bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: (* Author: Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen *) bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: header {* Depth-Limited Sequences with failure element *} bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: theory New_DSequence bulwahn@36017: imports Random_Sequence bulwahn@36017: begin bulwahn@36017: huffman@36902: subsection {* Positive Depth-Limited Sequence *} bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: types 'a pos_dseq = "code_numeral => 'a Lazy_Sequence.lazy_sequence" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition pos_empty :: "'a pos_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "pos_empty = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.empty)" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition pos_single :: "'a => 'a pos_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "pos_single x = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.single x)" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition pos_bind :: "'a pos_dseq => ('a => 'b pos_dseq) => 'b pos_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "pos_bind x f = (%i. bulwahn@36017: if i = 0 then bulwahn@36017: Lazy_Sequence.empty bulwahn@36017: else bulwahn@36017: Lazy_Sequence.bind (x (i - 1)) (%a. f a i))" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition pos_union :: "'a pos_dseq => 'a pos_dseq => 'a pos_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "pos_union xq yq = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.append (xq i) (yq i))" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition pos_if_seq :: "bool => unit pos_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "pos_if_seq b = (if b then pos_single () else pos_empty)" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36049: definition pos_iterate_upto :: "(code_numeral => 'a) => code_numeral => code_numeral => 'a pos_dseq" bulwahn@36049: where bulwahn@36049: "pos_iterate_upto f n m = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.iterate_upto f n m)" bulwahn@36049: bulwahn@36017: definition pos_map :: "('a => 'b) => 'a pos_dseq => 'b pos_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "pos_map f xq = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.map f (xq i))" bulwahn@36017: huffman@36902: subsection {* Negative Depth-Limited Sequence *} bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: types 'a neg_dseq = "code_numeral => 'a Lazy_Sequence.hit_bound_lazy_sequence" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition neg_empty :: "'a neg_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "neg_empty = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.empty)" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition neg_single :: "'a => 'a neg_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "neg_single x = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.hb_single x)" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition neg_bind :: "'a neg_dseq => ('a => 'b neg_dseq) => 'b neg_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "neg_bind x f = (%i. bulwahn@36017: if i = 0 then bulwahn@36017: Lazy_Sequence.hit_bound bulwahn@36017: else bulwahn@36017: hb_bind (x (i - 1)) (%a. f a i))" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition neg_union :: "'a neg_dseq => 'a neg_dseq => 'a neg_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "neg_union x y = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.append (x i) (y i))" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition neg_if_seq :: "bool => unit neg_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "neg_if_seq b = (if b then neg_single () else neg_empty)" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36049: definition neg_iterate_upto bulwahn@36049: where bulwahn@36049: "neg_iterate_upto f n m = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.iterate_upto (%i. Some (f i)) n m)" bulwahn@36049: bulwahn@36017: definition neg_map :: "('a => 'b) => 'a neg_dseq => 'b neg_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "neg_map f xq = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.hb_map f (xq i))" bulwahn@36017: huffman@36902: subsection {* Negation *} bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition pos_not_seq :: "unit neg_dseq => unit pos_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "pos_not_seq xq = (%i. Lazy_Sequence.hb_not_seq (xq i))" bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: definition neg_not_seq :: "unit pos_dseq => unit neg_dseq" bulwahn@36017: where bulwahn@36017: "neg_not_seq x = (%i. case Lazy_Sequence.yield (x i) of bulwahn@36017: None => Lazy_Sequence.hb_single () bulwahn@36017: | Some ((), xq) => Lazy_Sequence.empty)" bulwahn@36017: wenzelm@36176: hide_type (open) pos_dseq neg_dseq bulwahn@36017: wenzelm@36176: hide_const (open) bulwahn@36049: pos_empty pos_single pos_bind pos_union pos_if_seq pos_iterate_upto pos_not_seq pos_map bulwahn@36049: neg_empty neg_single neg_bind neg_union neg_if_seq neg_iterate_upto neg_not_seq neg_map wenzelm@36176: hide_fact (open) bulwahn@36049: pos_empty_def pos_single_def pos_bind_def pos_union_def pos_if_seq_def pos_iterate_upto_def pos_not_seq_def pos_map_def bulwahn@36049: neg_empty_def neg_single_def neg_bind_def neg_union_def neg_if_seq_def neg_iterate_upto_def neg_not_seq_def neg_map_def bulwahn@36017: bulwahn@36017: end