author slotosch
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 10:57:11 +0100
changeset 2640 ee4dfce170a0
parent 2278 d63ffafce255
child 3323 194ae2e0c193
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changes of HOLCF from Oscar Slotosch: 1. axclass instead of class * less instead of less_fun, less_cfun, less_sprod, less_cprod, less_ssum, less_up, less_lift * @x.!y.x<<y instead of UUU instead of UU_fun, UU_cfun, ... * no witness type void needed (eliminated Void.thy.Void.ML) * inst_<typ>_<class> derived as theorems 2. improved some proves on less_sprod and less_cprod * eliminated the following theorems Sprod1.ML: less_sprod1a Sprod1.ML: less_sprod1b Sprod1.ML: less_sprod2a Sprod1.ML: less_sprod2b Sprod1.ML: less_sprod2c Sprod2.ML: less_sprod3a Sprod2.ML: less_sprod3b Sprod2.ML: less_sprod4b Sprod2.ML: less_sprod4c Sprod3.ML: less_sprod5b Sprod3.ML: less_sprod5c Cprod1.ML: less_cprod1b Cprod1.ML: less_cprod2a Cprod1.ML: less_cprod2b Cprod1.ML: less_cprod2c Cprod2.ML: less_cprod3a Cprod2.ML: less_cprod3b 3. new classes: * cpo<po, * chfin<pcpo, * flat<pcpo, * derived: flat<chfin to do: show instances for lift 4. Data Type One * Used lift for the definition: one = unit lift * Changed the constant one into ONE 5. Data Type Tr * Used lift for the definition: tr = bool lift * adopted definitions of if,andalso,orelse,neg * only one theory Tr.thy,Tr.ML instead of Tr1.thy,Tr1.ML, Tr2.thy,Tr2.ML * reintroduced ceils for =TT,=FF 6. typedef * Using typedef instead of faking type definitions to do: change fapp, fabs from Cfun1 to Rep_Cfun, Abs_Cfun 7. adopted examples and domain construct to theses changes These changes eliminated all rules and arities from HOLCF

(*  Title:      HOLCF/Up1.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Franz Regensburger
    Copyright   1993  Technische Universitaet Muenchen



Up1 = Cfun3 + Sum + 

(* new type for lifting *)

typedef (Up) ('a) "u" = "{x::(unit + 'a).True}"

  Iup         :: "'a => ('a)u"
  Ifup        :: "('a->'b)=>('a)u => 'b"

  Iup_def     "Iup x == Abs_Up(Inr(x))"
  Ifup_def    "Ifup(f)(x)== case Rep_Up(x) of Inl(y) => UU | Inr(z) => f`z"
  less_up_def "less == (%x1 Rep_Up(x1) of                 
               Inl(y1) => True          
             | Inr(y2) => (case Rep_Up(x2) of Inl(z1) => False       
                                            | Inr(z2) => y2<<z2))"