author wenzelm
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 00:21:40 +0100
changeset 18782 e4d9d718b8bb
parent 18768 6e97b57cdcba
child 18795 303793f49b0f
permissions -rw-r--r--
turned abstract_term into ProofContext.abs_def; ProofContext.export_standard;

(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/locale.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Clemens Ballarin, TU Muenchen; Markus Wenzel, LMU/TU Muenchen

Locales -- Isar proof contexts as meta-level predicates, with local
syntax and implicit structures.

Draws some basic ideas from Florian Kammueller's original version of
locales, but uses the richer infrastructure of Isar instead of the raw
meta-logic.  Furthermore, we provide structured import of contexts
(with merge and rename operations), as well as type-inference of the
signature parts, and predicate definitions of the specification text.

Interpretation enables the reuse of theorems of locales in other
contexts, namely those defined by theories, structured proofs and
locales themselves.

See also:

[1] Clemens Ballarin. Locales and Locale Expressions in Isabelle/Isar.
    In Stefano Berardi et al., Types for Proofs and Programs: International
    Workshop, TYPES 2003, Torino, Italy, LNCS 3085, pages 34-50, 2004.

(* TODO:
- beta-eta normalisation of interpretation parameters
- dangling type frees in locales
- test subsumption of interpretations when merging theories
- var vs. fixes in locale to be interpreted (interpretation in locale)
  (implicit locale expressions generated by multiple registrations)

signature LOCALE =
  datatype expr =
    Locale of string |
    Rename of expr * (string * mixfix option) option list |
    Merge of expr list
  val empty: expr
  datatype 'a element = Elem of 'a | Expr of expr

  val intern: theory -> xstring -> string
  val extern: theory -> string -> xstring
  val init: string -> theory -> Proof.context

  (* Processing of locale statements *)  (* FIXME export more abstract version *)
  val read_context_statement: xstring option -> Element.context element list ->
    (string * (string list * string list)) list list -> Proof.context ->
    string option * (cterm list * cterm list) * Proof.context * Proof.context *
      (term * (term list * term list)) list list
  val cert_context_statement: string option -> Element.context_i element list ->
    (term * (term list * term list)) list list -> Proof.context ->
    string option * (cterm list * cterm list) * Proof.context * Proof.context *
      (term * (term list * term list)) list list

  (* Diagnostic functions *)
  val print_locales: theory -> unit
  val print_locale: theory -> bool -> expr -> Element.context list -> unit
  val print_global_registrations: bool -> string -> theory -> unit
  val print_local_registrations': bool -> string -> Proof.context -> unit
  val print_local_registrations: bool -> string -> Proof.context -> unit

  (* FIXME avoid duplicates *)
  val add_locale_context: bool -> bstring -> expr -> Element.context list -> theory
    -> ((Element.context_i list list * Element.context_i list list)
         * Proof.context) * theory
  val add_locale_context_i: bool -> bstring -> expr -> Element.context_i list -> theory
    -> ((Element.context_i list list * Element.context_i list list)
         * Proof.context) * theory
  val add_locale: bool -> bstring -> expr -> Element.context list -> theory -> theory
  val add_locale_i: bool -> bstring -> expr -> Element.context_i list -> theory -> theory

  (* Storing results *)
  val smart_note_thmss: string -> string option ->
    ((bstring * attribute list) * (thm list * attribute list) list) list ->
    theory -> (bstring * thm list) list * theory
  val note_thmss: string -> xstring ->
    ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (thmref * Attrib.src list) list) list ->
    theory -> (bstring * thm list) list * (theory * Proof.context)
  val note_thmss_i: string -> string ->
    ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list ->
    theory -> (bstring * thm list) list * (theory * Proof.context)

  val theorem: string -> Method.text option -> (thm list list -> theory -> theory) ->
    string * Attrib.src list -> Element.context element list ->
    ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list ->
    theory -> Proof.state
  val theorem_i: string -> Method.text option -> (thm list list -> theory -> theory) ->
    string * attribute list -> Element.context_i element list ->
    ((string * attribute list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list ->
    theory -> Proof.state
  val theorem_in_locale: string -> Method.text option ->
    (thm list list -> thm list list -> theory -> theory) ->
    xstring -> string * Attrib.src list -> Element.context element list ->
    ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list ->
    theory -> Proof.state
  val theorem_in_locale_i: string -> Method.text option ->
    (thm list list -> thm list list -> theory -> theory) ->
    string -> string * Attrib.src list -> Element.context_i element list ->
    ((string * Attrib.src list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list ->
    theory -> Proof.state
  val smart_theorem: string -> xstring option ->
    string * Attrib.src list -> Element.context element list ->
    ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list ->
    theory -> Proof.state
  val interpretation: string * Attrib.src list -> expr -> string option list ->
    theory -> Proof.state
  val interpretation_in_locale: xstring * expr -> theory -> Proof.state
  val interpret: string * Attrib.src list -> expr -> string option list ->
    bool -> Proof.state -> Proof.state

structure Locale: LOCALE =

(** locale elements and expressions **)

datatype ctxt = datatype Element.ctxt;

datatype expr =
  Locale of string |
  Rename of expr * (string * mixfix option) option list |
  Merge of expr list;

val empty = Merge [];

datatype 'a element =
  Elem of 'a | Expr of expr;

fun map_elem f (Elem e) = Elem (f e)
  | map_elem _ (Expr e) = Expr e;

type witness = term * thm;  (*hypothesis as fact*)
type locale =
 {predicate: cterm list * witness list,
    (* CB: For locales with "(open)" this entry is ([], []).
       For new-style locales, which declare predicates, if the locale declares
       no predicates, this is also ([], []).
       If the locale declares predicates, the record field is
       ([statement], axioms), where statement is the locale predicate applied
       to the (assumed) locale parameters.  Axioms contains the projections
       from the locale predicate to the normalised assumptions of the locale
       (cf. [1], normalisation of locale expressions.)
  import: expr,                                       (*dynamic import*)
  elems: (Element.context_i * stamp) list,            (*static content*)
  params: ((string * typ) * mixfix) list * string list,
                                                      (*all/local params*)
  regs: ((string * string list) * (term * thm) list) list}
    (* Registrations: indentifiers and witness theorems of locales interpreted
       in the locale.

(* CB: an internal (Int) locale element was either imported or included,
   an external (Ext) element appears directly in the locale text. *)

datatype ('a, 'b) int_ext = Int of 'a | Ext of 'b;

(** management of registrations in theories and proof contexts **)

structure Registrations :
    type T
    val empty: T
    val join: T * T -> T
    val dest: T -> (term list * ((string * Attrib.src list) * witness list)) list
    val lookup: theory -> T * term list ->
      ((string * Attrib.src list) * witness list) option
    val insert: theory -> term list * (string * Attrib.src list) -> T ->
      T * (term list * ((string * Attrib.src list) * witness list)) list
    val add_witness: term list -> witness -> T -> T
  end =
  (* a registration consists of theorems instantiating locale assumptions
     and prefix and attributes, indexed by parameter instantiation *)
  type T = ((string * Attrib.src list) * witness list) Termtab.table;

  val empty = Termtab.empty;

  (* term list represented as single term, for simultaneous matching *)
  fun termify ts =
    Term.list_comb (Const ("", map fastype_of ts ---> propT), ts);
  fun untermify t =
    let fun ut (Const _) ts = ts
          | ut (s $ t) ts = ut s (t::ts)
    in ut t [] end;

  (* joining of registrations: prefix and attributes of left theory,
     thms are equal, no attempt to subsumption testing *)
  fun join (r1, r2) = Termtab.join (fn _ => fn (reg, _) => SOME reg) (r1, r2);

  fun dest regs = map (apfst untermify) (Termtab.dest regs);

  (* registrations that subsume t *)
  fun subsumers thy t regs =
    List.filter (fn (t', _) => Pattern.matches thy (t', t)) (Termtab.dest regs);

  (* look up registration, pick one that subsumes the query *)
  fun lookup sign (regs, ts) =
      val t = termify ts;
      val subs = subsumers sign t regs;
    in (case subs of
        [] => NONE
      | ((t', (attn, thms)) :: _) => let
            val (tinst, inst) = Pattern.match sign (t', t) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty);
            (* thms contain Frees, not Vars *)
            val tinst' = tinst |> Vartab.dest
                 |> map (fn ((x, 0), (_, T)) => (x, Type.unvarifyT T))
                 |> Symtab.make;
            val inst' = inst |> Vartab.dest
                 |> map (fn ((x, 0), (_, t)) => (x, Logic.unvarify t))
                 |> Symtab.make;
            SOME (attn, map (fn (t, th) =>
             (Element.inst_term (tinst', inst') t,
              Element.inst_thm sign (tinst', inst') th)) thms)

  (* add registration if not subsumed by ones already present,
     additionally returns registrations that are strictly subsumed *)
  fun insert sign (ts, attn) regs =
      val t = termify ts;
      val subs = subsumers sign t regs ;
    in (case subs of
        [] => let
                val sups =
                  List.filter (fn (t', _) => Pattern.matches sign (t, t')) (Termtab.dest regs);
                val sups' = map (apfst untermify) sups
              in (Termtab.update (t, (attn, [])) regs, sups') end
      | _ => (regs, []))

  (* add witness theorem to registration,
     only if instantiation is exact, otherwise exception Option raised *)
  fun add_witness ts thm regs =
      val t = termify ts;
      val (x, thms) = the (Termtab.lookup regs t);
      Termtab.update (t, (x, thm::thms)) regs

(** theory data **)

structure GlobalLocalesData = TheoryDataFun
  val name = "Isar/locales";
  type T = NameSpace.T * locale Symtab.table * Registrations.T Symtab.table;
    (* 1st entry: locale namespace,
       2nd entry: locales of the theory,
       3rd entry: registrations, indexed by locale name *)

  val empty = (NameSpace.empty, Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
  val copy = I;
  val extend = I;

  fun join_locs _ ({predicate, import, elems, params, regs}: locale,
      {elems = elems', regs = regs', ...}: locale) =
    SOME {predicate = predicate, import = import,
      elems = gen_merge_lists (eq_snd (op =)) elems elems',
      params = params,
      regs = merge_alists regs regs'};
  fun merge _ ((space1, locs1, regs1), (space2, locs2, regs2)) =
    (NameSpace.merge (space1, space2), Symtab.join join_locs (locs1, locs2),
     Symtab.join (K (SOME o Registrations.join)) (regs1, regs2));

  fun print _ (space, locs, _) =
    Pretty.strs ("locales:" :: map #1 (NameSpace.extern_table (space, locs)))
    |> Pretty.writeln;

val _ = Context.add_setup GlobalLocalesData.init;

(** context data **)

structure LocalLocalesData = ProofDataFun
  val name = "Isar/locales";
  type T = Registrations.T Symtab.table;
    (* registrations, indexed by locale name *)
  fun init _ = Symtab.empty;
  fun print _ _ = ();

val _ = Context.add_setup LocalLocalesData.init;

