  (* a (free or schematic) type variable *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* use 'setup Refute.setup' in an Isabelle theory to initialize the 'Refute' *)
(* structure                                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Note: the interpreters and printers are used in reverse order; however,   *)
(*       an interpreter that can handle non-atomic terms ends up being       *)
(*       applied before the 'stlc_interpreter' breaks the term apart into    *)
(*       subterms that are then passed to other interpreters!                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  (* (theory -> theory) list *)

  val setup =
     add_interpreter "stlc"    stlc_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "Pure"    Pure_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "HOLogic" HOLogic_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "set"     set_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "IDT"             IDT_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "IDT_constructor" IDT_constructor_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "IDT_recursion"   IDT_recursion_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "Finite_Set.card"    Finite_Set_card_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "Finite_Set.finite"  Finite_Set_finite_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "Nat_Orderings.less" Nat_less_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter ""       Nat_plus_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "Nat_HOL.minus"      Nat_minus_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "Nat_HOL.times"      Nat_times_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "List.append" List_append_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "lfp" lfp_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "gfp" gfp_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "fst" Product_Type_fst_interpreter #>
     add_interpreter "snd" Product_Type_snd_interpreter #>
     add_printer "stlc" stlc_printer #>
     add_printer "IDT"  IDT_printer;

end  (* structure Refute *)