author wenzelm
Mon, 13 May 2013 22:49:00 +0200
changeset 51973 e116eb9e5e17
parent 51972 39052352427d
child 51985 f6c04bf0123d
permissions -rw-r--r--
removed obsolete PGIP material;

(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML
    Author:     David Aspinall

PGIP abstraction: types and conversions.

signature PGIPTYPES =
    (* Types and values (used for preferences and dialogs) *)

    datatype pgiptype =
        Pgipnull | Pgipbool | Pgipint of int option * int option | Pgipnat | Pgipreal
      | Pgipstring | Pgipconst of string | Pgipchoice of pgipdtype list

    and pgipdtype = Pgipdtype of string option * pgiptype  (* type with opt. description *)

    exception PGIP of string
    (* Values as XML strings *)
    val read_pgipint       : (int option * int option) -> string -> int (* raises PGIP *)
    val read_pgipnat       : string -> int                              (* raises PGIP *)
    val read_pgipbool      : string -> bool                             (* raises PGIP *)
    val read_pgipreal      : string -> real                             (* raises PGIP *)
    val read_pgipstring    : string -> string                           (* raises PGIP *)
    val real_to_pgstring   : real -> string
    val int_to_pgstring    : int -> string
    val bool_to_pgstring   : bool -> string
    val string_to_pgstring : string -> string

    (* PGIP datatypes *)
    val pgiptype_to_xml   : pgiptype -> XML.tree

    (* XML utils, only for PGIP code *)
    val attr           : string -> string -> XML.attributes
    val opt_attr       : string -> string option -> XML.attributes
    val opt_attr_map   : ('a -> string) -> string -> 'a option -> XML.attributes
    val get_attr       : string -> XML.attributes -> string           (* raises PGIP *)
    val get_attr_opt   : string -> XML.attributes -> string option
    val get_attr_dflt  : string -> string -> XML.attributes -> string

structure PgipTypes : PGIPTYPES =

exception PGIP of string

(** XML utils **)

fun get_attr_opt attr attrs = Properties.get attrs attr

fun get_attr attr attrs =
    (case get_attr_opt attr attrs of
         SOME value => value
       | NONE => raise PGIP ("Missing attribute: " ^ quote attr))

fun get_attr_dflt attr dflt attrs = the_default dflt (get_attr_opt attr attrs)

fun attr x y = [(x,y)] : XML.attributes

fun opt_attr_map f attr_name opt_val = 
    case opt_val of NONE => [] | SOME v => [(attr_name,f v)]
 (* or, if you've got function-itis: 
    the_default [] ( (single o (pair attr_name) o f) opt_val)

fun opt_attr attr_name = opt_attr_map I attr_name

(** Types and values **)

(* readers and writers for values represented in XML strings *)

fun read_pgipbool s =
    (case s of 
         "false" => false 
       | "true" => true 
       | _ => raise PGIP ("Invalid boolean value: " ^ quote s))

    fun int_in_range (NONE,NONE) (_: int) = true
      | int_in_range (SOME min,NONE) i = min<= i
      | int_in_range (NONE,SOME max) i = i<=max
      | int_in_range (SOME min,SOME max) i = min<= i andalso i<=max
fun read_pgipint range s =
    (case Int.fromString s of 
         SOME i => if int_in_range range i then i
                   else raise PGIP ("Out of range integer value: " ^ quote s)
       | NONE => raise PGIP ("Invalid integer value: " ^ quote s))

fun read_pgipnat s =
    (case Int.fromString s of 
         SOME i => if i >= 0 then i
                   else raise PGIP ("Invalid natural number: " ^ quote s)
       | NONE => raise PGIP ("Invalid natural number: " ^ quote s))

fun read_pgipreal s =
    (case Real.fromString s of
         SOME x => x
       | NONE => raise PGIP ("Invalid floating-point number: " ^ quote s))

(* NB: we can maybe do without xml decode/encode here. *)
fun read_pgipstring s =  (* non-empty strings, XML escapes decoded *)
    (case XML.parse_string s of
         SOME s => s
       | NONE => raise PGIP ("Expected a non-empty string: " ^ quote s))
    handle _ => raise PGIP ("Invalid XML string syntax: " ^ quote s)  (* FIXME avoid handle _ *)

val int_to_pgstring = signed_string_of_int

val real_to_pgstring = smart_string_of_real;

fun string_to_pgstring s = XML.text s

fun bool_to_pgstring b = if b then "true" else "false"

(* PGIP datatypes.
   This is a reflection of the type structure of PGIP configuration,
   which is meant for setting up user dialogs and preference settings.
   These are configured declaratively in XML, using a syntax for types
   and values which is like a (vastly cut down) form of XML Schema

   The prover needs to interpret the strings representing the typed
   values, at least for the types it expects from the dialogs it
   configures.  Here we go further and construct a type-safe
   encapsulation of these values, which would be useful for more
   advanced cases (e.g. generating and processing forms).  

datatype pgiptype = 
         Pgipnull                            (* unit type: unique element is empty string *)
       | Pgipbool                            (* booleans: "true" or "false" *)
       | Pgipint of int option * int option  (* ranged integers, should be XSD canonical *)
       | Pgipnat                             (* naturals: non-negative integers (convenience) *)
       | Pgipreal                            (* floating-point numbers *)
       | Pgipstring                          (* non-empty strings *)
       | Pgipconst of string                 (* singleton type *)
       | Pgipchoice of pgipdtype list        (* union type *)

(* Compared with the PGIP schema, we push descriptions of types inside choices. *)

and pgipdtype = Pgipdtype of string option * pgiptype

datatype pgipuval =
    Pgvalnull | Pgvalbool of bool | Pgvalint of int | Pgvalnat of int | Pgvalreal of real
  | Pgvalstring of string | Pgvalconst of string

type pgipval = pgiptype * pgipuval      (* type-safe values *)

fun pgipdtype_to_xml (desco,ty) = 
        val desc_attr = opt_attr "descr" desco

        val elt = case ty of
                      Pgipnull => "pgipnull"
                    | Pgipbool => "pgipbool"
                    | Pgipint _ => "pgipint"
                    | Pgipnat => "pgipint"
                    | Pgipreal => "pgipint"  (*sic!*)  (*required for PG 4.0 and 3.7.x*)
                    | Pgipstring => "pgipstring"
                    | Pgipconst _ => "pgipconst"
                    | Pgipchoice _ => "pgipchoice"

        fun range_attr r v = attr r (int_to_pgstring v)

        val attrs = case ty of 
                        Pgipint (SOME min,SOME max) => (range_attr "min" min)@(range_attr "max" max)
                      | Pgipint (SOME min,NONE) => (range_attr "min" min)
                      | Pgipint (NONE,SOME max) => (range_attr "max" max)
                      | Pgipnat => (range_attr "min" 0)
                      | Pgipconst nm => attr "name" nm
                      | _ => []

        fun destpgipdtype (Pgipdtype x) = x

        val typargs = case ty of
                          Pgipchoice ds => map destpgipdtype ds
                        | _ => []
        XML.Elem ((elt, desc_attr @ attrs), map pgipdtype_to_xml typargs)

val pgiptype_to_xml = pgipdtype_to_xml o pair NONE