(* access locales *)

val print_locales = GlobalLocalesData.print;

val intern = NameSpace.intern o #1 o GlobalLocalesData.get;
val extern = NameSpace.extern o #1 o GlobalLocalesData.get;

fun declare_locale name thy =
  thy |> (fn (space, locs, regs) =>
    (Sign.declare_name thy name space, locs, regs));

fun put_locale name loc = (fn (space, locs, regs) =>
    (space, Symtab.update (name, loc) locs, regs));

fun get_locale thy name = Symtab.lookup (#2 (GlobalLocalesData.get thy)) name;

fun the_locale thy name =
  (case get_locale thy name of
    SOME loc => loc
  | NONE => error ("Unknown locale " ^ quote name));

(* access registrations *)

(* Ids of global registrations are varified,
   Ids of local registrations are not.
   Thms of registrations are never varified. *)

(* retrieve registration from theory or context *)

fun gen_get_registrations get thy_ctxt name =
  case Symtab.lookup (get thy_ctxt) name of
      NONE => []
    | SOME reg => Registrations.dest reg;

val get_global_registrations =
     gen_get_registrations (#3 o GlobalLocalesData.get);
val get_local_registrations =
     gen_get_registrations LocalLocalesData.get;

fun gen_get_registration get thy_of thy_ctxt (name, ps) =
  case Symtab.lookup (get thy_ctxt) name of
      NONE => NONE
    | SOME reg => Registrations.lookup (thy_of thy_ctxt) (reg, ps);

val get_global_registration =
     gen_get_registration (#3 o GlobalLocalesData.get) I;
val get_local_registration =
     gen_get_registration LocalLocalesData.get ProofContext.theory_of;

val test_global_registration = is_some oo get_global_registration;
val test_local_registration = is_some oo get_local_registration;
fun smart_test_registration ctxt id =
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
    test_global_registration thy id orelse test_local_registration ctxt id

(* add registration to theory or context, ignored if subsumed *)

fun gen_put_registration map_data thy_of (name, ps) attn thy_ctxt =
  map_data (fn regs =>
      val thy = thy_of thy_ctxt;
      val reg = the_default Registrations.empty (Symtab.lookup regs name);
      val (reg', sups) = Registrations.insert thy (ps, attn) reg;
      val _ = if not (null sups) then warning
                ("Subsumed interpretation(s) of locale " ^
                 quote (extern thy name) ^
                 "\nby interpretation(s) with the following prefix(es):\n" ^
                  commas_quote (map (fn (_, ((s, _), _)) => s) sups))
              else ();
    in Symtab.update (name, reg') regs end) thy_ctxt;

val put_global_registration =
     gen_put_registration (fn f => (fn (space, locs, regs) => (space, locs, f regs))) I;
val put_local_registration =
     gen_put_registration ProofContext.theory_of;

fun put_registration_in_locale name id thy =
      val {predicate, import, elems, params, regs} = the_locale thy name;
      put_locale name {predicate = predicate, import = import,
        elems = elems, params = params, regs = regs @ [(id, [])]} thy

(* add witness theorem to registration in theory or context,
   ignored if registration not present *)

fun add_witness (name, ps) thm =
  Symtab.map_entry name (Registrations.add_witness ps thm);

fun add_global_witness id thm = (fn (space, locs, regs) => (space, locs, add_witness id thm regs));

val add_local_witness = oo add_witness;

fun add_witness_in_locale name id thm thy =
      val {predicate, import, elems, params, regs} = the_locale thy name;
      fun add (id', thms) =
          if id = id' then (id', thm :: thms) else (id', thms);
      put_locale name {predicate = predicate, import = import,
        elems = elems, params = params, regs = map add regs} thy

(* printing of registrations *)

fun gen_print_registrations get_regs mk_ctxt msg show_wits loc thy_ctxt =
    val ctxt = mk_ctxt thy_ctxt;
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;

    val prt_term = Pretty.quote o ProofContext.pretty_term ctxt;
    fun prt_inst ts =
        Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (map prt_term ts));
    fun prt_attn (prfx, atts) =
        Pretty.breaks (Pretty.str prfx :: Args.pretty_attribs ctxt atts);
    fun prt_thm (_, th) = Pretty.quote (ProofContext.pretty_thm ctxt th);
    fun prt_thms thms =
        Pretty.enclose "[" "]" (Pretty.breaks (map prt_thm thms));
    fun prt_reg (ts, (("", []), thms)) =
        if show_wits
          then Pretty.block [prt_inst ts, Pretty.fbrk, prt_thms thms]
          else prt_inst ts
      | prt_reg (ts, (attn, thms)) =
        if show_wits
          then Pretty.block ((prt_attn attn @
            [Pretty.str ":", Pretty.brk 1, prt_inst ts, Pretty.fbrk,
              prt_thms thms]))
          else Pretty.block ((prt_attn attn @
            [Pretty.str ":", Pretty.brk 1, prt_inst ts]));

    val loc_int = intern thy loc;
    val regs = get_regs thy_ctxt;
    val loc_regs = Symtab.lookup regs loc_int;
    (case loc_regs of
        NONE => Pretty.str ("no interpretations in " ^ msg)
      | SOME r => let
            val r' = Registrations.dest r;
            val r'' = Library.sort_wrt (fn (_, ((prfx, _), _)) => prfx) r';
          in Pretty.big_list ("interpretations in " ^ msg ^ ":")
            (map prt_reg r'')
    |> Pretty.writeln

val print_global_registrations =
     gen_print_registrations (#3 o GlobalLocalesData.get)
       ProofContext.init "theory";
val print_local_registrations' =
     gen_print_registrations LocalLocalesData.get
       I "context";
fun print_local_registrations show_wits loc ctxt =
  (print_global_registrations show_wits loc (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt);
   print_local_registrations' show_wits loc ctxt);

(* diagnostics *)

fun err_in_locale ctxt msg ids =
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
    fun prt_id (name, parms) =
      [Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks (map Pretty.str (extern thy name :: parms)))];
    val prt_ids = List.concat (separate [Pretty.str " +", Pretty.brk 1] (map prt_id ids));
    val err_msg =
      if forall (equal "" o #1) ids then msg
      else msg ^ "\n" ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
        (Pretty.str "The error(s) above occurred in locale:" :: Pretty.brk 1 :: prt_ids));
  in error err_msg end;

fun err_in_locale' ctxt msg ids' = err_in_locale ctxt msg (map fst ids');

(** witnesses -- protected facts **)

fun assume_protected thy t =
  (t, Goal.protect (Thm.assume (Thm.cterm_of thy t)));

fun prove_protected thy t tac =
  (t, Goal.prove thy [] [] (Logic.protect t) (fn _ =>
    Tactic.rtac Drule.protectI 1 THEN tac));

val conclude_protected = Goal.conclude #> Goal.norm_hhf;

fun satisfy_protected pths thm =
    fun satisfy chyp =
      (case find_first (fn (t, _) => Thm.term_of chyp aconv t) pths of
        NONE => I
      | SOME (_, th) => Drule.implies_intr_protected [chyp] #> Goal.comp_hhf th);
  in fold satisfy (#hyps (Thm.crep_thm thm)) thm end;

(** structured contexts: rename + merge + implicit type instantiation **)

(* parameter types *)

fun frozen_tvars ctxt Ts =
    val tvars = rev (fold Term.add_tvarsT Ts []);
    val tfrees = map TFree
      (Term.invent_names (ProofContext.used_types ctxt) "'a" (length tvars) ~~ map #2 tvars);
  in map (fn ((xi, S), T) => (xi, (S, T))) (tvars ~~ tfrees) end;

fun unify_frozen ctxt maxidx Ts Us =
    fun paramify NONE i = (NONE, i)
      | paramify (SOME T) i = apfst SOME (TypeInfer.paramify_dummies T i);

    val (Ts', maxidx') = fold_map paramify Ts maxidx;
    val (Us', maxidx'') = fold_map paramify Us maxidx';
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;

    fun unify (SOME T, SOME U) env = (Sign.typ_unify thy (U, T) env
          handle Type.TUNIFY => raise TYPE ("unify_frozen: failed to unify types", [U, T], []))
      | unify _ env = env;
    val (unifier, _) = fold unify (Ts' ~~ Us') (Vartab.empty, maxidx'');
    val Vs = map ( (Envir.norm_type unifier)) Us';
    val unifier' = Vartab.extend (unifier, frozen_tvars ctxt (List.mapPartial I Vs));
  in map ( (Envir.norm_type unifier')) Vs end;

fun params_of elemss = gen_distinct (eq_fst (op =)) (List.concat (map (snd o fst) elemss));
fun params_of' elemss = gen_distinct (eq_fst (op =)) (List.concat (map (snd o fst o fst) elemss));
fun params_syn_of syn elemss =
  gen_distinct (eq_fst (op =)) (List.concat (map (snd o fst) elemss)) |>
    map (apfst (fn x => (x, the (Symtab.lookup syn x))));

(* CB: param_types has the following type:
  ('a * 'b option) list -> ('a * 'b) list *)
fun param_types ps = List.mapPartial (fn (_, NONE) => NONE | (x, SOME T) => SOME (x, T)) ps;

fun merge_syntax ctxt ids ss = Symtab.merge (op =) ss
  handle Symtab.DUPS xs => err_in_locale ctxt
    ("Conflicting syntax for parameter(s): " ^ commas_quote xs) (map fst ids);

(* Distinction of assumed vs. derived identifiers.
   The former may have axioms relating assumptions of the context to
   assumptions of the specification fragment (for locales with
   predicates).  The latter have witness theorems relating assumptions of the
   specification fragment to assumptions of other (assumed) specification
   fragments. *)

datatype 'a mode = Assumed of 'a | Derived of 'a;

fun map_mode f (Assumed x) = Assumed (f x)
  | map_mode f (Derived x) = Derived (f x);

