author blanchet
Tue, 10 Dec 2013 15:24:17 +0800
changeset 54712 cbebe2cf77f1
parent 54700 64177ce0a7bd
child 54752 dad9e5393524
permissions -rw-r--r--
more work on Z3 Isar proofs

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_compress.ML
    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
    Author:     Steffen Juilf Smolka, TU Muenchen

Compression of isar proofs by merging steps.
Only proof steps using the same proof method are merged.

  type isar_proof = Sledgehammer_Proof.isar_proof
  type preplay_interface = Sledgehammer_Preplay.preplay_interface

  val compress_proof : real -> preplay_interface -> isar_proof -> isar_proof

structure Sledgehammer_Compress : SLEDGEHAMMER_COMPRESS =

open Sledgehammer_Util
open Sledgehammer_Proof
open Sledgehammer_Preplay

(* traverses steps in post-order and collects the steps with the given labels *)
fun collect_successors steps lbls =
    fun do_steps _ ([], accu) = ([], accu)
      | do_steps [] accum = accum
      | do_steps (step :: steps) accum = do_steps steps (do_step step accum)
    and do_step (Let _) x = x
      | do_step (step as Prove (_, _, l, _, subproofs, _)) x =
        (case do_subproofs subproofs x of
          ([], accu) => ([], accu)
        | accum as (l' :: lbls', accu) => if l = l' then (lbls', step :: accu) else accum)
    and do_subproofs [] x = x
      | do_subproofs (proof :: subproofs) x =
        (case do_steps (steps_of_proof proof) x of
          accum as ([], _) => accum
        | accum => do_subproofs subproofs accum)
    (case do_steps steps (lbls, []) of
      ([], succs) => rev succs
    | _ => raise Fail "Sledgehammer_Compress: collect_successors")

(* traverses steps in reverse post-order and inserts the given updates *)
fun update_steps steps updates =
    fun do_steps [] updates = ([], updates)
      | do_steps steps [] = (steps, [])
      | do_steps (step :: steps) updates = do_step step (do_steps steps updates)
    and do_step step (steps, []) = (step :: steps, [])
      | do_step (step as Let _) (steps, updates) = (step :: steps, updates)
      | do_step (Prove (qs, xs, l, t, subproofs, by))
          (steps, updates as Prove (qs', xs', l', t', subproofs', by') :: updates') =
          val (subproofs, updates) =
            if l = l' then do_subproofs subproofs' updates' else do_subproofs subproofs updates
          if l = l' then (Prove (qs', xs', l', t', subproofs, by') :: steps, updates)
          else (Prove (qs, xs, l, t, subproofs, by) :: steps, updates)
      | do_step _ _ = raise Fail "Sledgehammer_Compress: update_steps (invalid update)"
    and do_subproofs [] updates = ([], updates)
      | do_subproofs steps [] = (steps, [])
      | do_subproofs (proof :: subproofs) updates =
        do_proof proof (do_subproofs subproofs updates)
    and do_proof proof (proofs, []) = (proof :: proofs, [])
      | do_proof (Proof (fix, assms, steps)) (proofs, updates) =
        let val (steps, updates) = do_steps steps updates in
          (Proof (fix, assms, steps) :: proofs, updates)
    (case do_steps steps (rev updates) of
      (steps, []) => steps
    | _ => raise Fail "Sledgehammer_Compress: update_steps")

