author wenzelm
Mon, 31 May 2010 22:08:40 +0200
changeset 37218 ffd587207d5d
child 37862 ec81023c6861
permissions -rw-r--r--
notes on Isabelle/jEdit;

Isabelle/jEdit based on Isabelle/Scala

The Isabelle/Scala layer that is already part of Isabelle/Pure
provides some general infrastructure for advanced prover interaction
and integration.  The Isabelle/jEdit application serves as an example
for asynchronous proof checking with support for parallel processing.

See also the paper:

  Makarius Wenzel. Asynchronous Proof Processing with Isabelle/Scala
  and Isabelle/jEdit. In C. Sacerdoti Coen and D. Aspinall, editors,
  User Interfaces for Theorem Provers (UITP 2010), FLOC 2010 Satellite
  Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2010. To appear in ENTCS.

Some limitations of the current implementation (as of Isabelle2009-2):

  * No provisions for editing multiple theory files.

  * No reclaiming of old/unused document versions.  Memory will fill
    up eventually, both on the JVM and ML side.

  * No support for non-local markup, e.g. commands reporting on
    previous commands (proof end on proof head), or markup produced by
    loading external files.

  * Some performance bottlenecks for massive amount of markup,
    e.g. when processing large ML sections.

  * General lack of various conveniences known from Proof General.

Despite these shortcomings, Isabelle/jEdit already demonstrates that
interactive theorem proving can be much more than command-line
interaction via TTY or editor front-ends (such as Proof General and
its many remakes).

Known problems with Mac OS

- The MacOSX plugin for jEdit disrupts regular C-X/C/V operations,
  e.g. between the editor and the Console plugin, which is a standard
  swing text box.  Similar for search boxes etc.

- Anti-aliasing does not really work as well as for Linux or Windows.
  (General Apple/Swing problem?)

- Font.createFont mangles the font family of non-regular fonts,
  e.g. bold.  IsabelleText font files need to be installed manually.

- ToggleButton selected state is not rendered if window focus is lost,
  which is probably a genuine feature of the Apple look-and-feel.


- Works best with Sun Java 1.6.x -- avoid OpenJDK for now.

Licenses and home sites of contributing systems

* Scala: BSD-style

* jEdit: GPL (with special cases)

* Lobo/Cobra: GPL and LGPL