(* flatten expressions *)


fun unique_parms ctxt elemss =
    val param_decls =
      List.concat (map (fn (((name, (ps, qs)), _), _) => map (rpair (name, ps)) qs) elemss)
      |> Symtab.make_multi |> Symtab.dest;
    (case find_first (fn (_, ids) => length ids > 1) param_decls of
      SOME (q, ids) => err_in_locale ctxt ("Multiple declaration of parameter " ^ quote q)
          (map (apsnd (map fst)) ids)
    | NONE => map (apfst (apfst (apsnd #1))) elemss)

fun unify_parms ctxt fixed_parms raw_parmss =
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
    val maxidx = length raw_parmss;
    val idx_parmss = (0 upto maxidx - 1) ~~ raw_parmss;

    fun varify i = Term.map_type_tfree (fn (a, S) => TVar ((a, i), S));
    fun varify_parms (i, ps) = map (apsnd (varify i)) (param_types ps);
    val parms = fixed_parms @ List.concat (map varify_parms idx_parmss);

    fun unify T U envir = Sign.typ_unify thy (U, T) envir
      handle Type.TUNIFY =>
        let val prt = Sign.string_of_typ thy in
          raise TYPE ("unify_parms: failed to unify types " ^
            prt U ^ " and " ^ prt T, [U, T], [])
    fun unify_list (T :: Us) = fold (unify T) Us
      | unify_list [] = I;
    val (unifier, _) = fold unify_list (map #2 (Symtab.dest (Symtab.make_multi parms)))
      (Vartab.empty, maxidx);

    val parms' = map (apsnd (Envir.norm_type unifier)) (gen_distinct (eq_fst (op =)) parms);
    val unifier' = Vartab.extend (unifier, frozen_tvars ctxt (map #2 parms'));

    fun inst_parms (i, ps) =
      foldr Term.add_typ_tfrees [] (List.mapPartial snd ps)
      |> List.mapPartial (fn (a, S) =>
          let val T = Envir.norm_type unifier' (TVar ((a, i), S))
          in if T = TFree (a, S) then NONE else SOME (a, T) end)
      |> Symtab.make;
  in map inst_parms idx_parmss end;


fun unify_elemss _ _ [] = []
  | unify_elemss _ [] [elems] = [elems]
  | unify_elemss ctxt fixed_parms elemss =
        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
        val envs = unify_parms ctxt fixed_parms (map (snd o fst o fst) elemss);
        fun inst ((((name, ps), mode), elems), env) =
          (((name, map (apsnd ( (Element.instT_type env))) ps),
              map_mode (map (fn (t, th) =>
                (Element.instT_term env t, Element.instT_thm thy env th))) mode),
            map (Element.instT_ctxt thy env) elems);
      in map inst (elemss ~~ envs) end;

(* like unify_elemss, but does not touch mode, additional
   parameter c_parms for enforcing further constraints (eg. syntax) *)
(* FIXME avoid code duplication *)

fun unify_elemss' _ _ [] [] = []
  | unify_elemss' _ [] [elems] [] = [elems]
  | unify_elemss' ctxt fixed_parms elemss c_parms =
        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
        val envs =
          unify_parms ctxt fixed_parms (map (snd o fst o fst) elemss @ map single c_parms);
        fun inst ((((name, ps), (ps', mode)), elems), env) =
          (((name, map (apsnd ( (Element.instT_type env))) ps), (ps', mode)),
           map (Element.instT_ctxt thy env) elems);
      in map inst (elemss ~~ Library.take (length elemss, envs)) end;

(* flatten_expr:
   Extend list of identifiers by those new in locale expression expr.
   Compute corresponding list of lists of locale elements (one entry per

   Identifiers represent locale fragments and are in an extended form:
     ((name, ps), (ax_ps, axs))
   (name, ps) is the locale name with all its parameters.
   (ax_ps, axs) is the locale axioms with its parameters;
     axs are always taken from the top level of the locale hierarchy,
     hence axioms may contain additional parameters from later fragments:
     ps subset of ax_ps.  axs is either singleton or empty.

   Elements are enriched by identifier-like information:
     (((name, ax_ps), axs), elems)
   The parameters in ax_ps are the axiom parameters, but enriched by type
   info: now each entry is a pair of string and typ option.  Axioms are


fun flatten_expr ctxt ((prev_idents, prev_syntax), expr) =
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;

    fun renaming (SOME x :: xs) (y :: ys) = (y, x) :: renaming xs ys
      | renaming (NONE :: xs) (y :: ys) = renaming xs ys
      | renaming [] _ = []
      | renaming xs [] = error ("Too many arguments in renaming: " ^
          commas (map (fn NONE => "_" | SOME x => quote (fst x)) xs));

    fun rename_parms top ren ((name, ps), (parms, mode)) =
      let val ps' = map (Element.rename ren) ps in
        (case duplicates ps' of
          [] => ((name, ps'),
                 if top then (map (Element.rename ren) parms,
                   map_mode (map (fn (t, th) =>
                     (Element.rename_term ren t, Element.rename_thm ren th))) mode)
                 else (parms, mode))
        | dups => err_in_locale ctxt ("Duplicate parameters: " ^ commas_quote dups) [(name, ps')])

    (* add registrations of (name, ps), recursively;
       adjust hyps of witness theorems *)

    fun add_regs (name, ps) (ths, ids) =
          val {params, regs, ...} = the_locale thy name;
          val ps' = map #1 (#1 params);
          val ren = map #1 ps' ~~ map (fn (x, _) => (x, NONE)) ps;
            (* dummy syntax, since required by rename *)
          val ps'' = map (fn ((p, _), (_, T)) => (p, T)) (ps ~~ ps');
          val [env] = unify_parms ctxt ps [map (apsnd SOME) ps''];
            (* propagate parameter types, to keep them consistent *)
          val regs' = map (fn ((name, ps), ths) =>
              ((name, map (Element.rename ren) ps), ths)) regs;
          val new_regs = gen_rems (eq_fst (op =)) (regs', ids);
          val new_ids = map fst new_regs;
          val new_idTs = map (apsnd (map (fn p => (p, (the o AList.lookup (op =) ps) p)))) new_ids;

          val new_ths = new_regs |> map (fn (_, ths') => ths' |> map (fn (t, th) =>
           (t |> Element.instT_term env |> Element.rename_term ren,
            th |> Element.instT_thm thy env |> Element.rename_thm ren |> satisfy_protected ths)));
          val new_ids' = map (fn (id, ths) =>
              (id, ([], Derived ths))) (new_ids ~~ new_ths);
          fold add_regs new_idTs (ths @ List.concat new_ths, ids @ new_ids')

    (* distribute top-level axioms over assumed ids *)

    fun axiomify all_ps ((name, parms), (_, Assumed _)) axioms =
          val {elems, ...} = the_locale thy name;
          val ts = List.concat (map
            (fn (Assumes asms, _) => List.concat (map (map #1 o #2) asms)
              | _ => [])
          val (axs1, axs2) = splitAt (length ts, axioms);
        in (((name, parms), (all_ps, Assumed axs1)), axs2) end
      | axiomify all_ps (id, (_, Derived ths)) axioms =
          ((id, (all_ps, Derived ths)), axioms);

    (* identifiers of an expression *)

    fun identify top (Locale name) =
    (* CB: ids_ax is a list of tuples of the form ((name, ps), axs),
       where name is a locale name, ps a list of parameter names and axs
       a list of axioms relating to the identifier, axs is empty unless
       identify at top level (top = true);
       parms is accumulated list of parameters *)
            val {predicate = (_, axioms), import, params, ...} =
              the_locale thy name;
            val ps = map (#1 o #1) (#1 params);
            val (ids', parms', _) = identify false import;
                (* acyclic import dependencies *)
            val ids'' = ids' @ [((name, ps), ([], Assumed []))];
            val (_, ids''') = add_regs (name, map #1 (#1 params)) ([], ids'');

            val ids_ax = if top then fst
                 (fold_map (axiomify ps) ids''' axioms)
              else ids''';
            val syn = Symtab.make (map (apfst fst) (#1 params));
            in (ids_ax, merge_lists parms' ps, syn) end
      | identify top (Rename (e, xs)) =
            val (ids', parms', syn') = identify top e;
            val ren = renaming xs parms'
              handle ERROR msg => err_in_locale' ctxt msg ids';

            val ids'' = gen_distinct (eq_fst (op =)) (map (rename_parms top ren) ids');
            val parms'' = distinct (List.concat (map (#2 o #1) ids''));
            val syn'' = syn' |> Symtab.dest |> map (Element.rename_var ren) |> Symtab.make;
            (* check for conflicting syntax? *)
          in (ids'', parms'', syn'') end
      | identify top (Merge es) =
          fold (fn e => fn (ids, parms, syn) =>
                     val (ids', parms', syn') = identify top e
                     (merge_alists ids ids',
                      merge_lists parms parms',
                      merge_syntax ctxt ids' (syn, syn'))
            es ([], [], Symtab.empty);

    (* CB: enrich identifiers by parameter types and
       the corresponding elements (with renamed parameters),
       also takes care of parameter syntax *)

    fun eval syn ((name, xs), axs) =
        val {params = (ps, qs), elems, ...} = the_locale thy name;
        val ps' = map (apsnd SOME o #1) ps;
        fun lookup_syn x = (case Symtab.lookup syn x of SOME Structure => NONE | opt => opt);
        val ren = map #1 ps' ~~ map (fn x => (x, lookup_syn x)) xs;
        val (params', elems') =
          if null ren then ((ps', qs), map #1 elems)
          else ((map (apfst (Element.rename ren)) ps', map (Element.rename ren) qs),
            map (Element.rename_ctxt ren o #1) elems);
        val elems'' = elems' |> map (Element.map_ctxt
          {var = I, typ = I, term = I, fact = I, attrib = I,
            name = NameSpace.qualified (space_implode "_" xs)});
      in (((name, params'), axs), elems'') end;

    (* type constraint for renamed parameter with syntax *)
    fun mixfix_type mx =
      SOME (Type.freeze_type (#1 (TypeInfer.paramify_dummies (TypeInfer.mixfixT mx) 0)));

    (* compute identifiers and syntax, merge with previous ones *)
    val (ids, _, syn) = identify true expr;
    val idents = gen_rems (eq_fst (op =)) (ids, prev_idents);
    val syntax = merge_syntax ctxt ids (syn, prev_syntax);
    (* add types to params, check for unique params and unify them *)
    val raw_elemss = unique_parms ctxt (map (eval syntax) idents);
    val elemss = unify_elemss' ctxt [] raw_elemss (map (apsnd mixfix_type) (Symtab.dest syntax));
    (* replace params in ids by params from axioms,
       adjust types in mode *)
    val all_params' = params_of' elemss;
    val all_params = param_types all_params';
    val elemss' = map (fn (((name, _), (ps, mode)), elems) =>
         (((name, map (fn p => (p, AList.lookup (op =) all_params p)) ps), mode), elems))
    fun inst_th (t, th) = let
         val {hyps, prop, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th;
         val ps = map (apsnd SOME) (fold Term.add_frees (prop :: hyps) []);
         val [env] = unify_parms ctxt all_params [ps];
         val t' = Element.instT_term env t;
         val th' = Element.instT_thm thy env th;
       in (t', th') end;
    val final_elemss = map (fn ((id, mode), elems) =>
         ((id, map_mode (map inst_th) mode), elems)) elemss';

  in ((prev_idents @ idents, syntax), final_elemss) end;


(* activate elements *)


fun axioms_export axs _ hyps =
  satisfy_protected axs
  #> Drule.implies_intr_list (Library.drop (length axs, hyps))
  #> Seq.single;

