author sultana
Fri, 09 Mar 2012 15:39:00 +0000
changeset 46845 6431a93ffeb6
permissions -rw-r--r--
added ml-yacc library sources;

(* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi *)

(* Stream: a structure implementing a lazy stream.  The signature STREAM
   is found in base.sig *)

structure Stream :> STREAM =
   datatype 'a str = EVAL of 'a * 'a str ref | UNEVAL of (unit->'a)

   type 'a stream = 'a str ref

   fun get(ref(EVAL t)) = t
     | get(s as ref(UNEVAL f)) = 
	    let val t = (f(), ref(UNEVAL f)) in s := EVAL t; t end

   fun streamify f = ref(UNEVAL f)
   fun cons(a,s) = ref(EVAL(a,s))
