author wenzelm
Mon, 14 Jul 2008 19:57:11 +0200
changeset 27584 e0cd0396945a
parent 27573 10ba0d7d94e0
child 27600 90cbc874549f
permissions -rw-r--r--
commit_exit: proper error;

(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/isar.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Makarius

The global Isabelle/Isar state and main read-eval-print loop.

signature ISAR =
  val init_point: unit -> unit
  val state: unit -> Toplevel.state
  val exn: unit -> (exn * string) option
  val context: unit -> Proof.context
  val goal: unit -> thm
  val print: unit -> unit
  val >> : Toplevel.transition -> bool
  val >>> : Toplevel.transition list -> unit
  val commit_exit: unit -> unit
  val linear_undo: int -> unit
  val undo: int -> unit
  val kill: unit -> unit
  val kill_proof: unit -> unit
  val crashes: exn list ref
  val toplevel_loop: {init: bool, welcome: bool, sync: bool, secure: bool} -> unit
  val loop: unit -> unit
  val main: unit -> unit

structure Isar: ISAR =

(** individual toplevel commands **)

(* unique identification *)

type id = string;
val no_id : id = "";

fun identify tr =
  (case Toplevel.get_id tr of
    SOME id => (id, tr)
  | NONE =>
      let val id = "isabelle:" ^ serial_string ()
      in (id, Toplevel.put_id id tr) end);

(* command category *)

datatype category = Empty | Theory | Proof | Diag | Control;

fun category_of tr =
  let val name = Toplevel.name_of tr in
    if name = "" then Empty
    else if OuterKeyword.is_theory name then Theory
    else if OuterKeyword.is_proof name then Proof
    else if OuterKeyword.is_diag name then Diag
    else Control

val is_theory = fn Theory => true | _ => false;
val is_proper = fn Theory => true | Proof => true | _ => false;

(* datatype command *)

datatype status =
  Initial |
  Result of Toplevel.state * (exn * string) option;

datatype command = Command of
 {category: category,
  transition: Toplevel.transition,
  status: status};

fun make_command (category, transition, status) =
  Command {category = category, transition = transition, status = status};

val empty_command =
  make_command (Empty, Toplevel.empty, Result (Toplevel.toplevel, NONE));

fun map_command f (Command {category, transition, status}) =
  make_command (f (category, transition, status));

fun map_status f = map_command (fn (category, transition, status) =>
  (category, transition, f status));

(* global collection of identified commands *)

fun err_dup id = sys_error ("Duplicate command " ^ quote id);
fun err_undef id = sys_error ("Unknown command " ^ quote id);


val empty_commands = Graph.empty: command Graph.T;
val global_commands = ref empty_commands;


fun change_commands f = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => change global_commands f)
  handle Graph.DUP id => err_dup id | Graph.UNDEF id => err_undef id;

fun init_commands () = change_commands (K empty_commands);

fun the_command id =
  let val Command cmd =
    if id = no_id then empty_command
    else (Graph.get_node (! global_commands) id handle Graph.UNDEF _ => err_undef id)
  in cmd end;

fun prev_command id =
  if id = no_id then NONE
    (case Graph.imm_preds (! global_commands) id handle Graph.UNDEF _ => err_undef id of
      [] => NONE
    | [prev] => SOME prev
    | _ => sys_error ("Non-linear command dependency " ^ quote id));


fun the_result id =
  (case the_command id of
    {status = Result res, ...} => res
  | {transition, ...} => error ("Unfinished command " ^ Toplevel.str_of transition));

val the_state = #1 o the_result;

fun new_command prev (id, cmd) =
  change_commands (Graph.new_node (id, cmd) #> prev <> no_id ? Graph.add_edge (prev, id));

fun dispose_command id = change_commands (Graph.del_nodes [id]);

fun change_command_status id f = change_commands (Graph.map_node id (map_status f));

(** TTY interaction **)

(* global point *)

local val global_point = ref no_id in

fun change_point f = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => change global_point f);
fun point () = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => ! global_point);


fun set_point id = change_point (K id);
fun init_point () = set_point no_id;

fun point_result () = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
  let val id = point () in (id, the_result id) end);

fun state () = #1 (#2 (point_result ()));
fun exn () = #2 (#2 (point_result ()));

fun context () =
  Toplevel.context_of (state ())
    handle Toplevel.UNDEF => error "Unknown context";

fun goal () =
  #2 (#2 (Proof.get_goal (Toplevel.proof_of (state ()))))
    handle Toplevel.UNDEF => error "No goal present";

fun print () = Toplevel.print_state false (state ());