(* NB: derived ids contain only facts at this stage *)

fun activate_elem _ ((ctxt, mode), Fixes fixes) =
      ((ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i fixes |> snd, mode), [])
  | activate_elem _ ((ctxt, mode), Constrains _) =
      ((ctxt, mode), [])
  | activate_elem _ ((ctxt, Assumed axs), Assumes asms) =
        val asms' = Attrib.map_specs (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) asms;
        val ts = List.concat (map (map #1 o #2) asms');
        val (ps, qs) = splitAt (length ts, axs);
        val (_, ctxt') =
          ctxt |> fold ProofContext.fix_frees ts
          |> ProofContext.add_assms_i (axioms_export ps) asms';
      in ((ctxt', Assumed qs), []) end
  | activate_elem _ ((ctxt, Derived ths), Assumes asms) =
      ((ctxt, Derived ths), [])
  | activate_elem _ ((ctxt, Assumed axs), Defines defs) =
        val defs' = Attrib.map_specs (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) defs;
        val (_, ctxt') =
        ctxt |> ProofContext.add_assms_i ProofContext.def_export
          (defs' |> map (fn ((name, atts), (t, ps)) =>
            let val (c, t') = ProofContext.cert_def ctxt t
            in ((if name = "" then Thm.def_name c else name, atts), [(t', (ps, []))]) end))
      in ((ctxt', Assumed axs), []) end
  | activate_elem _ ((ctxt, Derived ths), Defines defs) =
      ((ctxt, Derived ths), [])
  | activate_elem is_ext ((ctxt, mode), Notes facts) =
        val facts' = Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) facts;
        val (res, ctxt') = ctxt |> ProofContext.note_thmss_i facts';
      in ((ctxt', mode), if is_ext then res else []) end;

fun activate_elems (((name, ps), mode), elems) ctxt =
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
    val ((ctxt', _), res) =
        foldl_map (activate_elem (name = "")) ((ProofContext.qualified_names ctxt, mode), elems)
      handle ERROR msg => err_in_locale ctxt msg [(name, map fst ps)]
    val ctxt'' = if name = "" then ctxt'
          else let
              val ps' = map (fn (n, SOME T) => Free (n, T)) ps;
              val ctxt'' = put_local_registration (name, ps') ("", []) ctxt'
            in case mode of
                Assumed axs =>
                  fold (add_local_witness (name, ps') o assume_protected thy o #1) axs ctxt''
              | Derived ths => fold (add_local_witness (name, ps')) ths ctxt''
  in (ProofContext.restore_naming ctxt ctxt'', res) end;

fun activate_elemss prep_facts =
    fold_map (fn (((name, ps), mode), raw_elems) => fn ctxt =>
        val elems = map (prep_facts ctxt) raw_elems;
        val (ctxt', res) = apsnd List.concat
            (activate_elems (((name, ps), mode), elems) ctxt);
        val elems' = elems |> map (Element.map_ctxt
          {name = I, var = I, typ = I, term = I, fact = I, attrib = Args.closure});
      in ((((name, ps), elems'), res), ctxt') end);


(* CB: activate_facts prep_facts (ctxt, elemss),
   where elemss is a list of pairs consisting of identifiers and
   context elements, extends ctxt by the context elements yielding
   ctxt' and returns (ctxt', (elemss', facts)).
   Identifiers in the argument are of the form ((name, ps), axs) and
   assumptions use the axioms in the identifiers to set up exporters
   in ctxt'.  elemss' does not contain identifiers and is obtained
   from elemss and the intermediate context with prep_facts.
   If read_facts or cert_facts is used for prep_facts, these also remove
   the internal/external markers from elemss. *)

fun activate_facts prep_facts (ctxt, args) =
      val (res, ctxt') = activate_elemss prep_facts args ctxt;
      (ctxt', apsnd List.concat (split_list res))

fun activate_note prep_facts (ctxt, args) =
    val (ctxt', ([(_, [Notes args'])], facts)) =
      activate_facts prep_facts (ctxt, [((("", []), Assumed []), [Ext (Notes args)])]);
  in (ctxt', (args', facts)) end;


(** prepare locale elements **)

(* expressions *)

fun intern_expr thy (Locale xname) = Locale (intern thy xname)
  | intern_expr thy (Merge exprs) = Merge (map (intern_expr thy) exprs)
  | intern_expr thy (Rename (expr, xs)) = Rename (intern_expr thy expr, xs);

(* propositions and bindings *)

(* flatten (ctxt, prep_expr) ((ids, syn), expr)
   normalises expr (which is either a locale
   expression or a single context element) wrt.
   to the list ids of already accumulated identifiers.
   It returns (ids', syn', elemss) where ids' is an extension of ids
   with identifiers generated for expr, and elemss is the list of
   context elements generated from expr.
   syn and syn' are symtabs mapping parameter names to their syntax.  syn'
   is an extension of syn.
   For details, see flatten_expr.

   Additionally, for a locale expression, the elems are grouped into a single
   Int; individual context elements are marked Ext.  In this case, the
   identifier-like information of the element is as follows:
   - for Fixes: (("", ps), []) where the ps have type info NONE
   - for other elements: (("", []), []).
   The implementation of activate_facts relies on identifier names being
   empty strings for external elements.

fun flatten (ctxt, _) ((ids, syn), Elem (Fixes fixes)) = let
        val ids' = ids @ [(("", map #1 fixes), ([], Assumed []))]
         merge_syntax ctxt ids'
           (syn, Symtab.make (map (fn fx => (#1 fx, #3 fx)) fixes))
           handle Symtab.DUPS xs => err_in_locale ctxt
             ("Conflicting syntax for parameters: " ^ commas_quote xs)
             (map #1 ids')),
         [((("", map (rpair NONE o #1) fixes), Assumed []), Ext (Fixes fixes))])
  | flatten _ ((ids, syn), Elem elem) =
      ((ids @ [(("", []), ([], Assumed []))], syn), [((("", []), Assumed []), Ext elem)])
  | flatten (ctxt, prep_expr) ((ids, syn), Expr expr) =
      apsnd (map (apsnd Int)) (flatten_expr ctxt ((ids, syn), prep_expr expr));



fun declare_int_elem (ctxt, Fixes fixes) =
      (ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i (map (fn (x, T, mx) =>
        (x, (Term.map_type_tfree (TypeInfer.param 0)) T, mx)) fixes) |> snd, [])
  | declare_int_elem (ctxt, _) = (ctxt, []);

fun declare_ext_elem prep_vars (ctxt, Fixes fixes) =
      let val (vars, _) = prep_vars fixes ctxt
      in (ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i vars |> snd, []) end
  | declare_ext_elem prep_vars (ctxt, Constrains csts) =
      let val (_, ctxt') = prep_vars (map (fn (x, T) => (x, SOME T, NoSyn)) csts) ctxt
      in (ctxt', []) end
  | declare_ext_elem _ (ctxt, Assumes asms) = (ctxt, map #2 asms)
  | declare_ext_elem _ (ctxt, Defines defs) = (ctxt, map (fn (_, (t, ps)) => [(t, (ps, []))]) defs)
  | declare_ext_elem _ (ctxt, Notes facts) = (ctxt, []);

fun declare_elems prep_vars (ctxt, (((name, ps), Assumed _), elems)) =
    let val (ctxt', propps) =
      (case elems of
        Int es => foldl_map declare_int_elem (ctxt, es)
      | Ext e => foldl_map (declare_ext_elem prep_vars) (ctxt, [e]))
      handle ERROR msg => err_in_locale ctxt msg [(name, map fst ps)]
    in (ctxt', propps) end
  | declare_elems _ (ctxt, ((_, Derived _), elems)) = (ctxt, []);


fun declare_elemss prep_vars fixed_params raw_elemss ctxt =
    (* CB: fix of type bug of goal in target with context elements.
       Parameters new in context elements must receive types that are
       distinct from types of parameters in target (fixed_params).  *)
    val ctxt_with_fixed =
      fold ProofContext.declare_term (map Free fixed_params) ctxt;
    val int_elemss =
      |> List.mapPartial (fn (id, Int es) => SOME (id, es) | _ => NONE)
      |> unify_elemss ctxt_with_fixed fixed_params;
    val (_, raw_elemss') =
      foldl_map (fn ((_, es) :: elemss, (id, Int _)) => (elemss, (id, Int es)) | x => x)
        (int_elemss, raw_elemss);
  in foldl_map (declare_elems prep_vars) (ctxt, raw_elemss') end;



val norm_term = Envir.beta_norm oo Term.subst_atomic;

fun abstract_thm thy eq =
  Thm.assume (Thm.cterm_of thy eq) |> Drule.gen_all |> Drule.abs_def;

fun bind_def ctxt (name, ps) eq (xs, env, ths) =
    val ((y, T), b) = ProofContext.abs_def eq;
    val b' = norm_term env b;
    val th = abstract_thm (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) eq;
    fun err msg = err_in_locale ctxt (msg ^ ": " ^ quote y) [(name, map fst ps)];
    conditional (exists (equal y o #1) xs) (fn () =>
      err "Attempt to define previously specified variable");
    conditional (exists (fn (Free (y', _), _) => y = y' | _ => false) env) (fn () =>
      err "Attempt to redefine variable");
    (Term.add_frees b' xs, (Free (y, T), b') :: env, th :: ths)

(* CB: for finish_elems (Int and Ext),
   extracts specification, only of assumed elements *)

fun eval_text _ _ _ (Fixes _) text = text
  | eval_text _ _ _ (Constrains _) text = text
  | eval_text _ (_, Assumed _) is_ext (Assumes asms)
        (((exts, exts'), (ints, ints')), (xs, env, defs)) =
        val ts = List.concat (map (map #1 o #2) asms);
        val ts' = map (norm_term env) ts;
        val spec' =
          if is_ext then ((exts @ ts, exts' @ ts'), (ints, ints'))
          else ((exts, exts'), (ints @ ts, ints' @ ts'));
      in (spec', (fold Term.add_frees ts' xs, env, defs)) end
  | eval_text _ (_, Derived _) _ (Assumes _) text = text
  | eval_text ctxt (id, Assumed _) _ (Defines defs) (spec, binds) =
      (spec, fold (bind_def ctxt id o #1 o #2) defs binds)
  | eval_text _ (_, Derived _) _ (Defines _) text = text
  | eval_text _ _ _ (Notes _) text = text;

(* for finish_elems (Int),
   remove redundant elements of derived identifiers,
   turn assumptions and definitions into facts,
   adjust hypotheses of facts using witness theorems *)

fun finish_derived _ _ (Assumed _) (Fixes fixes) = SOME (Fixes fixes)
  | finish_derived _ _ (Assumed _) (Constrains csts) = SOME (Constrains csts)
  | finish_derived _ _ (Assumed _) (Assumes asms) = SOME (Assumes asms)
  | finish_derived _ _ (Assumed _) (Defines defs) = SOME (Defines defs)

  | finish_derived _ _ (Derived _) (Fixes _) = NONE
  | finish_derived _ _ (Derived _) (Constrains _) = NONE
  | finish_derived sign wits (Derived _) (Assumes asms) = asms
      |> map (apsnd (map (fn (a, _) => ([Thm.assume (cterm_of sign a)], []))))
      |> Notes |> Element.map_ctxt_values I I (satisfy_protected wits) |> SOME
  | finish_derived sign wits (Derived _) (Defines defs) = defs
      |> map (apsnd (fn (d, _) => [([Thm.assume (cterm_of sign d)], [])]))
      |> Notes |> Element.map_ctxt_values I I (satisfy_protected wits) |> SOME

  | finish_derived _ wits _ (Notes facts) = (Notes facts)
      |> Element.map_ctxt_values I I (satisfy_protected wits) |> SOME;

