author kleing
Mon, 20 Nov 2000 16:37:42 +0100
changeset 10496 f2d304bdf3cc
parent 10042 7164dc0d24d8
child 10592 fc0b575a2cf7
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BCV integration (first step)

(*  Title:      HOL/MicroJava/BV/BVLCorrect.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Gerwin Klein
    Copyright   1999 Technische Universitaet Muenchen

header {* Correctness of the LBV *}

theory LBVCorrect = BVSpec + LBVSpec:

lemmas [simp del] = split_paired_Ex split_paired_All

fits :: "[method_type,instr list,jvm_prog,ty,state_type option,certificate] => bool"
"fits phi is G rT s0 cert == 
  (\<forall>pc s1. pc < length is -->
    (wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s0 = OK s1 -->
    (case cert!pc of None   => phi!pc = s1
                   | Some t => phi!pc = Some t)))"

make_phi :: "[instr list,jvm_prog,ty,state_type option,certificate] => method_type"
"make_phi is G rT s0 cert == 
   map (\<lambda>pc. case cert!pc of 
               None   => ok_val (wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s0) 
             | Some t => Some t) [0..length is(]"

lemma fitsD_None:
  "[|fits phi is G rT s0 cert; pc < length is;
    wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s0 = OK s1; 
    cert ! pc = None|] ==> phi!pc = s1"
  by (auto simp add: fits_def)

lemma fitsD_Some:
  "[|fits phi is G rT s0 cert; pc < length is;
    wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s0 = OK s1; 
    cert ! pc = Some t|] ==> phi!pc = Some t"
  by (auto simp add: fits_def)

lemma make_phi_Some:
  "[| pc < length is; cert!pc = Some t |] ==> 
  make_phi is G rT s0 cert ! pc = Some t"
  by (simp add: make_phi_def)

lemma make_phi_None:
  "[| pc < length is; cert!pc = None |] ==> 
  make_phi is G rT s0 cert ! pc = 
  ok_val (wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s0)"
  by (simp add: make_phi_def)

lemma exists_phi:
  "\<exists>phi. fits phi is G rT s0 cert"  
proof - 
  have "fits (make_phi is G rT s0 cert) is G rT s0 cert"
    by (auto simp add: fits_def make_phi_Some make_phi_None 
             split: option.splits) 

  thus ?thesis
    by blast
lemma fits_lemma1:
  "[| wtl_inst_list is G rT cert (length is) 0 s = OK s'; fits phi is G rT s cert |]
  ==> \<forall>pc t. pc < length is --> cert!pc = Some t --> phi!pc = Some t"
proof (intro strip)
  fix pc t 
  assume "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert (length is) 0 s = OK s'"
  obtain s'' where
    "wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s = OK s''"
    by (blast dest: wtl_take)
  assume "fits phi is G rT s cert" 
         "pc < length is" 
         "cert ! pc = Some t"
  show "phi!pc = Some t" by (auto dest: fitsD_Some)

lemma wtl_suc_pc:
 "[| wtl_inst_list is G rT cert (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err;
     wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s = OK s';
     wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert (length is) pc = OK s'';
     fits phi is G rT s cert; Suc pc < length is |] ==>
  G \<turnstile> s'' <=' phi ! Suc pc"
proof -
  assume all:  "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err"
  assume fits: "fits phi is G rT s cert"

  assume wtl:  "wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s = OK s'" and
         wtc:  "wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert (length is) pc = OK s''" and
         pc:   "Suc pc < length is"

  hence wts: "wtl_inst_list (take (Suc pc) is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s = OK s''"
    by (rule wtl_Suc)

  from all
  have app: 
  "wtl_inst_list (take (Suc pc) is@drop (Suc pc) is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err"
    by simp

  from pc 
  have "0 < length (drop (Suc pc) is)" 
    by simp
  obtain l ls where
    "drop (Suc pc) is = l#ls"
    by (auto simp add: neq_Nil_conv simp del: length_drop)
  with app wts pc
  obtain x where 
    "wtl_cert l G rT s'' cert (length is) (Suc pc) = OK x"
    by (auto simp add: wtl_append min_def simp del: append_take_drop_id)

