Tue, 30 Jan 1996 13:42:57 +0100 clasohm expanded tabs
Wed, 07 Dec 1994 13:12:04 +0100 clasohm added qed and qed_goal[w]
Fri, 25 Nov 1994 00:01:04 +0100 lcp tidied proofs, using fast_tac etc. as much as possible
Thu, 03 Nov 1994 11:52:04 +0100 lcp ZF/Fixedpt/subset0_cs: moved to ZF/ZF.ML
Wed, 19 Oct 1994 09:54:38 +0100 lcp ZF/Fixedpt/coinduct: modified proof to suppress deep unification
Tue, 26 Jul 1994 13:21:20 +0200 lcp Axiom of choice, cardinality results, etc.
Thu, 30 Sep 1993 10:10:21 +0100 lcp ex/{bin.ML,comb.ML,prop.ML}: replaced NewSext by Syntax.simple_sext
Thu, 16 Sep 1993 12:20:38 +0200 clasohm Initial revision
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