(* CB: for finish_elems (Ext) *)

fun closeup _ false elem = elem
  | closeup ctxt true elem =
        fun close_frees t =
          let val frees = rev (filter_out (ProofContext.is_fixed ctxt o #1)
            (Term.add_frees t []))
          in Term.list_all_free (frees, t) end;

        fun no_binds [] = []
          | no_binds _ = error "Illegal term bindings in locale element";
        (case elem of
          Assumes asms => Assumes (asms |> map (fn (a, propps) =>
            (a, map (fn (t, (ps, qs)) => (close_frees t, (no_binds ps, no_binds qs))) propps)))
        | Defines defs => Defines (defs |> map (fn (a, (t, ps)) =>
            (a, (close_frees (#2 (ProofContext.cert_def ctxt t)), no_binds ps))))
        | e => e)

fun finish_ext_elem parms _ (Fixes fixes, _) = Fixes (map (fn (x, _, mx) =>
      (x, AList.lookup (op =) parms x, mx)) fixes)
  | finish_ext_elem parms _ (Constrains csts, _) =
      (* FIXME fails if x is not a parameter *)
      Constrains (map (fn (x, _) => (x, (the o AList.lookup (op =) parms) x)) csts)
  | finish_ext_elem _ close (Assumes asms, propp) =
      close (Assumes (map #1 asms ~~ propp))
  | finish_ext_elem _ close (Defines defs, propp) =
      close (Defines (map #1 defs ~~ map (fn [(t, (ps, []))] => (t, ps)) propp))
  | finish_ext_elem _ _ (Notes facts, _) = Notes facts;

(* CB: finish_parms introduces type info from parms to identifiers *)
(* CB: only needed for types that have been NONE so far???
   If so, which are these??? *)

fun finish_parms parms (((name, ps), mode), elems) =
  (((name, map (fn (x, _) => (x, AList.lookup (op =) parms x)) ps), mode), elems);

fun finish_elems ctxt parms _ ((text, wits), ((id, Int e), _)) =
        val [(id' as (_, mode), es)] = unify_elemss ctxt parms [(id, e)];
        val wits' = case mode of Assumed _ => wits | Derived ths => wits @ ths;
        val text' = fold (eval_text ctxt id' false) es text;
        val es' = List.mapPartial
              (finish_derived (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) wits' mode) es;
      in ((text', wits'), (id', map Int es')) end
  | finish_elems ctxt parms do_close ((text, wits), ((id, Ext e), [propp])) =
        val e' = finish_ext_elem parms (closeup ctxt do_close) (e, propp);
        val text' = eval_text ctxt id true e' text;
      in ((text', wits), (id, [Ext e'])) end


(* CB: only called by prep_elemss *)

fun finish_elemss ctxt parms do_close =
  foldl_map (apsnd (finish_parms parms) o finish_elems ctxt parms do_close);


(* CB: type inference and consistency checks for locales.

   Works by building a context (through declare_elemss), extracting the
   required information and adjusting the context elements (finish_elemss).
   Can also universally close free vars in assms and defs.  This is only
   needed for Ext elements and controlled by parameter do_close.

   Only elements of assumed identifiers are considered.

fun prep_elemss prep_vars prepp do_close context fixed_params raw_elemss raw_concl =
    (* CB: contexts computed in the course of this function are discarded.
       They are used for type inference and consistency checks only. *)
    (* CB: fixed_params are the parameters (with types) of the target locale,
       empty list if there is no target. *)
    (* CB: raw_elemss are list of pairs consisting of identifiers and
       context elements, the latter marked as internal or external. *)
    val (raw_ctxt, raw_proppss) = declare_elemss prep_vars fixed_params raw_elemss context;
    (* CB: raw_ctxt is context with additional fixed variables derived from
       the fixes elements in raw_elemss,
       raw_proppss contains assumptions and definitions from the
       external elements in raw_elemss. *)
    fun prep_prop raw_propp (raw_ctxt, raw_concl)  =
        (* CB: add type information from fixed_params to context (declare_term) *)
        (* CB: process patterns (conclusion and external elements only) *)
        val (ctxt, all_propp) =
          prepp (fold ProofContext.declare_term (map Free fixed_params) raw_ctxt, raw_concl @ raw_propp);
        (* CB: add type information from conclusion and external elements to context *)
        val ctxt = fold ProofContext.declare_term (List.concat (map (map fst) all_propp)) ctxt;
        (* CB: resolve schematic variables (patterns) in conclusion and external elements. *)
        val all_propp' = map2 (curry (op ~~))
          (#1 (#2 (ProofContext.bind_propp_schematic_i (ctxt, all_propp)))) (map (map snd) all_propp);
        val (concl, propp) = splitAt (length raw_concl, all_propp')
      in (propp, (ctxt, concl)) end

    val (proppss, (ctxt, concl)) =
      (fold_burrow o fold_burrow) prep_prop raw_proppss (raw_ctxt, raw_concl);

    (* CB: obtain all parameters from identifier part of raw_elemss *)
    val xs = map #1 (params_of' raw_elemss);
    val typing = unify_frozen ctxt 0
      (map (ProofContext.default_type raw_ctxt) xs)
      (map (ProofContext.default_type ctxt) xs);
    val parms = param_types (xs ~~ typing);
    (* CB: parms are the parameters from raw_elemss, with correct typing. *)

    (* CB: extract information from assumes and defines elements
       (fixes, constrains and notes in raw_elemss don't have an effect on
       text and elemss), compute final form of context elements. *)
    val ((text, _), elemss) = finish_elemss ctxt parms do_close
      ((((([], []), ([], [])), ([], [], [])), []), raw_elemss ~~ proppss);
    (* CB: text has the following structure:
           (((exts, exts'), (ints, ints')), (xs, env, defs))
         exts: external assumptions (terms in external assumes elements)
         exts': dito, normalised wrt. env
         ints: internal assumptions (terms in internal assumes elements)
         ints': dito, normalised wrt. env
         xs: the free variables in exts' and ints' and rhss of definitions,
           this includes parameters except defined parameters
         env: list of term pairs encoding substitutions, where the first term
           is a free variable; substitutions represent defines elements and
           the rhs is normalised wrt. the previous env
         defs: theorems representing the substitutions from defines elements
           (thms are normalised wrt. env).
       elemss is an updated version of raw_elemss:
         - type info added to Fixes and modified in Constrains
         - axiom and definition statement replaced by corresponding one
           from proppss in Assumes and Defines
         - Facts unchanged
  in ((parms, elemss, concl), text) end;


fun read_elemss x = prep_elemss ProofContext.read_vars ProofContext.read_propp_schematic x;
fun cert_elemss x = prep_elemss ProofContext.cert_vars ProofContext.cert_propp_schematic x;


(* facts and attributes *)


fun prep_name name =
  if NameSpace.is_qualified name then error ("Illegal qualified name: " ^ quote name)
  else name;

fun prep_facts _ _ ctxt (Int elem) =
      Element.map_ctxt_values I I (Thm.transfer (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) elem
  | prep_facts get intern ctxt (Ext elem) = elem |> Element.map_ctxt
     {var = I, typ = I, term = I,
      name = prep_name,
      fact = get ctxt,
      attrib = Args.assignable o intern (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)};


fun read_facts x = prep_facts ProofContext.get_thms Attrib.intern_src x;
fun cert_facts x = prep_facts (K I) (K I) x;


(* full context statements: import + elements + conclusion *)


fun prep_context_statement prep_expr prep_elemss prep_facts
    do_close fixed_params import elements raw_concl context =
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of context;

    val ((import_ids, import_syn), raw_import_elemss) =
      flatten (context, prep_expr thy) (([], Symtab.empty), Expr import);
    (* CB: normalise "includes" among elements *)
    val ((ids, syn), raw_elemsss) = foldl_map (flatten (context, prep_expr thy))
      ((import_ids, import_syn), elements);

    val raw_elemss = List.concat raw_elemsss;
    (* CB: raw_import_elemss @ raw_elemss is the normalised list of
       context elements obtained from import and elements. *)
    val ((parms, all_elemss, concl), (spec, (_, _, defs))) = prep_elemss do_close
      context fixed_params (raw_import_elemss @ raw_elemss) raw_concl;
    (* replace extended ids (for axioms) by ids *)
    val all_elemss' = map (fn (((_, ps), _), (((n, ps'), mode), elems)) =>
        (((n, map (fn p => (p, (the o AList.lookup (op =) ps') p)) ps), mode), elems))
      (ids ~~ all_elemss);

    (* CB: all_elemss and parms contain the correct parameter types *)
    val (ps,qs) = splitAt(length raw_import_elemss, all_elemss')
    val (import_ctxt, (import_elemss, _)) =
      activate_facts prep_facts (context, ps);

    val (ctxt, (elemss, _)) =
      activate_facts prep_facts (import_ctxt, qs);
    val stmt = gen_distinct Term.aconv
       (List.concat (map (fn ((_, Assumed axs), _) =>
         List.concat (map (#hyps o Thm.rep_thm o #2) axs)
                           | ((_, Derived _), _) => []) qs));
    val cstmt = map (cterm_of thy) stmt;
    ((((import_ctxt, import_elemss), (ctxt, elemss, syn)), (parms, spec, defs)), (cstmt, concl))

val gen_context = prep_context_statement intern_expr read_elemss read_facts;
val gen_context_i = prep_context_statement (K I) cert_elemss cert_facts;

fun gen_statement prep_locale prep_ctxt raw_locale elems concl ctxt =
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
    val locale = (prep_locale thy) raw_locale;
    val (target_stmt, fixed_params, import) =
      (case locale of NONE => ([], [], empty)
      | SOME name =>
          let val {predicate = (stmt, _), params = (ps, _), ...} =
            the_locale thy name
          in (stmt, map fst ps, Locale name) end);
    val ((((locale_ctxt, locale_elemss), (elems_ctxt, _, _)), _), (elems_stmt, concl')) =
      prep_ctxt false fixed_params import elems concl ctxt;
  in (locale, (target_stmt, elems_stmt), locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, concl') end;


fun read_context import body ctxt = #1 (gen_context true [] import (map Elem body) [] ctxt);
fun cert_context import body ctxt = #1 (gen_context_i true [] import (map Elem body) [] ctxt);

val read_context_statement = gen_statement intern gen_context;
val cert_context_statement = gen_statement (K I) gen_context_i;

fun init loc thy = #3 (cert_context_statement (SOME loc) [] [] (ProofContext.init thy));