(* tries merging the first step into the second step *)
fun try_merge (Prove (_, [], lbl1, _, [], ((lfs1, gfs1), meth1)))
      (Prove (qs2, fix, lbl2, t, subproofs, ((lfs2, gfs2), meth2))) =
    if meth1 = meth2 then
        val lfs = remove (op =) lbl1 lfs2 |> union (op =) lfs1
        val gfs = union (op =) gfs1 gfs2
        SOME (Prove (qs2, fix, lbl2, t, subproofs, ((lfs, gfs), meth1)))
  | try_merge _ _ = NONE

val compress_degree = 2
val merge_timeout_slack = 1.2

(* Precondition: The proof must be labeled canonically
   (cf. "Slegehammer_Proof.relabel_proof_canonically"). *)
fun compress_proof isar_compress
    ({get_preplay_time, set_preplay_time, preplay_quietly, ...} : preplay_interface) proof =
  if isar_compress <= 1.0 then
      val (compress_further, decrement_step_count) =
          val number_of_steps = add_proof_steps (steps_of_proof proof) 0
          val target_number_of_steps = Real.round (Real.fromInt number_of_steps / isar_compress)
          val delta = Unsynchronized.ref (number_of_steps - target_number_of_steps)
          (fn () => !delta > 0, fn () => delta := !delta - 1)

      val (get_successors, replace_successor) =
          fun add_refs (Let _) = I
            | add_refs (Prove (_, _, v, _, _, ((lfs, _), _))) =
              fold (fn key => Canonical_Lbl_Tab.cons_list (key, v)) lfs

          val tab =
            |> fold_isar_steps add_refs (steps_of_proof proof)
            (* "rev" should have the same effect as "sort canonical_label_ord" *)
            |> (K rev)
            |> Unsynchronized.ref

          fun get_successors l = Canonical_Lbl_Tab.lookup_list (!tab) l
          fun set_successors l refs = tab := Canonical_Lbl_Tab.update (l, refs) (!tab)
          fun replace_successor old new dest =
            get_successors dest
            |> Ord_List.remove canonical_label_ord old
            |> Ord_List.union canonical_label_ord new
            |> set_successors dest
          (get_successors, replace_successor)

      (** elimination of trivial, one-step subproofs **)

      fun elim_subproofs' time qs fix l t lfs gfs meth subs nontriv_subs =
        if null subs orelse not (compress_further ()) then
          (set_preplay_time l (false, time);
           Prove (qs, fix, l, t, List.revAppend (nontriv_subs, subs), ((lfs, gfs), meth)))
          (case subs of
            (sub as Proof (_, assms, sub_steps)) :: subs =>
              (* trivial subproofs have exactly one Prove step *)
              val SOME (Prove (_, [], l', _, [], ((lfs', gfs'), _))) = try the_single sub_steps

              (* only touch proofs that can be preplayed sucessfully *)
              val (false, time') = get_preplay_time l'

              (* merge steps *)
              val subs'' = subs @ nontriv_subs
              val lfs'' =
                subtract (op =) (map fst assms) lfs'
                |> union (op =) lfs
              val gfs'' = union (op =) gfs' gfs
              val by = ((lfs'', gfs''), meth)
              val step'' = Prove (qs, fix, l, t, subs'', by)

              (* check if the modified step can be preplayed fast enough *)
              val timeout = time_mult merge_timeout_slack (Time.+(time, time'))
              val (false, time'') = preplay_quietly timeout step''

              decrement_step_count (); (* l' successfully eliminated! *)
              map (replace_successor l' [l]) lfs';
              elim_subproofs' time'' qs fix l t lfs'' gfs'' meth subs nontriv_subs
            handle Bind =>
              elim_subproofs' time qs fix l t lfs gfs meth subs (sub :: nontriv_subs))
          | _ => raise Fail "Sledgehammer_Compress: elim_subproofs'")

      fun elim_subproofs (step as Let _) = step
        | elim_subproofs
          (step as Prove (qs, fix, l, t, subproofs, ((lfs, gfs), meth))) =
            if subproofs = [] then step else
              case get_preplay_time l of
                (true, _) => step (* timeout or fail *)
              | (false, time) =>
                  elim_subproofs' time qs fix l t lfs gfs meth subproofs []

