wenzelm@9928: wenzelm@12927: Subject: Announcing Isabelle2002 wenzelm@9928: To: isabelle-users@cl.cam.ac.uk wenzelm@9928: wenzelm@12927: Isabelle2002 is now available. wenzelm@12927: wenzelm@12995: This release provides major improvements. The Isar language has wenzelm@12995: reached a mature state; the core engine is able to record full proof wenzelm@12995: terms; many aspects of the library have been reworked; several wenzelm@12995: substantial case studies have been added. Some changes may cause wenzelm@12995: incompatibility with earlier versions, but improve accessibility of wenzelm@12995: Isabelle for new users. wenzelm@12927: wenzelm@12983: The most prominent highlights of Isabelle2002 are as follows (see the wenzelm@12983: NEWS of the distribution for more details). wenzelm@12964: wenzelm@12995: * The Isabelle/HOL tutorial is to be published as LNCS 2283; wenzelm@12983: Isabelle2002 is the official version to go along with that book wenzelm@12983: (by Tobias Nipkow, Larry Paulson, Markus Wenzel). wenzelm@12983: wenzelm@12983: * Pure: explicit proof terms for all internal inferences: wenzelm@12983: object-logics, proof tools etc. will benefit automatically wenzelm@12983: (by Stefan Berghofer). wenzelm@10161: wenzelm@12983: * Pure/Isar: proper integration of the locale package for modular wenzelm@12983: theory development; additional support for rename/merge wenzelm@12983: operations, and type-inference for structured specifications wenzelm@12983: (by Markus Wenzel). wenzelm@12983: wenzelm@12983: * Pure/Isar: streamlined induction proof patterns wenzelm@12983: (by Markus Wenzel). wenzelm@12983: wenzelm@12983: * Pure/HOL: infrastructure for generating functional and relational wenzelm@12983: code, using the ML run-time environment (by Stefan Berghofer). wenzelm@12983: paulson@12993: * HOL/library: numerals on all number types; several wenzelm@12983: improvements of tuple and record types; new definite description paulson@12993: operator; keep Hilbert's epsilon (Axiom of Choice) out of basic theories. wenzelm@12964: wenzelm@12983: * HOL/Bali: large application concerning formal treatment of Java. wenzelm@12983: (by David von Oheimb and Norbert Schirmer). wenzelm@12983: prensani@12996: * HOL/HoareParallel: large application concerning verification of prensani@12996: parallel imperative programs (Owicki-Gries method, Rely-Guarantee prensani@12996: method, verification examples: garbage collection, mutual prensani@12996: exclusion, etc.) wenzelm@12983: (by Leonor Prensa Nieto). wenzelm@12983: wenzelm@12983: * HOL/GroupTheory: group theory examples including Sylow's theorem wenzelm@12983: (by Florian Kammüller). wenzelm@9928: wenzelm@12983: * HOL/IMP: new proofs in Isar format wenzelm@12983: (by Gerwin Klein). wenzelm@12983: wenzelm@12983: * ZF/UNITY: typeless version of Chandy and Misra's formalism wenzelm@12983: (by Sidi O Ehmety). wenzelm@10162: wenzelm@12983: * System: improvements and simplifications of document preparation wenzelm@12983: (by Markus Wenzel). wenzelm@12983: wenzelm@12983: * System: support for Poly/ML 4.1.1 and PolyML/4.1.2, admitting wenzelm@12983: larger heap size of applications. wenzelm@12983: wenzelm@12983: * System: support for MacOS X (for Poly/ML and SML/NJ). wenzelm@12964: wenzelm@10166: wenzelm@12964: You may get Isabelle2002 from any of the following mirror sites: wenzelm@9928: wenzelm@9928: Cambridge (UK) http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/HVG/Isabelle/dist/ wenzelm@9928: Munich (Germany) http://isabelle.in.tum.de/dist/ wenzelm@10161: New Jersey (USA) ftp://ftp.research.bell-labs.com/dist/smlnj/isabelle/index.html wenzelm@10161: Stanford (USA) ftp://rodin.stanford.edu/pub/smlnj/isabelle/index.html