Thu, 27 Aug 2009 10:51:09 +0200
changeset 34676 9e725d34df7b
parent 34675 5427df0f6bcb
child 34688 1310dc269b4a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Command and Command_State handle results from prover as Accumulator accumulating results in State; prover outputs any result

 * Prover commands with semantic state
 * @author Johannes Hölzl, TU Munich
 * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich

package isabelle.prover

import scala.actors.Actor
import scala.actors.Actor._

import scala.collection.mutable

import isabelle.proofdocument.{Token, ProofDocument}
import isabelle.jedit.{Isabelle, Plugin}
import isabelle.XML

import sidekick.{SideKickParsedData, IAsset}

trait Accumulator extends Actor

  start() // start actor

  protected var _state: State
  def state = _state

  override def act() {
    loop {
      react {
        case x: XML.Tree => _state += x

object Command
  object Status extends Enumeration
    val FINISHED = Value("FINISHED")
    val FAILED = Value("FAILED")

class Command(val tokens: List[Token], val starts: Map[Token, Int], chg_rec: Actor)
extends Accumulator

  val id =
  override def hashCode = id.hashCode

  def changed() = chg_rec ! this

  /* content */

  override def toString = name

  val name = tokens.head.content
  val content: String = Token.string_from_tokens(tokens, starts)
  val symbol_index = new Symbol.Index(content)

  def start(doc: ProofDocument) = doc.token_start(tokens.first)
  def stop(doc: ProofDocument) = doc.token_start(tokens.last) + tokens.last.length

  def contains(p: Token) = tokens.contains(p)

  protected override var _state = State.empty(this)

  /* markup */

  lazy val empty_root_node =
    new MarkupNode(this, 0, starts(tokens.last) - starts(tokens.first) + tokens.last.length,
      Nil, id, content, RootInfo())

  def markup_node(begin: Int, end: Int, info: MarkupInfo) = {
    new MarkupNode(this, symbol_index.decode(begin), symbol_index.decode(end), Nil, id,
      content.substring(symbol_index.decode(begin), symbol_index.decode(end)),

  /* results, markup, ... */

  private val empty_cmd_state = new Command_State(this)
  private def cmd_state(doc: ProofDocument) =
    doc.states.getOrElse(this, empty_cmd_state)

  def status(doc: ProofDocument) = cmd_state(doc).state.status
  def result_document(doc: ProofDocument) = cmd_state(doc).result_document
  def markup_root(doc: ProofDocument) = cmd_state(doc).markup_root
  def highlight_node(doc: ProofDocument) = cmd_state(doc).highlight_node
  def type_at(doc: ProofDocument, offset: Int) = cmd_state(doc).type_at(offset)
  def ref_at(doc: ProofDocument, offset: Int) = cmd_state(doc).ref_at(offset)

class Command_State(val cmd: Command)
extends Accumulator

  protected override var _state = State.empty(cmd)

  // combining command and state
  def result_document = {
    val cmd_results = cmd.state.results
      cmd_results.toList ::: state.results.toList match {
        case Nil => XML.Elem("message", Nil, Nil)
        case List(elem) => elem
        case elems => XML.Elem("messages", Nil, elems)
      }, "style")

  def markup_root: MarkupNode = {
    val cmd_markup_root = cmd.state.markup_root
    (cmd_markup_root /: state.markup_root.children) (_ + _)

  def highlight_node: MarkupNode =
    import MarkupNode._
    markup_root.filter( match {
      case RootInfo() | HighlightInfo(_) => true
      case _ => false

  def type_at(pos: Int): String =
    val types = state.markup_root.
      filter( match { case TypeInfo(_) => true case _ => false })
    find(t => t.start <= pos && t.stop > pos).
    map(t => t.content + ": " + ( match { case TypeInfo(i) => i case _ => "" })).

  def ref_at(pos: Int): Option[MarkupNode] =
      filter( match { case RefInfo(_, _, _, _) => true case _ => false }).
      find(t => t.start <= pos && t.stop > pos)