nipkow@15469: (* Title: HOL/Library/OptionalSugar.thy hoelzl@55052: Author: Gerwin Klein, Tobias Nipkow nipkow@15469: Copyright 2005 NICTA and TUM nipkow@15469: *) nipkow@15476: (*<*) nipkow@15469: theory OptionalSugar haftmann@30663: imports Complex_Main LaTeXsugar nipkow@15469: begin nipkow@15469: nipkow@30474: (* hiding set *) nipkow@22835: translations wenzelm@30404: "xs" <= "CONST set xs" nipkow@22835: nipkow@30474: (* hiding numeric conversions - embeddings only *) nipkow@30474: translations nipkow@30474: "n" <= "CONST of_nat n" nipkow@30474: "n" <= "CONST int n" wenzelm@35115: "n" <= "CONST real n" nipkow@30474: "n" <= "CONST real_of_nat n" nipkow@30474: "n" <= "CONST real_of_int n" nipkow@30502: "n" <= "CONST of_real n" nipkow@30502: "n" <= "CONST complex_of_real n" nipkow@30474: nipkow@15469: (* append *) nipkow@15469: syntax (latex output) wenzelm@35115: "_appendL" :: "'a list \ 'a list \ 'a list" (infixl "\<^raw:\isacharat>" 65) nipkow@15469: translations wenzelm@35115: "_appendL xs ys" <= "xs @ ys" wenzelm@35115: "_appendL (_appendL xs ys) zs" <= "_appendL xs (_appendL ys zs)" nipkow@15469: nipkow@15469: haftmann@32891: (* deprecated, use thm with style instead, will be removed *) nipkow@15469: (* aligning equations *) wenzelm@21210: notation (tab output) haftmann@38864: "HOL.eq" ("(_) \<^raw:}\putisatab\isa{\ >=\<^raw:}\putisatab\isa{> (_)" [50,49] 50) and wenzelm@56245: "Pure.eq" ("(_) \<^raw:}\putisatab\isa{\ >\\<^raw:}\putisatab\isa{> (_)") nipkow@15469: nipkow@15469: (* Let *) nipkow@15469: translations wenzelm@35250: "_bind (p, CONST DUMMY) e" <= "_bind p (CONST fst e)" wenzelm@35250: "_bind (CONST DUMMY, p) e" <= "_bind p (CONST snd e)" nipkow@15469: nipkow@15469: "_tuple_args x (_tuple_args y z)" == nipkow@15469: "_tuple_args x (_tuple_arg (_tuple y z))" nipkow@15469: wenzelm@35250: "_bind (CONST Some p) e" <= "_bind p (CONST the e)" wenzelm@35250: "_bind (p # CONST DUMMY) e" <= "_bind p (CONST hd e)" wenzelm@35250: "_bind (CONST DUMMY # p) e" <= "_bind p (CONST tl e)" nipkow@15469: haftmann@29494: (* type constraints with spacing *) wenzelm@55038: wenzelm@55038: no_syntax (xsymbols output) wenzelm@55038: "_constrain" :: "logic => type => logic" ("_\_" [4, 0] 3) wenzelm@55038: "_constrain" :: "prop' => type => prop'" ("_\_" [4, 0] 3) wenzelm@55038: wenzelm@55038: syntax (xsymbols output) wenzelm@55038: "_constrain" :: "logic => type => logic" ("_ \ _" [4, 0] 3) wenzelm@55038: "_constrain" :: "prop' => type => prop'" ("_ \ _" [4, 0] 3) wenzelm@55038: haftmann@29494: haftmann@29494: (* sorts as intersections *) wenzelm@55038: wenzelm@55038: syntax (xsymbols output) wenzelm@55038: "_topsort" :: "sort" ("\" 1000) wenzelm@55038: "_sort" :: "classes => sort" ("'(_')" 1000) wenzelm@55038: "_classes" :: "id => classes => classes" ("_ \ _" 1000) wenzelm@55038: "_classes" :: "longid => classes => classes" ("_ \ _" 1000) nipkow@15469: nipkow@15476: end nipkow@15476: (*>*)