(* Title: Pure/defs.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Makarius
Global well-formedness checks for constant definitions. Dependencies
are only tracked for non-overloaded definitions!
signature DEFS =
type T
val define: (string -> typ) -> (bool * string) * string
-> string * typ -> (string * typ) list -> T -> T
val empty: T
val specifications_of: T -> string -> (typ * (string * string)) list
val merge: Pretty.pp -> T * T -> T
structure Defs: DEFS =
(** datatype T **)
datatype T = Defs of
{consts: typ Graph.T,
(*constant declarations and dependencies*)
specified: (bool * string * string * typ) Inttab.table Symtab.table};
(*is proper definition?, theory name, specification name and const type*)
fun make_defs (consts, specified) = Defs {consts = consts, specified = specified};
fun map_defs f (Defs {consts, specified}) = make_defs (f (consts, specified));
(* specified consts *)
fun disjoint_types T U =
(Type.raw_unify (T, Logic.incr_tvar (maxidx_of_typ T + 1) U) Vartab.empty; false)
handle Type.TUNIFY => true;
fun check_specified c (i, (_, a, _, T)) = Inttab.forall (fn (j, (_, b, _, U)) =>
i = j orelse not (Type.could_unify (T, U)) orelse disjoint_types T U orelse
error ("Type clash in specifications " ^ quote a ^ " and " ^ quote b ^
" for constant " ^ quote c));
(* define consts *)
fun err_cyclic cycles =
error ("Cyclic dependency of constants:\n" ^
cat_lines (map (space_implode " -> " o map quote o rev) cycles));
fun define const_type ((is_def, thyname), name) lhs rhs = map_defs (fn (consts, specified) =>
fun declare (a, _) = Graph.default_node (a, const_type a);
fun add_deps (a, bs) G = Graph.add_deps_acyclic (a, bs) G
handle Graph.CYCLES cycles => err_cyclic cycles;
val (c, T) = lhs;
val spec = (serial (), (is_def, name, thyname, T));
val no_overloading = Type.raw_instance (const_type c, T);
val consts' =
consts |> declare lhs |> fold declare rhs
|> K no_overloading ? add_deps (c, map #1 rhs);
val specified' = specified
|> Symtab.default (c, Inttab.empty)
|> Symtab.map_entry c (fn specs =>
(check_specified c spec specs; Inttab.update spec specs));
in (consts', specified') end);
fun specifications_of (Defs {specified, ...}) c =
(fn (_, (false, _, _, _)) => NONE
| (_, (true, specname, thyname, ty)) => SOME (ty, (specname, thyname))) o Inttab.dest
o the_default Inttab.empty o Symtab.lookup specified) c;
(* empty and merge *)
val empty = make_defs (Graph.empty, Symtab.empty);
fun merge pp
(Defs {consts = consts1, specified = specified1},
Defs {consts = consts2, specified = specified2}) =
val consts' = (consts1, consts2) |> Graph.merge_acyclic (K true)
handle Graph.CYCLES cycles => err_cyclic cycles;
val specified' = (specified1, specified2) |> Symtab.join (fn c => fn (orig_specs1, specs2) =>
Inttab.fold (fn spec2 => fn specs1 =>
(check_specified c spec2 orig_specs1; Inttab.update spec2 specs1)) specs2 orig_specs1);
in make_defs (consts', specified') end;