author haftmann
Fri, 14 Jan 2011 13:59:06 +0100
changeset 41542 a5478b1c8b8a
child 41554 6a515ace714b
permissions -rw-r--r--
configuration file for mira

    Test configuration descriptions for mira.

import os
from os import path
from glob import glob
import subprocess
import re

import util

from mira.environment import configuration

from repositories import *

# build and evaluation tools

def prepare_isabelle_repository(loc_isabelle, loc_contrib, loc_dependency_heaps, parallelism = True):

    loc_contrib = path.expanduser(loc_contrib)
    if not path.exists(loc_contrib):
        raise IOError('Bad file: %s' % loc_contrib)
    subprocess.check_call(['ln', '-s', loc_contrib, '%s/contrib' % loc_isabelle])

    contributed_components = path.join(loc_isabelle, 'Admin', 'contributed_components')
    if path.exists(contributed_components):
        components = []
        for component in util.readfile_lines(contributed_components):
            loc_component = path.join(loc_isabelle, component)
            if path.exists(loc_component):
        writer = open(path.join(loc_isabelle, 'etc', 'components'), 'a')
        for component in components:
            writer.write(component + '\n')

    if loc_dependency_heaps:
        isabelle_path = loc_dependency_heaps + '/$ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER:$ISABELLE_OUTPUT'
        isabelle_path = '$ISABELLE_OUTPUT'

    if parallelism:
        parallelism_options = '-M max'
        parallelism_options = '-M 1 -q 0'

    extra_settings = '''

ISABELLE_USEDIR_OPTIONS="$ISABELLE_USEDIR_OPTIONS %s -t true -v true -d pdf -g true -i true"
''' % (isabelle_path, parallelism_options)

    writer = open(path.join(loc_isabelle, 'etc', 'settings'), 'a')

def extract_isabelle_run_timing(logdata):

    def to_secs(h, m, s):
        return (int(h) * 60 + int(m)) * 60 + int(s)
    pat = r'Finished (\S+) \((\d+):(\d+):(\d+) elapsed time, (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) cpu time'
    pat2 = r'Timing (\S+) \((\d+) threads, (\d+\.\d+)s elapsed time, (\d+\.\d+)s cpu time, (\d+\.\d+)s GC time\)'
    t = dict((name, {'elapsed': to_secs(eh,em,es), 'cpu': to_secs(ch,cm,cs)})
             for name, eh, em, es, ch, cm, cs in re.findall(pat, logdata))
    for name, threads, elapsed, cpu, gc in re.findall(pat2, logdata):

        if name not in t:
            t[name] = {}

        t[name]['threads'] = int(threads)
        t[name]['elapsed_inner'] = elapsed
        t[name]['cpu_inner'] = cpu
        t[name]['gc'] = gc

    return t

def extract_isabelle_run_summary(logdata):

    re_error = re.compile(r'^\*\*\* (.*)$', re.MULTILINE)
    summary = '\n'.join(re_error.findall(logdata))
    if summary == '':
        summary = 'ok'

    return summary

def isabelle_usedir(env, isa_path, isabelle_usedir_opts, base_image, dir_name):

    return env.run_process('%s/bin/isabelle' % isa_path, 'usedir',
        isabelle_usedir_opts, base_image, dir_name)

def isabelle_dependency_only(env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):

    p = paths[0]
    result = path.join(p, 'heaps')
    for dep_path in dep_paths:
        subprocess.check_call(['cp', '-R'] + glob(dep_path + '/*') + [result])

    return (True, 'ok', {}, {}, result)

def build_isabelle_image(subdir, base, img, env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):

    p = paths[0]
    dep_path = dep_paths[0]
    prepare_isabelle_repository(p, env.settings.contrib, dep_path)
    os.chdir(path.join(p, 'src', subdir))

    (return_code, log) = isabelle_usedir(env, p, '-b', base, img)

    result = path.join(p, 'heaps')
    return (return_code == 0, extract_isabelle_run_summary(log),
      {'timing': extract_isabelle_run_timing(log)}, {'log': log}, result)

def isabelle_makeall(env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):

    p = paths[0]
    dep_path = dep_paths[0]
    prepare_isabelle_repository(p, env.settings.contrib, dep_path)

