author nipkow
Thu, 05 Jun 1997 14:40:35 +0200
changeset 3414 804c8a178a7f
parent 2516 4d68fbe6378b
child 3472 fb3c38c88c08
permissions -rw-r--r--
Modified a few defs and proofs because of the changes to theory Finite.thy.

(*  Title:      HOL/Auth/Shared
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1996  University of Cambridge

Theory of Shared Keys (common to all symmetric-key protocols)

Server keys; initial states of agents; new nonces and keys; function "sees" 

Shared = Message + List + Finite +

  shrK    :: agent => key  (*symmetric keys*)

  (*ALL keys are symmetric*)
  isSym_keys "isSymKey K"

consts  (*Initial states of agents -- parameter of the construction*)
  initState :: [agent set, agent] => msg set

primrec initState agent
        (*Server knows all long-term keys; other agents know only their own*)
  initState_Server  "initState lost Server     = Key `` range shrK"
  initState_Friend  "initState lost (Friend i) = {Key (shrK (Friend i))}"
  initState_Spy     "initState lost Spy        = Key``shrK``lost"

datatype  (*Messages, and components of agent stores*)
  event = Says agent agent msg

  sees1 :: [agent, event] => msg set

primrec sees1 event
           (*Spy reads all traffic whether addressed to him or not*)
  sees1_Says  "sees1 A (Says A' B X)  = (if A:{B,Spy} then {X} else {})"

  sees :: [agent set, agent, event list] => msg set

primrec sees list
  sees_Nil  "sees lost A []       = initState lost A"
  sees_Cons "sees lost A (ev#evs) = sees1 A ev Un sees lost A evs"

  (*Set of items that might be visible to somebody: complement of the set
        of fresh items*)
  used :: event list => msg set
    "used evs == parts (UN lost B. sees lost B evs)"

  (*Unlike the corresponding property of nonces, this cannot be proved.
    We have infinitely many agents and there is nothing to stop their
    long-term keys from exhausting all the natural numbers.  The axiom
    assumes that their keys are dispersed so as to leave room for infinitely
    many fresh session keys.  We could, alternatively, restrict agents to
    an unspecified finite number.*)
  Key_supply_ax  "finite KK ==> EX K. K ~: KK & Key K ~: used evs"

(*Agents generate random (symmetric) keys and nonces.
  The numeric argument is typically the length of the current trace.
  An injective pairing function allows multiple keys/nonces to be generated
	in one protocol round.  A typical candidate for npair(i,j) is

  nPair :: "nat*nat => nat"
  newN  :: "nat => nat"
  newK  :: "nat => key"

  inj_shrK        "inj shrK"
  inj_nPair       "inj nPair"
  inj_newN        "inj newN"
  inj_newK        "inj newK"

  newK_neq_shrK   "newK i ~= shrK A" 