(* print locale *)

fun print_locale thy show_facts import body =
    val (((_, import_elemss), (ctxt, elemss, _)), _) =
      read_context import body (ProofContext.init thy);
    val prt_elem = Element.pretty_ctxt ctxt;
    val all_elems = List.concat (map #2 (import_elemss @ elemss));
    Pretty.big_list "locale elements:" (all_elems
      |> (if show_facts then I else filter (fn Notes _ => false | _ => true))
      |> map (Pretty.chunks o prt_elem))
    |> Pretty.writeln

(** store results **)

(* note_thmss_qualified *)

fun note_thmss_qualified kind name args thy =
  |> Theory.add_path (Sign.base_name name)
  |> Theory.no_base_names
  |> PureThy.note_thmss_i (Drule.kind kind) args
  ||> Theory.restore_naming thy;

(* accesses of interpreted theorems *)


(*fully qualified name in theory is T.p.r.n where
  T: theory name, p: interpretation prefix, r: renaming prefix, n: name*)
fun global_accesses _ [] = []
  | global_accesses "" [T, n] = [[T, n], [n]]
  | global_accesses "" [T, r, n] = [[T, r, n], [T, n], [r, n], [n]]
  | global_accesses _ [T, p, n] = [[T, p, n], [p, n]]
  | global_accesses _ [T, p, r, n] = [[T, p, r, n], [T, p, n], [p, r, n], [p, n]]
  | global_accesses _ names = error ("Bad name declaration " ^ quote (NameSpace.pack names));

(*fully qualified name in context is p.r.n where
  p: interpretation prefix, r: renaming prefix, n: name*)
fun local_accesses _ [] = []
  | local_accesses "" [n] = [[n]]
  | local_accesses "" [r, n] = [[r, n], [n]]
  | local_accesses _ [p, n] = [[p, n]]
  | local_accesses _ [p, r, n] = [[p, r, n], [p, n]]
  | local_accesses _ names = error ("Bad name declaration " ^ quote (NameSpace.pack names));


fun global_note_accesses_i kind prfx args thy =
  |> Theory.qualified_names
  |> Theory.custom_accesses (global_accesses prfx)
  |> PureThy.note_thmss_i kind args
  ||> Theory.restore_naming thy;

fun local_note_accesses_i prfx args ctxt =
  |> ProofContext.qualified_names
  |> ProofContext.custom_accesses (local_accesses prfx)
  |> ProofContext.note_thmss_i args |> swap
  |>> ProofContext.restore_naming ctxt;


(* collect witness theorems for global registration;
   requires parameters and flattened list of (assumed!) identifiers
   instead of recomputing it from the target *)

fun collect_global_witnesses thy parms ids vts = let
    val ts = map Logic.unvarify vts;
    val (parms, parmTs) = split_list parms;
    val parmvTs = map Type.varifyT parmTs;
    val vtinst = fold (Sign.typ_match thy) (parmvTs ~~ map Term.fastype_of ts) Vartab.empty;
    val tinst = Vartab.dest vtinst |> map (fn ((x, 0), (_, T)) => (x, T))
        |> Symtab.make;
    (* replace parameter names in ids by instantiations *)
    val vinst = Symtab.make (parms ~~ vts);
    fun vinst_names ps = map (the o Symtab.lookup vinst) ps;
    val inst = Symtab.make (parms ~~ ts);
    val ids' = map (apsnd vinst_names) ids;
    val wits = List.concat (map (snd o the o get_global_registration thy) ids');
  in ((tinst, inst), wits) end;

(* store instantiations of args for all registered interpretations
   of the theory *)

fun note_thmss_registrations kind target args thy =
    val parms = the_locale thy target |> #params |> fst |> map fst;
    val ids = flatten (ProofContext.init thy, intern_expr thy)
      (([], Symtab.empty), Expr (Locale target)) |> fst |> fst
      |> List.mapPartial (fn (id, (_, Assumed _)) => SOME id | _ => NONE)

    val regs = get_global_registrations thy target;

    (* add args to thy for all registrations *)

    fun activate (vts, ((prfx, atts2), _)) thy =
        val (insts, prems) = collect_global_witnesses thy parms ids vts;
        val inst_atts =
          Args.map_values I (Element.instT_type (#1 insts))
            (Element.inst_term insts) (Element.inst_thm thy insts);
        val args' = args |> map (fn ((n, atts), [(ths, [])]) =>
            ((NameSpace.qualified prfx n,
              map (Attrib.attribute_i thy) (map inst_atts atts @ atts2)),
             [(map (Drule.standard o satisfy_protected prems o
            Element.inst_thm thy insts) ths, [])]));
      in global_note_accesses_i (Drule.kind kind) prfx args' thy |> snd end;
  in fold activate regs thy end;

fun smart_note_thmss kind NONE = PureThy.note_thmss_i (Drule.kind kind)
  | smart_note_thmss kind (SOME loc) = note_thmss_qualified kind loc;


(* add facts to locale in theory *)

fun put_facts loc args thy =
  let val {predicate, import, elems, params, regs} = the_locale thy loc
    thy |> put_locale loc {predicate = predicate, import = import,
      elems = elems @ [(Notes args, stamp ())], params = params, regs = regs}

(* add theorem to locale and theory,
   base for theorems (in loc) and declare (in loc) *)

fun gen_note_thmss prep_locale prep_facts kind raw_loc args thy =
    val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
    val loc = prep_locale thy raw_loc;
    val (_, (stmt, _), loc_ctxt, _, _) = cert_context_statement (SOME loc) [] [] thy_ctxt;
    val export = ProofContext.export_view stmt loc_ctxt thy_ctxt;

    val (ctxt', (args', facts)) = activate_note prep_facts (loc_ctxt, args);
    val facts' =
      map (rpair [] o #1 o #1) args' ~~
      map (single o Thm.no_attributes o map export o #2) facts;

    val (result, thy') =
      |> put_facts loc args'
      |> note_thmss_registrations kind loc args'
      |> note_thmss_qualified kind loc facts';
  in (result, (thy', ctxt')) end;


val note_thmss = gen_note_thmss intern read_facts;
val note_thmss_i = gen_note_thmss (K I) cert_facts;

fun add_thmss kind loc args (ctxt, thy) =
    val (ctxt', (args', facts)) = activate_note cert_facts
      (ctxt, map (apsnd Thm.simple_fact) args);
    val thy' =
      |> put_facts loc args'
      |> note_thmss_registrations kind loc args';
  in (facts, (ctxt', thy')) end;


(** define locales **)

(* predicate text *)
(* CB: generate locale predicates and delta predicates *)


(* introN: name of theorems for introduction rules of locale and
     delta predicates;
   axiomsN: name of theorem set with destruct rules for locale predicates,
     also name suffix of delta predicates. *)

val introN = "intro";
val axiomsN = "axioms";

fun atomize_spec thy ts =
    val t = Logic.mk_conjunction_list ts;
    val body = ObjectLogic.atomize_term thy t;
    val bodyT = Term.fastype_of body;
    if bodyT = propT then (t, propT, Thm.reflexive (Thm.cterm_of thy t))
    else (body, bodyT, ObjectLogic.atomize_cterm (Thm.cterm_of thy t))

fun aprop_tr' n c = (c, fn args =>
  if length args = n then Syntax.const "_aprop" $ Term.list_comb ( c, args)
  else raise Match);

(* CB: define one predicate including its intro rule and axioms
   - bname: predicate name
   - parms: locale parameters
   - defs: thms representing substitutions from defines elements
   - ts: terms representing locale assumptions (not normalised wrt. defs)
   - norm_ts: terms representing locale assumptions (normalised wrt. defs)
   - thy: the theory

fun def_pred bname parms defs ts norm_ts thy =
    val name = Sign.full_name thy bname;

    val (body, bodyT, body_eq) = atomize_spec thy norm_ts;
    val env = Term.add_term_free_names (body, []);
    val xs = List.filter (fn (x, _) => x mem_string env) parms;
    val Ts = map #2 xs;
    val extraTs = (Term.term_tfrees body \\ foldr Term.add_typ_tfrees [] Ts)
      |> Library.sort_wrt #1 |> map TFree;
    val predT = map Term.itselfT extraTs ---> Ts ---> bodyT;

    val args = map Logic.mk_type extraTs @ map Free xs;
    val head = Term.list_comb (Const (name, predT), args);
    val statement = ObjectLogic.ensure_propT thy head;

    val ([pred_def], defs_thy) =
      |> (if bodyT <> propT then I else
        Theory.add_trfuns ([], [], map (aprop_tr' (length args)) (NameSpace.accesses' name), []))
      |> Theory.add_consts_i [(bname, predT, NoSyn)]
      |> PureThy.add_defs_i false [((Thm.def_name bname, Logic.mk_equals (head, body)), [])];

    val cert = Thm.cterm_of defs_thy;

    val intro = Drule.standard (Goal.prove defs_thy [] norm_ts statement (fn _ =>
      Tactic.rewrite_goals_tac [pred_def] THEN
      Tactic.compose_tac (false, body_eq RS Drule.equal_elim_rule1, 1) 1 THEN
      Tactic.compose_tac (false, Drule.conj_intr_list (map (Thm.assume o cert) norm_ts), 0) 1));

    val conjuncts =
      (Drule.equal_elim_rule1 OF [Thm.symmetric body_eq,
        Tactic.rewrite_rule [pred_def] (Thm.assume (cert statement))])
      |> Drule.conj_elim_precise [length ts] |> hd;
    val axioms = ts ~~ conjuncts |> map (fn (t, ax) =>
      prove_protected defs_thy t
       (Tactic.rewrite_goals_tac defs THEN
        Tactic.compose_tac (false, ax, 0) 1));
  in ((statement, intro, axioms), defs_thy) end;

fun assumes_to_notes (Assumes asms) axms =
       |> fold_map (fn (a, spec) => fn axs =>
            let val (ps, qs) = splitAt (length spec, axs)
            in ((a, [(ps, [])]), qs) end
          ) asms
       |-> (fn asms' => pair (Notes asms'))
  | assumes_to_notes e axms = (e, axms);

(* CB: changes only "new" elems, these have identifier ("", _). *)

fun change_elemss axioms (import_elemss, body_elemss) =
    fun change (id as ("", _), es)=
          fold_map assumes_to_notes
            (map (Element.map_ctxt_values I I (satisfy_protected axioms)) es)
          #-> (fn es' => pair (id, es'))
      | change e = pair e;
    |> map (conclude_protected o #2)
    |> fold_map change import_elemss
    ||>> fold_map change body_elemss
    |> fst