  hence c1: "!!t. cert!Suc pc = Some t ==> G \<turnstile> s'' <=' cert!Suc pc"
    by (simp add: wtl_cert_def split: if_splits)
  from fits pc wts
  have c2: "!!t. cert!Suc pc = Some t ==> phi!Suc pc = cert!Suc pc"
    by - (drule fitsD_Some, auto)
  from fits pc wts
  have c3: "cert!Suc pc = None ==> phi!Suc pc = s''"
    by (rule fitsD_None)

  show ?thesis 
    by - (cases "cert ! Suc pc", auto)

lemma wtl_fits_wt:
  "[| wtl_inst_list is G rT cert (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err; 
      fits phi is G rT s cert; pc < length is |] ==>
   wt_instr (is!pc) G rT phi (length is) pc"
proof -

  assume fits: "fits phi is G rT s cert"

  assume pc:  "pc < length is" and
         wtl: "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err"
  obtain s' s'' where
    w: "wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s = OK s'" and
    c: "wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert (length is) pc = OK s''"
    by - (drule wtl_all, auto)

  from fits wtl pc
  have cert_Some: 
    "!!t pc. [| pc < length is; cert!pc = Some t |] ==> phi!pc = Some t"
    by (auto dest: fits_lemma1)
  from fits wtl pc
  have cert_None: "cert!pc = None ==> phi!pc = s'"
    by - (drule fitsD_None)
  from pc c cert_None cert_Some
  have wti: "wtl_inst (is ! pc) G rT (phi!pc) cert (length is) pc = OK s''"
    by (auto simp add: wtl_cert_def split: if_splits option.splits)

  { fix pc'
    assume pc': "pc' \<in> set (succs (is!pc) pc)"

    with wti
    have less: "pc' < length is"  
      by (simp add: wtl_inst_OK)

    have "G \<turnstile> step (is!pc) G (phi!pc) <=' phi ! pc'" 
    proof (cases "pc' = Suc pc")
      case False          
      with wti pc'
      have G: "G \<turnstile> step (is ! pc) G (phi ! pc) <=' cert ! pc'" 
        by (simp add: wtl_inst_OK)

      hence "cert!pc' = None ==> step (is ! pc) G (phi ! pc) = None"
        by simp
      hence "cert!pc' = None ==> ?thesis"
        by simp

      { fix t
        assume "cert!pc' = Some t"
        with less
        have "phi!pc' = cert!pc'"
          by (simp add: cert_Some)
        with G
        have ?thesis
          by simp

      show ?thesis by blast      
      case True
      with pc' wti
      have "step (is ! pc) G (phi ! pc) = s''"  
        by (simp add: wtl_inst_OK)
      from w c fits pc wtl 
      have "Suc pc < length is ==> G \<turnstile> s'' <=' phi ! Suc pc"
        by - (drule wtl_suc_pc)
      with True less
      have "G \<turnstile> s'' <=' phi ! Suc pc" 
        by blast
      show ?thesis 
        by (simp add: True)
  with wti
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: wtl_inst_OK wt_instr_def)

lemma fits_first:
  "[| 0 < length is; wtl_inst_list is G rT cert (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err; 
      fits phi is G rT s cert |] ==> 
  G \<turnstile> s <=' phi ! 0"
proof -
  assume wtl:  "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err"
  assume fits: "fits phi is G rT s cert"
  assume pc:   "0 < length is"

  from wtl
  have wt0: "wtl_inst_list (take 0 is) G rT cert (length is) 0 s = OK s"
    by simp
  with fits pc
  have "cert!0 = None ==> phi!0 = s"
    by (rule fitsD_None)
  from fits pc wt0
  have "!!t. cert!0 = Some t ==> phi!0 = cert!0"
    by - (drule fitsD_Some, auto)
  from pc
  obtain x xs where "is = x#xs" 
    by (simp add: neq_Nil_conv) (elim, rule that)
  with wtl
  obtain s' where
    "wtl_cert x G rT s cert (length is) 0 = OK s'"
    by simp (elim, rule that, simp)
    "!!t. cert!0 = Some t ==> G \<turnstile> s <=' cert!0"
    by (simp add: wtl_cert_def split: if_splits)

