author kleing
Mon, 21 Jun 2004 10:25:57 +0200
changeset 14981 e73f8140af78
parent 12120 a08c61932501
child 15269 f856f4f3258f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merged in license change from Isabelle2004

(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/session.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen

Session management -- maintain state of logic images.

signature SESSION =
  val name: unit -> string
  val welcome: unit -> string
  val use_dir: bool -> string list -> bool -> bool -> string -> bool -> string
    -> string -> string -> string -> int -> bool -> unit
  val finish: unit -> unit

structure Session: SESSION =

(* session state *)

val pure = "Pure";

val session = ref ([pure]: string list);
val session_path = ref ([]: string list);
val session_finished = ref false;
val rpath = ref (None: Url.T option);

(* access path *)

fun path () = ! session_path;

fun str_of [] = pure
  | str_of elems = space_implode "/" elems;

fun name () = "Isabelle/" ^ str_of (path ());
fun welcome () = "Welcome to " ^ name () ^ " (" ^ version ^ ")";

(* add_path *)

fun add_path reset s =
  let val sess = ! session @ [s] in
    (case Library.duplicates sess of
      [] => (session := sess; session_path := ((if reset then [] else ! session_path) @ [s]))
    | dups => error ("Duplicate session identifiers " ^ commas_quote dups ^ " in " ^ str_of sess))

(* init *)

fun init reset parent name =
  if not (parent mem_string (! session)) orelse not (! session_finished) then
    error ("Unfinished parent session " ^ quote parent ^ " for " ^ quote name)
  else (add_path reset name; session_finished := false);

(* finish *)

fun finish () =
  (ThyInfo.finish ();
    Present.finish ();
    session_finished := true);

(* use_dir *)

val root_file = ThyLoad.ml_path "ROOT";

fun get_rpath rpath_str =
  (if rpath_str = "" then () else
     if is_some (!rpath) then
       error "Path for remote theory browsing information may only be set once"
       rpath := Some (Url.unpack rpath_str);
   (!rpath, rpath_str <> ""));

fun use_dir build modes reset info doc doc_graph parent name dump rpath_str level verbose =
  Library.setmp print_mode (modes @ ! print_mode)
    (Library.setmp Proofterm.proofs level (fn () =>
      (init reset parent name;
       Present.init build info doc doc_graph (path ()) name
         (if dump = "" then None else Some (Path.unpack dump)) (get_rpath rpath_str) verbose;
       File.use root_file;
       finish ()))) ()
  handle exn => (writeln (Toplevel.exn_message exn); exit 1);