    (return_code, log) = env.run_process('%s/bin/isabelle' % p, 'makeall', '-k', 'all')

    return (return_code == 0, extract_isabelle_run_summary(log),
      {'timing': extract_isabelle_run_timing(log)}, {'log': log}, None)

# Isabelle configurations

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [])
def Pure(env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):
    """Pure image"""

    p = paths[0]
    prepare_isabelle_repository(p, env.settings.contrib, '')
    os.chdir(path.join(p, 'src', 'Pure'))

    (return_code, log) = env.run_process('%s/bin/isabelle' % p, 'make', 'Pure')

    result = path.join(p, 'heaps')
    return (return_code == 0, extract_isabelle_run_summary(log),
      {'timing': extract_isabelle_run_timing(log)}, {'log': log}, result)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(Pure, [0])])
def FOL(*args):
    """FOL image"""
    return build_isabelle_image('FOL', 'Pure', 'FOL', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(Pure, [0])])
def HOL(*args):
    """HOL image"""
    return build_isabelle_image('HOL', 'Pure', 'HOL', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def HOL_HOLCF(*args):
    """HOL-HOLCF image"""
    return build_isabelle_image('HOL/HOLCF', 'HOL', 'HOLCF', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def HOL_Nominal(*args):
    """HOL-Nominal image"""
    return build_isabelle_image('HOL/Nominal', 'HOL', 'HOL-Nominal', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def HOL_Word(*args):
    """HOL-Word image"""
    return build_isabelle_image('HOL/Word', 'HOL', 'HOL-Word', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [
    (HOL, [0]),
    (HOL_HOLCF, [0]),
    (HOL_Nominal, [0]),
    (HOL_Word, [0])
def AFP_images(*args):
    """Isabelle images needed for the AFP"""
    return isabelle_dependency_only(*args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [
    (AFP_images, [0])
def Isabelle_makeall(*args):
    """Isabelle makeall"""
    return isabelle_makeall(*args)

# Mutabelle configurations

def invoke_mutabelle(theory, env, case, paths, dep_paths, playground):

    """Mutant testing for counterexample generators in Isabelle"""

    (loc_isabelle,) = paths
    (dep_isabelle,) = dep_paths
    prepare_isabelle_repository(loc_isabelle, env.settings.contrib, dep_isabelle)
    (return_code, log) = env.run_process('bin/isabelle',
      'mutabelle', '-O', playground, theory)
        mutabelle_log = util.readfile(path.join(playground, 'log'))
    except IOError:
        mutabelle_log = ''

    attachments = { 'log': log, 'mutabelle_log': mutabelle_log}

    return (return_code == 0 and mutabelle_log != '', extract_isabelle_run_summary(log),
      {'timing': extract_isabelle_run_timing(log)}, {'log': log}, None)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def Mutabelle_Relation(*args):
    """Mutabelle regression suite on Relation theory"""
    return invoke_mutabelle('Relation', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def Mutabelle_List(*args):
    """Mutabelle regression suite on List theory"""
    return invoke_mutabelle('List', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def Mutabelle_Set(*args):
    """Mutabelle regression suite on Set theory"""
    return invoke_mutabelle('Set', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def Mutabelle_Map(*args):
    """Mutabelle regression suite on Map theory"""
    return invoke_mutabelle('Map', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def Mutabelle_Divides(*args):
    """Mutabelle regression suite on Divides theory"""
    return invoke_mutabelle('Divides', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def Mutabelle_MacLaurin(*args):
    """Mutabelle regression suite on MacLaurin theory"""
    return invoke_mutabelle('MacLaurin', *args)

@configuration(repos = [Isabelle], deps = [(HOL, [0])])
def Mutabelle_Fun(*args):
    """Mutabelle regression suite on Fun theory"""
    return invoke_mutabelle('Fun', *args)