(* commit final exit *)

fun commit_exit () =
  let val (id, (st, _)) = point_result () in
    (case (Toplevel.is_toplevel st, prev_command id) of
      (true, SOME prev) =>
        (case Toplevel.transition true Toplevel.commit_exit (#1 (the_result prev)) of
          SOME (_, SOME err) => error (Toplevel.exn_message (Toplevel.EXCURSION_FAIL err))
        | _ => init_point ())
    | _ => error "Expected to find finished theory")

(* interactive state transformations --- NOT THREAD-SAFE! *)

nonfix >> >>>;

fun >> raw_tr =
    val (id, tr) = identify raw_tr;
    val (prev, (prev_state, _)) = point_result ();
    val category = category_of tr;
    val _ = new_command prev (id, make_command (category, tr, Initial));
    (case Toplevel.transition true tr prev_state of
      NONE => (dispose_command id; false)
    | SOME (result as (_, err)) =>
        (change_command_status id (K (Result result));
 (Toplevel.error_msg tr) err;
          if is_some err orelse category = Control then dispose_command id
          else set_point id;

fun >>> [] = ()
  | >>> (tr :: trs) = if >> tr then >>> trs else ();

(* implicit navigation wrt. proper commands *)


fun err_undo () = error "Undo history exhausted";

fun get_prev id = the_default no_id (prev_command id);

fun find_category which id =
  (case #category (the_command id) of
    Empty => err_undo ()
  | category => if which category then id else find_category which (get_prev id));

fun find_begin_theory id =
  if id = no_id then err_undo ()
  else if is_some (Toplevel.init_of (#transition (the_command id))) then id
  else find_begin_theory (get_prev id);

fun undo_command id =
  (case Toplevel.init_of (#transition (the_command id)) of
    SOME name => get_prev id before ThyInfo.kill_thy name
  | NONE => get_prev id);


fun linear_undo n = change_point (funpow n (fn id => undo_command (find_category is_proper id)));

fun undo n = change_point (funpow n (fn id => undo_command
  (find_category (if Toplevel.is_proof (the_state id) then is_proper else is_theory) id)));

fun kill () = change_point (fn id => undo_command
  (if Toplevel.is_proof (the_state id) then find_category is_theory id else find_begin_theory id));

fun kill_proof () = change_point (fn id =>
  if Toplevel.is_proof (the_state id) then undo_command (find_category is_theory id)
  else raise Toplevel.UNDEF);


(* toplevel loop *)

val crashes = ref ([]: exn list);


fun raw_loop secure src =
    fun check_secure () =
      (if secure then warning "Secure loop -- cannot exit to ML" else (); secure);
    val prev = point ();
    val prev_name = Toplevel.name_of (#transition (the_command prev));
    val prompt_markup =
      prev <> no_id ? Markup.markup
        ( [(Markup.idN, prev), (Markup.nameN, prev_name)] Markup.prompt);
    (case Source.get_single (Source.set_prompt (prompt_markup Source.default_prompt) src) of
      NONE => if secure then quit () else ()
    | SOME (tr, src') => if >> tr orelse check_secure () then raw_loop secure src' else ())
    handle exn => (Output.error_msg (Toplevel.exn_message exn) handle crash =>
      (CRITICAL (fn () => change crashes (cons crash));
        warning "Recovering after Isar toplevel crash -- see also Isar.crashes");
      raw_loop secure src)


fun toplevel_loop {init, welcome, sync, secure} =
 (Context.set_thread_data NONE;
  if init then (init_point (); init_commands ()) else ();
  if welcome then writeln (Session.welcome ()) else ();
  uninterruptible (fn _ => fn () => raw_loop secure (OuterSyntax.isar sync)) ());


fun loop () =
  toplevel_loop {init = false, welcome = false, sync = false, secure = Secure.is_secure ()};

fun main () =
  toplevel_loop {init = true, welcome = true, sync = false, secure = Secure.is_secure ()};
