author wenzelm
Tue, 14 Mar 2017 17:32:19 +0100
changeset 65233 e37209c0a42a
parent 65201 2d01b30e6ac6
child 65913 f330f538dae6
permissions -rw-r--r--
always update decorations eventually after document changes: VSCode might reset it, but PIDE might produce an unchanged result that is not published again;

'use strict';

import * as timers from 'timers';
import * as vscode from 'vscode'
import { Position, Range, MarkedString, DecorationOptions, DecorationRenderOptions,
  TextDocument, TextEditor, TextEditorDecorationType, ExtensionContext, Uri } from 'vscode'
import { get_color } from './extension'
import { Decoration } from './protocol'

/* known decoration types */

const background_colors = [

const foreground_colors = [

const dotted_colors = [

const text_colors = [

/* init */

const types = new Map<string, TextEditorDecorationType>()

export function init(context: ExtensionContext)
  function decoration(options: DecorationRenderOptions): TextEditorDecorationType
    const typ = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType(options)
    return typ

  function background(color: string): TextEditorDecorationType
    return decoration(
      { light: { backgroundColor: get_color(color, true) },
        dark: { backgroundColor: get_color(color, false) } })

  function text_color(color: string): TextEditorDecorationType
    return decoration(
      { light: { color: get_color(color, true) },
        dark: { color: get_color(color, false) } })

  function bottom_border(width: string, style: string, color: string): TextEditorDecorationType
    const border = `${width} none; border-bottom-style: ${style}; border-color: `
    return decoration(
      { light: { border: border + get_color(color, true) },
        dark: { border: border + get_color(color, false) } })

  /* reset */

  types.forEach(typ =>
    for (const editor of vscode.window.visibleTextEditors) {
      editor.setDecorations(typ, [])
    const i = context.subscriptions.indexOf(typ)
    if (i >= 0) context.subscriptions.splice(i, 1)

  /* init */

  for (const color of background_colors) {
    types.set("background_" + color, background(color))
  for (const color of foreground_colors) {
    types.set("foreground_" + color, background(color)) // approximation
  for (const color of dotted_colors) {
    types.set("dotted_" + color, bottom_border("2px", "dotted", color))
  for (const color of text_colors) {
    types.set("text_" + color, text_color(color))
  types.set("spell_checker", bottom_border("1px", "solid", "spell_checker"))

  /* update editors */

  for (const editor of vscode.window.visibleTextEditors) {

/* decoration for document node */

type Content = Range[] | DecorationOptions[]
const document_decorations = new Map<string, Map<string, Content>>()

export function close_document(document: TextDocument)

export function apply_decoration(decoration: Decoration)
  const typ = types.get(decoration.type)
  if (typ) {
    const uri = Uri.parse(decoration.uri).toString()
    const content: DecorationOptions[] = =>
        const r = opt.range
        return {
          range: new Range(new Position(r[0], r[1]), new Position(r[2], r[3])),
          hoverMessage: opt.hover_message

    const document = document_decorations.get(uri) || new Map<string, Content>()
    document.set(decoration.type, content)
    document_decorations.set(uri, document)

    for (const editor of vscode.window.visibleTextEditors) {
      if (uri === editor.document.uri.toString()) {
        editor.setDecorations(typ, content)

export function update_editor(editor: TextEditor)
  if (editor) {
    const decorations = document_decorations.get(editor.document.uri.toString())
    if (decorations) {
      for (const [typ, content] of decorations) {
        editor.setDecorations(types.get(typ), content)

/* decorations vs. document changes */

const touched_documents = new Set<TextDocument>()

function update_touched_documents()
  const touched_editors: TextEditor[] = []
  for (const editor of vscode.window.visibleTextEditors) {
    if (touched_documents.has(editor.document)) {

let touched_timer: NodeJS.Timer

export function touch_document(document: TextDocument)
  if (touched_timer) timers.clearTimeout(touched_timer)
  touched_timer = timers.setTimeout(update_touched_documents, 1000)