  show ?thesis
    by - (cases "cert!0", auto)

lemma wtl_method_correct:
"wtl_method G C pTs rT mxl ins cert ==> \<exists> phi. wt_method G C pTs rT mxl ins phi"
proof (unfold wtl_method_def, simp only: Let_def, elim conjE)
  let "?s0" = "Some ([], OK (Class C) # map OK pTs @ replicate mxl Err)"
  assume pc:  "0 < length ins"
  assume wtl: "wtl_inst_list ins G rT cert (length ins) 0 ?s0 \<noteq> Err"

  obtain phi where fits: "fits phi ins G rT ?s0 cert"    
    by (rule exists_phi [elim_format]) blast

  with wtl
  have allpc:
    "\<forall>pc. pc < length ins --> wt_instr (ins ! pc) G rT phi (length ins) pc"
    by (blast intro: wtl_fits_wt)

  from pc wtl fits
  have "wt_start G C pTs mxl phi"
    by (unfold wt_start_def) (rule fits_first)

  with pc allpc 
  show ?thesis by (auto simp add: wt_method_def)

theorem wtl_correct:
"wtl_jvm_prog G cert ==> \<exists> Phi. wt_jvm_prog G Phi"
proof (clarsimp simp add: wt_jvm_prog_def wf_prog_def, intro conjI)

  assume wtl_prog: "wtl_jvm_prog G cert"
  thus "ObjectC \<in> set G" by (simp add: wtl_jvm_prog_def wf_prog_def)

  from wtl_prog 
  show uniqueG: "unique G" by (simp add: wtl_jvm_prog_def wf_prog_def)

  show "\<exists>Phi. Ball (set G) (wf_cdecl (\<lambda>G C (sig,rT,maxl,b). 
              wt_method G C (snd sig) rT maxl b (Phi C sig)) G)"
    (is "\<exists>Phi. ?Q Phi")
  proof (intro exI)
    let "?Phi" = "\<lambda> C sig. 
      let (C,x,y,mdecls) = SOME (Cl,x,y,mdecls). (Cl,x,y,mdecls) \<in> set G \<and> Cl = C;
          (sig,rT,maxl,b) = SOME (sg,rT,maxl,b). (sg,rT,maxl,b) \<in> set mdecls \<and> sg = sig
      in SOME phi. wt_method G C (snd sig) rT maxl b phi"
    from wtl_prog
    show "?Q ?Phi"
    proof (unfold wf_cdecl_def, intro)
      fix x a b aa ba ab bb m
      assume 1: "x \<in> set G" "x = (a, b)" "b = (aa, ba)" "ba = (ab, bb)" "m \<in> set bb"
      with wtl_prog
      show "wf_mdecl (\<lambda>G C (sig,rT,maxl,b). 
            wt_method G C (snd sig) rT maxl b (?Phi C sig)) G a m"
      proof (simp add: wf_mdecl_def wtl_jvm_prog_def wf_prog_def wf_cdecl_def, 
             elim conjE)
        apply_end (drule bspec, assumption, simp, elim conjE)
        assume "\<forall>(sig,rT,mb)\<in>set bb. wf_mhead G sig rT \<and> 
                 (\<lambda>(maxl,b). wtl_method G a (snd sig) rT maxl b (cert a sig)) mb"
               "unique bb"
        with 1 uniqueG
        show "(\<lambda>(sig,rT,mb).
          wf_mhead G sig rT \<and>
              wt_method G a (snd sig) rT maxl b 
                    (\<lambda>(sig,rT,maxl,b). Eps (wt_method G C (snd sig) rT maxl b))
                     (SOME (sg,rT,maxl,b). (sg, rT, maxl, b) \<in> set mdecls \<and> sg = sig))
                 (SOME (Cl,x,y,mdecls). (Cl, x, y, mdecls) \<in> set G \<and> Cl = a))) mb) m"
          by - (drule bspec, assumption, 
                clarsimp dest!: wtl_method_correct,
                clarsimp intro!: someI simp add: unique_epsilon) 
    qed (auto simp add: wtl_jvm_prog_def wf_prog_def wf_cdecl_def)