(* CB: main predicate definition function *)

fun define_preds bname (parms, ((exts, exts'), (ints, ints')), defs) elemss thy =
    val ((elemss', more_ts), thy') =
      if null exts then ((elemss, []), thy)
          val aname = if null ints then bname else bname ^ "_" ^ axiomsN;
          val ((statement, intro, axioms), def_thy) =
            thy |> def_pred aname parms defs exts exts';
          val elemss' =
            |> change_elemss axioms
            |> apsnd (fn elems => elems @
                 [(("", []), [Assumes [((bname ^ "_" ^ axiomsN, []), [(statement, ([], []))])]])]);
          |> note_thmss_qualified "" aname [((introN, []), [([intro], [])])]
          |> snd
          |> pair (elemss', [statement])
    val (predicate, thy'') =
      if null ints then (([], []), thy')
          val ((statement, intro, axioms), def_thy) =
            thy' |> def_pred bname parms defs (ints @ more_ts) (ints' @ more_ts);
          val cstatement = Thm.cterm_of def_thy statement;
          |> note_thmss_qualified "" bname
               [((introN, []), [([intro], [])]),
                ((axiomsN, []), [(map (Drule.standard o conclude_protected o #2) axioms, [])])]
          |> snd
          |> pair ([cstatement], axioms)
  in ((elemss', predicate), thy'') end;


(* add_locale(_i) *)


fun gen_add_locale prep_ctxt prep_expr
    do_predicate bname raw_import raw_body thy =
    val name = Sign.full_name thy bname;
    val _ = conditional (is_some (get_locale thy name)) (fn () =>
      error ("Duplicate definition of locale " ^ quote name));

    val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
    val (((import_ctxt, import_elemss), (body_ctxt, body_elemss, syn)),
      text as (parms, ((_, exts'), _), _)) =
      prep_ctxt raw_import raw_body thy_ctxt;
    val elemss = (import_elemss, body_elemss);
    val import = prep_expr thy raw_import;

    val extraTs = foldr Term.add_term_tfrees [] exts' \\
      foldr Term.add_typ_tfrees [] (map snd parms);
    val _ = if null extraTs then ()
      else warning ("Additional type variable(s) in locale specification " ^ quote bname);

    val ((elemss', predicate as (predicate_statement, predicate_axioms)), pred_thy) =
      if do_predicate then thy |> define_preds bname text elemss
      else ((elemss, ([], [])), thy);

    fun axiomify axioms elemss =
      (axioms, elemss) |> foldl_map (fn (axs, (id, elems)) => let
                   val ts = List.concat (List.mapPartial (fn (Assumes asms) =>
                     SOME (List.concat (map (map #1 o #2) asms)) | _ => NONE) elems);
                   val (axs1, axs2) = splitAt (length ts, axs);
                 in (axs2, ((id, Assumed axs1), elems)) end)
        |> snd;
    val pred_ctxt = ProofContext.init pred_thy;
    val (ctxt, (_, facts)) = activate_facts (K I)
      (pred_ctxt, axiomify predicate_axioms ((op @) elemss'));
    val export = ProofContext.export_view predicate_statement ctxt thy_ctxt;
    val facts' = facts |> map (fn (a, ths) => ((a, []), [(map export ths, [])]));
    val elems' = List.concat (map #2 (List.filter (equal "" o #1 o #1) ((op @) elemss')))
    |> note_thmss_qualified "" name facts' |> snd
    |> declare_locale name
    |> put_locale name {predicate = predicate, import = import,
        elems = map (fn e => (e, stamp ())) elems',
        params = (params_of ((op @) elemss') |>
          map (fn (x, SOME T) => ((x, T), the (Symtab.lookup syn x))), map #1 (params_of body_elemss)),
        regs = []}
    |> pair ((fn (e1, e2) => (map snd e1, map snd e2)) elemss', body_ctxt)


val add_locale_context = gen_add_locale read_context intern_expr;
val add_locale_context_i = gen_add_locale cert_context (K I);
fun add_locale b = #2 oooo add_locale_context b;
fun add_locale_i b = #2 oooo add_locale_context_i b;


val _ = Context.add_setup
 (add_locale_i true "var" empty [Fixes [(Syntax.internal "x", NONE, NoSyn)]] #>
  add_locale_i true "struct" empty [Fixes [(Syntax.internal "S", NONE, Structure)]]);

(** locale goals **)


fun intern_attrib thy = map_elem (Element.map_ctxt
  {name = I, var = I, typ = I, term = I, fact = I, attrib = Attrib.intern_src thy});

fun global_goal prep_att =
  Proof.global_goal ProofDisplay.present_results prep_att ProofContext.bind_propp_schematic_i;

fun gen_theorem prep_att prep_elem prep_stmt kind before_qed after_qed a raw_elems concl thy =
    val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
    val elems = map (prep_elem thy) raw_elems;
    val (_, (_, view), _, ctxt, propp) = prep_stmt NONE elems (map snd concl) thy_ctxt;
    val ctxt' = ctxt |> ProofContext.add_view thy_ctxt view;
    val stmt = map fst concl ~~ propp;
  in global_goal prep_att kind before_qed after_qed (SOME "") a stmt ctxt' end;

fun gen_theorem_in_locale prep_locale prep_src prep_elem prep_stmt no_target
    kind before_qed after_qed raw_locale (name, atts) raw_elems concl thy =
    val locale = prep_locale thy raw_locale;
    val locale_atts = map (prep_src thy) atts;
    val locale_attss = map (map (prep_src thy) o snd o fst) concl;
    val target = if no_target then NONE else SOME (extern thy locale);
    val elems = map (prep_elem thy) raw_elems;
    val names = map (fst o fst) concl;

    val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
    val (_, (locale_view, elems_view), locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, propp) =
      prep_stmt (SOME raw_locale) elems (map snd concl) thy_ctxt;
    val elems_ctxt' = elems_ctxt
      |> ProofContext.add_view locale_ctxt elems_view
      |> ProofContext.add_view thy_ctxt locale_view;
    val locale_ctxt' = locale_ctxt
      |> ProofContext.add_view thy_ctxt locale_view;

    val stmt = map (apsnd (K []) o fst) concl ~~ propp;

    fun after_qed' results =
      let val locale_results = results |> (map o map)
          (ProofContext.export_standard elems_ctxt' locale_ctxt') in
        curry (add_thmss kind locale ((names ~~ locale_attss) ~~ locale_results)) locale_ctxt
        #-> (fn res =>
          if name = "" andalso null locale_atts then I
          else #2 o add_thmss kind locale [((name, locale_atts), List.concat (map #2 res))])
        #> #2
        #> after_qed locale_results results
  in global_goal (K I) kind before_qed after_qed' target (name, []) stmt elems_ctxt' end;


val theorem = gen_theorem Attrib.attribute intern_attrib read_context_statement;
val theorem_i = gen_theorem (K I) (K I) cert_context_statement;

val theorem_in_locale = gen_theorem_in_locale intern Attrib.intern_src intern_attrib
  read_context_statement false;

val theorem_in_locale_i = gen_theorem_in_locale (K I) (K I) (K I)
  cert_context_statement false;

val theorem_in_locale_no_target = gen_theorem_in_locale (K I) (K I) (K I)
  cert_context_statement true;

fun smart_theorem kind NONE a [] concl =
      Proof.theorem kind NONE (K I) (SOME "") a concl o ProofContext.init
  | smart_theorem kind NONE a elems concl =
      theorem kind NONE (K I) a elems concl
  | smart_theorem kind (SOME loc) a elems concl =
      theorem_in_locale kind NONE (K (K I)) loc a elems concl;


(** Interpretation commands **)


(* extract proof obligations (assms and defs) from elements *)

fun extract_asms_elem (Fixes _) ts = ts
  | extract_asms_elem (Constrains _) ts = ts
  | extract_asms_elem (Assumes asms) ts =
      ts @ List.concat (map (fn (_, ams) => map (fn (t, _) => t) ams) asms)
  | extract_asms_elem (Defines defs) ts =
      ts @ map (fn (_, (def, _)) => def) defs
  | extract_asms_elem (Notes _) ts = ts;

fun extract_asms_elems ((id, Assumed _), elems) =
      (id, fold extract_asms_elem elems [])
  | extract_asms_elems ((id, Derived _), _) = (id, []);

fun extract_asms_elemss elemss = map extract_asms_elems elemss;

(* activate instantiated facts in theory or context *)

fun gen_activate_facts_elemss get_reg note attrib std put_reg add_wit
        attn all_elemss new_elemss propss thmss thy_ctxt =
      fun activate_elem disch (prfx, atts) (Notes facts) thy_ctxt =
            val facts' = facts
              (* discharge hyps in attributes *)
              |> Attrib.map_facts (attrib thy_ctxt o Args.map_values I I I disch)
              (* insert interpretation attributes *)
              |> map (apfst (apsnd (fn a => a @ map (attrib thy_ctxt) atts)))
              (* discharge hyps *)
              |> map (apsnd (map (apfst (map disch))))
              (* prefix names *)
              |> map (apfst (apfst (NameSpace.qualified prfx)))
          in fst (note prfx facts' thy_ctxt) end
        | activate_elem _ _ _ thy_ctxt = thy_ctxt;

      fun activate_elems disch ((id, _), elems) thy_ctxt =
            val ((prfx, atts2), _) = the (get_reg thy_ctxt id)
                handle Option => sys_error ("Unknown registration of " ^
                  quote (fst id) ^ " while activating facts.");
            fold (activate_elem disch (prfx, atts2)) elems thy_ctxt

      val thy_ctxt' = thy_ctxt
        (* add registrations *)
        |> fold (fn ((id, _), _) => put_reg id attn) new_elemss
        (* add witnesses of Assumed elements *)
        |> fold (fn (id, thms) => fold (add_wit id) thms)
           (map fst propss ~~ thmss);

      val prems = List.concat (List.mapPartial
            (fn ((id, Assumed _), _) => snd (get_reg thy_ctxt' id)
              | ((_, Derived _), _) => NONE) all_elemss);
      val disch = satisfy_protected prems;
      val disch' = std o disch;  (* FIXME *)

      val thy_ctxt'' = thy_ctxt'
        (* add witnesses of Derived elements *)
        |> fold (fn (id, thms) => fold (add_wit id o apsnd disch) thms)
           (List.mapPartial (fn ((_, Assumed _), _) => NONE
              | ((id, Derived thms), _) => SOME (id, thms)) all_elemss)
        (* add facts to theory or context *)
        |> fold (activate_elems disch') new_elemss

fun global_activate_facts_elemss x = gen_activate_facts_elemss
      (fn thy => fn (name, ps) =>
        get_global_registration thy (name, map Logic.varify ps))
      (swap ooo global_note_accesses_i (Drule.kind ""))
      Attrib.attribute_i Drule.standard
      (fn (name, ps) => put_global_registration (name, map Logic.varify ps))
      (fn (n, ps) => fn (t, th) =>
         add_global_witness (n, map Logic.varify ps)
         (Logic.unvarify t, Drule.freeze_all th)) x;

fun local_activate_facts_elemss x = gen_activate_facts_elemss
      (Attrib.attribute_i o ProofContext.theory_of) I
      add_local_witness x;

fun gen_prep_registration mk_ctxt is_local read_terms test_reg activate
    attn expr insts thy_ctxt =
    val ctxt = mk_ctxt thy_ctxt;
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;

    val ctxt' = ctxt |> ProofContext.theory_of |> ProofContext.init;
    val ((ids, _), raw_elemss) = flatten (ctxt', intern_expr thy)
          (([], Symtab.empty), Expr expr);
    val ((parms, all_elemss, _), (_, (_, defs, _))) =
          read_elemss false ctxt' [] raw_elemss [];

