author wenzelm
Tue, 07 Mar 2017 18:50:42 +0100
changeset 65146 69ea3f1715be
parent 65142 368004bed323
child 65153 82bd5d29adbf
permissions -rw-r--r--
decorations for text color;

'use strict';

import * as vscode from 'vscode'
import { Range, MarkedString, DecorationOptions, DecorationRenderOptions,
  TextDocument, TextEditor, TextEditorDecorationType, ExtensionContext, Uri } from 'vscode'

/* known decoration types */

export const types = new Map<string, TextEditorDecorationType>()

const background_colors = [

const foreground_colors = [

const dotted_colors = [

const text_colors = [

function get_color(color: string, light: boolean): string
  const config = color.concat(light ? "_light" : "_dark").concat("_color")
  return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("isabelle").get<string>(config)

export function init(context: ExtensionContext)
  function decoration(options: DecorationRenderOptions): TextEditorDecorationType
    const typ = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType(options)
    return typ

  function background(color: string): TextEditorDecorationType
    return decoration(
      { light: { backgroundColor: get_color(color, true) },
        dark: { backgroundColor: get_color(color, false) } })

  function text_color(color: string): TextEditorDecorationType
    return decoration(
      { light: { color: get_color(color, true) },
        dark: { color: get_color(color, false) } })

  function bottom_border(width: string, style: string, color: string): TextEditorDecorationType
    const border = `${width} none; border-bottom-style: ${style}; border-color: `
    return decoration(
      { light: { border: border.concat(get_color(color, true)) },
        dark: { border: border.concat(get_color(color, false)) } })

  for (let color of background_colors) {
    types["background_".concat(color)] = background(color)
  for (let color of foreground_colors) {
    types["foreground_".concat(color)] = background(color) // approximation
  for (let color of dotted_colors) {
    types["dotted_".concat(color)] = bottom_border("2px", "dotted", color)
  for (let color of text_colors) {
    types["text_".concat(color)] = text_color(color)
  types["spell_checker"] = bottom_border("1px", "solid", "spell_checker")

/* decoration for document node */

export interface Decoration
  uri: string,
  "type": string,
  content: DecorationOptions[]

type Content = Range[] | DecorationOptions[]
const document_decorations = new Map<string, Map<string, Content>>()

export function close_document(document: TextDocument)

export function apply_decoration(decoration0: Decoration)
  const typ = types[decoration0.type]
  if (typ) {
    const decoration =
      uri: Uri.parse(decoration0.uri).toString(),
      "type": decoration0.type,
      content: decoration0.content

    let document = document_decorations.get(decoration.uri) || new Map<string, Content>()
    document.set(decoration.type, decoration.content)
    document_decorations.set(decoration.uri, document)

    for (let editor of vscode.window.visibleTextEditors) {
      if (decoration.uri == editor.document.uri.toString()) {
        editor.setDecorations(typ, decoration.content)

export function update_editor(editor: TextEditor)
  if (editor) {
    let decorations = document_decorations.get(editor.document.uri.toString())
    if (decorations) {
      for (let [typ, content] of decorations) {
        editor.setDecorations(types[typ], content)