      (** top_level compression: eliminate steps by merging them into their
          successors **)

      fun compress_top_level steps =
          (* (#successors, (size_of_term t, position)) *)
          fun cand_key (i, l, t_size) = (get_successors l |> length, (t_size, i))

          val compression_ord =
            prod_ord int_ord (prod_ord (int_ord #> rev_order) int_ord)
            #> rev_order

          val cand_ord = pairself cand_key #> compression_ord

          fun pop_next_cand candidates =
            (case max_list cand_ord candidates of
              NONE => (NONE, [])
            | cand as SOME (i, _, _) => (cand, filter_out (fn (j, _, _) => j = i) candidates))

          val candidates =
              fun add_cand (_, Let _) = I
                | add_cand (i, Prove (_, _, l, t, _, _)) = cons (i, l, size_of_term t)
              |> split_last |> fst (* keep last step *)
              |> fold_index add_cand) []

          fun try_eliminate (i, l, _) succ_lbls steps =
              (* only touch steps that can be preplayed successfully *)
              val (false, time) = get_preplay_time l

              val succ_times = map (get_preplay_time #> (fn (false, t) => t)) succ_lbls
              val timeslice = time_mult (1.0 / (Real.fromInt (length succ_lbls))) time
              val timeouts =
                map (curry Time.+ timeslice #> time_mult merge_timeout_slack) succ_times

              val ((cand as Prove (_, _, l, _, _, ((lfs, _), _))) :: steps') = drop i steps

              (* FIXME: debugging *)
              val _ =
                if the (label_of_step cand) <> l then
                  raise Fail "Sledgehammer_Compress: try_eliminate"

              val succs = collect_successors steps' succ_lbls
              val succs' = map (try_merge cand #> the) succs

              (* TODO: should be lazy: stop preplaying as soon as one step
                 fails/times out *)
              val preplay_times = map2 preplay_quietly timeouts succs'

              (* ensure none of the modified successors timed out *)
              val false = List.exists fst preplay_times

              val (steps1, _ :: steps2) = chop i steps
              (* replace successors with their modified versions *)
              val steps2 = update_steps steps2 succs'
              decrement_step_count (); (* candidate successfully eliminated *)
              map2 set_preplay_time succ_lbls preplay_times;
              map (replace_successor l succ_lbls) lfs;
              (* removing the step would mess up the indices
                 -> replace with dummy step instead *)
              steps1 @ dummy_isar_step :: steps2
            handle Bind => steps
                 | Match => steps
                 | Option.Option => steps

          fun compression_loop candidates steps =
            if not (compress_further ()) then
              (case pop_next_cand candidates of
                (NONE, _) => steps (* no more candidates for elimination *)
              | (SOME (cand as (_, l, _)), candidates) =>
                let val successors = get_successors l in
                  if length successors > compress_degree then steps
                  else compression_loop candidates (try_eliminate cand successors steps)
          compression_loop candidates steps
          |> remove (op =) dummy_isar_step

      (** recusion over the proof tree **)
         Proofs are compressed bottom-up, beginning with the innermost
         On the innermost proof level, the proof steps have no subproofs.
         In the best case, these steps can be merged into just one step,
         resulting in a trivial subproof. Going one level up, trivial subproofs
         can be eliminated. In the best case, this once again leads to a proof
         whose proof steps do not have subproofs. Applying this approach
         recursively will result in a flat proof in the best cast.
      fun do_proof (proof as (Proof (fix, assms, steps))) =
        if compress_further () then Proof (fix, assms, do_steps steps) else proof
      and do_steps steps =
        (* bottom-up: compress innermost proofs first *)
        steps |> map (fn step => step |> compress_further () ? do_sub_levels)
              |> compress_further () ? compress_top_level
      and do_sub_levels (Let x) = Let x
        | do_sub_levels (Prove (qs, xs, l, t, subproofs, by)) =
          (* compress subproofs *)
          Prove (qs, xs, l, t, map do_proof subproofs, by)
          (* eliminate trivial subproofs *)
          |> compress_further () ? elim_subproofs
      do_proof proof