    (** compute instantiation **)

    (* user input *)
    val insts = if length parms < length insts
         then error "More arguments than parameters in instantiation."
         else insts @ replicate (length parms - length insts) NONE;
    val (ps, pTs) = split_list parms;
    val pvTs = map Type.varifyT pTs;

    (* instantiations given by user *)
    val given = List.mapPartial (fn (_, (NONE, _)) => NONE
         | (x, (SOME inst, T)) => SOME (x, (inst, T))) (ps ~~ (insts ~~ pvTs));
    val (given_ps, given_insts) = split_list given;
    val tvars = foldr Term.add_typ_tvars [] pvTs;
    val used = foldr Term.add_typ_varnames [] pvTs;
    fun sorts (a, i) = AList.lookup (op =) tvars (a, i);
    val (vs, vinst) = read_terms thy_ctxt sorts used given_insts;
    val vars = foldl Term.add_term_tvar_ixns [] vs \\ map fst tvars;
    val vars' = fold Term.add_term_varnames vs vars;
    val _ = if null vars' then ()
         else error ("Illegal schematic variable(s) in instantiation: " ^
           commas_quote (map Syntax.string_of_vname vars'));
    (* replace new types (which are TFrees) by ones with new names *)
    val new_Tnames = foldr Term.add_term_tfree_names [] vs;
    val new_Tnames' = Term.invent_names used "'a" (length new_Tnames);
    val renameT =
          if is_local then I
          else Type.unvarifyT o Term.map_type_tfree (fn (a, s) =>
            TFree ((the o AList.lookup (op =) (new_Tnames ~~ new_Tnames')) a, s));
    val rename =
          if is_local then I
          else Term.map_term_types renameT;

    val tinst = Symtab.make (map
                (fn ((x, 0), T) => (x, T |> renameT)
                  | ((_, n), _) => sys_error "Internal error var in prep_registration") vinst);
    val inst = Symtab.make (given_ps ~~ map rename vs);

    (* defined params without user input *)
    val not_given = List.mapPartial (fn (x, (NONE, T)) => SOME (x, T)
         | (_, (SOME _, _)) => NONE) (ps ~~ (insts ~~ pTs));
    fun add_def (p, pT) inst =
        val (t, T) = case find_first (fn (Free (a, _), _) => a = p) defs of
               NONE => error ("Instance missing for parameter " ^ quote p)
             | SOME (Free (_, T), t) => (t, T);
        val d = Element.inst_term (tinst, inst) t;
      in Symtab.update_new (p, d) inst end;
    val inst = fold add_def not_given inst;
    val insts = (tinst, inst);
    (* Note: insts contain no vars. *)

    (** compute proof obligations **)

    (* restore "small" ids *)
    val ids' = map (fn ((n, ps), (_, mode)) =>
          ((n, map (fn p => Free (p, (the o AList.lookup (op =) parms) p)) ps), mode)) ids;
    (* instantiate ids and elements *)
    val inst_elemss = (ids' ~~ all_elemss) |> map (fn (((n, ps), _), ((_, mode), elems)) =>
      ((n, map (Element.inst_term insts) ps),
        map (fn Int e => Element.inst_ctxt thy insts e) elems)
      |> apfst (fn id => (id, map_mode (map (fn (t, th) =>
          (Element.inst_term insts t, Element.inst_thm thy insts th))) mode)));

    (* remove fragments already registered with theory or context *)
    val new_inst_elemss = List.filter (fn ((id, _), _) =>
          not (test_reg thy_ctxt id)) inst_elemss;
    val new_ids = map #1 new_inst_elemss;

    val propss = extract_asms_elemss new_inst_elemss;

    val bind_attrib = Attrib.crude_closure ctxt o Args.assignable;
    val attn' = apsnd (map (bind_attrib o Attrib.intern_src thy)) attn;

  in (propss, activate attn' inst_elemss new_inst_elemss propss) end;

val prep_global_registration = gen_prep_registration
     ProofContext.init false
     (fn thy => fn sorts => fn used =>
       Sign.read_def_terms (thy, K NONE, sorts) used true)
     (fn thy => fn (name, ps) =>
       test_global_registration thy (name, map Logic.varify ps))

val prep_local_registration = gen_prep_registration
     I true
     (fn ctxt => ProofContext.read_termTs ctxt (K false) (K NONE))

fun prep_registration_in_locale target expr thy =
  (* target already in internal form *)
    val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
    val ((raw_target_ids, target_syn), _) = flatten (ctxt, I)
        (([], Symtab.empty), Expr (Locale target));
    val fixed = the_locale thy target |> #params |> #1 |> map #1;
    val ((all_ids, syn), raw_elemss) = flatten (ctxt, intern_expr thy)
        ((raw_target_ids, target_syn), Expr expr);
    val (target_ids, ids) = splitAt (length raw_target_ids, all_ids);
    val ((parms, elemss, _), _) = read_elemss false ctxt fixed raw_elemss [];

    (** compute proof obligations **)

    (* restore "small" ids, with mode *)
    val ids' = map (apsnd snd) ids;
    (* remove Int markers *)
    val elemss' = map (fn (_, es) =>
        map (fn Int e => e) es) elemss
    (* extract assumptions and defs *)
    val ids_elemss = ids' ~~ elemss';
    val propss = extract_asms_elemss ids_elemss;

    (** activation function:
        - add registrations to the target locale
        - add induced registrations for all global registrations of
          the target, unless already present
        - add facts of induced registrations to theory **)

    val t_ids = List.mapPartial
        (fn (id, (_, Assumed _)) => SOME id | _ => NONE) target_ids;

    fun activate thmss thy = let
        val satisfy = satisfy_protected (List.concat thmss);
        val ids_elemss_thmss = ids_elemss ~~ thmss;
        val regs = get_global_registrations thy target;

        fun activate_id (((id, Assumed _), _), thms) thy =
            thy |> put_registration_in_locale target id
                |> fold (add_witness_in_locale target id) thms
          | activate_id _ thy = thy;

        fun activate_reg (vts, ((prfx, atts2), _)) thy = let
            val (insts, wits) = collect_global_witnesses thy fixed t_ids vts;
            fun inst_parms ps = map
                  (the o AList.lookup (op =) (map #1 fixed ~~ vts)) ps;
            val disch = satisfy_protected wits;
            val new_elemss = List.filter (fn (((name, ps), _), _) =>
                not (test_global_registration thy (name, inst_parms ps))) (ids_elemss);
            fun activate_assumed_id (((_, Derived _), _), _) thy = thy
              | activate_assumed_id ((((name, ps), Assumed _), _), thms) thy = let
                val ps' = inst_parms ps;
                if test_global_registration thy (name, ps')
                then thy
                else thy
                  |> put_global_registration (name, ps') (prfx, atts2)
                  |> fold (fn (t, th) => fn thy => add_global_witness (name, ps')
                     (Element.inst_term insts t, disch (Element.inst_thm thy insts th)) thy) thms

            fun activate_derived_id ((_, Assumed _), _) thy = thy
              | activate_derived_id (((name, ps), Derived ths), _) thy = let
                val ps' = inst_parms ps;
                if test_global_registration thy (name, ps')
                then thy
                else thy
                  |> put_global_registration (name, ps') (prfx, atts2)
                  |> fold (fn (t, th) => fn thy => add_global_witness (name, ps')
                       (Element.inst_term insts t,
                        disch (Element.inst_thm thy insts (satisfy th))) thy) ths

            fun activate_elem (Notes facts) thy =
                  val facts' = facts
                      |> Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.attribute_i thy o
                         Args.map_values I (Element.instT_type (#1 insts))
                           (Element.inst_term insts)
                           (disch o Element.inst_thm thy insts o satisfy))
                      |> map (apfst (apsnd (fn a => a @ map (Attrib.attribute thy) atts2)))
                      |> map (apsnd (map (apfst (map (disch o Element.inst_thm thy insts o satisfy)))))
                      |> map (apfst (apfst (NameSpace.qualified prfx)))
                  |> global_note_accesses_i (Drule.kind "") prfx facts'
                  |> snd
              | activate_elem _ thy = thy;

            fun activate_elems (_, elems) thy = fold activate_elem elems thy;

          in thy |> fold activate_assumed_id ids_elemss_thmss
                 |> fold activate_derived_id ids_elemss
                 |> fold activate_elems new_elemss end;
        thy |> fold activate_id ids_elemss_thmss
            |> fold activate_reg regs

  in (propss, activate) end;

fun prep_propp propss = propss |> map (fn ((name, _), props) =>
  (("", []), map (rpair ([], []) o Logic.protect) props));

fun prep_result propps thmss = (fn ((_, props), thms) => (props ~~ thms)) (propps, thmss);

val refine_protected =
  Proof.refine (Method.Basic (K (Method.RAW_METHOD
        (PRECISE_CONJUNCTS ~1 (ALLGOALS (Tactic.rtac Drule.protectI))))))))))
  #> Seq.hd;

fun goal_name thy kind target propss =
    kind ^ Proof.goal_names ( (extern thy) target) ""
      (propss |> map (fn ((name, _), _) => extern thy name));


fun interpretation (prfx, atts) expr insts thy =
    val (propss, activate) = prep_global_registration (prfx, atts) expr insts thy;
    val kind = goal_name thy "interpretation" NONE propss;
    val after_qed = activate o prep_result propss;
    ProofContext.init thy
    |> Proof.theorem_i kind NONE after_qed NONE ("", []) (prep_propp propss)
    |> refine_protected

fun interpretation_in_locale (raw_target, expr) thy =
    val target = intern thy raw_target;
    val (propss, activate) = prep_registration_in_locale target expr thy;
    val kind = goal_name thy "interpretation" (SOME target) propss;
    val after_qed = K (activate o prep_result propss);
    |> theorem_in_locale_no_target kind NONE after_qed target ("", []) [] (prep_propp propss)
    |> refine_protected

fun interpret (prfx, atts) expr insts int state =
    val ctxt = Proof.context_of state;
    val (propss, activate) = prep_local_registration (prfx, atts) expr insts ctxt;
    val kind = goal_name (Proof.theory_of state) "interpret" NONE propss;
    fun after_qed results =
      Proof.map_context (K (ctxt |> activate (prep_result propss results)))
      #> Proof.put_facts NONE
      #> Seq.single;
    |> Proof.local_goal (ProofDisplay.print_results int) (K I) ProofContext.bind_propp_i
      kind NONE after_qed (prep_propp propss)
    |> refine_protected

